MTG, Gosar, et. al. seem fairly crazy, but Nancy Mace seems to be the one Republican Member of Congress where crazy is a way of life:
A man has been arrested, and Nancy Mace is wearing a wrist brace and shoulder sling after the South Carolina congresswoman said she was “physically accosted” in a Capitol office building on Tuesday afternoon.
Mace claims she was “was physically accosted at the Capitol” by “a pro-tr*ns man.”
“One new brace for my wrist and some ice for my arm and it’ll heal just fine,” Mace wrote on X. “Your tr*ns violence and threats on my life will only make me double down.” […]
Three attendees told The Imprint that McIntyre, 33, had done nothing more than shake the Mace’s hand and exchange a few words. Mace is a co-chair of the bipartisan foster care caucus, and she spoke at the event.
Elliott Hinkle, a youth LGBTQ+ rights advocate, told The Imprint that McIntyre shook Mace’s hand and made a comment that the many transgender youth in foster care “need your support.”
“From what I saw, it was a normal handshake and interaction that I would expect any legislator to expect from anyone as a constituent,” Hinkle said, adding that an aide to Mace later tracked McIntyre down and asked for his name and to repeat his comments to the representative. Two other witnesses corroborated his description of events.
Who knows what happened, but her former comms director has weighed in:
I hate these people.
The days slide by
Should have done,
should have done, we all sigh
Never thought I’d ever be so lonely
After such a long, long time
Time out of mind
Old School
I’ve acted like I’m in pain after a child has shaken my hand, but I’ve never taken it to the next level and added a sling.
I hope she releases the doctor’s report.
Changing the subject because I would like to completely starve that fucking woman of oxygen.
Here’s some Will Stancil
Stancil on Bluesky appears at the link. (I do not necessarily agree with all of his takes.)
If I were a nasty person I’d say she looks like she’s posing for pictures for some women in slings fetish website.
We won’t get fooled again!
– The Who
“The judge ordered McIntyre to remain 100 feet from the Congress member and — over the objections of his attorney — he must now stay away from the nation’s capital. ”
Foster Advocate Pleads Not Guilty to Handshake Assault on Rep. Mace
How can a judge ban someone from an entire city when there’s been no trial?
I love (detest) her attempt to make trans be the new n-word with the *. I would ask her how to pronounce it.
In other words, don’t do anything near Mace if you don’t have a camera running.
Melancholy Jaques
I don’t know Will Stancil at all, but I am increasingly intolerant of people who say shit like this:
Yes, yes. I’m sure it’s all our fault. Please go fuck yourself, please.
I’m not going to say what I’m wishing on this horrible example of a human.
@Belafon: Would be interesting if there is surveillance camera footage.
@Melancholy Jaques: In all fairness, it’s pretty clear from context that Stancil was referring to elected Dems.
And I do tend to agree with him that the Cult of the Savvy is going to be the death of the party.
My dad – staunch Republican – used to lie like this. It didn’t matter if something did or did not happen but it COULD HAVE happened so he’s correct to responding as if it had.
Some activist or another COULD HAVE assaulted Mace so she thinks herself completely in the right for play acting as if it did happen. The next step will be her inevitable claim that it was all “satire” at the expense of trans people.
Old School
Their dream world is one where their lies would get innocent people imprisoned.
comrade scotts agenda of rage
@Melancholy Jaques:
Stancil is a massive clown. Think of him as a 3rd Rate Matt Yglesias…who by definition is already 3rd rate.
hells littlest angel
Any more, when I hear Nancy Mace’s name, I think that while it is very rare for a woman to falsely claim to have been raped, it is maybe just a little bit less rare among southern white women.
I don’t know about that arm, but I think that forehead is getting ready to explode. And that picture looks like the view through a door peephole.
Nicholas Grossman nails one of the main problems with the dream of a Progressive Version of Rightwing Media/Our Own Joe Rogan:
We do.
The reason her wrist was injured is that her body reacted violently to someone asking her to be concerned about the wellbeing of others.
