The only political thing I have to add to what everyone else has said about the current shitshow is that this is the baseline for what you should expect. It will be stupid, pointless, loud, and hurt people who get caught in the crossfire, as we watch a bunch of tone deaf and self serving billionaires trip over each other while looting. It’s going to be every bit as dumb as the last 36 hours.
In other news, Joelle is much better today. She is walking more confidently and with less pain, and seems to have shaken off the dazed/confused/shocked aspect from the trauma of the surgery. So that’s good.
Dad is well, too.
I agree, John, and I am over the moon about Joelle’s and your dad’s improvements!
Steve in the ATL
That’s a fair description of most of my life. Glad to hear that it can be shaken off! #goals
Steve LaBonne
Good for Joelle! She will be my role model if I eventually need to have a knee replacement.
Yay for Joelle and your Dad.
Steve LaBonne
@Steve in the ATL: I’ve been trying to shake it off since November 2016, but November 2024 brought the pain and disorientation back double.
With enough Vicodin, you can climb stairs on a fractured pelvis and all simultaneously-broken ribs that punctured a lung.
Nukular Biskits
Good news, John!
Nukular Biskits
Voice of experience?
@Nukular Biskits: yep
Sounds like everything is coming up Milhouse.
Nukular Biskits
Milhouse: This Is Where I Come To Cry – The Simpsons
Good news on the recovery front. May it continue.
Glad to hear both Joelle and Papa Cole are both recovering nicely.
In sadder news, my brother, who had TBI from a fall in July and underwent brain surgery where they took off half his skull to relieve the pressure, has now had his cancer return and it’s in his bones. He has never recovered much from the surgery and TBI and now this. He’s in hospice at the rehab center he was transferred to from the hospital. The rehab center and hospice worker called today and said they don’t think he will make it past the weekend as he’s failing fast. So we are going to say goodbye to him tomorrow. That will leave me with no brothers left as my oldest brother died from lung cancer several years ago. That just leaves us four girls (I have three sisters).
@geg6: damn. Hang in there.
John, unfortunately (or maybe fortunately) I know at least 4 people who’ve had knee replacements this year. All have had excellent recoveries, and keeping up the ice, for longer than Joelle can bear, seems to be a key element. And, obviously, PT and just keeping active. I’m hoping she’s past the really awful early days and now on a path to recovery.
Nukular Biskits
The only thing I have remotely similar to that is when I had my gallbladder removed (about 30 years ago).
I came to in recovery and started to get up, not realizing where I was, because I had this UNBELIEVABLE need to pee. Someone pushed me back down in the bed and said, “Mr. Biskits, you just had surgery, you’re in recovery, you need to relax.”
While still struggling to get up, I told them I had to go to the bathroom YESTERDAY and they told me not to worry, that I had a catheter inserted and to just relax and pee.
For reasons that I can’t explain (but probably due to the residual effects of anesthesia having me in an altered state of consciousness), that absolutely enraged me. I distinctly remember fighting them, cussing and trying to get out of the bed. Several nurses (?) had to restrain me and I heard the words “Do you have it?” and then “Yes” followed immediately by an injection in my right thigh.
And I floated away on the clouds with nary a care in the world.
Nukular Biskits
I’m sorry.
Glad to hear Joelle’s and Papa Cole’s recoveries are going well.
@Nukular Biskits: those injections are wonderful! Calmed me right the fuck down once or twice too. Not when I had my smashup fall from balcony incident, I was plenty docile after that one.
Both injectors were given in separate ambulances I didn’t want or need to be in.
Hubby had a catheter gone wrong episode last time he had surgery, poor guy! The nurse kept shaking it, saying her carpal tunnel hurt, so the doc took over…hubby was pissed!
I wouldn’t be able to. I once was prescribed Vicodin after some dental surgery. I took one as prescribed. I literally could not function. So my partner cut the next one in half. Same. Then he tried cutting it into quarters. I was semi-coherent but still extremely fucked up. So he quit trying and just gave me several Advils. Worked perfectly. No pain and able to walk and talk. I do not do well on pain meds or any kind of downer. I’m apparently very sensitive to them.
@geg6: That just sucks. Anything any of us can do to help?
I am so very sorry to hear this. I lost a loved one this time of year. It’s really tough.
That’s great news about Joelle, and it’s not atypical recovery – i.e., she may be well on the mend now, with only occasional setbacks. Still, I’m one of those people who never predicts good news until it’s already happened, so… continued good luck for Joelle and Dad.
Remind them both they matter, not just to *you*, but to a number of your “fans-no-I-don’t-understand-it-either-dad”. (Joelle will understand, I reck.)
No, thank you. If you could send some good thoughts for him, that would be lovely. He was a pretty good brother to a bratty little sister.
@geg6: well that sucks! But I’m glad Advil helps, I love that anti-inflammatory and use it often now that I’m sober. Got me through the worst of the Covid chest pain.
