Made it to Albuquerque and decided to stop because I was having panic attacks. This election has me off kilter.
Will finish the drive tomorrow. Excited to see Joelle and Jack and Thurston.
Be nice to each other and use this as an open thread I don’t need a fucking pity party with 500 people telling me to take care of myself blah blah.
Also I am apparently still angry about last Tuesday.
Still angry about last Tuesday? I haven’t heard that from anyone else on this blog LOL.
ETA Frost not Frist
As we all are.
Get a good nights sleep! Can’t wait to see reunion pics!!!
@frosty: not since the last thread, anyway.
The delayed emotional processing is a thing, I’ve been feeling crappy too after some days of high key coping. And unfortunately it’s likely to keep being a thing. Buyer’s remorse may hit hard and fast for big chunks of the newly spawned MAGAts, not that it’s much comfort.
Cole, you shouldn’t be appliance shopping while driving.
Randal Sexton
Yeah me too bud, shattered a bit by this election. Mourning for what we will lose and who will be hurt. Meself, I go crabbing a bit and pound some nails, but its going to take a while to get over this. Maybe when the big bad shit starts happening I will then just get forced into the maelstrom.
Drive safe –
Salty Sam
You and 72 million others.
Raoul Paste
@Randal Sexton: Mourning for what we will lose and who will be hurt
This, exactly
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
I’ve been binge watching a lot of Life After People on episodes and clips on Youtube the past few days. Great documentary and series from the History Channel. Most modern buildings (skyscrapers, metal suspension bridges) and structures only last a few hundred years without maintenance, while simpler/ancient structures will last much longer, sometimes many thousands of years (Pyramids of Giza). The faces of Mt Rushmore would last for 100,000 years in some recognizable form, being carved into solid granite.
Even among modern structures, older skyscrapers, such as the Empire State Building, would last a little longer than most modern skyscrapers (built after the mid-20th century). Most would collapse around 150-300 years
Salty Sam
I posted this at the dead end of an earlier thread- This guy voices my feelings about what we lost, what we found out about “fellow” Americans, and how painful it is. He captured my feelings perfectly:
Forgive me if I missed something, but I have not seen Raven around here recently.
Hope all is well. Ozark still has me a bit spooked,
Pets, little kids, outdoors, and absolutely no news, not even headlines.
Luckily for me, our pets are healthy, our grandkids (4,4, and 3) are near enough to see every week, and we’re in a moderate climate.
And even with all that going for me, I have succumbed a couple of times to the temptation to try to understand, which for me takes the form of talking to people who have been able to bear listening to the roar of “analysis.”
Every time I do that, I have a 12-hr period when it’s hard to sleep or focus. When I scan this space to see how you all are doing, I’m fucking astonished to see that some of you have been able to do things like turn on the tv or read blogs.
Like, how?
For once in my life, I just don’t want to know. I have to let the dust settle, the mud slide, molten lava cool. I can’t be the only one.
Melancholy Jaques
I’m still angry about 2000 and I’m not alone.
I’m also still angry about 2016, both the election and the World Series.
Maybe this is why I had a heart attack?
They got their Führer, and may they have much joy of it – although I suspect for many of them it will wear off quickly. Leopards eating faces, not like that, fill in what you like. The truly depressing part is how many people will say whatever he and his minions do is just great and totally justified.
Jack the Cold Warrior
@hitchhiker: you are not alone.
@Salty Sam: That video was terrific. I wish I could have articulated it as well as he did.
Maybe you should’ve taken a left turn…
@B1naryS3rf: “Buyer’s remorse may hit hard and fast…”
I looked and something like 15% of K-12 kids qualify for some sort of special needs status in school. 7.5M kids. If the kids are even remotely randomly distributed among households, that’s going to be a lot of Republican families hit by the Dept. of Ed cuts being mentioned this week.
While much of school funding is local, without DofE money, special ed as I understand it goes buhbye. That is a terrible outcome, but also likely to be worse in red states. I’m pretty sure MN manages to supplement federal monies. It won’t be enough, far from it, but in a state like Utah? Is the Mormon church suddenly going to swing into action and have thousands of bake sales?
The follow-on problem will be that after the funding is cut, the GOP will lie endlessly about why. Dealing with the disinfo firehose has to be a priority (even as there will be so many fronts in the sh*tstorm ahead).
