This guy is my spirit animal as we barrel toward Jan 20.
I am watching. I am wary. And I have talons, which I intend to use in constructive ways.
I do not plan to spend the next 4 years rocking in the corner.
I do not plan to put my fingers in my ears saying “la la la I can’t hear you”.
Nor do I intend to shiv my fellow travelers along the way, and that includes the other imperfect members of the Democratic Party.
Anyone else who wants to be constructive, even if you haven’t figured out what you can do, are you up for laying down a marker to describe where you’re at right now?
If let them burn it all down, there’s nothing we can do is where you’re at, maybe don’t chime in on this one? You can likely do that in the previous thread, or the next one.
John S.
I’m focusing on the things in my life that I can change (like little projects around the house) instead of wallowing in the misery of the things that I can’t. It really helps a lot.
I’m also largely ignoring the news. What stupid thing did Trump or one of his minions do/say, and what does it all mean?!? It’s all so absurd, and when I do catch a few headlines here and there, I feel quite justified in my avoidance.
Overall, I’m just trying to improve myself, my relationships with those I care about and doing the things I enjoy. There’s not a damn thing Trump or his minions can do about any of that, so fuck ‘em.
zhena gogolia
Nice birdie!
Amen, WaterGirl
ETA: My resistance is show up to work every day and respect my oath by doing my job.
I’ve been keeping a horrified eye on the fires in California – and extremely thankful Biden is in control of FEMA.
From E&E News, affiliated with Politico:
Barreling indeed. Vought’s heading up OMB in the new Administration. There are a lot of clowns out front in Trump’s Cabinet picks. This guy is no clown.
I’m working with a group to try and coordinate harm reduction efforts among faith communities in the Baltimore area to help support marginalized groups, particularly LGBTQ+ individuals.
I’ve also gone from being relatively indifferent towards the harm that the coming administration will do to MAGA supporters to actively hoping for leopards eating faces. It’s petty, small, and unsustainable, but that’s where I am right now. My Bluesky feed yesterday broke me.
That little bird has BIG attitude! I love him for that! (I assume male by its colorful plumage)
They gained control by shameless hypocrisy, violence and threats of violence; they have NO respect for law, justice, or the Constitution; they care about NOTHING but power and status. Period. Though we would like to imagine that organizing and communicating and voting would bring correction, that time is clearly past. So, am I advocating resignation, doing nothing? No.
I advocate direct ridicule. It’s the only thing narcissists cannot bear. What do I mean about direct ridicule? Moon him. Wherever he goes, if you can get there, go there and moon him. Point and laugh. Make farting noises into a bullhorn or a media microphone. Toss dignity aside; it is usless in this new country. Ridicule him. Show him your ass.
zhena gogolia
Our church hosted a day-long law clinic on Saturday for LGBT+ people. People could work on name changes, etc., and weddings were performed by two clergy and a justice of the peace. I think I need to focus on things my church is doing to help the people targeted by this regime.
The fascist resurgence is worldwide. A lot of people in this country and elsewhere have it way worse than I do, and they are persevering. I will honor their struggle by doing the same.
I’m not interested in hearing any doom-screaming about how this, that, or the other thing WILL DEFINITELY HAPPEN, woe is us!! No system of governance ever has the reach or scope it would like you to think it does. A lot of bad things are going to happen. A lot of threatened bad things will in fact not happen. Let’s not pre-experience the harm.
It’s important to recognize areas where we have strength, and find ways to build from them. Denying those areas exist only ties our own hands. We don’t need to do the regime’s work for them.
IMO we have three jobs:
1. Mitigate the bad things as best we can
2. Stay alert for opportunities to help the fascists put sand in their own gears
3. Be ready to take advantage when the regime falters, because it absolutely will.
I’m reflecting on a discussion I had with some colleagues this morning about the challenges we face. Specifically, we’re looking at how we can preach about social justice without getting ourselves fired or blowing up the church. But first, we need to understand the emotional context. One is the contending beliefs of individualism versus the common good. But at a deeper level is the degree to which MAGA folks are invested in the hierarchical structures of race, class and gender.
