Here is a breakdown of how the vote on the House spending bill went down:
196 Democrats voted to pass the bill
170 Republicans voted to pass the bill
34 Republicansrejected the bill
The debt ceiling was not raised despite Donald Trump’s demand for the cap to increase. The bill is now headed to the Senate, which has until midnight to pass the spending bill.
The bill that passed had a fair amount of important stuff stripped out, most notably the pediatric cancer funding. But it also did not have the debt ceiling increase included, which was the Republicans’ way of trying to backdoor a cut in entitlements, and it’s what Trump wanted. President Elon got more out of this than VP Trump.
Jeffries had 0 defections from his caucus in the final vote, which is a demonstration that his bloc is there to save Republicans’ asses if D’s get something for it.
I have to hand it to Ketamine’s Little Boy who Never Grew Up — he timed this one pretty well. I think next time the Dems will be ready for it. There’s a case to be made for Dems demanding more concessions on this one.
My main take-away is that Pastor Johnson is on his own the next time his caucus wants to shit can him, unless there’s some kind of major concession that D’s can wring out of him. (Dems helped him keep his seat the last time his caucus wanted to defenestrate him.) The January 2025 Speaker election is going to be quite a spectacle.
Fuck Elon Musk.
Personally, I’d tell the Republicans “We already negotiated a deal. If you now refuse to hold up your side of the bargain, why should we ever negotiate with you again?”
I think the Senate needs to give unanimous consent to act in time. We’ll see if the Senate caucus is unified.
I know it’s baked in, but I don’t think I’ll ever be ready for 4 more years of the daily, wall-to-wall chaos that is on the way
Very disappointed and does not bode well for future fights in the next couple of years.
In addition to the pediatric cancer funding we also lost funding for Baltimore’s Key bridge & an item that would have put restrictions on prescription benefit managers that would lower drug prices. There was also something about buying from China but not 💯 sure how that worked. Anyway, don’t suppose the senate has an opportunity to reinstate any of that with the time constraints. But it is a good thing for all the federal employees who will continue to be paid through the holidays.
Another Scott
Melon and Donnie won’t get their bigly tax cuts and slashing of the safety net without a Speaker. Johnson must be sweating.
As I said downstairs, I think Fritschner’s take – that this was a victory over them – is a correct one.
Best wishes,
Smiling Happy Guy (aka boatboy_srq)
@Baud: Isn’t Tribblehead on record against it?
Pastor Johnson basically promised Elon and 45 the moon (and no debt ceiling and slashes to Social Security and Medicare) the next time ’round, but there’s absolutely no indication that he can deliver anything. His position is only going to get weaker in the new year with the puniest majority in living memory. He is going to continue to need Dem votes to keep the lights on. Jeffries can wring all sorts of concessions from him if his cards are played right.
Agree. I think he blunderfucked his way into a better outcome than he would have had, if the holidays weren’t staring us in the face. Both R’s and D’s were under immense pressure to get their members home. The next showdown won’t be around a holiday, I don’t think.
While the passed bill wasn’t as good for Democrats as the initial bill (which still wasn’t great for Democrats), it’s a swift kick in the huevos to Trump & Musk. All in all Jeffries did well.
Yeah, this seems more of a punt than a final resolution. To be continued….
@Smiling Happy Guy (aka boatboy_srq):
No idea. Tuberville is also nuts.
Nukular Biskits
This is no way to govern a country.
But, it’s the shit hand roughly half of the voters dealt us.
Smiling Happy Guy (aka boatboy_srq)
@Marcopolo: Not that losing the BWI voting bloc matters to Reichwingnuts. But this will wreak havoc with shipping, and trucking and shipping firms will likely have a thing or two to say to the GQP once this gets out.
@Another Scott: Knowing the Dems, they will find a reason to bail out Mike Johnson. They should have tossed him overboard when MTG filed the motion to vacate – it was absolutely terrible strategy to save his speakership, solely on the basis of giving Ukraine what turned out to be ~10 months worth of funding (that the Biden administration is apparently not even going to be able to fully use before January 20th). Democrats need to start playing to WIN, not doing the right thing. I’m pretty sure Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid were the only ones on our side who understood the need to wield hard power.
Too many people think Hakeem Jeffries is the bees knees. He is a machine politician from NY, and given the state of how things are run locally here and have been going the past couple of election cycles, that’s not at all a good thing.
Smiling Happy Guy (aka boatboy_srq)
@Nukular Biskits: The GQP isn’t about governing. They’re about demolition. We saw that begin in 2011.
Mike S. (Now with a Democratic Congressperson!)
Just Watching Angela Collier’s take down of “Billionaires who want you to know they could have done physics” has made my day as her youtube videos usually do. Her takedown of elon, zuckerberg, gates and others is so delicious. TL::DW “Bro you have a billion dollars, if you want it, just do the thing. Do the work.”
Bezos is the only one who admits phics was hard at Princeton and so he got out and just made money.
Can you explain what Prince Apartheid Fuckscum “got” out of it? Not snark, I just don’t understand.
