This is a great summary of how the bankruptcy judge handled the bid by The Onion combined with the Sandy Hook parents. The bid was out of the bounds of normal bankruptcy practice, and the judge wanted a hearing to make sure that he understood everything. We’ll see how it goes, but I’m hopeful that the parents will get a small measure of peace from this long delayed legal action, emphasis on “small”.
Onion Update
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Oh please, oh please, oh please.
We can use the victory.
I thought we were the dumbest website on the Internet.
@Baud: 😆😉
When you are #2, you try harder.
Not sure if we qualify as #2.
zhena gogolia
@Baud: We’ve been in the running lately.
dr. luba
@Dangerman: Not so long as Truth Social exists.
Cliff Schecter hatches a plan inspired by Animal House.
Gin & Tonic
@Baud: It’s good to have a goal.
Is it safe to assume “Tim Onion” is a riff on “Tim Apple”?
A deeper dive:
Hey! As Jerome Horwitz once said: “I resemble that remark!”
Splitting Image
Props to the Onion here for their expert trolling.
Alex Jones’ tears are a welcome source of joy in these dark times.
@Baud: Jim Hoft and his website The Gateway Pundit far exceeded us in this regard. He managed to get himself sued into oblivion.
I see that blog favorite Josh Gottheimer says he’ll run for New Jersey Governor next year.
@TBone: Fukn Elno, as usual, again.
@MagdaInBlack: trying to intimidate but he’s just so thirsty.
Why didn’t he make a bid? Oh, because he can platform this fat frogfuck with all the other Nazis on his shitty site, and they can all circle jerk to their hearts content.
Perhaps it’s a learning opportunity for Elmo’s Lawyers, so that they are prepared for the Dead Bird’s Site bankruptcy?
@RevRick: The heavy burden of retaining “Stupidest Man on the Internet” would affect any of us. Luckily, there can be Only One.
Melancholy Jaques
And in praise of the victories we did get, swapping out Menendez for Andy Kim improves our caucus.
O/T Posted this on a dead thread:
I cry for my grandchildren and everyone’s grandchildren’s future on this planet.
How’s that legal?
Touchdown Gators! Eat those Tigers! Nom nom nom!
zhena gogolia
@mrmoshpotato: We’re going to hear “how’s that legal?” a lot in the next few years, and beyond.
@zhena gogolia: Do you listen to Bob Cesca’s podcast? He regularly uses a sound clip of a guy saying “How does he keep getting away with it?!” if I remember correctly.
@Jackie: The one saving grace is that the Energy Department doesn’t have a goddamn thing to do with either the oil business or renewable energy.
karen marie
@TBone: Elno didn’t give a shit until he suddenly became the Master Master-of-the-Universe. He’s conducting US foreign policy (speaking to the Iran envoy and getting his new GOP friends to threaten the EU with sanctions if they aren’t nice to Musk) and setting Individual-1’s agenda. He saw the enjoyment of the non-MAGA world that The Onion was taking possession of InfoWars and he felt compelled to step in to stop it.
Only rightwing fuckwits are allowed to have fun. And if rightwing fuckwits can’t win any lawsuits, Musk is going to make sure that any judgment, finding or order that makes non-MAGA people happy is reversed.
John S.
@zhena gogolia:
I’m still trying to grok how Elmo’s little stunt of paying off voters was legal.
karen marie
@John S.: He says it wasn’t a lottery because the winners were predetermined. Hahaha. In other words, it was a fraud. But a new complaint would have to be filed based on fraud rather than running an illegal lottery.
Mai Naem mobile ¹
@TBone: I was trying to look up Lopez’s background and ran into this. Its Bloomberg. Not behind a paywall. They did a series on some scandals at the Houston bankruptcy court earlier this year. I skimmed through it. Jeezus, I would just like one institution in this country that’s not f-d up and corrupt. The judge in question got to vote in sealing the records of the investigation into him.
@Baud: No wonder Cole thinks nobody loves you.
@mrmoshpotato: You say legal like it’s still a thing.
Steve LaBonne
@Redshift: Trump, of course, has no clue whatsoever about that. All these appointments are 100% about trolling the libs.