I am especially concerned about what was said on a post over at Digby’s Hullabaloo that MAGA’s commitment to democracy is contingent on the preservation of those hierarchies.
The heart of the matter is MAGA fears that if those hierarchies are dismantled, the world will collapse. And more deeply, they fear their lives will be rendered meaningless.
Yes! That is what I aspire to as we head further into this storm.
Literally (with the fires) and also literally with the Trump administration.
We are going to need some seriously big attitude, and fortitude as well.
Steve LaBonne
I have the same thought as sixthdoctor and zhena gogolia. Find out who in your local area is geared up to help the people who are going to be targeted and pitch in. (Church is also my answer but is certainly not the only answer.) Electoral politics is on the back burner right.
zhena gogolia
@Weftage: Great comment. Should be front-paged.
@zhena gogolia: @Weftage:
It is a great comment. I was already trying to figure out how to use that in a post when I saw the reply from zhena.
I hope to see more great comments in this thread, too.
John S.
Jesus turned the hierarchies of his day upside down, and look what happened to him! Even more ironic that so many of these MAGA folks claim to embrace a figure that stands in opposition to just about everything they hold dear.
My Indivisible group is planning a day of constructive action Jan. 20: organizing food bank donations, MLK marches & etc.
I’ve learned a lot these last seven years being a middle-aged white pastor for a Black congregation in Detroit. There is a resilience in this congregation that is echoed in congregations and communities throughout the city, a toughness of spirit, and a sheer dogged determination to make things better for all people, that I wish more white Democrats would learn. We do have agency, we can help at the local level, we will continue to work for justice and peace, we will open our doors and hearts to all people, and we will do this every single day and then pass the baton to the next generation.
And no matter what the idiot in chief does, we will work to thwart his knavery here at the local level, helping people hurt by his cruelty, and encourage those politicians who have the stones to do so to thwart him at the national and international level.
Sitting on the sidelines, or complaining that it all didn’t happen in one fell swoop – these are not options. You wade in every day. You don’t give up. When you get tired, rest, the community has your back (and that’s why communities are so vital), and then you get back up and do it again. We stand together and we push – and if we only get an inch, we take it and we celebrate, and then we push for the next. Because that is how progress actually happens.
I’d add a fourth thing to Weftage’s list: point and mock, and then mock some more, and then taunt them a second time. I’m relying on Monty Python: the French knights and also Dennis pointing out the folly of relying on strange women lying in ponds distributing swords.
That boggles my mind. Especially when so many of them identify as Christians.
zhena gogolia
I wish white Dems could learn this.
Also, and this is something that fell into my lap rather than something I’ve sought out: I have the opportunity to do some consulting work for one of my old employers, and essentially I am able to bring >15 years of experience in the health center field to help them get back on their feet. Yes, I’m getting paid, but the folks being served are definitely some of the most vulnerable, with the fewest resources and biggest challenges; it feels good to be able to deploy experience and knowledge to help protect those folks.
Steve LaBonne
@lowtechcyclist: Christianity without Christ is a strange thing indeed.
zhena gogolia
@narya: Great.
@lowtechcyclist: @Steve LaBonne:
I stole that and edited it to make a rotating tag.
A random visitor might think that is a description of this blog.
Steve LaBonne
@WaterGirl: I’m honored!
I will continue producing Leftist, Black History, and Civil Rights books for a Top 5 publisher because my experience is needed, despite my desire to retire due to health and a general dislike of what media has become.
I will subscribe to some of the few responsible media sources that remain.
I will not besmirch people who are generally on my side and hold my values. I will not waste time re-litigating the past, an insipid, destructive, unverifiable, and sado/masochistic act.
I will walk coldly by people who destroy things. They will not destroy me. They will never be assisted by me. Fascists = Unpersons.