Sorry to be a downer. But maybe, maybe repercussions will have effects that help us later? Doesn’t repair the suffering, but might make it less meaningless.
I’m having these cycling emotions as well. Function reasonably well for a few hours up to most of a day, then sink down again into a low-energy state where I just feel generalized dread. It goes up and down.
I think it’s the state of suspension we are all feeling. We have 8 weeks remaining of normality, then we (everyone in the world) will be thrown into the unknown. This is throwing a shadow over Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year, knowing the ones that follow will not be the same.
I am still amazed the CIA, NSA, and the rest of intelligence apparatus failed to warn the Biden team. Or maybe they did, and the Biden team discounted the evidence. No way of telling. But I’m sure scores of intelligence officers knew what the Russians were doing to Fox News, Twitter, and the Republican Party.
Chet Murthy
there’s a phrase I read someplace: “these Latino Trump voter didn’t vote for the mass deportations that are coming”. And it reminded me of a phrase that I read in Claudia Koonz’ _The Nazi Conscience_, to the effect that almost none of Hitler’s voters (the 37% that actually voted for the NSDAP in the last free elections) actually voted for the deportations, the death camps, the concentration camps, the war that came. But they got it. They got it because the Nazis made sure before they began with all that, to foreclose the possibility of any political alternatives to their rule.
It’s a thing I’m going to be watching for: whether Trump and his minions go after their political opposition. If they do, then it’ll be a sign that they understand the history and are going to repeat it.
@Chet Murthy:
That’s what gets me – people don’t seem to understand that they don’t ONLY get the parts of the campaign that were the reason they voted for the candidate, they get the WHOLE thing. And yeah, the RNC was papered over with pre-printed Mass Deportations Now signs, so it’s a pretty big action item for them.
Chet Murthy
Long, long ago, Carlo (I forget his last name …. Graziani? Oof, I forget) wrote in a comment here that Biden’s presidential campaign (or maybe it was his Presidency) was a “status quo” presidency. That is to say, he was offering us (and the world) a return to the status quo, not some revolution. Adam S. has written several times about how Trump and the GOP are practicing Revolutionary Warfare. And I don’t think that Biden (or the Dems, generally) were ever ready for Counter-Revolutionary Warfare. They simply weren’t. It is what it is. They were always just hoping that working in the normal channels, the normal ways, for the status quo, would be enough. Would be enough. And ….. well, it wasn’t.
Leopards stocking up on bibs (before tariffs are slapped on them) to don in anticipation of gorging themselves at the all the face you can eat buffet.
Chet Murthy
@JoyceH: As terrible as what I’m about to write sounds …. we must all hope and pray that the Trumpers get busy with their mass deportations -first-. -First-. Because if they do so, if they wreak enough havoc, fast enough, then there might be a backlash. If they do it the way the Nazis did (and I cannot recommend -enough- that we all read the following two books) then they’ll get away with it. They’ll get away with it.
William Sheridan Allen: The Nazi Seizure of Power
Claudia Koonz: The Nazi Conscience
ETA: and in the same vein, a nationwide abortion ban. Again, sooner rather than later. We have to hope and pray that they are unable to restrain their more-rabid cohort. Even as that lack of restraint will end up hurting people right away.
He’s been around some; he was on Betty’s morning thread yesterday.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Has Martin been around recently? Or Kay?
I’ve been working my backwards through Bethesda’s games. I had played Fallout 4 and Skyrim when they released. Then, a few years ago, I added Fallout: New Vegas. Now I’m using Tale of Two Wastelands to play Fallout 3, and I just got into Oblivion a month or so ago. I’m really, really enjoying the older games. They are so much more intricate and less action-y than the current crop. It just feels like there’s so much more story in these older games.
Probably a similar progression for Dragon Age, too. I don’t know if Veilguard will play on my machine. I loved Inquisition so much, that I’m really hopeful I’ll at least like Veilguard.
Will the Dolt continue announcing intentions to place House members into administration jobs? Enough of them to move Rs to a minority in the House for the months before special elections can be held?
Magic 8-ball sez: “Could well be.”
@Chet Murthy: That sounds way too much like a heighten the contradictions argument. It doesn’t work. Think after this election there will ever be a “Roevember?”
Chet Murthy
@ArchTeryx: I would say rather that it’s a “last forlorn hope” argument. If he turns his eye to deportation, to abortion, to corruption, instead of to doing what the Nazis did -first- — which was to imprison and completely cow their political opposition — then there’s a chance that democracy might survive.
