Feeling better today- I think a bunch of the initial swelling and shock has subsided, so I have a bunch more range of motion. Still a fucking mess, but I think I will be back in the pool by Monday. I will say that I had been feeling so good the last year or so that I had forgotten how tiring and irritating chronic pain is. You just don’t want to do anything and when you do do something it hurts.
Speaking of not doing anything, I am still flabbergasted that Benny Johnson and those other idiots were making 400k a month to be Russian assets. Just how much fucking money is flying around conservative influencers? For that kind of scratch every front pager here could quit there job and pull in 350k a year. Jesus christ. Soros has let us down, people.
In other news, this is awesome:
The father of the teenager suspected of opening fire at a Georgia high school, killing four people and wounding nine, has been accused of letting his son possess a weapon, authorities said Thursday after announcing the man’s arrest.
Colin Gray, 54, the father of Colt Gray, has been charged with four counts of involuntary manslaughter, two counts of second-degree murder and eight counts of cruelty to children, the Georgia Bureau of Investigation said in a social media post.
“These charges stem from Mr. Gray knowingly allowing his son, Colt, to possess a weapon,” GBI Director Chris Hosey said at an evening news conference. “His charges are directly connected with, the actions of his son and allowing him to possess a weapon.”
Require gun owners to carry firearms insurance.
Glad you’re feeling better, John.
Glad they arrested the dad, too. He bought the AR-15 style weapon for his son as a gift *after* being questioned about the kid’s threats last year and whether he had access to weapons. Yes on the insurance.
GOOD! More parents need to be held accountable for the access these young shooters have to guns! Reports that the shooter in GA’s father bought him a damn gun as a holiday present!!!
Ugh…keep this man and the orange menace OUT of the White House…smh
Who the fuck buys their troubled teenager a gun?! What the everloving fuck?!
Must be one of those Responsible Gun Owners I hear so much about.
As I said in an earlier post, glad these terrible parents are getting charged for assisting their murderous children.
Omnes Omnibus
They are something that is, but they are not something that has to be.
Require gun owners to carry firearms insurance.
Ooo, I like it! So then it will be The Market Most Holy And Free™ that will squeeze them, not the Eeevil Oppressive Gummint!
Alas, na ga ha pa. Would require some form of registration to start, which is already impossible, plus fer sher would be an Unconstitutional Infringement on the basis of the Original Eighteenth-Century Language Reinterpreted To Mean Something Materially Different Doctrine.
And yeah, it IS kinda funny how The Market Most Holy And Free™ motivates, ah, Republican Patriots like Mr. Johnson. I’m sure Adam Smith would have approved, not to mention Vladimir “Lenin,” he of “the capitalists will sell us the rope with which we shall hang them.”
@lamh47: Then there’s Trump’s response: “They had AK-47s. The ultimate guns. AK-47s. They can blow lots of people away real fast.”
@lamh47: Wow. As if we needed more reason to detest Vance.
tokyocali (formerly tokyo ex-pat)
Are there no age restrictions on giving guns to children?
hells littlest angel
Jailing the kid’s father is cold comfort. It won’t take a nickel of NRA money out of the pockets of lawmakers who gleefully allow weapons of war on our etreets.
@suzanne: In Georgia, you’re kidding right?
@tokyocali (formerly tokyo ex-pat): WHAT?!? Are you actually saying that you think ownership, carrying, and use of GUNS should be RESTRICTED in some way, like, say, DRIVING?!? Why, it’s unAmerican!!
@suzanne: AFTER he’d already been asked or there was inquires about his son and online threats!!!
Omnes Omnibus
@hells littlest angel:
Would doing nothing be better? Do you think that the father had criminal responsibility?
@Ken: It was an AR, dumb fuck can’t even get that right.
tokyocali (formerly tokyo ex-pat)
@bbleh: I had a feeling that was the case. But it seems like that could be targeted by the federal government. You want XYZ funds, restrict guns to minors. Of course, there will be red states who will refuse. But, combine that with charging parents, fire arms insurance, taxes on guns and bullets, certification, etc. Like MVP said, this has got to stop.
