On the Road is a weekday feature spotlighting reader photo submissions.
From the exotic to the familiar, whether you’re traveling or in your own backyard, we would love to see the world through your eyes.
Captain C
In the movie A League of Their Own*, the last scenes of the movie take place in a new Women in Baseball exhibit, with the members of the AAGPBL (All American Girls’ Professional Baseball League) being there for the dedication. While the exhibition has changed since then (and is smaller than it was in the movie), there’s still a tribute to women in baseball, from the early days in the 1800s through the AAGBPL to current times. This photoset covers that exhibit.
Entering the exhibit.
A wide view of the first part of the exhibit.
Vassar College baseball team from around the time of the founding of the National League (which played its first games a few months before the Battle of Little Big Horn, for temporal perspective; the Vassar club had begun play ten years earlier, the year after the Civil War ended).
Uniforms from the AAGPBL.
Uniform worn by Stacy Pigano, who in 2017 became the third woman since the 1950s to win a men’s minor league game, next to a uniform worn by ‘turn of the (19th-20th) century semipro sensation and future doctor Alta Weiss; note the bloomers as Weiss correctly understood that sliding in a dress or skirt is a bad and painful idea.
I’m sure Dr Weiss was an excellent physician.
I knew nothing about this piece of baseball history. Thanks for the tour.
Looks like a great exhibit!
Ken Burns needs to do a documentary on women in baseball. There is so much we don’t know.
Dorothy A. Winsor
The Resolutes look fierce.
I love the fact that women have been playing baseball since the civil war. Wikipedia has a decent page on the history of women in baseball: it is amazing how so many women kept insisting that they play: They MUST have been fierce, as Dorothy said, and have a love of sport that I admire, even though I don’t share it.
One of my favorite baseball trivia questions: Lots of professional baseball players in the modern era had grandfathers, fathers, and brothers who were also pro ball players. But which pro baseball player had a Mom that was also a pro??
My mom, who passed two years ago today was a player. Giving it up was a condition my dad put on their marriage. He thought it was cynical cheesecake.
Captain C
@HinTN: You’re welcome! It was an interesting and illuminating exhibit.
Captain C
@J.: It was
@Betty: I would watch that.
@Dorothy A. Winsor: As a Vassar alum herself, Dame N was very happy to see this photo.
Captain C
@JeanneT: Indeed they were.
(* Goes into librarian mode *)
This looks like an interesting book (GoodReads link, here’s their description):
Captain C
@CliosFanBoy: I had to look that up which led to this article.