Chief Oshkosh
@Belafon: Or, conversely, do a whole bunch if you don’t.
If there’s a trial, everyone should show up wearing a sling.
Gosh, after reading this story, I don’t want to hear anything ever again about Dem messaging. Nancy Mace is a shock jock, an agit-prop actor, and the rightwing base and low-info voter eat her crap up. Someone recently said that Americans are the least serious voters. It’s not interests that motivate them but the vibes, the laughs (always at someone else’s expense), the kicks. I don’t think Dems are awful. They make mistakes but the party as a whole tries hard to govern, to pass legislation, to ensure some measure of equality. It’s just that this is not what folks want until a pandemic or an economic depression hit. Till that time, well, the public is here for the laughs at the less fortunate.
J. Arthur Crank
@Barney: Did the judge mean the capitol building?
@tobie: All of this. Reading about Nancy Mace yesterday, I thought it was pathetic and desperately thirsty, but I’m not the target. No question in my mind that it would work with Republican voters. They know this isn’t true or real. But they like this. Especially from a woman this begging for attention probably makes them feel powerful.
West of the Rockies
Fuck her and her would-be pouty-sexy victimhood. Does she wear a black cocktail dress on the House floor?
You are spot-on.
Mace, like others in the elected MAGA world, is at minimum a malignant narcissist and possibly a psychopath. They get traction because they know their claims/lies–no matter how outrageous–will never been investigated fully, if at all.
They construct a false world in which they can do and say whatever they want, and thereby increase their own influence while simultaneously feeding their low-grade sadism by harming defenseless people. As long as there are flying monkeys willing to assist them, MAGA psychopaths will thrive.
Mai Naem mobile ¹
I just this woman at some point will make a misstep and take it too far and then just implode in her own bullshit. And then years later you’ll either see her on CSPAN at some fringe anti LGBTQ event or her pic on a realtors for sale sign. A pic where you’ll tell yourself ‘Nancy Mace, that name sounds familiar and the face kinda looks familiar from some way back scandal….’
@Old School:
IOW, no doctor, paramedic, or other medical professional suggested that she needs a sling, nor did any such person prescribe or recommend the use of a sling. She had someone go to CVS or Walgreens and buy her the sling that she’s now wearing. And that’s the sole ‘evidence’ that anyone did her any harm.
I can’t believe a judge was suckered by this bullshit.
@Old School: Mace will release the report as soon as the president releases his report about the bullet the glazed his ear.
Bill Arnold
Nancy Mace forgot to use her alt twitter account (or one of them, if she has more than one alt) when replying to a couple of her own tweets about her “injury” resulting from an “assault”. She mixed up pronouns, using “her” instead of “my”, for example.
She is a liar, and should be arrested for a false police report, IMO, and sued for causing a false arrest.
From 2021:
CAUGHT: ‘Antifa Graffiti’ Matches GOP Rep’s Handwriting – Nancy Mace should resign for faking an “Antifa attack” on her own home. (Frances Langum — June 2, 2021)
I remember when Nancy came bursting into the National Prayer Breakfast announcing she was late because she had been having sex with her boyfriend. Hard to get more desperate for attention than that. The media should consider all her actions in light of that kind of nonsense.
Betty Cracker
For me, what makes it extra infuriating is that Mace portrays herself as a martyr for sticking up for women. She’s a bully who claims victimhood, every damn time. No matter what the issue, when she gets criticized for stupid and/or outrageous actions, she claims her critics are sexist and whines about other women not rushing to her defense. Meanwhile, she’s as much a “feminist” as Donald Trump or Pete Hegseth.
Thanks – I was trying to remember if that was her or someone else.
Every GOP Presidency since 1989 has seen a net decline in private sector job growth. Ironically, it is public sector growth, in small amounts, that accounts for any gain in employment at all under these three Presidents.
Would that make Stancil 6th rate or 9th rate?
@George: The GOP under Trump seems to have become kind of a grooming society for pols with sociopathic tendencies.