I will cut down on sports attendance, as nationalism has taken an ugly turn in many arenas.
I will travel, enjoy sex, revel in the good weed Blue States offer, taste good foods, and stop reacting to every fascist act of trolling. They’re morons.
@zhena gogolia: One of the hard things to keep in front of us when things really suck is that the sucky chunks don’t undo the good one does manage to do, even if it is small. Right now it is super salient that things are going to be bad for a lot of people. But that’s not a reason to overlook the things one can do.
Of course, I (possibly we) feel an urgency to undo/prevent the really bad stuff and right now it isn’t obvious how that will/would go. And when I feel angry, it is easiest for me to feel despair, because in fact it is going to be a long time before the gloating assholes feel the heat I so want them to feel. So I have to try to remember making them unhappy is not the point, though it can be strategy at times.
So yeah, I want to reinforce the thought that we do what we can even if it isn’t as large as I’d like.
Absolutely yes, to all of that.
zhena gogolia
My thirst for revenge is tormenting. But not good for my health!
@zhena gogolia: Thank you.
Kosh III
@sixthdoctor: My Bluesky feed yesterday broke me.
How very Timey Wimey.
Steve LaBonne
@mvr: It really helps my mental health that there are no Republicans in my life in any capacity. I can’t imagine still being at work and having to listen to the gloating.
Miss Bianca
I joined the community fitness center this week, and that is already giving me a chance to connect with all sorts of people in my community that I’ve either lost touch with, or don’t see enough of.
I covered one of the local towns’ Board of Trustees meeting last night, and watching all the careful work their Planning Commission and their Building and Zoning Official had done over the past few months dealing with zoning issues, affordable housing starts, and finally, a community solar garden proposal, paying off with unanimous votes to approve all.the.projects! was really heartwarming. Yeah, they are all Republicans, but this particular town, from the mayor on down, seems to have their shit together when it comes to trying to do what’s right for their community. (As opposed to our other town’s BOT and the county commissioners, who for the most part really, really don’t seem to understand what their jobs are.)
If I ever move down into town again, I know which one I’m picking…
I bet you have some stories. …LOL
How the congregation got used to you…
Kosh III
@AWOL:I will subscribe to some of the few responsible media sources that remain
Which are?
WaterGirl, you had a post a few weeks ago asking for positive things people can do. The first 50 comments were all just complaining and pretty soon infighting, and I couldn’t continue reading. Thanks for trying again — so far, the replies seem positive.
I wanted to suggest that, although not everyone has a church or a politically active group to join, or wants to write letters to the editor, everyone has a local public school. Anyone, whether you have kids or not, can attend a board meeting, a PTA meeting, volunteer if your schedule allows. That isn’t even a political action — it’s a civic action. At meetings, you don’t need to speak up, unless you are comfortable doing so. But you’d be there if book banning or curriculum or teacher hiring were being discussed. Your simple presence would show that people care about public schools.
Support for public schools would help bring our country, and our politics, back on track.
But, that’s obvious.
As people have said…
They’d rather destroy this country than learn to live in a pluralistic society.
They are NOT patriots, because they don’t believe in the premise of America written into its creed.
They are SO NOT patriots.
Phuck them.
@Kosh III: Pro Publica. The NYRB. The LRB. AR Moxon. Timothy Snyder. HC Richardson.
My books. Water Girl can give you my email.
There’s some good shit out there.
Keep the fuck away from “Democracy Now!” It’s tankie and anti–Democratic Party.
Excellent comment, thank you.
@RevRick: Could you send your email addy to WaterGirl or ask her for mine? I sit on my church’s Compassion, Peace & Justice Committee and we are considering ways to help the marginalized.
My actual ancestors include the various Puritans and my actual and spiritual ancestors are various forms of Reformed Protestants. One of the tenets is that we are all depraved sinners. Nobody likes the guilt associated with that, but the idea that nobody is wholly good argues against giving power to any one person, because our nature leads us to abuse that power. Same with the divine right of kings. The disdain for hierarchies that came out of New England was a huge factor in our revolution and our revolutionary government.
