I always have to chuckle when people say “well, she’s going to divorce him” after they find out that an apparently reasonable woman is married to a whack job / misogynist / red pill incel. No she isn’t. She’s an enabler who derives some benefit from the relationship, and she’s used to tolerating the behavior of her spouse. Today’s case in point is RFK the lesser’s wife Cheryl Hines. Remember how she was so upset when the news that her husband and Olivia Nuzzi were sexting? That, like probably the dozen other women that he’s cheated on her with, is in the past. Now Cheryl is sitting between Bobby Very Junior and Tucker Carlson at Trump’s table at Mar-a-Lago, and hawking a line of MAHA candles while standing in front of her nude husband. See, also, Usha Vance.
Institutions have long provided shelter for abusers, and our silly belief that most Christian churches follow the teachings of their namesake and therefore deserve the benefit of the doubt allows those places to shelter child rapists, extreme misogynists, and (alleged) adult rapists, too:
In the years since [being accused of rape], Hegseth — now on his third marriage — has claimed that he rediscovered Christ, saying “faith became real” to him in 2018. He became deeply involved with the Association of Classical Christian Schools (ACCS), moving to Tennessee to enroll his children in a branch of this fundamentalist organization. He also joined the associated denomination, the Communion of Reformed Evangelical Churches. Both are led by Doug Wilson, an untrained and self-proclaimed pastor who advocates for Christian nationalism and has become famous for his trollish promotion of his far-right political views. At the center of Wilson’s philosophy is a misogyny so overt that it’s sometimes hard to believe he’s serious. [ed. – I have no problem believing he’s serious]
“Wilson holds the most extreme views of women’s submission found in any form of Christianity,” Julie Ingersoll, a professor of religious studies at the University of North Florida, told Salon. “Women are taught that submission to their husbands (and other male authorities) is submission to God. Independence of any kind is cast as sin.”
In one famous passage from his book on marriage, Wilson suggests that sexual violence is women’s fault for not being submissive enough. “[T]he sexual act cannot be made into an egalitarian pleasuring party,” he writes. “A man penetrates, conquers, colonizes, plants. A woman receives, surrenders, accepts.” The alleged failure of women to submit, he continues, leads men to “dream of being rapists,” deprived of the “erotic necessity” found in women’s submission. Nancy Wilson, Doug Wilson’s wife, backs this view, comparing a wife to a “garden” cultivated for the husband’s pleasure: “But of course a husband is never trespassing in his own garden.” […]
Journalists Peter Bell and Sarah Bader have been producing a podcast about Wilson and the culture of abuse at CREC churches and ACCS schools, titled “Sons of Patriarchy.” They’ve recorded a seemingly endless number of interviews with people who witnessed or survived sexual abuse or domestic violence — and documenting the unwillingness of CREC leaders to take it seriously. Bader told Salon women are told they are “accountable for all of their husband’s sins” and that Wilson just “rewrapped rape as ‘submission.'” Students at ACCS schools who said they were sexually abused by teachers reported being blamed for causing the older men to “stumble.” Women say they’ve been blamed for being raped, for husbands who abuse alcohol and for men’s infidelity.
Wilson says that God designed women “to make the sandwiches”. Weird that whenever God’s teachings come up, they sound like the masturbatory fantasies of a teenage boy. By the way, this is Wilson, and if he doesn’t give you the ick, maybe you need to recalibrate your ickometer:
Weird that so many men have apparently never figured out how to make a sandwich. Like, it’s not that hard.
This guy wants to dominate others but cannot make a sandwich.
Many seem to have a seriously weird, twisted and fundamentally incorrect understanding of gardening as well.
It’s mostly weeding to start with, not lolling about penetrating and pleasuring oneself. Weed, rake, water, prune the bushes. Most baby plants get ripped out too, for the record.
If Ted Cruz could grow a beard
@suzanne: Wilson promotes ‘federal marriage’, that the husband is responsible for disciplining his wife. It’s non-consensual spanking/BDSM with a fundamentalist christian cover. Tia Levings discusses surviving it in A Well-Trained Wife.
Old School
I made my own sandwich this morning. I made one for my daughter’s lunch too.
But I’m not “designed” for that job.
I’ll have to let Mrs. School know.
From what I’ve read of the Bible, women are meant to kill unruly people and call cowards out.
John S.
This whole religious patriarchy was clearly cooked up by a bunch of incels who wanted to make sure they could get laid.
It’s the “influencer” economy – I feel they are hard-to-reach, hard-to-get demo for D messaging.
