Welcome to our fourth annual Reverse Festivus!
Here’s what I wrote in our inaugural Reverse Festivus in 2021.
It’s been quite the year. Quite the few years, in fact. So much loss, so much stress, so much anxiety, worry, stress, fear, anger, pain and rage. (Yeah, I added stress twice, I think it deserves double-billing.) But some really good things, too.
And in 2023 (after The Apocalypse)
So to get us started with Reverse Festivus, I want to say how grateful I am that we kept our community together, how grateful I am that we got our site back, how grateful I am that we got our history back, and how grateful I am that we did it with all our relationships intact.
“So much loss, so much stress, so much anxiety, worry, stress, fear, anger, pain and rage.” 4 years later – Is this Groundhog Day?
I am still immensely grateful that we don’t have ads on Balloon Juice. That was a classy move and a leap of faith for Cole, and I’m so grateful for that decision.
Anybody else up for joining in on reverse Festivus? The holidays are mostly behind us, maybe you can pop in and tell us what you’re thankful for.
Or not.
Not an open thread.
Mr. Prosser
This site is the first I read every day. I rarely comment but I read everything so thank you to all of you
This is kinda dumb, but I’m grateful the squirrels stopped crawling over my bird feeder, trying to gnaw through the steel cage. They’re leaving it alone now, I don’t know why, and they aren’t chasing the birds away. I just had a dozen or so in the trees and on the feeder. Juncos, goldfinches, chickadees, a nuthatch, and a downy woodpecker chowing down on the suet. Fun to watch!
zhena gogolia
Thank you to all the front-pagers.
I’m thankful for my family and friends. I foresee clinging to them and ignoring the rest as much as I can in the coming year. BJ is where I’ll find out what worthy causes I can support.
At this point, it’s DNC, ACLU, Planned Parenthood, and my UCC church, which does good work in the community.
zhena gogolia
@frosty: You need to get one of those feeders Betty Cracker got, that magically turns them into unicorns.
Steve LaBonne
I’m grateful for our smallish, close, warm UU congregation and its wonderful minister (we are all excited that she is expecting and due in March). They have done a lot to keep my wife and me sane and grounded in a time that has been very difficult in multiple ways.
I am thankful for WaterGirl, who very clearly does the lion’s share of keeping this place functional, coordinating the pets calendar, etc. I’m also thankful for Mistermix, who’s been stepping up the volume of posts on some interesting topics in recent months.
zhena gogolia
I’m grateful to be learning about my great-great uncle, who died fighting the “rebels” in the Civil War and was described as “a lover of freedom and hater of oppression.” Right on!
Mr. Bemused Senior
I am grateful for the many lucky breaks in my life. Meeting Bemused Senior, my career in computers, and of course joining the community of Jackals here to name just a few.
I’m glad the seed catalogues are arriving as a reminder there’s something concrete and person size I can plan toward. Plus, a source of Bunny Tail grasses.
Professor Bigfoot
I’m grateful for this joint– I first started coming here after Steve Gilliard(pbuh) passed and The News Blog just didn’t have the same mojo.
When I deleted Twitter from my devices, I found myself here a lot more (used to be that by the time I got to an interesting thread it was already 150 comments long– or dead already.
I’m kind of surprised it’s been nearly 20 years, but– I am grateful to Cole and the Jackaltariat for keeping me sane when necessary, and occasionally pissing me off as one does.
I am so thankful that satby brought William to me. I needed him in a year that I lost one of my best friends, Burt, aka Steeplejack.
William is on my tummy right now.
I’m thankful for this community and for Water Girl slogging on despite the naysayers. And I’m thankful that we didn’t get as much ice as predicted in the storm and we still have power. It’s looking like a foot of snow, though, here in Kansas City.
Yes, I am grateful for my BJ Pets Calendar. Businesses used to give them out free, I guess they don’t anymore. I had one long ago where every page was a picture of a different hamburger.
Yes, I am grateful the holidays are over. Since losing my partner two years ago they haven’t been easy. Thanksgiving, my birthday, Xmas, NYE, spent every single damn one of them by myself. Except for the dog. I had a date for New Year’s and she stood me up at the last minute. I was able to go to a Thanksgiving event and feed a few strangers, that was good. I gave a drum set to an old friend who gave up playing drums and couldn’t afford one. That was fun.