Anyway, back to work.
I’m looking for where I can donate money towards better messaging and media for Democrats. I have lost hope in the usefulness of direct political donations to candidates for that purpose.
zhena gogolia
@stinger: Good idea.
@Jackie: That bird is a female Eastern Towhee, with some attitude, for sure!
@rikyrah: The Bishop explained to the congregation that, yep, this middle-aged white guy, who just happened to be an ancient and medieval history professor, was going to fill in for them for a few weeks until they got settled (there had been a huge blowup with the previous clergy).
Well, a few weeks turned into a few months, and then they extended the call to me to be their full time pastor, and I’ve been with them for the last seven years. It’s been one of the most rewarding things I’ve ever done.
zhena gogolia
@Albatrossity: Would you call those “talons,” though? That seems a little grandiose.
zhena gogolia
@Hildebrand: That’s cool.
I’m reading a June Jordan essay collection and other nonfiction by Black women, because Black women’s voices are always relevant and always illuminating.
I’m continuing my volunteer database work for my state Democratic Party, because the accuracy and specificity we achieve in 2025 will make in-state and statewide victories possible in 2026.
I’m making time for self-care: exercise, making good food, companionship with my partner and friends, and the restorative comfort of books, music, and other pleasures.
I’m taking opportunities to lend a hand to others, individually and collectively.
And I’m remaining aware of the power of integrity/inner strength/call it what you will:
“In the midst of winter, I found within myself an invincible summer.” – Albert Camus, loosely translated
zhena gogolia
Love this thread.
@Baud: You have a point. Is this better?
@John S.:
It seems to me to very important not to confuse reducing consumption of news with resignation and passivity. I found it way too easy to feel like an activist when mostly I was wallowing in 24/7 repetitive news and endless commentary by people I already agreed with 100 percent. I don’t want to contribute to the demise of the few media outlets that do a decent job, but there isn’t enough new news or original thought to justify the time I spent merely consuming. The outrage spike hour after hour truly can be addictive, and like any addiction, a diversion from meaningful activity. I won’t be getting back the hours I wasted doom scrolling Xitter and experiencing righteous anger. I can keep up just fine with five percent of the time I used to spend.
@RevRick: “One is the contending beliefs of individualism versus the common good. But at a deeper level is the degree to which MAGA folks are invested in the hierarchical structures of race, class and gender.”
That’s crucial to understanding what is going on. Anthropologist Mary Douglas laid out two continua upon which people fall. One has the anchors of individualism versus collectivism. The other has the anchors of hierarchism versus egalitarianism. Thus, you can have hierarchical individualists (people in Trump’s inner circle), hierarchical collectivists (many people who voted for Trump, who the leopards will feast on), egalitarian indivualists (true libertarians), and egalitarian collectivists (most people on this blog). Dan Kahan and his colleagues at Yale (check out the “Cultural Cognition Project”) have found that you can better predict people’s beliefs/attitudes on most cultural and political issues using these constructs than by using political party affiliation.
Sister Golden Bear
At this point, my main act of resistance is to simply survive as a trans woman to spite the haters. (Not trying be a Debbie Downer, but with health problems I’m dealing with, plus being sick at the moment, I just don’t have a lot of energy.)
Plus minimizing my use of Facebook, now that Zuck has decided to explicitly allow anti-LGBTQ hate speech, including calling me “it” and mentally ill. FWIW, the latter is more than just name-calling, the mentally ill angle is part of the effort to deny that trans people actually exist — we’re just mentally ill cis person who need to be forcibly disabused of our “delusions” by any means necessary.
Old Man Shadow
@RevRick: And Jesus’ entire message was that his followers should reject those hierarchies entirely as God was going to come and destroy them soon.