Nukular Biskits
One year while trying to get my master’s, I wound up having to get all four wisdom teeth surgically removed (they were impacted).
A day or two later, I was laying in bed after having taken a painkiller (don’t remember what it was but it was great stuff … especially with a beer! Just kidding), trying to read a book.
Suddenly, movement on the floor caught my eye. Lo and behold, I was hallucinating a big ass lizard running across my floor and thought to myself, “I’m tripping!”.
Nope. It really was a lizard that had somehow gotten into the house, stayed out of sight of the cats and was apparently hiding in the bedroom.
@geg6: awww all the good vibes to your bro!
Oh, my dear, I am so very sorry. Sending hugs your way.
A double dose of Advil can get me through anything!
@Nukular Biskits: Jiminy cricket! Timing is everything!
@geg6: yep, I had to explain to hubby when I had Covid that the 4 Advils I was taking every six hours equals only one Motrin.
Chief Oshkosh
@geg6: I’m so sorry to hear it. We’re thinking of you.
@geg6: I’m sorry to hear that. Sending good thoughts your way, and his.
Glad to hear Joelle is improving. My dad unfortunately had a step back yesterday; the pins inserted into his hip a few weeks ago didn’t hold and have worked loose, so now he’s back in the hospital awaiting a total hip replacement (tomorrow, if all goes to plan). Sigh.
Kayla Rudbek
@geg6: sorry to hear this. I hope you get the chance to say goodbye to him.
Tim C
Kayla Rudbek
@Jay: seconding this! How is T doing?
Steve LaBonne
@geg6: Oh, I’m so sorry. My thoughts are with you.
@geg6: Will do.
Spanish Moss
So glad to hear the good news about Joelle and your Dad!
As it’s Open Thread, reboot looks promising. (Who doesn’t love a dog in a cape?)
Starfish (she/her)
@geg6: Oh. That is hard.
@geg6: I’m so sorry.
Great to hear that Joelle is doing well – and also your Dad!
A good friend of mine has had both knees and one hip replaced in 2024 (one knee just a few days ago). He expects to have the other hip (I don’t remember which one it is) replaced in the first few months of 2025, and at some point soon will need to address some bones in his lower back. He’s a former colleague of mine at the Canadian Consulate here. He was some kind of brilliant hockey player for several years before he settled in Atlanta (he married a local woman), but I guess all that athleticism took a bit of a toll on him physically.
@dmsilev: Oh, that must be so discouraging.
@geg6: Condolences, geg6. Sounds like he has suffered terribly. Hard as it is for you and your sisters to let him go, he must be ready to leave all that behind.
Nukular Biskits
I know this is hard to believe but I have never seen ANY of the Superman movies in their entirety.
Having said that, though, I think Christopher Reeves will always be THE Superman. Kinda like Tobey Maguire being THE Spider-Man.
Now, fight me!
@WaterGirl: It’s not great, that’s for sure. At least we know why his pain level had been steadily increasing over the last week or so.
Thor Heyerdahl
@geg6: deepest condolences
@geg6: So sorry for what you & family going through.
@dmsilev: Small consolation, I know. But one less thing that’s uncertain, so there’s that.
@geg6: I am so very sorry. I lost my sister a couple of years ago.
@geg6: I’m so sorry to hear this. Take care of yourself.
Mai Naem mobile ¹
@geg6: i am sorry that you are going through all this.
Good news about Joelle and Papa Cole. I’m sorry to hear about others’ struggles with health. Best wishes going into the new year.
Unrelated: I work for the federal government, and there’s been huge uncertainty over recent weeks, due to potential return-to-office policies, Schedule F (removal of job protections from policy-related positions), DOGE idiocy, etc. Most of the federal workers I read and talk with are calm about it all, which is a relief from the hair-on-fire people (“Laws? What laws? Concentration camps are just around the corner!”) but still.
Nobody aside from bad actors wants a government shutdown—federal workers are no different from the broader public in living from paycheck to paycheck, a disturbingly high percentage no matter how we define that status. Fingers crossed for a resolution before the deadline. We’ve had sad Christmases like this in the past. We’ll see.
Me, I’m going on vacation. I hope there’s a government for me to come back to work for when I return.
That I can do. May his passing be gentle, and may he be surrounded by the love of those he loves the most.
Another Scott
@geg6: I’m very sorry, geg. That’s a lot. :-(
Remember the good times.
Best wishes,
@geg6: Oh, hell, what cruddy news. Virtual hug offered if you want it. Please be kind to yourself, and take good care of yourself.
@geg6: (candle emoji here)
Hope there is some light for you in this dark time.
YY_Sima Qian
Good new about your family John C.!
Catch up on US news this morning has brought a smile to my face.
@Nukular Biskits:
So were you relieved or bummed when you realized you weren’t hallucinating?