I’m grateful for good health in my dotage. Cheers and good health to all of you.
My wife and I are eternally thankful that we were able to move back to Western Colorado after 33 years in Central Florida. All my family are here and the last two years of reconnecting with them has been a great tonic for the pain of watching our country turn to shit.
I’m thankful for the BJ community. I swing by multiple times a day. Especially grateful to the front pagers for all the work they put into it.
I’m very grateful to you, WaterGirl, for continuing your posts and your work here even though (like so many of us) you were devastated by the election. Grateful to the other front pagers as well. Including our new FP’er Rose.
Also grateful I (still) have Medicare so I can get this messed-up hip replaced soon. And grateful to be mostly retired and have time for drawing and painting.
Yay! Not an ice storm!
Dorothy A. Winsor
I’m thankful for this intelligent, informed community. I don’t like conflict, and yet I keep coming around here, which is a sign that there’s something good hidden under all the crabbiness.
I’m grateful for being able to learn something each day. Last night, I saw none other than John Wayne make a short speech to Jimmy Carter, who admired him. TIL that President Carter visited the Duke when he was dying in the hospital. People can surprise us if we keep open minds. The Duke surprised me:
I am grateful for Jimmy Carter. He was the first person I was old enough to vote for(1976). He was a wonderful Christian role model for anyone who cares about that sort of thing these days.
Raoul Paste
I’m grateful for this place. I comment infrequently, but read a lot, and I feel so much better informed (thanks AL et al).
And I have to be grateful for my pretty good health. Last year at this time, I was in sad shape. Many people have helped me
@zhena gogolia: how did you find out about uncle in the first place? We had family stories of a man who died at Gettysburg, and his father went there to retrieve the body with a horse and cart and took it back to Ohio, and was never right in the head afterward. The story didn’t quite make sense. It turned out that Andrew Sidley was wounded at Gettysburg, taken to hospital in Virginia and died there, which would have given his dad time to get there. Still a tragic story.
zhena gogolia
@Gretchen: I was looking for something else, and found a xerox of a family chronicle written by my great-grandfather, which I had never taken the trouble to read. It’s totally fascinating. His three younger brothers fought in the war, and one died. He was wounded in the knee and lived for a little over a month in a hospital in Knoxville, TN. Someone (I think my grandmother) had written in a transcription of his deathbed notes, which are wrenching. They were in Ohio too. Staunch Methodists and apparently abolitionists, since my grandmother was named after an abolitionist writer.
ETA: Apparently the originals of the family papers, including a Civil War diary, were burned in a fire at my uncle & aunt’s home.
comrade scotts agenda of rage
@zhena gogolia:
I’ve worked genealogy for 45 years and something like what your g-grandfather did is priceless. I’m so glad he took the time to do that and more importantly, it survived so you could see it.
Chacal Charles Calthrop
I am grateful for this community & for all the hard work the front pagers put into it & for all the wonderful & kind commentary that I always find here.
I am grateful for all the hard work that actually lawmakers have done, in the face & teeth of the Leonard Leos, Samuel Alito s, Rupert Murdochs & Koch brothers of the world. We still have laws protecting consumers, renters, & people who need to buy health insurance for now. This blog is part of the massive effort that has gone into creating & maintaining the regulatory state that stands between ordinary people & the personality disordered entitled creeps who feel entitled to “their” money.
while we’re at it, though, and the spirit of the original Festivus, what’s up with poinsettias? They used to be just red & white. This past Christmas I’ve seen them pink, cream, yellowish, speckled, spotted, what have you. Plant breeders seem to be turning them into coleus.
zhena gogolia
@comrade scotts agenda of rage: It’s fantastic. I want to type it up and preserve it in some more readable form. I also have my father’s account of his own life, starting in Austria-Hungary. I feel I should somehow mash them up.
I think it will have to wait until retirement.
Ohio Mom
I grateful to be snowed in. I have a streak of hermit in me and this gives me permission to stay home.
Like everyone else, grateful for Balloon Juice, my virtual watering hole.
I am thankful for all those who make this a great site and to my son and daughter-in-law for welcoming me to the neighborhood.