I’m not in love with the outcome either. Trump made a bunch of impotent threats and Elon looks like the boss of him, so it’s not a solid win for him by any means.
@PsiFighter37: As a glass is half empty, and there’s a spot on it, kind of guy, I always appreciate someone having a more pessimistic take than me. I think there are a lot of strategic reasons to for D’s to stop supporting Johnson. Delay and sand in the gears is what we should be doing from now on, and a change in Speakers with a 2 vote R majority add a hell of a lot of delay to the process.
Nukular Biskits
No. Tuberville isn’t nuts.
He’s just fucking stupid.
Smiling Happy Guy (aka boatboy_srq)
@eemom: I think the section making AI deepfake celebrity revenge pr0n got axed. His Xitter dudebros will be happy if that is true, and they’ll keep spending for blue ticks on Xitter as a result.
Another Scott
Horse’s mouth – 118 page .pdf. Title XII on PDF page 82 seems to cover the FSKey Bridge:
I’m no expert in Federalese, but the money still seems to be there for the feds to pick up 100% of the cost (minus any insurance recovery, etc.).
Corrections welcome.
Best wishes,
Depends what you assume he wanted. If he really wanted no bill to pass until Trump is president, he lost. If you assume he wanted things stripped out of this bill, he got that (for 3 months at least).
Nukular Biskits
@Smiling Happy Guy (aka boatboy_srq):
Nihilism is a traditional conservative family value.
Harrison Wesley
I don’t care if Mike Johnson or Big Johnson or Liver-eatin’ Johnson or whothefuckever is Republican speaker. They’re all toads.
I’m OK with it this time, since the debt limit thing was a backdoor attempt to cut the safety net.
But no more deals, and young Dem leaders need to be making the rounds on TV shows, podcasts, social media, hammering simple and clear messages about Republican incompetence and dysfunction
@Another Scott: Thanks for doing the hard work. I’m glad to know that that funding is still in there.
He got more budget cuts in this bill than the original bill, his stated reasoning for wanting to shut the government down. He’s making hay on that on X right now.
Trump got nothing other than what Elon wanted. He didn’t get the debt ceiling increase, which he wanted only to forestall a fight at the start of his presidency. Even though he threatened to primary a bunch of R’s they ignored him and voted against everything. He also looked like someone Elon was leading around on a leash — Trump didn’t want the shutdown in the first place but tried to make the best of it. Elon also got to show us all who’s in charge.
Nukular Biskits
Republicans (particularly those in the Senate) more than amply demonstrated obstructionism for the sake of obstructionism isn’t an electoral losing strategy.
I agree with many here that it’s long past time for Democrats to make Trump/Musk a 1/2 term president.
@Marcopolo: Baltimore Banner and WMAR says the Key Bridge funding is included.
Smiling Happy Guy (aka boatboy_srq)
@moonbat: ditto
@RepubAnon: This. 1000%
@Nukular Biskits: Fran Leibowiz once said “You don’t know anyone stupider than Donald Trump. You just don’t.” I’m beginning to wonder, that, maybeeee…
Smiling Happy Guy (aka boatboy_srq)
@Nukular Biskits: We may all fantasize about 25-4-47, but –
…repeat after me…
pResident Vance.
Doesn’t sound so good after that, does it?
Bill Arnold
@Nukular Biskits:
Well, then we’d have a Vance/Thiel presidency.
Thiel is said to have said that Musk is a fraud.
Musk is said to have said that Thiel is a sociopath.
Smiling Happy Guy (aka boatboy_srq)
@RepubAnon: Isn’t that what we hoped for from Dems 1995-98, 2011-16 and 2022-4? New orchestration, but same old tune, always played flat.
Captain C
@Smiling Happy Guy (aka boatboy_srq):
Nukular Biskits
I have to admit that I honestly don’t know, between Tommy Tuberville or Ron Johnson, who would win “The Stupidest US Senator” contest, but my money is on Tuberville.
Not really. There have been a fair number of ‘shutdowns’ that only lasted the weekend, and hardly anyone noticed as long as Federal workers were back at their desks on Monday morning.
I’m sure the official midnight deadline will focus their minds, but if Biden goes to sleep before they pass it, and doesn’t sign it until after he wakes up tomorrow at 7, the harm done by the theoretical 7-hour shutdown would be infinitesimal.
There’s a reason the funding for these CRs always runs out on a Friday night or Saturday night.
Smiling Happy Guy (aka boatboy_srq)
@Captain C: We could go back to 1968, or 1921, of you like. The tune hasn’t really changed much even with Atwater’s changing the words.
Nukular Biskits
@Smiling Happy Guy (aka boatboy_srq):
I am no fan of Vance (particularly given his daddy Thiel), but I hazard to say that a President Vance couldn’t possibly be as bad as a President Musk/VP Trump combo.
Nukular Biskits
@Bill Arnold:
Roughly half of the country is absolutely convinced that Trump is concerned about their well-being. I’m not sure Vance would get the level of devotion.
I wonder if the drug addled piece of shit even knows what he wants, other than to be king of the world.