Gloria DryGarden
I know plenty of women who report lovely egalitarian pleasuring parties in a vast majority of our sex lives.
what he suggests is revolting.
dominance and submission, sounds like non consent. Sounds like your body my choice. Which seems like slavery. Not just legal prostitution ie transactional marriage, sex for financial support.
He’s not talking about consensual bdsm.
i hope all those women can escape.
this is quite horrifying. Yuck. His kind of narrow minded thinking might be how he thinks about anything else. It shows me he can’t handle nuanced military leadership, and the complex strategies involved.
@Belafon: So long as Jael gave Sisera a good sandwich along with his milk before tucking him in for a nap. Hi Ho the tent peg!
Steve LaBonne
Misogyny is at least as strong a force as racism on the right. Right-wing politics are inherently abusive.
Splitting Image
I suspect that the Trump election is going to result in a mass exodus of women from the various incel churches, which will be bad for them in the long run because they are the ones doing most of the unpaid, thankless work.
Churches in the years ahead are going to be so many Galt’s Gulches, with the captains of industry (in their own minds) bragging about how the society they have built will be perfect now that the lazy workers (i.e women) have been expelled from it.
A personal anecdote:
My mother was an Irish Catholic for the first seventy-something years of her life. She left briefly when the Church “apologized” for the child abuse scandal by saying that it was really all the fault of the feminists and the gays, but she went back eventually because she missed all of her old cronies from the women’s association at the church.
A few years later, the local diocese decided to reconnect the women’s group at her parish to the others in the city (it had declared independence some years previously). It did this by encouraging a group of younger women in the church to join the group and hold elections for a new leader when all of the older women were not there. When the old crew found out about this, they all quit en masse. My mother was thereafter an agnostic. So were most of the other old biddies.
It won’t happen overnight, but this is what is happening on a national scale.
Gloria DryGarden
@Old School: you have two hands. I see you feel free to use them. Why should you be deprived of sandwich making, and feeding others.
i think it gave my dad a sense of joy and pride when he got more into the cooking.
Chief Oshkosh
Welp, this is what a lot of people voted for, including a lot of (white) women. Outcomes will benefit some people more than others…
Steve LaBonne
@Splitting Image: White Evangelical churches were already bleeding members. They now barely exceed white mainline Protestants as a % of the population.
@Chief Oshkosh: I remind myself regularly:
1. less than half of the total voters voted for Trump.
2. WAY WAY too many did not bother to vote.
Nothing constructive to add except to say that I’m glad to see mistermix posting as often as he has been.
comrade scotts agenda of rage
@Steve LaBonne:
That’s the best distillation of everything we talk about vis a vis the right.
Old Man Shadow
Fundamentalist Christianity is absolutely abusive.
One of my earliest memories is lying awake in a bunk bed at night terrified of dying and going to Hell. I was maybe four. This wasn’t a one off event. It was a consistent terror that filled my childhood. An angry God who despised me and wanted to set me on fire forever, but who might be appeased and let me escape if I was truly sincere enough.
It’s an authoritarian nightmare that demands conformity, silences dissent, and is only concerned with maintaining its own power over others.
Of course, it shelters abuse. Because those with power can exercise it over others without checks and balances or accountability. It welcomes abuse. Abuse and fear are the primary control mechanisms. Hurt people and make them afraid to defy you. Love is conditional on obedience. That’s what it teaches.
So yes, America. You voted for to make this country an abusive, misogynistic hellhole for women, children, and abuse survivors.
No, we can’t just get along and be friends now.
He’s also a supporter of black slavery.
Speaking as a straight male married successfully for 32 years, WTF is wrong with “egalitarian pleasuring parties”? I find that egalitarian pleasuring parties are a key component of a successful marriage.
But I’m not a right wing insecure creep, so what do I know?
Old Man Shadow
@Gloria DryGarden: Cooking is one of the very few things that calm my mind. It is meditative to me. I have to absolutely focus on the now.
Right? Whoever convinced Cruz that his current facial hair made him more attractive was not his friend.
Old Man Shadow
@FDRLincoln: Women aren’t supposed to enjoy sex in fundieland.
just fucking gross
actually, ‘gross’ really isn’t even close to being strong enough
these people are corrupt through and through
comrade scotts agenda of rage
Also too, MM is spot on when saying that RFK Jr’s wife clearly perceives a benefit of being married to him. It’s something of a throwback to when marriages were contracts between families. That’s why spouses who marry for this (the Slovenian Manikin comes to mind) don’t typically divorce. The “benefit” outweighs everything else.