I’m grateful that DOJ got Grand Juries to indict Trump three times, despite Covid court backlog, GOP obstruction and even some rat-fucking from within their own FBI!! Out of everyone in the chain of holding Trump accountable, they are the one that actually did their job.
Unfortunately, Republicans, The Supreme Court and apathetic voters, refused to do their parts.
I am too. But I sure would love to know why CafePress sent me eight calendars this year instead of the mere four I ordered! Trying to figure out what to do with the extras :-)
I continue to be extremely grateful for Balloon Juice and the community here. Haven’t done much commenting recently, but I still spend an inordinate amount of time here reading through the posts, comment, and links.
Cowgirl in the Sandi
I am thankful for you Watergirl and all that you do. I especially want to thank you for the new images you are posting – they are so soothing and beautiful. Thanks also to the photographers who made such wonderful images.
I’m thankful for the BJ community and for the front pagers who keep writing good stuff. I especially appreciate WaterGirl for organizing us and pushing us to do better and be more positve.
Personally, I am grateful for good health and a brain that still works even in my old age, so that I can continue my writing. I have just outlined my next novel and am set to start the actual writing. Researching and planning have taken lots of time, but now the fun begins. Wish me luck.
comrade scotts agenda of rage
Send one to me. Mine apparently arrived on the 19th but also apparently swiped from the porch.
something fabulous
Hey WG! I sent you some emails– hope you got ’em! Feel free to delete this once seen, and I will add a comment in the spirit of the thread now. Just wanted to grab you I hope in real time!
@zhena gogolia:
Wonderful stuff. Which war? (So many to choose from.)
Makes me also ponder how common house fires once were and thankful to have never experienced one, plus in general they’re rare now compared to the past.
@Ohio Mom: I am looking forward to being snowed in also. At least, so long as I can make it to the Stanardsville Great Value and back for a last minute grocery shop.
We might not get too much snow in Greene County (Va.), but my driveway is long and difficult to get back up when it’s snowy. So I’m planning on being stuck here for a few days.
ETA: I am also, of course, thankful for this site. It’s the first thing I check in the morning and the last thing I read at night. It’s amazing that it’s still running after all these years with front pagers that bring me the news and commenters that have become (virtual) friends.
Along with that, special thanks to WaterGirl for keeping us going. Yeoman work when the crash happened two years ago. And great work to find places for me to send my political contributions that have a real impact.
zhena gogolia
@trollhattan: Civil War, Battle of Stones River, TN.
I’m grateful to the BJ posters and community. I’ve been a lurker (mostly) for twenty years or so. BJ is a daily stop for me and has been a great resource for political action–who to fund, where to get addresses for GOTV letters and more. Plus often funny! And I love the support for creative people and for animal rescues. And for…I could keep on listing but I won’t because you all know what I am talking about. So thank you.
something fabulous
@comrade scotts agenda of rage:
…and to me! Been waiting to get paid to order mine for this year! If it’s not too much hassle for you, perhaps we could send our addresses to you via Water Girl, and send you the shipping? And then we could throw something to Athenspets directly? Winwin!
I’ve been coming here since the days that Cole said Fuck it to the Republican Party about the Terry Schaivo case. It’s helped me weather a lot of political bullshit, and I’m thankful for the fact that it’s always been very pets forward.
I’m a little late for thanking AL for the covid posts during the pandemic.
Otherwise, I’m thankful for being employed. No small thing when you’re a 60 year old in tech.
I’m thankful for the BJ front pagers and community, my church (especially for being in the choir so I can say I’m a musician), and family – two new grandchildren in one calendar year.
I’m grateful for all the good folk here. I mostly lurk, but check in several times a day. I appreciate all the work the front pagers do to keep the place together. I miss our many friends of the blog we’ve lost, but am so glad for the opportunity to get to know them over the years.
@Zelma: Have you recently moved in with your son and DIL, or at least moved to be near them?
@zhena gogolia: These days you can scan documents and use ChatGPT handwriting recognition or other OCR tools for a good first draft. I just did that for pension records.
My g-g-grandfather wrote up his memories and they were typed up. They were mostly about life in Confederate prisons camps (including Andersonville) since he was captured a month after he enlisted in 1863.
@Cowgirl in the Sandi: Sunday mornings are when I miss OzarkHIllbilly the most, and I think his image that’s up today is absolutely stunning.