It’s worth reading those two books. Seriously.
@Salty Sam:
Thanks for the Instagram link. Damn well said by that guy.
Wouldn’t that be a great kicking himself in his disgusting, orange, fascist balls?
@ColoradoGuy: Wondering if the Deep State (as it were) has some FAFO surprises in store for The Felon.
I would like to see a lot of information come out.
This is where being on a news blackout bites, but I will take the serenity (as it were) at the moment.
The carnage from yesterday’s Cowboys game was not limited to the playing field:
@JoyceH: From what I have seen in interviews and polling, Latinos did vote for mass deportations. They just didn’t think it would apply to them or their loved ones.
I heard a Florida Latino representative absolutely sure that Trump only meant to deport illegals that had been here for 5 years or less and touted a law she was sponsoring to make it so.
Others claim it will only be focused on criminals, ignoring that to the people Trump is looking to enforce this see illegals as criminals by definition
There is an enormous amount of self deception going on with Trump voters.
@Chet Murthy: Great comment.
No question that some of the people who are behind The Felon studied Nazi history carefully, the better to succeed this time.
@JaySinWA: The fat, orange, fascist leopards aren’t going to eat MY face!
Like some sick, twisted movie, Goering My Way.
@NotMax: Groan. But: you redeemed yourself earlier with the Astor Piazzolla links. Love him.
@NotMax: Will the orange shitstain Goering himself?
Goering, Goering, Gone?
Salty Sam
There is a huge number of Latinos who are making/have made the cultural shift to “white”, just as Italian, Irish, Polish, and German immigrants did in the previous century. I live among them here in Texas (commenter Kent has spoken about them frequently). They are very conservative- they work alongside white working class men, they grill out on the weekends with their “Bubba” buddies, watch football together… by all measures, they are part of white culture, and just as susceptible to the misinformation warfare being waged on us all. And as we learned last week, a significant number of them broke for Trump last week.
Will they get rounded up and deported? Who knows at this time? I’m not privy to Stephen Miller’s detailed plans. But a LOT of brown skinned people are going to be hurt, and by extension, every one of us will feel some of that pain.
ETA- And their wives, daughters, and sisters will be bleeding out in hospital parking lots as well
Chet Murthy
@Salty Sam: since I no longer visit Texas i have to ask: do these Latinos that have shifted to White, do they pass the paper bag test? I’m just curious, because I sure as hell don’t.
Quaker in a Basement
I don’t think I’ll ever come to grips with the fact that 70+ million people saw the whole Trump shitshow and said to themselves, “Yeah! That’s what this country needs!”
@Chet Murthy
Depends on the bag. don’t it?
Chet Murthy
@NotMax: haha yes, i was always led to believe it was a brown paper bag, eg
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): I think Kay is traveling in Portugal right now and that’s probably why she is taking a break.
Martin dropped out in early August, right around the time Harris picked Tim Walz for VP. The two two events may or may not be related. Someone recalled that there are health challenges in Martin’s familiy, and those may have claimed his attention.
Be careful about taking any turns at Albuquerque. Last time I was there U-turns at stoplights were de rigeur and quite legal, causing many the fender bender.
Re: counter revolutionary warfare above, liberals and any sane moderates left had better start looking for playbooks. There won’t be any ‘return to normalcy’ for a decade at least. No matter how many faces the leopards eat, media fingers will point to the liberal commie witches as the culprits.
Salty Sam
Some do, some don’t. Some have thicker accents than others. Some are first generation, some have family roots here longer than any white man. Like I said, I don’t know how draconian Stephen Miller’s (that dead-eyed Nazi <spit!> motherfucker*) plans are, how well they will research backgrounds, etc.
But some of the point I was getting at is that these “culturally white” Latinos are as riled up about “illegals” as their white work buddies- misinformation at work.
But our niece’s husband, an artist and wonderful man, a naturalized Mexican citizen (two years ago) will almost certainly be targeted. I haven’t spoken with him yet, but it would not surprise me to learn that he is packing his bags to get back to Mexico.
* I’m holding back…
Fun fact.
Routes for UPS delivery trucks are configured each day so as to avoid as many left turns as possible.
Chet Murthy
@Salty Sam: I was naturalized along with my entire family in 1987. We’re all pretty brown. I have to wonder whether, and where, we are on the list of Enemies of the Volk. It’s paralyzing to even contemplate.