A great read on the “Business of Marriage”:
Finally, when we talk about The American Taliban, awful people like Wilson are exactly what we mean.
Oh, he can make a sandwich, alright, but you hit on the real issue: He wants to dominate others. Women, for starters, but I’m sure his urge to dominate is not limited to just that demographic. Malignant narcissists are like that.
Scamp Dog
@suzanne: Look, learning to make a sandwich implies that you’re not any good at dominating people and making them do your bidding. So even if you do know how to make a sandwich, never admit it! /s
I’m hungry all of a sudden.
Ohio Mom
@Steve LaBonne: I did not know that. It’s an encouraging sign.
Now if only the mainline churches could add a few members, a bit of balance could be restored to the world. Or at least to the U.S.
Harrison Wesley
Maybe it’s the way my phone shows photos, but dude looks like J.D.Vance plus 20 years. What are his thoughts on man-furniture intimacy?
Starfish (she/her)
With these two, they probably have an open marriage and their wives do not care. However, it would be scandalous for anyone to admit that, and they would come across as deeply weird so there is some performative concern going on.
@Baud: Poor dear. Kick a doormat, see what happens. Maybe god loves you.
When I was in college I took the intro course in sandwich making. I learned the basic ingredients such as bread, filling, and toppings. Unfortunately, I was unable to take the advanced course where you learned how to combine the ingredients and make the finished product. I have to rely upon my wife to make sandwiches. She never took sandwich making in college, but being a woman, she was able to tap into the sandwich making knowledge of many generations.
Raoul Paste
This is so repellent and disturbing. No decent person would want to be around this Wilson guy
It’s always problematic when someone claims to know the will of God. Also, I’ve never heard sandwiches mentioned in the Bible.
I must admit it is very gamer nerd of me but the first thing that came to my mind when seeing that picture of old Wilson was, “he looks exactly like the villain from Bioshock Infinite, Zachary Comstock”. In the game, Comstock is a racist shitbag who rules over a closed society as a prophet so… yeah, Wilson is definitely Comstock.
Here’s Judith making Holofernes a sandwich.
Harrison Wesley
@Raoul Paste: I think there’s something about them in the Trump edition if you’re willing to pay an additional love offering.
Steve LaBonne
@Ohio Mom: They’re still bleeding too, but the Evangelicals are bleeding faster. Christianity is getting a bad name, who could have predicted.
Also too, how much has one’s career cratered if one is reduced to flogging teases of one’s naked elderly husband to get the clicks.
There are versions of “Christianity” that cater to just about everything humans want to do, including rapists. This is just one of the ones that considers women chattel.
The lengths to which they will go to deny the existence of female orgasm, especially of the “multiple” variety. My guess is that it somehow gets redefined as evidence of female sin, though it’s unlikely they have ever observed it in the wild.
WTF is a MAHA candle? I know the MWAH-HA-HA brand; that’s the Dr. Evil line. But MAHA?
Aziz, light!
@catclub: I expect many of the Dem voters who did vote to be so turned off by politics that they don’t turn out next time. This is parallel to turning off the news media. To preserve their mental health, more people will disengage.
@Dangerman: Make America Horny Again?
@Dangerman: “make America healthy again” through food as cure, supplements, and woo. And vagina candles.
@JiveTurkin: Please tell me you had better luck enrolling in Laundry Practices 101 and Advanced Washing Machine Mechanics
That seems to be another of those mysteries.
@Elizabelle: The male courses consisted of how to clean the lint filter, replace the heating element, and, if you took the advanced course, how to swallow your pride and call a repairman.
Citizen Alan
The Republican Party is now the Rape Party. Any woman who supports it, supports this.
Citizen Dave
FYI, It’s Cheryl Hines, not Hinds. It’s been bewildering to watch her marriage to that bulbous nut. I enjoyed her work on Curb Your Enthusiasm.
I’ll never understand how the Catholic Church is still a going concern.
I thought the Cheryl Hines story was a joke. I feel sorry for the Onion. I really thought it was satire. At this point, what is satire. The Republican Party: Weird, Creepy and Gross. It is a good way to encapsulate all the chaff Trump throws out, weird, creepy and gross. It keeps you from being mentally overwhelmed.
@Citizen Dave: Thanks, fixed.
Citizen Alan
The “mainline churches” are merely enablers of the Talibangelicals. I suppose if the UU Church suddenly became the dominant branch of Christianity overnight, it would be something to talk about. But there is no balance of any value to be found in the daylight between the Christians whose lives are utterly dominated by vicious cruelty and the Christians who favor the same general policies but who want to be “nice” about it.