In some countries in Europe, pet insurance is required, due to the possibility of pets causing personal or property damage. It’s not a novel thing.
Analogous legal principles ought to be applicable to firearms here in the U.S. All we have to do (as a society/citizenry) is recognize the problem and be willing to do something about it.
@lamh47: I just don’t understand people who are so fucken optimistic. Like, I am convinced that this is a toxic trait, and it is related to risk-taking. For the love of Pete, WTF would you ever think that nothing could possibly go wrong?!
@hells littlest angel: If it becomes a known risk that the parent may go to prison, it may deter some.
tokyocali (formerly tokyo ex-pat)
Not sure what happened to my comment. It disappeared or is in moderation for some reason.
@bbleh: Seems like it would be good for the government to target restrictions through some kind of federal funding. The red states will probably refuse, but keep at it. Combine it with required, expensive, fire arms insurance, increased taxes on bullets and guns, licensing requirements, yearly registration fees and checks. I know it’s hard, but we have to try everything possible. The court is an issue, but like Another Scott always advocates, we have to keep trying.
A group I led back in Indiana for cannabis legalization got a few thousand off of Soros (Drug Policy Foundation) to put up advocacy billboards back in the 90s.
I’d love for this to be true, but can Georgia actually prosecute someone for allowing a child to possess a gun?
It seemed like the reaction to Sandy Hook was for every Republican run state to enshrine an absolute right for everyone to own assault rifles.
@suzanne: There are a lot of parents out there who do not want to acknowledge their kids have any issues.
tokyocali (formerly tokyo ex-pat)
Okay, I have now written two variations of the same comment that have not published. No idea why when the first one did in 10. I have to go to work. Apologies for the duplication if it eventually comes.
hells littlest angel
@Omnes Omnibus: I said it’s cold comfort. I certainly wouldn’t call it awesome. Yes, it is somewhat better than nothing in that it might, conceivably, prevent some tiny fraction of future shootings, and of course it’s good for the prison business.
Omnes Omnibus
@tokyocali (formerly tokyo ex-pat): I got a single barrel 20 gauge from my uncle when I turned 12. I also got a lot of instruction on how and, more importantly, how not to use it. I was told it was a tool not a toy. I was told that it was never to be pointed at anyone for any reason, that even if it wasn’t loaded, it was loaded so treat it that way, and that if I couldn’t treat it with the care and concern that something that dangerous warranted, it would be taken away. We also never kept any ammo in the house.
zhena gogolia
@raven: He likes AK because that’s Russian.
@Andrya: I’d be perfectly happy with a suspended sentence. Hemp should be adequate for the suspension…
@tokyocali (formerly tokyo ex-pat): checking now.
How twisted do you have to be to fantasize about murdering elementary school children and at the same time be obsessed and outraged at the acceptance of trans people?
There seems to be a greater willingness to prosecute the parents of juvenile shooters. The parents of the 15-year-old shooter in Oxford, MI were charged and convicted of various crimes in connection with that. They were among the first, I think.
Chet Murthy
@raven: How can anybody trust this Dumbfuck on gun legislation when he doesn’t know a
clipAR-15 from amagazineAK-47 ?hells littlest angel
@Jinchi: Georgia is a concealed carry for all, no license required, yee-haw! state, but maybe there’s an age restriction? Maybe?
Omnes Omnibus
@Jinchi: I think fantasies about killing children already pegs the twisted meter.
@Omnes Omnibus: Same here, we’d go plinkin in the Puente Hills.
Glad you are having a better day, JC.
In other news involving violence…
@lamh47: Atrios made a comment recently that in his experience, people who are as obsessed with other people having children as the Couchfucker is are desperately unhappy with their decision to have children and need to make sure no one else is happy with the decision they didn’t make.
He hates his children. The anecdote about him telling his young child to shut up because he was talking to Donald Fucking Trump on the phone already established this, but it’s incredibly sad for those children.