Citizen Alan
@Chet Murthy: One thought that has been keeping up at night is … how many Dem Senators would Trump need to have arrested on trumped up treason charges to give the GOP a filibuster proof majority.
@NotMax: Sure.
@Citizen Alan: I saw somewhere that Trump has proposed five Republican representatives for posts in his cabinet. That means five special elections. If we’re lucky, they’ll come after things start coming apart at the seams.
Chet Murthy
@Citizen Alan: haha, -zero-, right? He’s got a majority, and there’s no way they’d let the filibuster get in their way. I think the real question is whether they’ll allow challengers to R seats in 2026. And whether they’ll allow political leaders to drum up opposition in the population. If the start cracking down on that, it’ll be the sign (for me) that they’ve studied their history.
Citizen Alan
@Chet Murthy: They’re not dark enough to be considered black, if that’s what you mean. A “Latino” whose first name is Brian or Sean, who speaks flawless English, and who attends the local Evangelical church every Sunday is “white enough” for the MAGAs. Well, unless he acts “uppity,” I guess.
Salty Sam
@Chet Murthy: Yeah, I can imagine.
I’m an old white guy who can shoot the shit with the guys at the feed store (think OzarkHillbilly) and they’d never know my political leanings. Personally, I don’t have much to fear from the coming storm, except for cuts to Social Security and Medicare.
But I have gay and trans friends, POC friends and family… there are a lot of people I care about who stand to get hurt. And the slide from democracy into fascism will hurt us all.
Salty Sam
Well, that “Mendoza” or “Perez” surname is going to get their file flagged…
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): Life After People was a great series; I should watch it again.
@hitchhiker: You’re not the only one who can’t bear to listen to anything, to read anything. I haven’t had the heart to watch Lawrence since early Tuesday evening, can’t turn on Nicolle Wallace at lunch.
We’re getting on with the stuff that needs doing, like laundry and figuring out what to eat or what to cook, although nothing sounds good any more. I’m going to my quilting group tomorrow and I know some of us may cry. I’ve been struck by how many people catch your eye or make an offhand remark and we nod to each other, interesting encounters with strangers, they know what you’re feeling and a few of them have been men.
Mainly it’s avoidance of the looming disaster. I know it’s coming, we’ve been here before and it will be worse. We have a good idea what to expect.
And I have no idea what to do right now.
strange visitor (from another planet)
@Citizen Alan: groper cleveland has immunity for “official acts”
he doesn’t have to have democratic senators and representatives arrested, he can have them shot.
I do that too in my daily routine for one simple rule: you never have the right of way when turning left. I go out of my way to only make right turns.
The Up and Up
I can relate with the panic attacks. The election aftermath had me in one, the end result of it had inherited bad veins made worse. Excess stress. I decided to schedule as many appointments while I still can.
Same here. I used to watch at least the first block of Morning Joe. I haven’t watched since last Tuesday. And my stomach is growling but I have no desire to eat.
I’ve also had really gruesome nightmares, not about anything political, just dark. The worst was a nightmare of my dog being attacked by another dog. Horrible images in my sleep.
T always bugs me, because I only turn right.
I did commercial deliveries for about a decade, I could get where I wanted to go faster and safer by making right hand turns.
Oh yeah, safety is another reason. I am the world’s biggest wus turning left. I’m surprised some car behind me hasn’t rammed in to me yet out of frustration because the coast must be absolutely clear before I turn left.
@eclare: I am sorry. The nightmares, especially about your beloved pup.
Quaker in a Basement
Have you sent your resume to the DNC? You could be a perfect fit!
Some good news
Safe travels.
Everyone with an ounce of sense is distraught about last Tuesday.
The people who aren’t either are too oblivious to understand what they are in for or are awful enought to imagine they won’t be affected by what is coming.
That’s what I’d always thought too, but apparently a lot of people in my part of Maryland believe there’s some exception to this if you’re in the median of a divided road or highway. They seem to believe that if you’re crossing a divided road, once you’ve made it as far as the median, you’ve got the right of way over traffic crossing from the other side. Even if you’re turning left.
It’s been drummed into me my entire life that you never have the right of way while making a left turn, so I’ll be in the median, about to make a left onto the divided road, and the person coming in from the other side and I will both be waiting on each other to go first. Or one of them will be in the median and make a left turn into me as I try to cross to the median. It totally freaks me out.