@different-church-lady: Haha. Ugh. 🤮
Nukular Biskits
Good evenin’, y’all
I can’t recall ever reading the Onion’s website, but I have quite frequently seen their “articles” cited elsewhere.
Kudos to them.
And, from elsewhere on the intertubes, I saw where the families of the Sandy Hook victims agreed to assist in this endeavor to better ensure that Alex Jones would never regain any control over any of his empire.
Good for them!
@Steve LaBonne: I disagree. I think there is a Putin influence in there also.
@Steve LaBonne: Are you saying the Kremlin’s bitch hasn’t had an intense interest in politics and the workings of government for his entire fat, orange, fascist life?
Steve LaBonne
@sab: Certainly with Gabbard, yes.
@Mai Naem mobile ¹: Bankruptcy judges are not Article III judges. No lifetime appointment. More like magistrates or immigration judges.
Totally agree. Putin already sent his warning via state tv by having the anchors laugh and make fun of him and showing naked Melania pics. All this after the election.
Steve LaBonne
@Baud: [cough] Daily Kos [cough]
@karen marie:
There are so far, 3 Class Action lawsuits filed against Melon boy for fraud, filed by those who took up his little ploy.
karen marie
@Nukular Biskits: Back in the Bush administration, you could get a print subscription. I have a vague memory of my brother giving me a subscription for Christmas. I couldn’t believe they were able to stay in business during the first Trump debacle. I wish them luck in the second.
Is nobody suggesting “Onionwars” as the new name?
West of the Rockies
Where are the FNYT and WP articles about how Trump needs to reach out to Dems and govern from the center?
@jimmiraybob: They probably don’t want to tarnish the Onion brand.
Steve LaBonne
@West of the Rockies: No need, they’ll just go right ahead and pretend he’s doing that, while tut-tutting that the Democrats aren’t welcoming his nonexistent overtures.
Nukular Biskits
@karen marie:
I love parody, sarcasm and dark humor, so what I’ve seen of The Onion appeals to me.
Having said that, like you, I do wonder how they’ve stayed in business all these years.
@different-church-lady: I have to laugh because my husband said that exact thing to me, back during the Reagan regime. I had said some naive thing about something they were doing being illegal.
Saw someone say that if they can do this with InfoWars, they can do it to any right-wing media company, and I was like, don’t threaten me with a good time, pal.
They are keeping the same links, sites and name, pretty sure that the existing audience won’t notice the change.
@Jay: Once they’ve fully taken possession of it and started to post content, it’ll be a fun party game to read out passages from real IW and Onion IW articles and see how many people can correctly guess which one it is.
@Mai Naem mobile ¹:
Nefarious, incestuous, obstreperous – it’s Houston (I lived and worked in Galveston in a law firm. We did a lot of work in Harris County).
Anonymous At Work
Lawyer perspective on The Onion’s situation. It is unique in that one group of awardees from the bankruptcy sale has said that they would forgo monetary compensation in return for the equitable remedy of The Onion winning the auction. Never happened before in the jurisdiction and almost unheard of. Bankruptcy auctions and foreclosures are normally all about maximum value to be divided out. So the judge is 100% warranted in wanting to verify everything. However, since the auction’s result would improve the stated position of all awardees of Jones’ estate, I don’t see a strong reason to overturn it.
And it IS legal for the current operators to show up and bid. It’s an auction. The only way that an auction like this would go bad is if a bidder would actively keeping others away or coercing/intimidating lower bids.
@geg6: Oh, the fat, orange, traitorous, fascist shitstain has been the Kremlin’s ass-sucking bitch since at least 1987.
How I wish he’d had a heart attack during the Reagan administration.
BOEM is the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management.
I think it is part of Interior. I also think all those oil geologists were surprised they are now managing deployment of wind farms.
@Nukular Biskits: The darkest humor comes from Bryce P. Tetraeder, Global Tetrahedron CEO:
Here’s Why I Decided to Buy Infowars
Randal Sexton
@TBone: I guess that is basically a flavor of accelerationism? Maybe or a let them reap whatta they hadda sown.