@tokyocali (formerly tokyo ex-pat): Your cents have been freed. The SPAM filter has been acting up. Don’t take it personally.
hells littlest angel
@Ken: I believe Trump was referring to some imaginary dusky-hued gangsters who live in Trump’s imaginary Colorado.
@Omnes Omnibus: I know, I guess I’m just so used to right wingers complaining that trans people are “a threat to the children” that I assumed the shooter was upset for the same reason.
@twbrandt: The big difference is attitude towards weapons. Blue state vs deep Red state.
@Jackie: Actually more than a little surprised it wasn’t Lewandowski this time.
@Jackie: Yea, that’s why they arrested the father in Georgia.
I knew Will Trent wouldn’t let us down.
@suzanne: barely a teenager. He was 13 when his father bought him an AR15 high powered semi-automatic assault rifle. I wonder if he got him the high capacity 30 round clip with that, or had him make do with the 15 round magazine.
Citizen Alan
@suzanne: Last your at Christmas at my RWNJ sister’s, after all the other gifts had been given out, my BiL presented my niece and both nephews with a handgun fresh out of the box. I just sighed and continued counting the hours until my plane left.
Too clarify: The youngest was twenty two and the oldest twenty nine, so it’s not as bad as this jackass who I think should die in prison.
…Trump and reality.
@Jackie: I’m shocked. No, wait, I’m not.
Have they released the promised video yet, or will that happen Friday on Infrastructure Week?
Ceci n est pas mon nym
Just spent an interesting evening with Simon Rosenburg of Hopium Chronicles, a postcard-writing and phonebanking Zoom call. 200+ people in the postcard room. He really is good at conveying optimism.
A question came up about Nate Silver. He did not have kind words to say about Nate Silver, and apparently the feeling is very mutual. Simon recommends Five Thirty Eight which he says is still reputable, but he estimates is about biased about 0.5% low for Democrats because of including some bogus polls. He did not use the word “reputable” in connection with Silver.
Here’s the website for this effort. They focus on a different congressional race every Thursday.
@raven: raven, will the jury – if the father is tried – rule him guilty?
Genuinely, curious, since Georgia has less gun laws than most states.
@hells littlest angel: According to ABC news:
I guess the trick is literally giving it to him, and not just leaving it lying around the house for him to pick up on his own.
My favorite riff on that: The video will be released as a double feature with The Day the Clown Cried.
It sounds like they’re trying to hold him responsible for exactly the same crimes the kid committed. I’m not confident it’ll stick.
@Ken: I’m thrilled NPR isn’t letting this fade away! Ten days and counting of bad publicity for TCFG, reminding pissed off Veterans and Gold Star families that he considers their buried loved ones suckers and losers.
hells littlest angel
@Jinchi: Eh, I think they’re just locking up the father so they can say, see, we’re doing something, now shut up about legislation.
@Chet Murthy: beat me to it. also firearms pendant.
@Baud: I think the point is to calm the population while emotions are running high, but I suspect the charges will be dropped or thrown out by a judge when some time has passed.
I can’t fucking believe this, this is fucking torture, this is the torture of children at the altar of gun worship. This is fucking madness.
@raven: So how many days after the FBI contacted father and son on threatening social media postings did the father buy the gun for the son?
Gin & Tonic
Weren’t the Michigan parents convicted on similar grounds?
Sad to say I’m not convinced a lot of military personnel & vets will view this as disqualifying, at least given the CW about their political bent. Anyone that can be shaved off, even just to non-vote, is a benefit of course.
John, it’s great that you’re feeling better. Here’s to a full recovery!
I’ve never had long-term, serious chronic pain, but I’ve had bouts of illness that lasted for weeks. Not Covid, this was long before Covid. It definitely drains one’s energy and joie de vivre, not to mention making one cranky and short-tempered.
I do think your healthier habits will enable your body to recover faster, not to mention your decade-plus (maybe decades by now?) of sobriety.
Re guns: JV Vance today said school shootings are just “a fact of life.”
The price we pay for freedom, doncha know.
As Erick Son of Erick famously said, his right to have and carry a gun is more important than the life of someone’s kid.