That’s crazy!
Gloria DryGarden
@Salty Sam: bravo. Brilliantly said. Thank you.
Gloria DryGarden
@strange visitor (from another planet): that’s on my mind, too.
@strange visitor (from another planet):
And half the liberal Internet would cheer.
@Salty Sam:
That was really good, thank you for posting.
@Salty Sam:
Agree with others. Good dude.
Hubby saw an ad for a four year cruise and wistfully informed me. If I had any desire to ever step foot aboard a cruise ship, I might consider going for his sake. But…Blech! He’s got an abdominal aneurysm on top of his heart & vascular problems and he’s under orders to avoid stress as much as possible. So that’s been wrecked since last Tuesday. I wish we could somehow send Donold & co. off on that four year cruise for ‘health of the USA’ reasons. Do we need a doctor’s note?
I’m glad I’m not the only one who thinks that. I’ve got to figure out who I’d even contact to find out whether we’re right, or whether all these other clowns are.
@kmax:I’ve been here, not as much, but still here.
A gesture filled with Christan love 😆
@TBone: You’ll forgive for saying that 4 years on a cruise with other people (ack!) does not sound like stress relief.
Let’s consider 4 years in a remote Adirondack cabin instead.
Gloria DryGarden
@TBone: if I were a doctor of the right sort, I’d be so glad to write the note.
this is a nice metaphor. Someone could write a poem, or a song..
Chris Johnson
@Quaker in a Basement: I mean, no, they didn’t see it.
They demonstrably didn’t. I saw the footage of the rallies. What we saw was not a representation of the voting public, at these rallies. What we saw was unequivocal proof that the voting base took pains to NOT come out, to NOT see the shitshow.
They’re doubtless somewhat comforted that the mask is back on now, but they literally had to not go and attend their leader’s rallies while it was so shaky as to be embarrassing. They walked out on him saying ‘welp, he’s still there! I don’t need to see more’. They didn’t DARE see more.
I feel like that’s unprecedented.
I feel like that’s evidence of a great weakness.
If they had to go to such great lengths to not look… then they require careful handling, and that handling is not forthcoming. They didn’t sign up for Nick Fuentes’ gloating and preening. There’s a lot we will never see, locked within their silos, as they try to rationalize what’s happening and hold their positions.
What we gotta do is go ‘okay, as a friend: we’re getting shown this Nick Fuentes thing. I don’t like him, look at him. As a friend, is that you? Does that speak for you? …no? whew, good, that’s good enough for me. It had me worried.’
They’re not supposed to be confronted with the bait in OUR silos. That’s the weak point in the control. The silos have to be titanium-walled for all this to work for the fascists, and you’d be surprised how effective they already are. People are nice people yet believe some WILD shit.
@Chet Murthy: Have everyone in your family and yourself get a US passport card from the State Dept. That’s proof of citizenship you can carry in your wallet.
Gloria DryGarden
@TBone: are you saying puttying sees trump as a sort of MILF?
contrast w zelensky and Obama calling to congratulate, for their reasons, and this is how the game is played ( that’s my best guess re Obama, a brief role model for correct models..)
so, does it mean putain isn’t playing, doesn’t need anything, but can take what he wants? Sorry, really stark questions from a worried unsophisticate.
Chris Johnson
@JMG: Oh, that’s good. I like that one, good advice. Maybe I’ll start carrying mine, too.
@Gloria DryGarden: I think there’s voluminous kompromat.
@Salty Sam: I have a cousin who was adopted, born in Mexico. My aunt and uncle are white Americans. During some part of this kid’s life, he encountered taunting, beatings, and other bad things while in school. The Mexican kid. Uncle and Aunt may or may not have known about it at first but my brother certainly did and kept telling them to talk to the kid, that he was getting his arse handed to him.
Uncle and Aunt attended to the kind of church that cultivated all kinds of Bible-thumping BS. A few of their friends were openly anti-immigrant, including this best friend who spent a lot of time with Uncle. My brother took Uncle aside a few times and said, “Are you ok with your buddy shitting on your kid?” Uncle said the friend was talking about other Mexicans, not his kid.
This was the 1990s.
That is, in part, how some Latin/Hispanic people in America got to thinking like that, my opinion.
