This seems like a good time for an update from Athenspets.
The folks at Athenspets have been really great about getting in touch throughout the year. Not so great with photos this year, but I have high hopes for photos of everyone we help n 2025! Athenspets is a wonderful organization.
The support Balloon Juice has provided means so much to so many of us; seeing these precious animal go from suffering to healthy and loved is amazing. So many thanks for your support through the year!
Lisa (and all of Athenspets!)
Walter’s Fund has helped 6 animals receive life saving care in 2024,
spending $4,017.73 to save them.
🌸 Briscoe: mass removal – Briscoe is being adopted in January!
🌸 Calzone (X-rays) – transferred to a rescue group
🌸 Billie Jean: dental, mass removal, CBC – transferred to a rescue group
🌸 Oliver: dental and 7 extractions – transferred to a rescue group
🌸 Daisy: hernia repair – Daisy was adopted!
🌸 Rash: tail amputation – Rash got a GREAT home on a horse farm with 5 feline siblings and 5 or 6 canine ones.
More about Briscoe
He is being adopted in January. (His foster is adopting him then.) Briscoe’s back story is that he was adopted from the shelter a few years ago. His foster stayed in contact with the adopter and was horrified when she saw the condition Briscoe was in when she borrowed him for her college graduation photos, with a mass so large that it impeded his ability to even go to the bathroom properly.
The adopter was unconcerned about it but also was not particularly interested in having Briscoe any longer and last December the foster convinced the adopter to return Briscoe. But then we had a middle aged pittie with a mass on him to deal with. Thanks to Walter’s Fund, we were able to cover the cost of the surgery.
The foster took Briscoe back into her home and decided that if he was still with her after a year of making efforts to adopt him out, she would adopt him. (She is a vet student so she was wary of immediately committing given the demands of school and knowing that she would encounter many needy animals so if there was a great option for Briscoe she would let him go again.)
More about Rash
Rash was adopted! Rash was in pretty bad condition when he was found–a scrawny kitten with a messed up tail. Frankly, I wasn’t sure we should invest in him–tail amputations can cause major litterbox issues. But the person who found him was committed to fostering him and the vet was able to save enough of the tail that the problems didn’t come about. And Rash got a GREAT home on a horse farm with 5 feline siblings and 5 or 6 canine ones.
Fun Facts for people who like numbers
We began 2023 with $4,329.69 in Walter’ Fund, and Balloon Juice peeps contributed $3,430.73 to Athenspets in 2023.
We began 2024 with $2,375.68 in Walter’ Fund, and Balloon Juice peeps contributed $2,221.82 to Athenspets in 2024.
Athenspets has matching funds for donations received through Dec 31 (Tuesday) As I type this, they have $400 in matching funds.
I’m sure someone will ask for the thermometer, so I added it to the sidebar.
The thermometer shows $8,761– reflecting the total donation amount through the thermometer since we adopted Athenspets in Sept 2022. The current balance of Walter’s Fund is $570. I would love to start the new year with a balance of $1,000 go get them through until the check for calendar sales arrives in late February or March. If we get there, the thermometer will read $9,191.
(As always, no one should feel obligation to donate to anything at Balloon Juice!)
Walter was the goofiest, sweetest dog, and seeing him always makes me smile. He enjoyed his life.
zhena gogolia
Such a cute picture.
Joy in FL
Thanks for the update.
I only bought one calendar, so I made a little donation via the thermometer.
Walter was the rescue story that can never be topped. From dilapidated house to emaciated Walter to rescued Walter to the domestication of JG Cole and This Fucking Old House to adopted Walter to Walter’s Fund.
As we say around these here parts, “Hell YES, by God”. May 2025 exceed our expectations in nothing but positive ways.
Off to make soup. Cheers
Here’s a page with AthensPets partners including jackalworld!
I know that Athens Pets and Lisa really appreciate all the support. My wife wasn’t involved with the parade this year but she did make a series of greeting cards with critter drawings and sold them in shops and donated the $500 in proceeds.
@raven: I wish we had seen the greeting cards! I bet they were amazing.
@WaterGirl: Bohdi and Lil Bit were in them!
@raven: Sweet!
Just made a donation. So glad to help!
Joy in FL
@raven: Those are great drawings!
@Joy in FL: I’ll tell her!
Subcommandante Yakbreath
Just dropped in a donation on behalf of Rash, who must be a relation as we share the same last name. This place is the best (but everybody already knows that…).
@HinTN: I loved that whole trajectory.
And hello to Debit, if she happens to check this thread out. Miss her.
Thanks to everyone who has donated so far – your donations were all matched by the final $400 in match money that was available for 2024.
Same. His smile was definitely worth $50.
@geg6: Walter could be a role model for the rest of us. Walter kept his spirit even after the horror he lived through, and he went on to a happy life when it was offered to him, gaining a loving human in debit and a best friend n Elie.
Walter was such a good boy.
@WaterGirl: Artie is close when it comes to horror.
@Raven: And Artie is, amazingly, living her best life. She is good.
I donated $100.
@WaterGirl: She jumped on Layla at the dog park and Layla’s dog mom said “she can’t help it!”
Our donations this afternoon snagged the final $400 of matching funds!
So that $400 also adds to the balance of Walter’s Fund. (Though it won’t show up in the thermometer. When the funds are spent they don’t come out of the thermometer, either.
So the bookkeeping happens separately from the thermometer, which can be a little confusing if you’re just skimming the post.
So I’ll summarize. Today BJ peeps donated $610. (so far.) Then we get to add the $400 in matching funds. And we can’t forget the $570 balance we started with. So Walter’s Fund will start the year with $1,580, which should leave Walter’s Fund in pretty good shape until the $2,000 in calendar sales arrives in late Feb or March.
@Raven: Get out of jail free card? :-)
All of our animals are so grateful for the support of the Balloon Juice community! Walter’s memory has, literally, been a lifesaver for Briscoe, Rash, Billie Jean, Calzone, Oliver, and Daisy. Many thanks (and happy holidays) from all of us at Athenspets!