Harrison Wesley
@TBone: A vaginal candle,a UV light up the ass…sounds like a party! And super healthy,too!
@Harrison Wesley:
I heard it cures covid.
Jessica Valenti (feminist who writes about abortion) says media and Republicans are propagandizing against birth control and medication abortion to manufacture consent to ban both.
I think it’s true. You see a lot of it on the media/far Right site, Twitter. It is just so funny how these supposedly uber sophisticated and expensively educated people have stupidly adopted far Right religious beliefs that are wrapped in a thin veneer of woo-woo “health”.
Citizen Alan
@Citizen Dave: In substantial parts of the world, they’re the only game in town. Are there any other religions in Central/South America and in Africa with the infrastructure to provide social services to believers like the Catholics do? Mind you, I suspect Evangelical growth among Latinos is at the expense of the Catholic Church.
Toyota is running a series of “made in America” ads on the Toledo tv channel where I watch local news. I was struck by how all the workers pictured are white men. I wonder if we’ll see Black people and women disappear from advertising (other than for ‘womens products’ – cleaning, cooking, etc).
The US is going so far Right it’s scary. I recognize it’s worldwide, but I still thought Americans would perhaps value FREEDOM more than that. Apparently not. This is the US version of Brexit – a wholly self inflicted injury that will only get worse.
Miss Bianca
LOL. I mean, ain’t it always the way? All these incels loudly bleating about how they want to be “manly men” and all these women going, “HUH, WHAT’S STOPPING YOU, BRO?”
Huh…guess you must not be much of a man, then, if the only way you can manage it is by putting women down.
Bill Arnold
“Make me a sandwich,” sometimes deliberately misspelled as “Make me a sammich,” is a catchphrase often used by male internet users to mock, discredit or annoy female internet users, playing off of the sexist trope[1] which states that women belong in the kitchen.
Which led to a classic XKCD. (“sudo” is basically the voice of god in unix systems.)
sudo make me a sandwich
To which, one workable response is “OK, you are now a sandwich”. Maybe with “master” mixed in.
I don’t know why we think she’s an “enabler”. I would assume she’s genuinely far Right. Being a grifter is so intrinsic to being on the far Right it’s part of the belief system.
He’s just repulsive though. I’m mystified by both Nuzzi and Hines. Yuck. Does choosing this disgusting murderous nepo baby-man reflect poorly on them? Yeah, it does. Birds of a feather…
Omnes Omnibus
I would like a sandwich.
Steve LaBonne
@Citizen Alan: Ridiculous comment. By the way UUs are not Christians.
The politics of sandwich making is far less fraught in lesbian marriages: EXCEPT that one, early in our marriage, meatball, sauce, and mozzarella one I made for my wife to take to work. One of her (also lesbian) coworkers was astounded. Her significant other was fobbing off all kinds of duties onto her, coupled with serious negging. Everything from income, to child care for the shirkers kid, to cleaning and all of it. I made HER a sandwich too the next time, and my wife taught her how to stand up and put her foot down about the bad attitude and no gratitude. Things turned around overnight!
You can do a lot of good making someone a Sandwich, if coupled with a lesson.
@Steve LaBonne: Unfortunately there are a lot of evangelical churches in Hispanic communities and these appear to be growing.
Steve LaBonne
@FelonyGovt: As they are in Latin America where they are a main prop of the far right.
Miss Bianca
@Omnes Omnibus: Hey, me too! While you’re up, would you get one for me?
There are many women who are willing to enable abusers for their own ends.
We have to start making a distinction between “financially successful” and “decent person” and “expensively educated” and “decent person” and “from a famous family” and “decent person”.
These people lack character. They were poorly raised. Half a million towards education won’t fix that, money won’t fix it, and a famous last name won’t fix it. Character is apart from all that.
Absolutely ridiculous.
Old School
I guess I could track down the original video, but I don’t really want to watch it.
But is there a particular reason it was filmed in front of a showering RFK Jr.?
It looks like cult rescuing is going to become a thing again. When you’ve been brought up in a cult and have no avenue to connect with outsiders it’s exponentially harder than when a woman marries into the cult. These fundie churches are essentially trying to keep a breeding stock intact so they have someone who will produce the next generation of gullible, frightened marks to grift off of. The (tel)evangelical movement is first and foremost a money making operation (think 700 Club). The leaders are not trained in theology. They are trained in marketing and the economics of how to play by the non-profit rules so they make as much money as possible.