So putting on a live production of The Diary of Anne Frank brings out the Michigan Nazis, while the players and audience hide inside. 🤬
Probably protesting the price of eggs.
@MagdaInBlack: been there, done that in the PA wilderness. Bought in 1995, moved in as primary residence in 2015. It was fun for years of weekending, but as a full time residence not so much! Too far from food, hospital, etc. My years as a frontier girl are over!
I’ll never step foot on a cruise ship either!
@Baud: 😆 yes, that always requires fully covering your face to avoid being identified!
Safe travels, Cole 🙏🏽
4 year cruise?
All the nopes in Nopeville 😡
Chris Johnson
@Gloria DryGarden: I’m honestly surprised at the amount of taunting Russia is doing. Last night I posted some about the TASS article where Putin’s advisor personally noted that since they had helped Trump win the election, he owed them one and had to be responsible and make good on his debts.
Talk about saying the quiet part out loud. That was brazenly saying Trump is their guy, in public.
My assumption is that they are desperately trying to produce a leftist or liberal uprising that can justify a coup and the total abandonment of democracy. I say desperately, because it seems like everything coming from out of there is now a scramble to produce action, and it’s all a tidal wave of gloating, taking credit, claiming guilt… all targeted at our silo, and if I’m not mistaken, it’s meant to pass over the right-wingers’ silos unnoticed.
‘what does it mean’? I think it means Russia has to provoke a reaction, strike while the iron is hot, in a way that reinforces the messaging about us. They cannot have us be the weak institutionalist Merrick Garland types. They HAVE to turn us into raging bulls, and that’s the only reason they are goading this hard in this way.
They’re doing it in a way that’s dangerous to them, exposing their whole hand, and I think it depends on getting reinforced by their people. They need giant raging mobs, the picture of the pet-eating baby-murdering maniacs, out there literally in people’s faces, or they will fail.
If they are stuck with just their people trying to soothe the frantic lefties that everything will be OK, they will fail, because things will not.
Be gentle with any Trump voter who is not actually punching you in the face or ranting like Nick Fuentes. This ain’t a game. Or rather, the game is afoot, their position can’t be as strong as it looks, if they’re attempting hail marys this risky.
Russia formally admitted they interfered to get Trump elected and insist he owes them. That’s NUTS. They’re not supposed to admit that, that’s supposed to be part of the liberal bullshit, yet there it is.
@Gloria DryGarden: maybe on Jeff Bezos’s mega yacht, since a historic bridge was torn apart because they built the big boat witout first planning how to get it out to sea past said bridge. Apropos 😆
Gloria DryGarden
@Gloria DryGarden: auto correct! Putain
correct manners
@rikyrah: I suggest that we send Donold and his gov’t. cultists on that cruise! With anchors for neckties.
Gloria DryGarden
Late night poem response to folks w anger management challenges:
the rage simmers inside…
while one remains quietly reasonable and calm.
no beings were harmed in the making of this scene,
except one’s self.
Let’s just ignore the rubble of fractured connections,
And step over the debris
Just be careful. Don’t make that wrong turn out of Albuquerque. The one that got Bugs Bunny to the arctic.
@JMG: doesn’t the ‘Real ID’ driver’s license accomplish that as well? If not, I was duped! I “got on that list” (against my better judgement and after loud protestation) because I was informed it’d be required to enter any/all federal buildings…
@Gloria DryGarden: oh that’s wonderful!!! Love!
@Chris Johnson
“Sign Here”
What could they have on him that would matter to him anymore? Crimes? NYS has convicted him on one set of crimes, and of course the Federal crimes are there, but nobody can touch him now. Embarrassing shit? Plenty of that out there too, but his fans love him anyway.
What sort of kompromat could there be, that he can’t just ignore or thumb his nose at?
@eclare: Not possible when there is only one road that links all the towns. It would take me five hours to get home.
But yes, a good friend in college had that rule. Worked in town!
@lowtechcyclist: the financial sort, for one.
And he has proven time and again that he hates to be publicly laughed at, for two.
Look what Alec Baldwin went through. Might be coincidence but then I remember Kathy Griffin and numerous others…
Like The Chicks.
NO, it wasn’t.
The company building the sailing yacht got the message and put the masts on at a yard on other side of the bridge.
Gin & Tonic
So now Mike Waltz, supposedly Trump’s pick for national security advisor, says “we have leverage” over Putin and mentions lifting the ban on use of long-range weapons.