Smiling Happy Guy (aka boatboy_srq)
@Nukular Biskits: Vance is evil to Felonious Thunk’s stupid. Add to that he’s for sale to the highest Reichwingnut bidder. And putting him in office in 2027 means we can’t get rid of him until 2036: imagine ten years of damage beyond what last-term-DonOld will do.
Captain C
@eemom: He wants Grimes and whatever of his spawn have abandoned him to be forced back under his thumb. Also to be the absolute ruler of a Mars colony. And all the free ketamine he can snort.
@Nukular Biskits: Vance is so disgusting I feel like Thurl Ravenscroft should be following him around all the time singing intricate burns in a deep baritone…
Smiling Happy Guy (aka boatboy_srq)
@Nukular Biskits: Roughly half the country is convinced the Dems persuaded the Area 51 aliens to share their weather control tech and are sending storms to Red State regions just for sh!ts and giggles.
I am not especially impressed with my countryvolk.
Smiling Happy Guy (aka boatboy_srq)
@Bill Arnold: “Fraud” and “sociopath” seem to be terms of endearment in the modern GQP.
Nukular Biskits
@Smiling Happy Guy (aka boatboy_srq):
Not looking for an argument here, just want to make sure I understand your point.
Are you saying that we’re better off with a full 4 years (and hopefully done) of Trump rather than risk Vance becoming president due to some inability of Trump to continue?
Nukular Biskits
@Smiling Happy Guy (aka boatboy_srq):
You’ll get no argument from me on that.
Chief Oshkosh
Yep. The Republicans have the majority. They can pass any bill they want without a single Democratic vote. It’s entirely up to them to write a bill that they can get their members to pass.
So what have they, and the rest of the world, learned over this week?
The proof is left for the student.
Starfish (she/her)
Pharmacy Benefits Managers need to be banned as illegal collusion. I just read part of this about how there was something in the original budget to do away with their rent-seeking behavior, and that is gone now too.
Another Scott
@RepubAnon: That was explicitly said in the debate.
E.g. Starting around 36:16 – Rep. Rosa DeLauro (ranking member on Appropriations).
They’re paying attention.
Best wishes,
Smiling Happy Guy (aka boatboy_srq)
@Nukular Biskits: I am saying that the risk inherent in 25th’ing Cheetolini is real, and must be taken into account. A fit, young puppet is far more likely to survive long enough to do much more damage than the currently-incoming doddering dementia case. IF we unseat Fetid Franco, we need a plan to prevent the Billionaire Fascist Club from making the Hillbilly Effigy the permanent officeholder.
Vance himself may not be worse. But the puppetmasters don’t change with this transition, and they are the ones we need to stop.
This is no way to run a superpower.
I’m upset for Baltimore. The city needed those funds for the Key Bridge.
I can’t believe the clusterfuck has already started.
In OT news, I’m at the Spyres Family Concert “Home for the Holidays”. Where else could you hear the world’s premier baritenor, Michael Spyres, and his three almost equally talented family members in concert for $40 a ticket? I heard them a couple of years ago and was blown away by the performance. When I saw they were doing a Christmas concert at the Gillioz I had to go!
@Captain C: Letting him be in charge of a Mars colony would, at least, make one part of the astronauts’ job easier.
Last duty an astronaut carries out, as best as possible, is, “let the next person know what killed you.”
In this case, we could just put “Elon Musk was in charge” and wait to see *HOW*.
@Another Scott: hey, I was just regurgitating what I’d read—which did not mention the key bridge was funded. But what you posted seems to say it is. Good news!
Starfish (she/her)
@Nukular Biskits: Vance would be worse. A bunch of egotistical technocrats should not be running the government.
With a Trump Presidency, there is the possibility that all these folks are incompetent, and Trump loves the drama of firing them every few weeks.
With Vance, we would get whatever rich folks want, like putting money for health research into longevity research. And then you would get all the people who are rich or like to suck up to rich people saying the ideas are brilliant.
Randal Sexton
@WTFGhost: musk has said he will not go to mars.
Another Scott
@Marcopolo: 👍
🎉 🥳 🪅, etc.
Best wishes,
@eemom: Forget where I read it. The Plan A bill had provisions banning AI deepfakes of real people in ‘salacious’ poses or situations, and making revenge porn posting a federal crime. This would have seriously cramped the online style of EM’s fanbase, and probably require him to do a bit more content moderation.
All gone in Plan C.
@Randal Sexton: Really? Last I saw, he said he wanted to die on Mars, just not on impact…
I would guess the plan is that Vance has shown negative charisma and negative popularity with random voters. How does he get re-elected?
Citizen Alan
@Bill Arnold: They are both correct. And they are both describing themselves as well. Both of them are sociopathic frauds.
The pediatric cancer research bill did pass the Senate – it was originally a separate bill that was held up by Rand Paul, who removed his objection so the bill could pass by 7nsnymous consent.
The OMB does not give guidance to federal workers if there is a budget or CR bill working its way through Congress, so the midnight deadline is arbitrary. This worker is relieved. The pressures did some good. Jeffries did OK.
Chris T.
@Bill Arnold:
They’re both both.