Ever wonder what the fuck is wrong with Florida? This partly explains it:
But there are things that are right with Florida too, like this medium-sized gator with all the teef:
Open thread!
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Ever wonder what the fuck is wrong with Florida? This partly explains it:
But there are things that are right with Florida too, like this medium-sized gator with all the teef:
Open thread!
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The Democrats need to buy space on a billboard near the entry to The Villages with a countdown calendar showing how many more days before Elon and The Donald take away their Social Security
With a “Told You So” after it happens.
Sister Golden Bear
@RepubAnon: Nah, Democrats need to stock lots more gators with all the teef within The Villages.
That’s a medium one?!
I had 2 goals today: Get out of bed. Drink coffee. So far my day is a success =-)
Can we arrange for a meetup between the gators and the humans migrating from the north?
ETA: You know, just a little ‘get acquainted’ event?
Chetan Murthy
Betty, can I say, I like your little bits of travelogue from Florida? I like them a lot. B/c I’m still so damn bitter about November, and ….. not reading about that is a balm.
That little Wrong Way sign is indeed the perfect subtitle of The Villages.
Gator looks pretty pleased with himself. Maybe he’s the one Tom was singing about!
Sweet Jeebus — I don’t think I’ll ever be able to find a reptile like that a cute thing to coo over. I feel about it the way my oldest proto-mammalian ancestors felt about the last of the dinosaurs: we are on fundamentally different teams. I’m on team fuzzy, and I just cannot with team scaly.
A Ghost to Most
It’s the bipedal reptiles you have to watch out for.
Old Man Shadow
Not that I want those pretty dinos to suffer indigestion, but it would be nice if they ate the Village fuckheads until Florida was closer to normal.
Kiddo texted a pic of her hand holding a coconut with a straw poking out, branded with “Fontainebleau Miami Beach.”
IDK if she’s technically even “seen Florida” but whatever it is she’s enjoying the hell out of it. I’d say “be on the lookout for Crockett and Tubbs,” but that’s simply too obscure a reference now.
By my count she’s now collected six Confederate states since decamping for NC last spring, with bonus competition trips to WI and MA. Her state count is approaching my life list.
@A Ghost to Most:
Along with the sharks that swim on the land.
@oldster: I’m fond of the turtles, as long as they’re not the snapping type. Sunning themselves with heads poking waaay out is just adorbs.
@lowtechcyclist: LOL, I knew exactly what that song was gonna be before I clicked. TY for Buffet on a lazy Saturday.
Interesting that you put that gator in the “what’s right” column.
But the many kinds of birds in FL you frequently feature are, indeed, quite right.
And in the, possibly, what’s wrong with these people sorting, goes this report on Luigi Mangione from MSNBC earlier today:
“Meanwhile, investigators are still working to identify a motive…”
@oldster: I’ve always liked lizards and snakes and such, but I’ve never been around gators. I like their looks, although I would want to keep a safe distance. My primordial fear is of spiders and cockroaches.
Betty Cracker
@trollhattan: The Fontainebleau is FABULOUS and definitely makes my cut of “Real Florida” treasures.
Harrison Wesley
@scav: Those signs are everywhere. They’re on Route 41, where you’d be evaporated instantly if you went the wrong way.
@Harrison Wesley: My absolute favorite place-name road-sign combo was an offramp for Normal, IL: Exit Left.
@MagdaInBlack: We can all use more Jimmy Buffett in our lives! Whatever Paradise may be like, I’m sure he’s there, and I hope he’s got a cheeseburger in one hand and a cold beer in the other.
Mr. Suzanne would love to give that gator a hug.
My state count’s been stuck at 44 for years: the six I haven’t visited are Alabama, Arkansas, Alaska, Iowa, North Dakota, and Nebraska. Just haven’t had a good time for a trip to Alaska, and the other five, I’m just not in any hurry to see.
@lowtechcyclist: And his “Gummy Just Kicked In.”
@trollhattan: You should request a photo of her on the Fountainebleu’s staircase to nowhere. FYI, there’s a hole in the wall, nondescript diner a block behind and about two blocks south of the Fountainebleu that has the most delicious empanadas and how I wish I had a greasy bag full of savory and fruit empanadas right now.
Harrison Wesley
@Suzanne: I’ve read a few stories about people down here who tried that, and none ended well. You would think it should be unnecessary to put up “Do not feed alligators” signs. Unfortunately…,
Betty Cracker
@Harrison Wesley: When I was a kid, we had a neighbor lady who would feed jumbo marshmallows (which she threw) to a gator she called “Nixon.” It was considered eccentric behavior!
@laura: Mmmm, empanadas! I love the picadillo ones.
Harrison Wesley
@Betty Cracker: There was a local incident around here a few months ago when an intoxicated young man tried to handfeed a gator and lost an arm. He didn’t seem exceptionally bitter, but did admit to using poor judgement.