I like Reuters’ headline on this one:
US Capitol Police arrest suspect that Representative Nancy Mace says attacked her
and this from their very short article:
I will put up the WaPost story gift link next. They make it quite clear, the police responded to what a member of Congress said happened.
If you’re a certain age, you’ll realize immediately why this is Nancy Mace(sorry — you need to be logged in to see it):
I hope the people who cast votes for her are satisfied with being represented by a crazy bitch who most definitely doesn’t give a shit about their actual needs.
@Bill Arnold: Yep. It’ll never happen.
John S.
If anything, the last decade has taught me that judges love to get suckered by bullshit. That’s practically a job description of the current SCOTUS.
Chief Oshkosh
OMFG, just use plain language: “Nancy Mace lied about being assaulted. She is a liar who is getting people hurt and she ENJOYS having that power.”
FFS, just be plain, simple, clear.
Chief Oshkosh
@John S.: Yep. Judges always default to protecting the status quo.
Long excerpts from the WaPost article — and here is a gift link, so you can read it in full yourself. They are not out over their skis; it is very clear that this all followed what Mace said. There does not seem to be any further corroboration. Their headline is:
Foster advocacy group denies that arrested member assaulted Rep. Nancy Mace
The foster advocacy group says the man simply shook hands with the congresswoman.
I could not find a copy of the US Capitol Police report. Could one of you find it??
We’ll see whether this makes a difference anywhere [my bold]:
If Nancy is going to insist on her House floor bathroom bill I would suggest someone file a bill along these lines:
The Sergeant at Arms shall be required to conduct a visual genital inspection of all those who wish to use said bathrooms in order to insure that they are using the correct facilities.
That should satisfy her.
@tobie: Exactly. It’s the same damn grotesque double standard we see played out every single day. Democrats have to be perfect, Republicans can literally just make shit up, and still the Democrats get blamed for not doing it right, or at least not right enough (especially by theoretically fellow Democrats).
comrade scotts agenda of rage
My guess is such voters consider that a feature, not a bug.
This incident either happened, or it did not. I hope it blows up in Mace’s face, if she misstated the episode.
@J. Arthur Crank: Other reports say “the District of Columbia”, so I don’t think so. Unless it was “the Capitol” and all the reporters have misunderstood.
Bill Arnold
She needs pushback and mockery as an attention-seeking liar, IMO.
Someone needs to find the clip from Hardware Wars where the Obi-Wannabe goes all “oh, don’t worry, just go on without me!” and the rest of the crew all turn around in contempt “aw, martyr, yeah, let’s go” because everyone could *tell* he was just playing it up for sympathy.
Then Truth it in Nance Mace’s face like, uh, mace, every time she types anything.
John S.
My thoughts exactly, even if the MSM wants to he said/she said this nonsense.
You are wise.
The biggest difference between right-wing media and any potential left-wing, maybe pro-Democrat media, is right-wing media only has to appeal to white resentment at a changing world.
A liberal media equivalent would have to appeal to blacks, white liberals, Asians, some Hispanics, LGBTQ+ people, environmentalists, etc. and sometimes the priority of one group doesn’t align with the priorities of other groups.
Right-wing media only has to fuel white resentment against a changing world.
Mistermix’s Yahoo link at top has a tweet with first two pages of the police report.
Only new details: McIntyre is a white male. And Mace was referred to as “victim” throughout. No information on witness accounts in the two pages shown.
Very true.
My guess is she is positioning herself to primary Lindsey Graham.
She is more evidence that what Congressman James Petigru of South Carolina said in1860 is still true: “South Carolina is too small for a republic and too large for an insane asylum.”
@lowtechcyclist: You’re seeing it from the wrong direction. Mace has a right to level an accusation; whether the police were right to arrest her or not is one of those non-questions. Cops *can* arrest if they *think* the law has been broken. And having made an arrest, certain things must happen; a process must be gone through, and it will involve judges who must perform the performative parts. Then the DA or whomever has to decide if the evidence warrants charges, etc., and, that process must play out, because even if Mace is lying, she deserves the full protection of the law, which includes investigation of wrongdoing against her. (Note how this should nullify “Stand Your Ground” which also destroys equal protection.)