Recruiting new congregantsWitnessing is mandatory for members because that’s the only way to keep the Ponzi scheme going.It’s great that they are losing members but there will continue to be those who don’t have any easy way out because they have no outside contacts to get help from or communities where they will feel safe if they choose to leave. And they have all been groomed to be helpless and won’t easily be able to transition to supporting themselves because they have no job skills, education or training.
If you want to continue to play the blame game on these fundie white women for their voting habits, you need to include conservative Black and Hispanic fundamentalist into the call out. The increase in young women voter registration was probably in part due to women in these fundy televangelist cults being told to register and it’s likely their spouses or fathers filled out their mail in ballots or groomed them into believing they’ll go to hell if they ‘cheat’ on their fathers/husbands by filling out the ballot incorrectly. This is one subsegment that might be receptive to deprogramming if they are given a safe space to get better information and help disengaging from their existing homogeneous communities.
@Spanky: She has excellent knife skills.
@catclub: And while it does contain elements of copium probably about half (or at least some significant portion of them at least 1/4) of them voted for a fantasy of person that in no way overlaps with the reality.
This isn’t entirely copium because that’s is itself problem with a capital “P” and no obvious or short term solution but it does give some perspective.
Harrison Wesley
@Kay: “I love you, and want to have your brain worm!”
@Kay: She’s just as much a low life GOPer nutter as he is.
@Gloria DryGarden:
That’s EXACTLY what it sounds like
@Gloria DryGarden:
My dad always cooked. He made better pancakes than anybody and his shortbread cookies are still to die for. I wonder how Doug Wilson explains all the male chefs?
@FDRLincoln: Requires liking your partner, viewing them as a partner, and sometimes effort on your part so uh it’s the worst.
Though they do like wrap it up in essentialism and how the roles they push are inherent and abrogating them leads to things like dancing and chaos.
Hierarchy is this almost palpable essential element for them as opposed simply a necessary or at easily found solution to organizational challenges.
@Ohio Mom: The only caveat I have to that is that they seem to have built putatively secular replacements. Some of the reactionary stuff includes a call to “return” what in my lapsed Catholic mind is essentially heretical bizarro X-tianity (Oh God is Elon going to try to trademark that?) but some is comfortable using what is basically 19th century throwback race and gender, ahem, science.
Though any loss of power for current white evangelicals is going to be at worst a wash and most likely at least something of a net positive. They are that toxic.
There is a new far Right womens magazine – the NYTimes promotes it. It’s called “Eve” (because of course it is).
It’s filled with science-cy sounding articles warning about birth control and profiles of perfectly manicured “tradwives” who are all wealthy. Perfect for the new, dumber United States reader.
Sounds sinful.
@Kay: Perfect. Didn’t there used to be a douche by that name?
I for one have zero expectations from an actor on an HBO sitcom. She is not an elected official
Women like her have make misogyny and racism possible and have since the beginning of time.
@Harrison Wesley: big writeup about what’s in store with MAHA
@John S.:
That’s the point I was making some time ago about the power of woman. There is a movement amongst women to not have sex with men period. Called the ‘4B Movement’
This should scare the shit out of people because it’s the next stage of “my body, my choice”. Some of these stories of men who cannot not have sex and how it turns into anger and frustration. Wooboy.
Women deciding not to have children, not have sex – it will turn Christianity on its ear.
@Splitting Image:
The number of women who have free time to donate free labor is dwindling. And no amount of propaganda from the pulpit would change that, even if the women still wanted to.
People who used to volunteer now use that time for their side hustle, their multiple streams of income — or shuffle their own kids around. Working takes more time for everyone, period.
Churches have always been misogynistic, but if you’re going to rip away even the pretense of status (derived or not), why bother?
The religiosity-accounting fraud nexus is something we don’t talk about enough as well. If everyone is complaining about increased COLA, who has time to tithe to another unaccountable organization with sus leadership? Not me.
I think the women who want to socialize with each other will still find ways to do it. And the men and the women who still remain will just use their money to hire help for that formerly unpaid labor to fill the need gap for labor. The church potluck will be catered and that’ll be part of their prosperity gospel. Maybe they hire some other workers (no points for how they’ll be treated or what labor laws will be broken, amended. I’m sure there are exemptions for churches and more will be coming on labor laws.).
ETA: The commitment a lot of religious institutions demonstrate in enabling Missing Stairs is a major reason I’m not as religious as I was when I was younger. It is so damaging to faith in ways they refuse to acknowledge.