The debasement of American life – our expectations and our prospects – thanks to these RW fuckers over the past 40 years is just stunning. People dwelling in Red States no longer think anyone except the very rich has a right to a decent life, a safe everyday life, basic healthcare, housing, an adequate education, and don’t even mention a comfortable retirement. That’s all “socialism” now.
I hate them so much for the cruelty they’ve encouraged and unleashed. So incredibly much do I hate them all.
@catclub: So the FBI is a Georgia State agency huh?
@Jackie: Ask the lawyers here.
@HumboldtBlue: I’m crying… Terrified children… terrified and frantic parents…
When will this ever end? 😢😢😢
Magazine, not clip, Libtard.
@catclub: Yea, defend Trump so you can show how smart you are.
Another Scott
Keep healing, JC.
Meanwhile, … MarylandMatters.org:
There’s an opportunity for her to increase her margin. Here’s hoping she takes it, and that the GQP brand continues to be increasingly toxic as November approaches.
@catclub: I thought it was interesting that a year ago the school decided to buy the security system that was just put in place there last week. Maybe the decision was spurred by the threats to the school a year ago?
Also, what the hell is wrong with the FBI that they apparently just shrugged and apparently said okay, if you say you aren’t the one who made the threat, never mind and dropped the whole thing?
Mingobat (f/k/a KareninGa)
@Baud: I’m wondering the same thing. I don’t know if there’s a law they’re confident they can prove the father broke — I’m Googling but not finding anything either way.
I’d find it surprising if there’s a legal way to hold the father responsible, when if anything, the gun laws here in GA have encouraged irresponsibility. But IANAL, as the laykids say.
@Jinchi: Learn about guns the same way they learn about sex on street corners or around the house. Insurance would be a rational response but insurance or not after whatever the criminal consequences are clear the victims or their estates can bring civil suits and sue the witless bozo into penury. Soros may have a few bucks seed money for that.
@catclub: Why are you attacking raven!?!
@raven: I wasn’t sure if it was Georgia or the federal BI
hells littlest angel
@Baud: I don’t think they care about making the charges stick. They just want to make the charges. “See? We did something.”
@Honus: An over and under had a magazine? Not the one I had.
Colin Gray, 54, the father of Colt Gray, was charged with four counts of involuntary manslaughter, two counts of second-degree murder and eight counts of cruelty to children, the Georgia Bureau of Investigation said in a social media post.
“These charges stem from Mr. Gray knowingly allowing his son, Colt, to possess a weapon,” GBI Director Chris Hosey said at an evening news conference. “His charges are directly connected with the actions of his son and allowing him to possess a weapon.”
In Georgia, second-degree murder means that a person has caused the death of another person while committing second-degree cruelty to children, regardless of intent. It is punishable by 10 to 30 years in prison, while malice murder and felony murder carry a minimum sentence of life. Involuntary manslaughter means that someone unintentionally causes the death of another person.
Colin Gray, 54, the father of Colt Gray, was charged with four counts of involuntary manslaughter, two counts of second-degree murder and eight counts of cruelty to children, the Georgia Bureau of Investigation said in a social media post.
“These charges stem from Mr. Gray knowingly allowing his son, Colt, to possess a weapon,” GBI Director Chris Hosey said at an evening news conference. “His charges are directly connected with the actions of his son and allowing him to possess a weapon.”
In Georgia, second-degree murder means that a person has caused the death of another person while committing second-degree cruelty to children, regardless of intent. It is punishable by 10 to 30 years in prison, while malice murder and felony murder carry a minimum sentence of life. Involuntary manslaughter means that someone unintentionally causes the death of another person.
Gin & Tonic
Kid never had a chance, did he?
@Citizen Alan: nothing says “peace on earth goodwill toward men” better than nice new handgun. Perfect way to celebrate the birth of Jesus.
@Honus: piece on earth good aim towards all
@Jackie: Our HOA rule is no political signs until six weeks before the election. The Arlington episode had us breaking the rule as my husband (Naval Academy grad, nuclear sub guy, then three Vietnam tours) put out his “Veterans for Kamala” sign, which he got from VoteVets. I don’t think anyone is going to trouble him about it.