One thing that might happen, is, Mace might “generously” decide not to press charges, with the glare that says “helpless tranny, I can hurt you!” because she really just wanted to pretend to be attacked by transfolk, and who cares if a tranny loses their freedom temporarily and are put in fear for far worse? If that were the case – obviously, all speculative – I’d hope she gets Smartmaticked and RubyShayed all at the same time, if that serves the name of justice.
It was probably a big deal to be invited to a reception at the Rayburn House Office Building. And this guy from Illinois spent the night in jail, on a Member of Congress’s allegation.
@WTFGhost: You rang?
sentient ai from the future
This shitgoblin is threatening media outlets with defamation.
Someone light the wonkette-signal!
@Melancholy Jaques: see, then you weren’t mad about Nancy Mace! (What part of my “I don’t necessarily agree” was hard for you?)
@sentient ai from the future: hahahaha!
This version of the New York Times cover would have been way more accurate.
They actually mean Time.
Trigger warning for pictures of the orange shitstain.
Harrison Wesley
So that’s why Trump doesn’t want to talk about trans issues – because he’s afraid they’ll twist his arm?
@Elizabelle: The police report will *only* include the information needed to make the arrest. Remember: she didn’t cry out in pain, drawing the police, who demanded to know what happened. She made a report to the police. The police aren’t going to take random witness statements under those circumstances.
Now, with no evidence that a crime occurred, no charges should be filed, and, the DA or whomever should be hearing from the witnesses just in case they’re going to consider filing charges anyway.
Okay, but, that won’t be in the arresting officer’s report. Witness statements would be sought if the cops came to Mace’s crying out in pain, but not to a complaint filed later. How could the cops know the witnesses saw the event, if the cops didn’t arrive while it was happening, to see who was there?
@sentient ai from the future: It’s not defamation if you’re calling an orange shitstain an orange shitstain.
Yeah, cops aren’t supposed to decide that a particular victim is lying because she belongs to a political party, even though we feel pretty solid in not trusting Mace’s account.
I feel sorry for whoever has to do discovery in that case.
FWIW: here is a bio with photo of James McIntyre.
And. Stay classy, Nancy Mace. From a good article in The Imprint (Youth and Family News):
Rep. Danny Davis was in the room when alleged incident happened; he was not aware of any commotion. GOP Rep Don Bacon had attended the event briefly, but was quick to say neither he nor any of his staff were present at the time.
Davis’s take, per The Imprint:
In 2014, Vera Scroggins (who later turned out to be a nut job regarding woo health and vaccines, etc. but that’s another story) was banned from almost her entire hometown here in PA because she had the temerity to shine a light on the damage and death fracking was causing in her locale.–finance.html
stolenappropriated for distribution amongst my comrades.Elizabelle
@WTFGhost: Thank you. Appalling the guy was sent to jail, though.
Maybe they’re on hair trigger after the United Healthcare CEO shooting?
I can fix her.
@Quicksand: hahahaha!
This kid sings a little ditty that reminds me of Bob Dylan or Pete Seeger (about United Healthcare, NOT Luigi).
@TBone: Be good enough to warn them of the disgustingness.
@FluxAmbassador: My mom lies this brazenly now (“no, you are clearly not wearing a Depends, because you’re naked and it isn’t invisible”), but in her defense, she has dementia.
@mrmoshpotato: will do hahahahaha! (My friends and family don’t wear pearls though).
I have never believed that she was raped years ago. Don’t believe this “attack” either.
Kayla Rudbek
@matt: they are the spiritual descendants of the Inquisition and the Protestant witchfinders
Kayla Rudbek
@prostratedragon: a Republican administration lets the federal government buy all the equipment it wants, but won’t hire anyone to use it.
Professor Bigfoot
@UncleEbeneezer: I want to understand WHY that is?
MSNBC was supposed to be the Fox of the “left,” and what do they do?
Criticize Democrats.
Almost like there’s a generalized hate for Democrats.