Love all y’all
in solidarity news, close to geg:
NYT tech workers donated all of their remaining $114,000 strike fund to the still striking Pittsburgh Post Gazette workers.
Very good news about Joelle and Papa Cole! May their recovery continue apace.
@geg6: My god, that’s awful. I am so sorry. I hope his passing is gentle.
Kayla Rudbek
@RSA: Mr. Rudbek and Dad Rudbek are both federal employees (although Dad Rudbek could retire any day now), and so are my sibling and sibling-in-law. And of course as an intellectual property lawyer, I have to pay close attention to the Patent and Trademark Office (the big controversy there is whether they can make the examiners all move back to DC, which would be difficult because USPTO already gave up the lease on two of the large buildings in the Alexandria office).
@Kayla Rudbek:
Came home today, #1 and #2 are working, so we just keep keeping on.
She had a good nap.
Steamed sockeye, rice and cauliflower for supper.
Happy to be home, very happy to have her home.
zhena gogolia
@geg6: I’m so sorry.
@geg6: Losing big brothers is hard. All the hugs to you.
@Jay: a good nap, the comforts of home, home cooked meal of salmon, AND the comfort of you. Recuperation level: expert
Melancholy Jaques
Very sorry to hear this. My thoughts are hopes for comfort for you and your sisters. May his memory be a blessing.
YY_Sima Qian
@geg6: So sorry to hear about your brother.
@geg6: Sending you caring thoughts and strength to you and your family.
Omnes Omnibus
@geg6: I am very sorry to hear that.
Chacal Charles Calthrop
@NotMax: yeah, but nobody, and I mean nobody, could look more like the Man of Steel than Henry Carvill. He was so chiseled that he really looked like an alien’s perfect imitation of a handsome human.
Reeves always looked too LA.
sentient ai from the future
store brand white eggs were $2.49/doz the week of november 1
i just got back from the store and they are $6
and like, i don’t mind, it means the fancier eggs are within spitting distance price-wise there, even though im reasonably certain i couldnt tell the difference in a blind taste test., what the ever loving fuck?
Josie (also)
@geg6: I am so sorry to hear this. This may give you time to say goodbye which is important. Hugs.
@sentient ai from the future:
Bird Flu.
In November alone, BC Farmers culled 2,000,000 layers.
@Nukular Biskits:
So you’re a model patient. Good to know!
@geg6:this is tough. My best to you and your family as you navigate through this time of pain and loss.
My condolences. It’s hard to lose siblings.
@Kayla Rudbek: In my small branch, my branch chief is in California, and the program managers are distributed between Wisconsin, North Carolina, Maryland, and Alabama. Us local workers are getting used to the idea of situated telework going away, but pulling in remote offices would be problematic.
Glad to hear the recoveries are going well.
Sister Golden Bear
Great to hear Joelle and Cole Dad are doing better.
@geg6: I’m so sorry.
@geg6: So sorry something like this has happened. Hopefully things go as well as they can for you and your family at such an awful time.
sentient ai from the future
@Jay: i basically knew this was the case, i’m just steamed that the narrative-writers (mass media) can promote this bullshit as a justification for the election when LITERALLY THE EXACT OPPOSITE is happening.
Gin & Tonic
@geg6: My sympathies on what you’re dealing with.
America voted for an idiot. They’re gonna get idiocy.
Kayla Rudbek
@RSA: there are satellite offices for the Patent and Trademark Office, but only four across the entire country (one for each time zone in the continental US). However, USPTO has been a leader in federal telework for decades now, so each senator isn’t going to want to lose those higher level GS jobs (with a special pay scale on the patent side in order to try to retain people) and have them all move back to Virginia.
Gin & Tonic
Nice outlook from the e-mail summary of this week’s The Economist.
“And this week we rate the diversity of Donald Trump’s new cabinet. Despite some criticism, he has promoted underrepresented minorities: never have so many Florida billionaires held power.”
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
@Gin & Tonic:
Wait, The Economist actually said that? lol
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
My condolences
A woman from anywhere (formerly Mohagan)
@geg6: I can’t do Vicodin because it gives me constipation and I loathe being constipated. I would rather have pain. Advil worked pretty well for me too when I broke my wrist a year or so ago.
And so sorry about your brother. It’s hard losing people you love
@geg6: I feel you. I used to have 5 brothers, now down to 2. I’ll be thinking of you & him.
@geg6: So sorry, geg.
“Stupid, pointless, and loud” is going to be my mantra going forward. Every time I’m about to get mad all over again, I’ll remind myself it’s all just stupid, pointless, and loud. Sort of like Mr Costanza’s “Serenity now!”
John, glad to hear the family members are doing well.
Ben Cisco
@geg6: So sorry for this.
Miss Bianca
@geg6: Oh, I am so sorry to hear this. Losing siblings hurts in a special way. My condolences.