Another Scott
@Mingobat (f/k/a KareninGa): Made me look.
That’s for auto accidents, but maybe it – or something like it – can be used to go after the parents in this case.
This doesn’t seem complicated to me. At 18 one becomes a legal adult (in most circumstances) and is responsible. Before then, a child is not legally responsible (in most cases). Who is? The sensible answer is the parents.
@HumboldtBlue: Excellent! And the poll was taken pre-ANC SNAFU!!!
@hells littlest angel: Well, maybe some of these parents going forward will think twice about arming their little beasts and then lying to the cops about the kid’s access to weapons.
When I was 14 having access to a 22 was a big deal and rare.
@Nelle: YAY! I bet you’re right!👍🏻
VFX Lurker
@Gin & Tonic: Jurors sentenced the Crumbleys to 10+ years in prison in April 2024.
hells littlest angel
@sab: Maybe. Or maybe somebody said, “Go arrest that guy, and hold him until people stop bugging us.”
@raven: I guess I really need to start using the snark font. Of course an over and under didn’t have a clip. How could it? I was making a joke about how that terminology was pretty much irrelevant to the instruction I got, which, like Omnes and I’m guessing you too, was pretty exclusively based in safety.
@Another Scott: All well and good, but man, how the hell can you call yourself a Democrat and consider throwing the Senate to the Republicans? 21%?! JFC.
A Russian friend told me over 30 years ago that Dmitri Simes was widely suspected of being a KGB plant.
you can just use the snark tag, /
@Nelle: did he operate that radio technology designed to locate soviet subs and then get sent to Vietnam to help the army adapt it for tracking ground forces? Because I know some of those guys and it’s a very small group.
I bought my first handgun just before Biden dropped out. Not that I was sure bad things were coming but it seemed like a good idea to prepare. Aside from the inserted manual there was absolutely no safety training and its easy to skip the manual, especially with how many gun owners are barely literate in this country. Some kind of mandatory classes seems like a small ask. Do it for each type of gun, but not necessarily the 15th gun of the same type that these people buy.
@Jay: I guess I thought the joke was obvious enough, but hell, even Raven thought I thought I had a single shot .22 with a clip. Or a magazine. /s
Mingobat (f/k/a KareninGa)
@Another Scott: I wonder if the argument “he’s not a legal adult, therefore not responsible, which makes the parent responsible,” would work here? Isn’t charging the 14-year-old shooter as an adult pretty much stating that the kid…
…ah, never mind. Wheels within great big heavily-armed wheels, or something.
karen gail
If a child or teenager picks up a weapon, plans on using it to kill; then that person should be charged with premeditated murder. There is no age limit on those who plan to kill, there are warnings which should be heeded but those who plan and choose to kill should face the same punishment as an adult.
This is one of the things that ticked me off about Rittenhouse; he went looking for someone to shoot and kill, he not only got off but Trump called him and made him a hero.
Pistol or revolver?
Do you have basic gun safety training? (Some pistols are not safe under any conditions)?
Basic shooting training?
Combat handgun training?
Practice, practice, practice?
Safe storage?
Villago Delenda Est
The NRA will fight any attempt to impose financial responsibility on “responsible law abiding gun owners” tooth and nail. To me, it makes tremendous sense. But I used to tote an M16A1 around professionally, so what the hell do I know?
Villago Delenda Est
@Honus: ISWYDT.
The “magazine” vs. “clip” thing always amuses me. I spent a couple of years in an infantry battalion. The terms are interchangeable in that environment.
Not necessarily. Just allow the victims (or their families/survivors) to sue the gun owner for everything they own, and for their entire future earnings. Maybe they buy insurance, rather than be condemned to homelessness and starvation. Or they pay price.
Bonus: we don’t have to waste tax dollars providing them free room and board in prison. /s
I’m glad they’re not letting him lie to their faces — but it also feels like the same old trump bullshit.