I’m thankful for the folks here, and for presidential term limits (updated quadrennially depending on results)
Miss Bianca
@SiubhanDuinne: Meanwhile, I haven’t even received the *one* pet calendar I ordered, and Cafe Press has’t bothered to return a reply to my plaintive query as to whether or not they had even sent it out yet!
However, in the spirit of Reverse Festivus, I am going to praise WaterGirl with great praise and say how thankful I am that she did coordinate the calendar at what looked like light speed this year!
ETA: Oh, yeah, I guess the rest of youse jackals are alright too. ; >
karen marie
I’m grateful that the heavy cream I bought over a month ago is still good, so I was able to make whipped cream to go on the tapioca I made. Tapioca with fresh whipped cream and Amarena cherries in syrup is a brilliant breakfast (and/or lunch and/or dinner).
I’m grateful for Joe (Freakin’) Biden!!!
@comrade scotts agenda of rage:
Sure thing. Send your mailing address to my nym @ gmail dot com.
One small thing I am grateful for is that we got an actual test of how much effect a campaign ground game is worth. I devote quite a bit of effort to it, and I always wondered if it was doing any good or if it was just something we do because we’ve always done it. Turns out it does!
And of course I am grateful for this place, and all of the effort it takes to keep it running, and keep trolls from derailing things.
something fabulous
It had been a shitty 2024 for many reasons including Our Shared One, so am grateful to see the back of it! Though Our Shared One looms large in the forward view, am choosing to try to move forward out of stuck (another lost friend!) feeling I’d been in most of last year. So, also grateful to all-y’all for being a place to keep coming back to for so many things, in good times and bad. Thanks!!
@zhena gogolia: I have an ancestor (or maybe ggg-uncle, can’t remember for sure) who was a doctor in the Union Army. We have a picture of him, which is cool, but I don’t know much else about him.
@something fabulous:
@Miss Bianca:
Same to both of you as in my reply to Comrade Scott @ 51. Just email me your snail addresses.
Anybody else? I’ve now committed three of my four extras, so there’s still one going begging if you ordered and never received. First come etc……
something fabulous
@SiubhanDuinne: How kind! Lemme look and see which one my Gigi is in, and if possible, that will be the one for me! BRB
ETA: She is in Calendar B! Gigi at 18 [!!!], *and* Baby Gigi! –Rats, forgot to note what month! October, I think? BRB2.
@Mr. Prosser: I’m with you. This is my first stop on the Internet every day and I read every article. I occiasionally dip into the comments but not all that often. By the time I post, most people over there are in bed.
I’m also grateful for where I live. I had an opportunity to come to Australia to work (from the UK) 27 years ago and I’m grateful that my wife had the courage to support me. We decided to stay and we have zero regrets.
@lollipopguild: check out this billboard of Carter shared by George Takei
@David_C: I’m in the process of digitizing an old homemade cookbook made by my Grandmother and her sisters (all were born in the late 1890s/early 1900s). It’s partly handwritten, partly typed. Google Lens does a good job of extracting the typed text; the handwritten text needs some work. Many of the recipes have no directions, but if I ask politely ChatGPT will create some.
@something fabulous:
Found her! September!
I don’t do mandatory gratitude, but I’ll stand over here handing out rose colored glasses for them as could use ’em.
I love that!! Wonder where it’s been erected.
something fabulous
@SiubhanDuinne: As we say in the Fabulous family: FABULOUS! Thanks so much! Added to list o’ gratitude! :) Will email you!!
sheila in nc
Very grateful for this site, for all the work by Watergirl and front pagers, for the knowledgeable commentariat. Happy to be getting my life together in retirement following some health issues. Hoping to be back out on the tennis courts soon! Happy Festivus to everyone!
@frosty: My husband changed all that with relabelling. Squirrels are amazingly tolerant of birds at squirrel feeders.
@TBone: Thank you for sharing that.
I am thankful that you all are still here, and that I still have a home to come to.
@Redshift: If you have a name there are lots of ways to get his service records. Some are by subscription but a local library or Family History Center (affiliated with the LDS Church) might help. FamilySearch is a good start and is free, but requires getting a user account.