O/T Nancy Pelosi had hip replacement surgery at the US military base in Germany, after her fall, and is doing well.
zhena gogolia
Looking for something else, I just found a meticulously typed letter I sent to Walter Mondale on Nov. 7, 1984, telling him how ashamed I was to be an American! So I’ve had this feeling before!
Poe Larity.
When it comes to Dystopian Hellscapes, I think more A Boy And His Dog.
@Sister Golden Bear: that was my idea. Maybe add more of pic 2 to pic 1 and walaaa problem solved
Steve LaBonne
@RepubAnon: The old farts did better than Xers though, didn’t they?
@laura: I’ve never been an empanada person-too much crust for me
Nukular Biskits
@Harrison Wesley:
The alligator? Or the young man?
@Jackie: As I understand it, hip replacement recovery is not as difficult as knee replacement. My husband’s boss was back in the office 3 days after his hip replacement. There is no way in hell I could have done that 3 days after knee replacement!
Although I heard a story about a guy who “felt so good” one day after knee replacement, he mowed his yard. He regretted that decision, spent the next few days on the couch. His drugs must have been way better than mine, lol!
zhena gogolia
@Quiltingfool: Three days after hip replacement sounds fictional.
Are there dots I’m supposed to connect with those two photos?
That’s good to hear!
What, there’s a topic to be off of? ;-)
@Jackie: God bless her.
No issues with insurance coverage to slow it down, was my very first thought, however bitter that thought may have been.
May he never get the opportunity!
Harrison Wesley
@Nukular Biskits: Hmmm. I see that I might have been implying that the gator thought the young man tasted bitter.
@Betty Cracker: We stayed at the Fountainbleu way back when and got upgraded to the Burt Reynolds suite. Only time I’ve been in a hotel room with a doorbell. Pictures of Burt and his movie posters all through the suite and his Playgirl centerfold over the bed IIRC. I think the place has been renovated since then and the BR suite is no more, what a shame.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
To many white people cosplay as rugged individualist farmers, who don’t need any government handout, collecting social security.
Shit head and his butt boy are at Army-Navy game. It makes me puke to see that motherfucker saluting.
zhena gogolia
@raven: You sound like me! I have similar epithets for them.
Bill Arnold
Re the sign, first thought was (google translated) “Ruhestand macht frei”. Sigh.
Nope Nope Nope. I have said it before and I will say it again. I do not swim in the ocean and I don’t go camping. Cuz there’s nature in there! I would rather deal with the muggers and pickpockets.
Betty Cracker
@raven: Gross!
Bill Arnold
How lazy are gators? That one looks active.
I was on a safari (small, 8 people plus guides, 2 minibuses) in Kenya roughly 2007, and one night, stayed at a posh complex inside an electric fence in one of the huge protected wildlife parks.
It was right by a river, with crocodiles along the banks.
Outside the restaurant building, there were a few tame-ish very very well fed crocodiles who were fed meat scraps.
Sometimes meat would land in an open mouth, and the croc wouldn’t bother to move.
@lowtechcyclist: I would think it would be a cheeseburger and a margarita, but what do I know.
I was going to make gnocchi today–I bought a wad of potatoes from the farm share in anticipation of doing so–but I am very much not in the mood for doing that much work. I’m trying to convince myself that I should age them for a few weeks anyway. The meal was going to be venison, caramelized onions, wine-soaked mushrooms, potato skins–leftover from the gnocchi-making–and cheesy broccoli in the skins. But baked potatoes sounds just fine; I’ll use the purple ones to make the meal extra colorful.
@lowtechcyclist: I picked up Alaska in 1978 on a trip with my grandmother – it was #49 for me. It took me until last year to get to Hawaii; a 45 year gap!
zhena gogolia
Conan O’Brien’s parents died within days of each other. They sound great.
There is a highway in Michigan where you will come across a sign that says, very forebodingly: “PRISON ZONE. DO NOT PICK UP HITCHHIKERS”. And the next sign – THE VERY NEXT SIGN! – says, “Rest Stop, Next Right”!
@laura: Have passed this tidbit along. The selfie generation should be up to the challenge, right?
@raven: Please tell us he used the wrong arm.
Yours is the correct attitude.
@trollhattan: the short arm
Oh Betty C, I love your photos! Also your commentary. You crack me up on the regular, and often voice in exactly the perfect way views of things I am seething about.
This blog is one of the world’s good things, and IMO you’re one of the big reasons for that. ♥️
@Betty Cracker:
When I was very young my family use to go to Miami Beach during winter. One time I remember we went to the Fontainebleau to see The Jackie Gleason. It was a real treat since we had seen him on tv. I don’t remember what year but we stopped going to M.B. in 1966 when my father died, so it was probably a year or so before that. In the 1980s my husband and I were in M.B. and we went to the Fontainebleau to look around. I have great memories of M.B.