Keep himself in the news by doing something utterly fucked up and then claiming he’s the victim of haters. I want his face and name out of sight.
@Jay: Pistol. And I didn’t know till after I had it there’s no actual safety I can switch on. Done some basic training. No one else in the house so the locked case is safe enough where its hidden. Practice still needs to happen, only been shooting once since I was 5.
I still think that the single most effective step (admittedly about equally likely with or without the pony) would be to hold gun, and ammunition, manufacturers financially liable for the use of their product. And, if that does get the job done, pierce the corporate veil, and extend liability to both the owners and the executives.
EDT No doubt the lawyers can weigh in on the requirements to “pierce the corporate veil.” But if it can be done in some cases, surely this exception could be added.
The right wing GRIFT was always strong, Cole.
@wjca: Why don’t gun owners have to have insurance like car owners?😒😒😒
Because, as someone noted above, cars have to be registered, but guns do not. Hence my preference for going after the manufacturers. A lot fewer of them, and far more easily identified. Especially at this late date.
When I was a teen, about a zillion years ago, we used to go goose and duck hunting. I had a .22 rifle that my dad had been given as boy, that he gave to me and a shotgun to go hunting with. Now I haven’t been hunting in well over half a century and don’t have any guns, I turned them into the police department to be destroyed some time ago. I don’t know that they were but that is what is supposed to happen and I do know that every year they destroy a lot of guns that are turned in. Three of them showed up to pick up the guns to be destroyed and gave me a receipt, so it’s either a raffle to see who gets to keep them or they insure that no one gets to take one or more for themselves. Now of course I was in the USN during a war and carried a loaded pistol when on in port watch. I was also in the shore patrol during my last year in the USN for a bit over 2 months and we didn’t carry firearms, just a nightstick and handcuffs.
Likely because a gun is not used as often as a car but both can do a lot of damage if misused and a gun is there to send projectiles away from the operator at extreme speed and with the intention of causing great bodily harm or at least penetrating a paper target while most people don’t drive with the intention of killing anyone.
@hitchhiker: With any luck, once Kamala’s sworn in on Jan 21, 2025, it’ll be the last we hear of him – except when his continuing court trials are in the media!😁
He seems to be aging out rather rapidly. And he has taken such good care of himself that it seems to me that he might even make it to 80 yrs old…….
Buried under 6 feet of manure. Bull, horse, pig, a mix? Whatever!
@Ruckus: 😁
I agree 100%!
Pull magazine, eject the round, release the slide, reload the ejected un-fired round into the magazine, reinsert magazine. If there is an exposed hammer, make sure it was released when you released the slide.
The pistol is now armed, but safe. You have to cock the slide to load a round into the chamber.
Get a magazine load of blanks and practice safe-ing the gun with those. Keep in mind blanks can still do a lot of damage.
A fully safe pistol has no round in the chamber and no magazine inserted. You can practice with a fully safe pistol. getting used to aiming and the handling.
*revolver doctrine is that one chamber is kept empty, and the hammer (uncocked) is kept on the empty chamber, ( single action or double action) as cocking the hammer, (single action) or pulling the trigger, (double action) rotates the drum feeding a loaded chamber into action.
At a “shooter’s” shop, get good safety eyewear and “shooters” ear plugs, that damp the higher decibels but still allow you to hear lower decibels like people walking and talking.
Seems like he’s crazy enough that bat would be appropriate.
@VFX Lurker: Speaking of the Crumbleys, I took a lot of flak at the time from an acquaintance who was friends with one of the vistims’ families. He was irate over my posting about gun safety. Kept telling me that it wasn’t fair to the victims.
Learned later that the victim’s family he was close to was quite the gun family and the anti-gun stuff was distressing them.
@Jay: Over half of gun deaths in the U.S. are suicides. So, just owning a gun makes you (and whomever has access to it) statistically more likely to be killed by it. There are also murder-suicides, so your odds of being murdered also go up.
The point is that guns are dangerous, relatively useless pieces of technology. They are also the leading cause of death for kids 19 and younger.