“They’re so weird” may not have tilted an election but that does not make it inaccurate.
@cain: It will require “Christians” to mentally torture their daughters until the only thing they want to do is have children, that way the “right” people are born.
Chris Johnson
@Lobo: How can you feel sorry for the Onion? They own Infowars now. :D
When reality out-Onions the Onion, the Onion out-realities reality!
I’m going to miss this guy.
Harrison Wesley
@TBone: Oh goody.
Glory b
Pete Hegseth. Even worse than you thought, makes Matt Gaetz look pretty harmless by comparison.
Glory b
@Elizabelle: Yes. Summer’s Eve.
Gloria DryGarden
@TBone: i am NOT going to be putting a candle up my Vajay. Nope. I hear those yoni steam things are of no benefit either, though it might feel good. But no candles. I do not consent.
GSV Sleeper Service
Everytime Idaho ends up in the news, it’s for something shitty. Doug Wilson’s been a plague on Moscow Idaho for years.
@Kay: Of course they are, I knew they would. They think women should face the risk of pregnancy if they want to have sex, and that it’s bad that they don’t have to now. When you tell people stuff like this, though, they look at you like you’re crazy.
Gloria DryGarden
@TBone: well we can simplify mental health for women. Just put us in obedience training. Teach us to suppress any feelings, any anger or resistance, so we become sick internally from it, but that’s ok, because we won’t inconvenience men with the tides of pms and emotion. Get us used to gaslighting, teach us to be numb,and only give to others.
you betcha.
lots of us already had enough of that in our childhoods. I call it abuse.
im being sarcastic in that first paragraph. That shit has NO place in how people treat each other.
@Gloria DryGarden: I was making a joke about Gwyneth Paltrow selling scented candles! And her other many flavors of bullshit. I don’t know about anything else having to do with flame and female anatomy and I’ma keep it that way if I can.
Omnes Omnibus
@Miss Bianca: Sure, no problem.*
*And this is how it’s done.
@Gloria DryGarden: they’d have to put me in a muzzle!
@Citizen Alan: I think Assemblies of God is pretty active in Africa. One of my caretakers is a girl who was adopted by her family from Liberia when she was less than 2 years old. She’s black; I suspect her adoptive family is white, although I’ve never seen pictures of them. She’s going to Evangel University, which is behind my house and is the flagship university of the Assemblies of God.
This’ll turn out just fine.
@Kay: I doubt it will go that far, because advertisers know what the future holds demographically. Whenever I hear someone complain about how there are “so many black people” in the ads, I say that the companies are trying to make money and they know who their customers are, and they’re marketing to those people. McDonald’s doesn’t do things just because they’re “woke”.
Poetry time.
If Adam Picked the Apple
– October 27, 2024
by Danielle Coffyn
If Adam Picked the Apple
There would be a parade,
a celebration,
a holiday to commemorate
the day he sought enlightenment.
We would not speak of
temptation by the devil, rather,
we would laud Adam’s curiosity,
his desire for adventure
and knowing.
We would feast
on apple-inspired fare:
tortes, chutneys, pancakes, pies.
There would be plays and songs
reenacting his courage.
But it was Eve who grew bored,
weary of her captivity in Eden.
And a woman’s desire
for freedom is rarely a cause
for celebration.
Gloria DryGarden
@Baud: 1 when I had Covid I was coughing too much to hold a candle. It wouldn’t be safe, and if I set the house on fire, it would cure all my problems at once.
2 too cold in my house for the attire this candle business would require
3 im saving my candles for the inaugural street theater, when we all blow out our candles at the same time as soon as some guy puts his hand on his book to take an oath (in vain)
4 additional candle is for if the power goes out
5 strong conviction about who gets to say what I put in my body
6 if they come to arrest the Obama, the cabinet, the recent doj folks, a lot of us will need candles, for a lot of purposes at any protests. Can’t think what for, just a hunch.
No Nym
“Students at ACCS schools who said they were sexually abused by teachers reported being blamed for causing the older men to ‘stumble.’ Women say they’ve been blamed for being raped, for husbands who abuse alcohol and for men’s infidelity.”
These are the people we are supposed to accept as our masters—the ones who have no ability to control their own impulses and accept no accountability for their own actions? Next they will want women here in burqas so they don’t feel tempted. Wimps. I am so completely tired of these people.
@suzanne: Reminds me of my dog.
@Kay: Japanese car companies in America have always put their factories out in the rural boondocks so they mostly only get white workers.