Ohio Mom
I’m dusting off my pink pussy hat to wear starting on January 20th. Just for fun. And because it’s warm and this is turning out to be a brutal winter.
For serious, I’m going to give the new Cincinnati ARC advocacy group a try (ARC is a national disability rights organization).
I am hoping it is going to be a real advocacy group and not one of those bitch sessions where people complain about their kid’s teachers. Yes, you should advocate for your kid but that isn’t, at least to my way of thinking, Advocacy. I like the mom in charge, she’s an attorney, and I think she understands the larger landscape.
This was my thinking the last Trump go-round, I can’t fight everything but I can take one issue and concentrate on that. Disability rights and supports (Social Security, Medicaid and Medicare) are obviously the issues that are mine.
Sure Lurkalot
@John S.:
I’m not sure it’s constructive, but me too. Listening to anything that spews forth from Trump’s maw is pointless as are the myriad and breathless pundit takes in the mainstream and too often in “trusted sources”. Whether the guy is crazy as a loon or crazy like a fox, the next day brings either a reversal or some new outrage, rinse repeat to infinity.
Protect the vulnerable, yourself and your loved ones. TBone linked to this list of actions with links, I’m going to give it a long read and a bookmark.
More ambitious than grandiose, IMHO
Miss Bianca
@Hildebrand: :)
@Albatrossity: Thanks for identifying that bird. I was wondering what it was.
Kosh III
I’m considering moving to a beachfront home in Qeqertarsuatsiaat in the great state of Greenland.
Yes. Personally, I’d find it beneficial in several ways if our BJ front pagers could give us the news without putting the Convict’s face in front of us with no warning! (via embedded tweets and blues)
@zhena gogolia: 1. Like your plan – I intend to expand where I find joy post retirement and also work locally to support the community.
2. I agree. The wrong lessons of the civil rights movement are being promoted – I do not intend to be a part of any performative marches and stunts. I hope that the great books that were recommended by folks a few posts ago will be read and absorbed.
Speaking of an inch…sigh
Justice Department: Merrick Garland will release partial special counsel Trump Jan. 6 report
Old School
@Kosh III:
The comic strip Pearls Before Swine got to Greenland back in 2016.
Spreading suggestions for concrete actions we can take to alleviate feeling helpless.
Links not working ugh
I’m sharpening pencils. Magdi Jacobs (possibly) suggested writing a letter to yourself describing what you believe to be your true character and what values you hold dear and true, and to keep it as a handy reference as things start to happen. To avoid accommodation, to hold the line, to remain true to that personal accounting.
I’m writing a letter of thanks to President Biden and Madame Vice President.
I’ve responded to Pramila Jayapal in a news years begging for cash text, in which I ripped her an entire new one and stated that as a Democrat, I’ll never, ever support 3rd party wanking and co-opting of my party. I responded to an op ed in Political that opined how President Biden should pardon the J6 insurrectionists- which I somewhat regret, because it’s like writing to the National Enquirer. I’ll look for opportunities to use my skills and abilities to do good in my local community. I’ll point and mock and laugh and ridicule and throw proverbial rotten tomatoes. I’ll spend the rest of my life helping make the world a better place. I’ll pick up trash. I’ll laugh and dance and make a joyful sound. I’ll enjoy the small wonders. I’ll hope for better days
I’ll spend January 20th Marching for the Dream in honor of Dr Martin Luther King, and not any time at all wasted on the inauguration.
Sister Machine Gun of Quiet Harmony
Yes. That is very true. I don’t know what to do about it. It’s fundamentally wrong, but they believe it so deeply and are absolutely committed to leaving everything on the table to defend that hierarchical structure.
@Hildebrand: Sounds like you might have the makings of a guest post here based on those experiences?
Dorothy A. Winsor
It’s amazing how refreshing it is to see Judge Merchan treat Trump like any other accused person. It feels simple and obvious. No special treatment. Which MAGA sees as outrageous
@matt: All of the organizations we fundraise for do that, and that money does not go to candidates. Keep an eye out for our fundraising posts.