@zhena gogolia: My GG Grandfather John and his brother, my GGG Uncle Hans Henry, kept diaries of their service in both the Dakota War of 1862 and the Civil War. They were both born in Norway in the mid 1830s, and came to the US with their parents in 1843. So they were young men in 1862.
They were in Mankato for the Hanging of the 38 (“Attended hanging.”). Lots of conflicted generational guilt there…. Then their unit marched to Nashville, where GGG Uncle Hans Henry was shot in a leg that he ultimately lost. (Hans Henry went on to have 12 kids, more than one of which became an engineer. Hans Henry was differently-abled, not dis-abled.)
The diaries are at the Minnesota Historical Society, but someone transcribed them before they were donated. The transcriptions have been saved as PDFs, available to anyone.
I have a niece who lives in red rural Minnesota who likes to wave a Confederate flag because “Freedom.” She also hates to read so she’s somewhat unreachable. Breaks my heart.
Four Directions, NC Black Alliance, NCAAT, Worker Power, Civic Action, VAAC, and all the folks doing the work, and WaterGirl for setting up our collective support for them. It does a lot more than any of us could do just on our own. (Speaking for myself, anyway.)
ETA the Innocence Project and similar groups that do the work that I can’t personally do, and remind me that something that might not affect me personally still matters to me as a member of this society.
Thankful for BJ people and insights, snow outside, fire in the fireplace and major pot of chicken sausage gumbo simmering on the stove. Even if my arm is about to fall off after stirring roux for an hour.
@zhena gogolia: Similar situation: I have my gr-grandfathers Civil War discharge papers, but anything else he may have had was…lost in a fire.
zhena gogolia
@David_C: I ain’t using Chat GPT for anything!!! 😂
zhena gogolia
@UncleEbeneezer: Me too!
Thankful for everyone here at Balloon Juice for keeping me entertained and somewhat sane in these interesting times.
Thankful for the FPers, for JC, for BJ. I came here more regularly in 2016 (had been here before but not as a refugee from DKos).
The painful bitchy breaks make me anxious, but somehow all y’all Jackals always pull it back together. Yay. And thanks.
I’m really thankful for the VA. Last year it gave me a new knee. This year it gave me new eyes (cataract surgery).
I qualify for this fabulous care because I am a vet and my income is low. It’s a safety net that’s amazing for me. Big time appreciation. Big time fuck yous to the Asshats who try to take it away from me.
zhena gogolia
@Redshift: I’m feeling the connection so much more in our present dilemma.
Starfish (she/her)
@Miki: My favorite part of Balloon Juice is when John Cole tells us to all f— off.
zhena gogolia
@MagdaInBlack: In a way I’m glad not to have the responsibility!
comrade scotts agenda of rage
Please know that we’ll do the best we can with the cards dealt to make sure that stuff’s not taken away from you.
@Soonergrunt: It’s wonderful when you post; hope to see you here more often in 2025.
I am grateful that my father-in-law not only seems to have recovered well from his case of Covid, but he’s been doing a lot of supervised walking and other exercise in the rehab facility, and should go home later this week in better shape than before he got sick.
He’s been bitching about the meals, which is another good sign. When we last saw him, he was hardly eating enough for them to matter. Now he wants some sort of chocolate for dessert, dammit!
I’m also grateful that my wife has only another three weeks as president of our local theatre group. She took over in mid-year upon the resignation of the previous president, and aside from all the offstage drama that went on for much of last year, it’s been a shitload of work. She’ll still be on the board, but she can pass the main responsibility to someone else.
I’m grateful to to all who make this blog work. Espescially Watergirl for all the work she puts in to keep it functioning. I never realized how much this place meant to me until that time 2 years ago when the hosting went wrong and the site was offline for weeks
More personally for my wife and family and friends.
Bears win! Bears win! 😯 Listen to the crowd!
Miss Bianca
@SiubhanDuinne: aww, that’s very sweet! My krewe are all in Calendar A – do you have one of those to spare, by chance?
I am thankful for WaterGirl, John Cole, and Betty Cracker and all those who make this a great place.
I am also thankful for Jimmy Carter and Joe Biden. I am grateful to Kamala Harris who ran a great campaign on short notice.