@Professor Bigfoot:
Donkeys are the new black.
America, when both Kevin McCarthy and Adam Kinzinger (who loathe each other, but have seen Mace in action/up close) both tell y’all repeatedly that Nancy Mace is nuts and they hope she gets some help soon, you know she’s nuts.
Harrison Wesley
@Professor Bigfoot: Who picks up the tab for MSNBC? A little bit liberal, a lot rich.
@oldgold: That’s if Graham runs again. He might not. In fact I don’t think he will.
But regardless, Mace wants that Senate seat, and whoever wins the Republican primary will get it.
@Professor Bigfoot: I can’t watch it! Agree re MSNBC. A few (I am told) good evening shows does not make up for their tack of constant criticizing, belittling, and giving a mic to known liars for “balance.”
Professor Bigfoot
@gene108: I think William of Ockham would agree with you.
Everything about Nancy Mace is a fraud. From her experience at The Citadel to her 10-year quest to run for office in South Carolina to her term in Congress. She did this routine before claiming that ANTIFA people made graffiti on her house only to be exposed as a lie.
She remains unfit to be in Congress or wear a Citadel Ring.
@Chief Oshkosh: Some of us “think out loud” and don’t want to say “this crazy bitch is a lying liar who lies” because, to us, that’s not thinking, that’s *concluding*. There’s a place for plain language, for sure, but also a place for careful, thoughtful, “let me absorb everything I can learn, before I say, for sure, that X_event happened (even though most of us were 95% sure day 1, 99.99% sure by day 2…).”
My humble opinion of course, and if you don’t like it, well, I have others.
Professor Bigfoot
@Baud: And Jews.
Let us not leave our fellow “hated other” out of the discussion. ;)
As predicted by several jackals here: Amazon has a Help Wanted ad up for
The job description says the ideal candidates are
copslaw enforcement with people skills.Professor Bigfoot
@Harrison Wesley: But the point remains, doesn’t it?
These media outlets and media personalities are predisposed to hating Democrats, aren’t they? Even the ones that weren’t supposed to be.
My point, as my man Baud gets– the Democrats are perceived as the party of Black people, and are hated as such.
@Elizabelle: She almost (that almost is the last gasps of my liberal heart trying to hold onto epistemic integrity) certainly did. I am not a clinician but I’m fairly sure she would be clinically diagnosable though I’m comfortable saying she is a contemptible attention seeking waste of space.
@Professor Bigfoot: Well, there *is* one problem with a Fox-Left. Fox is not a journalistic source; it’s a propaganda source, that sometimes performs journalism.
They will always report things to try to make Democrats look bad, even if they have to lie. This might be direct criticism, or, it might be showing as many crime stories as they can pack into each segment to make it look like crime is out of control, and Biden is lying about it.
And they will always report things to try to make Republicans in good graces look good, even if they have to lie, ignore major news stories, lie more, ignore more damning information, lie like a cheap rug that’s a knockoff of a cheap Persian rug that is itself a knockoff of some wall to wall carpet once installed by a company that was named Persian Rugs because the owner thought it sounded cool.
Yeah. They’ll lie *just* like that. Once you’ve heard a lie told like that, you *never* forget that type of lie again.
Where was I? Right: *some* parts could be replicated. Report the stories that will get people pissed off at Republicans, or think Republicans all wear clown shoes and dunce caps (or should be *forced* to!), or make Republicans look heartless, or report on shortages of health care, people whose lives could be saved cheaply dying, EVERY woman who dies from lack of abortion protection at the federal level, and Schiavo the ever living FUCK out of every Republican over every single one of them, no matter how cold, heartless, and thoughtless you’d have to be, to level such heat at another human being.
Um. So, you wanna hear how I really feel, or…
(Oh: I did mean that you should channel *Michael* Schiavo, when I say you should “Schiavo…” them. The man whose name was dragged through the mud so Republicans could get their jollies.)
That’s not easy. People feel icky doing stuff like that. That’s why they go into politics, instead of general-level advertising, because we don’t need people to think Progresso soups are filled with liberal cooties, so eat Campbell’s instead.
