Final reminder: Comrade Scott’s Agenda of Rage has graciously offered to host a meetup and it’s tonight. Information here. If you’re not on the list in that post, and want to attend, drop a comment here. Also, I’ll be there and I’m looking forward to meeting everyone.
comrade scotts agenda of rage
Plenty of free parking! Ours is the house with the most Saturnalia lights on the outside.
Right now 10-12 people committed. Plenty of food and Tasteee Adult Beverages.
Miss Bianca
Hope you all have fun! And do provide some photographic evidence of said fun, please and thank you. *waving from the central mountains*.
I moved the meetup link that’s in the sidebar – so it’s at the top for today.
comrade scotts agenda of rage
Thank you so much.
I need to go get name/nym tags given the presumed number of people. That way each one of us will have a name tag and another nym tag to keep track of things.
Or I’m overthinking this, that’s not unusual.
AJ of the Mustard Search and Rescue Team
If you are accepting “maybe’s” I’d like to put myself in that category please.
Have had gnarly holiday depression/isolation, which makes it both appealing and worrying to imagine venturing South from Boulder.
A Ghost to Most
Better weather tonight than tomorrow night. Enjoy.
Ack! I’m currently in the Denver area but have a commitment with my in-laws tonight. Curses!
comrade scotts agenda of rage
@AJ of the Mustard Search and Rescue Team:
Contact MM or Water Girl for contact info.
comrade scotts agenda of rage
Come by for a short time if you can although I’m sure that’ll depend on where you need to be with the in-laws, ie., hauling ass around metro Denver with possible traffic issues.
@AJ of the Mustard Search and Rescue Team: Do it.
Dr Daniel Price (excruciverbiage)
Ima need an address…
Dr Daniel Price (excruciverbiage)
@Dr Daniel Price (excruciverbiage): Founde the address.
Dr Daniel Price (excruciverbiage)
And now I must drop out; more family arrived at the in-law’s (sic) home, along with a mysterious problem with plumbing that needs my attention because I am the Token Dude here in a group of eight. Apologies.