@zhena gogolia: Since the 1980s when my grandmother was still alive (she died in 1991 at 103) I’ve been working on and off on my family history. First writing to churches, cemeteries and government agencies. Then started reaching out on the old internet bulletin boards. Got a great lead from a guy in Germany that way. Then using Ancestry when it first started. Three years ago I started working on a book for family. Designed it myself in inDesign (took almost a year) and then a printer friend printed me 50 copies in color. The book was about 200 pages. It was great for the photos I had to have it printed in color. One branch I had went back to the 1600s in Germany. I wish I had papers like you did written by family members, that would have been great
Also wanted to add a big thank you to Watergirl for her work in running the blog. And also to MM for a lot of his recent posts which have generated interesting discussions
I have been in the background here for a long time and have watched this place grow, people sometimes confronting each other, and coming back together for the most part. This year was hard for so many of us and I’m sure some are still trying to figure out how to move forward. No matter what, the writers here have inspired, sometimes frustrated, but always stayed true to themselves and readers, and growing in the process–there aren’t many places online with so much heart and dedication to honesty so I deeply appreciate that. I hope someday someone writes a documentary or play or book about the 100 days of Joy that Kamala/Walz gave us. That too many weren’t able to respond to their campaign just leaves me… but those 100 days were hopeful, clear, and joyful, and I’ll never forget them, and President Biden started it all. No I am not financially at the level most of you all are, but there were other things Biden/Harris/Walz offered that gave me…joy.
This year I am grateful for my daughter’s wedding, and the chance to have all our families together to meet in joyful celebration. All four of our kids are doing well, in relationships with people they care about and who care about them. I went back to seminary at night, and I’m grateful to think about a new beginning even in my late 50’s. It has been a hard but also a good year. Everything in my life has led to this moment and I wouldn’t change any of it.
@Renie: I’m grateful also for WaterGirl for the good work she does here, and also for her positive attitude.
I also appreciate how Springfield Democrats redrew WaterGirl’s Congressional district so that now she has the excellent Democrat Nikki Budzinski as her Congresswoman. Governor Pritzker knew WaterGirl needed relief from Rodney “Fu#king” Davis, and he made it so.
@Miss Bianca: My one extra Calendar A has been spoken for, but let me see if I can figure something out. I think I can.
I don’t have a lot of things from my background except memories. At 75 I am the oldest left in the extended family and only one left of 5 in my family, my parents were oldest (mom) or only (dad) in their families. All my aunts and uncles are gone, one of my younger cousins (middle of 3) is gone.
I too am a vet, Vietnam era, enlisted USN in late 1969, started service in early January 1970. Served in the Atlantic, discharged in July 1973, worked in electronics.
I joined this blog very early on. It’s been interesting to say the least. Good place, good people.
@Ruckus: The VA medical care is a big chunk of those “unauthorized” expenditures that the 💩 DogeShits see as vulnerable targets for elimination on the way to “paying” for tax-free corruption.
There’re not very many vets in 1%, in case you haven’t noticed. We’re ultimately disposable, for sure. 🤬
@Miss Bianca: Cafe Press is maddening.
Have you verified that they actually charged your credit card or PayPal account, or whatever payment method you used?
WaterGirl can you please get my comment out of moderation? I left off the last letter of my name. Thanks.
Moved to Alexandria to a senior living community. It was time
@Zelma: Then, congratulations!
@Renie: I am not finding that comment, maybe someone else found it first?
I’m glad they said hubby can go home tonight from the ER. He’s been sick since Thursday with some congestion and nausea; he threw up tonight, and he hasn’t eaten or drunk much since Friday, so I decided to bring him here because better safe than sorry. His kidney function was normal for him, which is good news. They gave him some IV fluids and some anti-nausea meds. So yay he’s not being admitted to the hospital.
Ben Cisco
I’m grateful for the blog, and also for finding out that a member of my family has been on the wall against fascism/communism/totalitarianism and other general stupidity going back to and starting with (so far) the Civil War. Three cheers for my Tennessee volunteer great-great-great grandfather, 4th US Colored Troops!
Miss Bianca
@WaterGirl: no, I haven’t, should be getting my bank statement soon, however .
I put a post in the wrong thread on appreciating BJ and the front pagers. So I read all of the above to get here, which is penance of a sort (I only pied one person.)
But on a more upbeat assessment, Thank You all.
ETA: Last?