Yes, I know, the *loss* of the ick factor is a *big deal*.
Then, a liberal Fox would praise everything a Democrat did, even if it was stone cold stupid, stone cold heartless, and stone… uh… sorry, stones have complained, I have to stop using that expression.
EVERYTHING. If Biden cuts a fart, it was the fart heard round the world, the best episode of presidential flatus (unaccompanied by gouts of fecal matter, sorry, Don!) *EVER*.
Again – that’s majorly icky for liberals. Not the example subject matter, which will make the immature hide their giggles under a scowl – I mean the idea of just *praising* everything, up to, and included, where needed, his farts.
In point of fact, there’s usually an aide whose duties include claiming the blame for any unidentified body noises, so any laughter is directed at the fall guy, not the big guy. But do we really want to make this aide’s job *important*?
Um. I’m using medical marijuana so, if I’m more flippant or less mature than normal, please excuse that.
QT pie! 80 y.o. Brenda Lee rockin’ around at Target for her new (pink) vinyl album.
@Professor Bigfoot:
Good evening. Would just like to say I really appreciated all your comments about white supremacy on the morning thread (which I didn’t see until it was over) and now on this one.
You’ve been saying exactly what I’ve been thinking/feeling about this monstrosity of an election and what so many good folks* here refuse to confront.
*Not ALL good folks 😁
@Parfigliano: Um. Saying you don’t believe her, for me, crosses a line. Not a “big red line,” just a, “ew, don’t step there, it’s icky!”
Now: to show my contempt for Nancy Mace, I’ll say this: if someone told her “well, if you have sex, an decide the next day you didn’t like it you can cry rape!” – and let’s say she *did* have sex with a primo-jerk, and felt ill used. Do I believe she *could* have used such an event to claim rape, the next day? I hate to believe it, but I can’t discount the possibility. The idea that a LIEBERAL might do it sometimes excuses a teeny-tiny fib.
Wow. You can see how I refuse to step over the line of “I don’t believe her,” and why I was discussing it as *my* line, not necessarily yours, right?
And now, if you’ll excuse me….
(takes deep, deep breath, swishes one part Dave’s Insanity Sauce to 12 parts water, only through the front of the mouth, to conclusively get the taste of speaking about Nancy (spit) Mace out of the mouth)
(Runs to rinse with and gulp milk before anyone notices the tears :-) )
@Baud: Whoever has to discover in that case, looking for whater is except the bats in the belfry.
@oldgold: More likely aiming for Tim Scott’s seat, as he has said he will not run for reelection.
Old School
I don’t think anyone noticed.
Omnes Omnibus
@WTFGhost: Has anyone on this blog ever said anything that you have not felt the need to criticize or dispute?
Brant Lamb
I suggest that as many people call her “Nancy (What a Nancy!) Mace. I suspect that will get under her skin, and also be memorable.
No offense to anybody else named Nancy; it just seems she has the most appropriate name.
@Brant Lamb:
The Karens would appreciate the distraction.
Republicans weren’t always like this. Sure their policies and principles were less than stellar (OK far less) but they at least seemed to work within a set of principles that had at least some semblance of rational.
Today? They seem to be like a child’s club, play acting. And they are so good at it that it’s obvious if one’s eyes, ears and brain are open the very least possible. (Yes that is SNARK)
Dan B
@UncleEbeneezer: So, because people might say bad things about a progressive Joe Rogan we should not even try to build a progressive media. Hmmm. How many respectful words have we heard about right wing media? Hmmm. It doesn’t seem to have deterred the right wing. The impact on Americans has been terrible so…. we shouldn’t push back because, horrors, bad mean words!!
@UncleEbeneezer: I listen to a progressive radio station in Chicago. They do not spend all their time bashing Democrats. Most of what they do is tell us what Democrats ARE doing, debunking conservative talking points with facts, and currently they are talking about how to fight back and support each other
( disregarding the Thom Hartmann show, because Thom gonna Thom)
When you post a link you’re pretty much telling people you think that is worth reading.