Mrs Fro and I have been crushing it today, getting almost all of our home and work Christmas presents wrapped in record time!
(we’re still waiting on some stuff to arrive, but it’s just a few things)
Also, our local Indivisible chapter is up and firing on all cylinders (I just got their meeting summary, complete with links to affiliated orgs and next steps. HIGHLY encouraging. =)
That is making me think of a scene from “Where The Buffalo Roam”, where Bill Murray (playing Hunter S. Thompson) gets his dog to go nuts and attack a mannequin wearing a Nixon mask by going…”NIXON!” The dog, a doberman, proceeds to chomp heartily on the mannequin’s gonads.
I love, love, love that movie.
My favourite is back in England.
The town of Idle proudly has a sign directing you to the
“Idle Working Men’s Club”
btw if anyone is looking for a neat gift idea, give a friend or family member a 3-, 6-, or 12-month membership in the Dive Bar Shirt Club. They’ll mail your recipient a new shirt promoting some sleazy hole in the wall each month. What could be better?
(no I’m not getting paid commission…I just thought it looked like fun!)
Jamelle Bouie with some truth today:
Sister Golden Bear
@trollhattan: I’ve hit 40 states myself. I’d hoped to do all 50, but several of the remaining ones are Red States where it’s dangerous to exist while trans. So probably it’ll never happen.
Sister Golden Bear
@Ksmiami: We could also put the invasive pythons to good use.
Love the Kansas license plate on the car in the first photo. If we can send some of our idiots to Florida, it will improve Flyover Country immensely!
I love all critters – the only exception being cockroaches – but have a particular frisson-ish love for the ones who’ve been around umpetty million years and haven’t changed much. Crocodilians are in that group. Living geologic history!
The Villagers… cripes. Why have no hurricanes washed them away?
I keep thinking about how the hippies turned out. There seem to be two main categories, and I think it comes down to what made them hippies in the first place: whether it was the Peace-Love-Age-of-Aquarius stuff or the anti-authority stuff. The former grew up to be sweet, slightly daft old hippies who still drive VW buses and go to poetry readings…. and the latter grew up to be hateful, selfish, no-one-is-the-boss-of-me assholes. Like the denizens of The Villages.
Betty Cracker
@CaseyL: Plausible theory. I know some sweet old hippies who live in The Villages. They’re definitely outnumbered by the knuckleheads! I am too where I live, but at least they’re not all up in my grill in the swamp.
@Betty Cracker:
Maybe they’re not up in your grill because you are a child of the swamp and might feed them to the gators. I have a feeling you kind of radiate that vibe (and good for you if you do!).
@Sister Golden Bear: My trans niece came back to Ohio for her grandfather’s funeral and found that her Republican cousins were quite nice and welcoming. She hadn’t met them before. We had gotten somewhat estranged when their grandfather and my mother were bickering (spouses of siblings). There are several gay guys on their side of the family (a great uncle and a cousin) which explains a lot, but it was still nice and unexpected.
She was terrified to come back here but it went well. I still agree with her that this isn’t a safe place for her to live.
Gin & Tonic
I thought the new VW bus, the electric one, looked really cool. Damn thing costs $72k.
Betty Cracker
@Gin & Tonic: I saw one the other day on a vehicle carrier truck. It was so cool! I want a yellow one! (But ain’t paying that…)
Republicans are often nice in person because they outsource their hate to the party.
Professor Bigfoot
@scav: My favorite is off the Ohio Turnpike: State Road 420 to Stony Ridge.
“There is a highway in Michigan where you will come across a sign that says, very forebodingly: “PRISON ZONE. DO NOT PICK UP HITCHHIKERS”. And the next sign – THE VERY NEXT SIGN! – says, “Rest Stop, Next Right”!”
That’s 15 miles from my house. They tore down the rest stop.
Matt McIrvin
@lowtechcyclist: I think I’ve visited 40 states. Never been to Alaska or Hawaii, to Montana-ND-Minnesota-Wisconsin, or to Louisiana-Mississippi-Alabama.
And… I don’t think I’ve ever been to Kentucky. I’ve visited every state surrounding Kentucky, I’ve lived in three of the states bordering Kentucky, but never set foot in Kentucky.
In the southern half of Alabama, you might wonder whether the Souith won the Civil War after all, because you’ll drive past so many yards adorned with a Confederate flag.
Another Scott
Meanwhile, …
Now they tell us!!1
Best wishes,
@Gin & Tonic: @Betty Cracker: My prediction — The VW ID.Buzz, inspired by the 60s Combi, will probably get favorable treatment as a *lease* rather as a *purchase*. The technology is moving fast, and within 3 years there will be new battery chemistries and charging infrastructure.
@tam1MI: Ah yes, US-23 just north of Ann Arbor, if I remember correctly.