I’m going to go ahead and say it: the Biden administration’s timidity has been not just geostrategic but political malpractice of the highest order.
@JaySinWA: “Others claim it will only be focused on criminals, ignoring that to the people Trump is looking to enforce this see illegals as criminals by definition”
More like ‘see brown people’.
@WhatsMyNym: oops, relied on this news report:
Do yachts have masts?
Small question. Where does Herr Milker plan to deport all his undesirable? Do the Afghanis get put on a plane to Kabul?
You’re not. For a week, BJ has been virtually my sole source of news. For several days I read only the post titles, gradually began skimming posts if the topics seemed bearable, and still only occasionally dip into the comments. I check a weather app for local forecasts, and that’s about it. I also don’t talk to anybody IRL about current events, just our personal lives. It’s so unlike me!
@Gin & Tonic:
The Biden Administration should lift the ban, NOW.
Does anyone really think Putin would start a nuclear war with us over this, when he’s less than ten weeks away from having his puppet running American foreign policy?
I mean, that’s always been the big objection, ‘oh, if we did that, it could escalate into a nuclear war.’ Since last Tuesday? No fucking way.
@TBone: The FTFNYT has it covered
How are they going to make him pay up while he’s President?
True enough, but there’s plenty of that sort of material out there already. It would have to be something really good. If there actually were video of women pissing on him, it wouldn’t faze his followers.
I don’t follow celebrity news, so I really have no idea what you’re referring to.
They were blackballed by the MSM for being against the Iraq war right as it was about to happen, and the MSM was in full rah-rah mode. Not sure how this applies.
BTW, today is the date Judge Merchan in NY has set to issue a ruling on how and if the Supreme Court immunity decision applies to or impacts the 34 felony convictions.
@TBone: No. I have one and I’m not a citizen.
Gloria DryGarden
@TBone: i can live for another day, someone liked my poem thingy!
“The Devil’s Trill. Kidz!😈
@Gloria DryGarden: not merely like, LOVE! 😍
Triumph of the Trill?
@lowtechcyclist: and then this happened
Gloria DryGarden
@Chris Johnson:
@Chris Johnson: great thorough answer. I called up Pollyanna and read it to him. Very very interesting.
you read Russian?
@kalakal: thank you, knowledge is power (for a while yet, anyway).
@WhatsMyNym: 👍 I didn’t follow the story to its conclusion!
@NotMax: UGH, I don’t want to see him bend the knee!!!
Gloria DryGarden
@TBone: my tablet doesn’t give me an emojis menu, the phone device has that.
…Hearts and hug kinds of emojis, bowl of hot soup or cup of tea emojis.
Dorothy A. Winsor
My real fear is that Trump voters get what they voted for and like it.
@Gloria DryGarden: thank you for your comfort my dear friend! We do what we can, and then we keep doing it some more…no matter what it is, it matters.
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
They’re choice. They’re citizens too.
They’re = their.
@Dorothy A. Winsor: that’s so valid. And rational (you, not the cult).
Gloria DryGarden
@NotMax: oh, lord. I’ll light a special candle on my virtual altar, for lady Justice and the karma department.
what color do i need, for Justice, is it lt blue?
Got a yellow one burning up there for miss yarrow, hope she makes it through.
maybe one for judge merchan. For courage and protection. I know lawyers are tough, but this seems serious and intense.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@Baud: Yes. At this point, I’m close to giving up. I’m 77 and Mr DAW’s Parkinson’s takes up all my concern. I do have a son and DIL, and I’d like the country to be better for them though
Gin & Tonic
In what must be some sort of sick joke, Yulia Navalnaya has been named winner of the Magnitsky Award for “Courage Under Fire.”
I didn’t know Berlin was being attacked by russia.
@Dorothy A. Winsor: a lot of them will die as a result of Trump’s policies so…
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
Everyone everywhere is a hostage to their society. All we can do is try to make ours a better one. But there’s no way if impose it on anyone.
Keeping the theme going, Overture to Fra Diavolo.
@NotMax – @prostratedragon
In a more modern vein, Conga-Line in Hell.
Gloria DryGarden
someone could set that to music.
It’s a rough moment, with potential for a more obvious kind of hostage situation. Currently seems like house arrest, caused by fear, really valid fears.
Hostages, an epigraph poem (trying it out)
Everyone everywhere
is a hostage
to their society.