If you’re gonna post something from someone who some people think is full of shit, don’t be surprised that you get pushback.
Another Scott
@Brant Lamb: Meh.
My mom was a Nancy.
I think there are some Nancys here as well.
It’s a good name.
Made me look though.
A review of her book about being one of the first women at The Citadel:
(Emphasis added.)
The book came out in 2001. She’s 47 now, so she was pretty young to have a big book out like that.
Trailblazers are important and often suffer a lot. But we hope and expect, if they’re good people, that they learn from their experience and help to make things better for folks that follow. She, obviously, has no intention to do that. And that makes her a monster as much as any man in a similar position.
Best wishes,
No evening thread? I am Maced out.
@MagdaInBlack: remember, according the GOP facts have a liberal bias. the only thing a ‘progressive’ media outlet has to do to be considered liberal and pro-Democrat is report the facts. what are the call letters of that station in Chicago? It would be nice to listen to some news programming that is fact based and not propaganda. I’ll bet it sounds a lot like NPR did before they became a wholly owned subsidiary of Koch Industries.
@Baud: I suppose they would, come to think of it.
Dan B
@gene108: I’d posit that what liberals / leftists have as a core talking point is we want people to be treated fairly. Tim Walz framed it well as, “Mind your own damn business.” We don’t have to do the right’s job: divide and conquer. Sure there are racist gays. There are homophobic people of color. But there are Jews who are champions of civil rights. There are wealthy liberals who feel that we’re all better off if government steps in to help people and communities who have fallen on hard times. There are poor people who want government to be more efficient. Our nirth star is: Treat people fairly and call on government to help when our other institutions cannot. And all the interest groups you name want the government to keep out of their private affairs and community standards.
They have a sister station in Minneapolis
Eta: its old school talk radio, like I grew up on. My parents had WGN radio on all day.
An amazing glaze?
@Another Scott: Don’t forget that the big thing people held against her was that she was a transfer student and did not complete the full four-year program. Her father, being the Commandant, did not help, and the fact that she was a transfer student allowed her to graduate “first” even though folks like Petra earned far more respect.
She’s nuts.
I have gotten a laugh about the Daily Mail piece about her. I posted it a couple of days ago.
It should go viral, imo.
@comrade scotts agenda of rage:
My laugh out loud of the evening. TY.
@Omnes Omnibus: Criticize or dispute? Have I been doing that?
I’ve been almost trickster-like in *not* criticizing, and humanizing, as best as I can. “*I* could do this, I know, because I have in the past,” etc..
When I said an idea crossed a line, I used a “literary device” called “hyperbole” to show that I was “cray-cray” on the issue, so, another person could laugh at my antics. Trickster, see?
Then they could go forward, aware that for some people, “I don’t believe her” is an ick line. When they encounter it, they’re a bit more ready. They will encounter it!
Further, they might understand why *they* (not why *I*) would consider it an ick line, and start saying “that actually is a bit icky for me, and listen, no offense, it’s just…”.
Now, for criticism/disputing: do I think I’m right about some things? Sure I do. You think you’re right about some things too, and I think that’s called a “comments section”.
But remember, I’m neurodivergent. If I’m saying that I want to present an idea, odds are, I just want to present an idea. Some of the ideas I present would, I hope, make the world a better place. Do you feel the same way? Sure, but about different things. So I might come off as extremely weird to you, because I’m very different, and care about such *very* different topics.
Well, it’s okay to be different. It’s okay to disagree. I’m just trying to express the differences in the way that *I* think would help bridge the gap, if a gap can be bridged, and trust me, I know I can be annoying. (I was third-eldest – I learned to be *really* annoying. But I try not to be *unintentionally* so.)
So: if I’m actually being *annoying*, unintentionally, I’ll listen, but, remember, third-eldest, I’m used to everyone telling me everything I do is wrong, so, I really need to understand the *annoyance* – the pain factor, why I should trust sis&bro *this* time, that I’m really messing up; why pie isn’t enough.
@WaterGirl: if “please go fuck yourself, please” is now deemed acceptable as “pushback,” well, alrighty then! Seems similar to sanewashing.
I am not surprised about derogatory comments, hence my pre-disclaimer. I figure Will is slightly less of an asshole than Nancy and deserves a teensy bit more oxygen than she does.
@Melancholy Jaques:
This shit right here is why I ain’t marching, protesting, donating, or anything else but voting. Assuming that still matters anymore.
Fuck these people. Fuck every goddamn useless asshole in this useless fucking country who has decided to use us as their personal punching bag because it’s easier to beat up on the people who care about you than it is to face the folks actively screwing you.
Fuckem. They can go march all they like. We all know they ain’t gonna protest in front of a Republican. They never fucking do.
Omnes Omnibus
@TBone: Why do you assume the “go fuck yourself” was aimed at you and not at the person who made the block quoted statement right before the autoerotic suggestion, i.e., Stancil?
I can make her worse.
@WTFGhost: I think I’m looking at it just fine, thanks. Because our system is supposed to protect the rights of the accused as well. He was thrown in jail overnight. Based on what?! One woman’s claim that she’d been attacked.
And something less than kicking the accused out of the city of Washington, DC should have sufficed to protect Mace, assuming she was in danger.
@Professor Bigfoot:
Worse: we’re seen as the party of Race Traitors.
The only thing they hate more than black folks, is white folks who don’t hate black folks. Because it demonstrates that they could, in fact, be better people. And probably get a lot more out of life in the process.
They hate us because we make them glimpse themselves, however obliquely, and these loud, chest-thumping, self-righteous fucking vermin fold up and crumple under the weight.
Then call us weak.
@lowtechcyclist:I feel that what you’re saying proves that abuse of the criminal justice system is a despicable, cowardly, thing to do, with wide ranging harms possible.
And if you can propose a method to repair it, we’ve been waiting for a couple-some hundred years.
If Mace is a lawyer, I’d want her to be disbarred, if she lied to officers, to get someone arrested; *then* I’d like to see civil and possible criminal penalties, commensurate with the lie to law enforcement, and the harm to the people.
But I can’t say that she shouldn’t have been able to complain to officers, and, having given a complaint that would normally result in an arrest, seeing that arrest carried out.
Part of this is how I’m neurodivergent – to me, I see something like the machinery of justice, see? And I see the merciless “start” position, and to me, the clockwork has to play out, so I’m all “no, it’s not outrageous that this is happening, this has to happen.”
I’m trying to say “no, no, that’s just the *clockwork*, it’s not outrageous. It’s *EVIL* that it’s happening, EVIL that the clock was wound, but… it’s wound and it has to go.”
Obviously, I have no idea if that makes any more/better/different sense.
@Omnes Omnibus: thank you, I did not read that carefully enough!
@Betty: Not exactly. She made a big deal out of her boyfriend wanting a wake-up call, but she put him off because she needed to attend the prayer breakfast.
I had only seen your indignation to getting pushback, which is what I responded to.
Professor Bigfoot
@WTFGhost: That’s a whole lotta words to say “we’re better humans than they are.”
I mean, that’s true, but still… ;)
@Professor Bigfoot: Heh. I have language processing difficulties, and I’m rehabbing, which makes me more talkative than you might expect.
When you *can’t* talk (in solitary, living alone, whatever), it’s like a pressure builds up, like the “Social” need in the game The Sims. It becomes easy to be a chatterbox.
I’ve spent most of my life reminding myself not to dominate a *voice* conversation, but, as long as they aren’t like me (and confuse my Nym for WaterGirl’s – which I do myself!), I should be easy enough to skip.
Short form: that should have been a blog entry from 2015 or so :-).
this might be something the Jackels want to look into if your looking for a way to resist and inform.
Op Ed Project
I took one of their seminars and it’s useful info. The point being writing and submitting op eds could be a lot more productive than only crabbing that Dems sux on blogs and social media. I think hand written letters to Reps – even the evils can be impactful as well. sort of like committing to mailing postcards for GOTV.