All we can do
is try
to make ours
Everyone makes
their own choices.
To see, or not to see,
to choose for many,
Or choose for a few,
and believe it’s for you.
Already hostages,
but not seeing this,
sometimes some will take
“Please, release me”)
fuckers are sure gonna try. But I agree, if they choose it and like it, it’s their choice. Can’t impose choices on others.
(except women. ..)
@Gloria DryGarden:
Yeah, governments can impose things. Everyone else only has the power of persuasion.
@Nelle: While they are waiting they will be prison labor, some of us think.
Gloria DryGarden
@Baud: it’s a hard pill to swallow, though.
The Pale Scot
Blackfoot, “Left Turn on a Red Light”
@Citizen Alan: These people are idiots. They may be considered “white enough” by their neighbors, but they sure as hell wouldn’t be considered “white enough” by someone else’s neighbors in the next town, or by govt or law enforcement. And I’d put money down that they wouldn’t be considered “white enough” when push comes to shove and the economy tanks.
@Nelle: Its Afghans
Citizen Dave
@hitchhiker: You are not the only one, by a longshot (especially here). Same for me. For example, woke up at 4 a.m. this morning. No more sleep…
@Ksmiami: You see, so much is explained when you realize how much they want to.
That’s what the Rapture is all about.
@Baud: We’re finally getting to see the Boycott, Divest, Sanction movement come to fruition. Isn’t it glorious!!
@WhatsMyNym: But as they said in The Man Who Shot Liberty Valence:
Salty Sam
True, and this is how it works; “Those” people are different! It’s “the Othering”.
We as humans are susceptible to this kind of thinking- it’s built into our primate brains. Some of us are willing and able to stretch our boundaries to include *more* people in “our tribe”, but that is hard work. Many many others take the easier path and just follow the leader.
@Chet Murthy: I think they definitely will see DOJ open investigations on leading Democrats across the country. I think it will be under some RICO conspiracy theory of using the law against Trump. Also, a full on snipe hunt for any campaign law violation or charity or tax matter. We are going to see a lot of investigations like the Durham investigation,, but with less reluctance to use fabricated evidence to at least get indictments.
Ohio Mom
@Dorothy A. Winsor: Oh I missed the announcement that Mr. DAW has Parkinson’s. That’s a tough one, I’m sorry.
I’m glad you two are living where a lot of daily life chores (like house maintenance, yard work, etc.) are taken care of. That will help, some.
Salty Sam
I hate Michigan Nazis just as much as Illinois Nazis.
Ella in New Mexico
Not sure where you stayed in town but wave at me at the University of New Mexico Hospital Family Clinic on your way through.
Also, per hubby the best breakfast burritos to grab fast in Albuquerque are at Golden Pride, Stripes Burrito Company, and if you want meat and spice, Fidencio’s. Carne adovado w/eggs, cheese is yummy at all of them.
safe travels on the 18 Wheeler highway to Phoenix!!!!
comrade scotts agenda of rage
@Salty Sam:
Which begs the question are their any nazis we like? I have an answer to that but it would probably result in a warning.
Salty Sam
They’ll be told they like it. They’ll be told to ignore their lyin’ eyes. And then they’ll like it.
I hope you and Maxwell have a good night sleep. That you are looking forward to seeing Thurston. I have been kind of expecting last Tuesday’s result since April when even being convicted of crimes in New York did nothing to dent Trump’s 45%. Add on the 5% vote unhappy with inflation and COVID over the last 4 years and you get the result we got. It is also pretty clear that MSM is rapidly adopting to the new regime Trump & Musk if Axios is the canary in that particular coal mine.
Were I not medicated, I’d be right there with you on the panic attacks.
Chris Johnson
@Gloria DryGarden: I sure don’t! :D
@B1naryS3rf: Don’t count on Trump voters connecting the dots. Any of the obvious consequences of another Trump run will all be Harris’ fault. Somehow…
@RaflW: The job of the pro-Democracy kludge going forward is to make sure all these steps backward are pinned on those who implemented them.
Assuming most folks will figure this out—is a failed strategy. And Democrats are too often left holding the bag. Again. And again…
@NotMax: New one on me. Hit the reference to Rossini influence in the commentary at the exact moment the music was making it clear, thus causing a sort of echo.
Add it to the compendium.
@NotMax: ¡Candombe!