Thank you! Grandiose seemed a little harsh. :-)
@Sure Lurkalot: I should have read all the comments before posting that again, thank you!
ETA the “original” article link at #66 is also worth it.
Where it came from (New Means):
Sister Machine Gun of Quiet Harmony
I’m still figuring out what I’m going to do. I’m definitely going to take better care of myself. I’ve also started attending UU services again. I need more of an in-person community. I want to put my energy into one of the causes I believe in and financially support some, but haven’t decided which one to really focus on. If there were a viable option to donate to building an alternative to rightwing media, that would probably be where I’d want to go with my support.
Oops…deleted coment since this is not an open thread. Apologies.
I’m still taking stock of where I need to and want to be after that devastating election. For now I’m focusing on being kind to my friends, family, community and to myself. I’m trying to be more creative and thoughtful. I’ve drastically reduced my consumption of “news” and of outrage posts, as well as articles and posts dumping on Democrats.
Fred Clark likes to point out the difference between ‘total’ depravity and ‘utter’ depravity.
‘Total’ depravity is the idea that we better watch ourselves, because even our best impulses can be corrupted (pride, greed, etc.). It can be a useful curb on arrogance and a spur to humility. ‘Utter’ depravity is the idea that nothing we do is good and all is debased. It leads to shame, guilt feelings, and nihilism.
I like Fred’s distinction.
The real battleground is almost more about the general culture than limited to politics. Politics is a good pointy stick because it’s often dragging the laws along with it, but not ceding the ground about what is admirable, fair, civilized (for lack of a better word) kind or intelligent is also important. Many crave admiration and respect as much as their little hierarchies (which often are merely convenient scaffolding upholding their desired superior position — as well as handy bulwarks against having to actually think about uncomfortable things). Making their cultural and neighborly lives as uncomfortable as possible is probably going to be my preferred action. And that’ll be day to day, to their physical faces. It’s too easy online to bluster and the noisy actors are often more into counting coup by provoking a response. It’s a video game almost, a twisted Angry Birds replacement. But starving them of respect on the sidewalks, parking lots, grocery lines and in front yards, that should leave a mark on the bulk of them. Mills of god. Slow and imperfect but I’ve got a bone deep disdain and am stubborn enough to drop the traditional polite silences. (That and I’ve a handy indifference to their approval, which I know is not entirely an admirable trait under normal circumstances.)
I’ll think of more later, when there are specific acts to fight against.
@Old School: Pearls Before Swine and several other comic strips are one of the two main reasons I haven’t yet discontinued my subscription to the LA Times (the other being their entertainment reporting).
@Kosh III: I’m about to do this. I don’t watch any news but will be subscribing to several independent sources. I know it will be TPM, ProPublica, & Public Notice. Haven’t decided on other subscriptions.
May also start a repeat donation to Wikipedia.
I definitely need to ignore the “!!!!!Breaking News – Orange Man Farts Out His Mouth Again!!!!!” bs going on by the major outlets and grifters on Bluesky.
@WaterGirl: If folks would be interested, I’d love to share some thoughts and experiences.
Sneak preview for folks on this thread. I am going invite folks to submit guest posts for consideration, much as we did 4 years ago in January.
I’ll pick the best 10 or so to publish as guest posts.
@Kosh III: “How very Timey Wimey.”
I like pie.
There used to be a store on South Street in Philadelphia that had all kinds of toys, largely for adults–but NOT “adult toys”!–and they had a sign or slogan that I’ve been thinking about: Don’t postpone joy. Today I opened one of my wheels of Rush Creek Reserve cheese, a yearly spendy treat to myself, and, damn, with some homemade crackers and a crisp apple from the farm share? Delicious.
Back when I was a broke grad student (or an unemployed graduate after that), I realized that, for me, it’s the small everyday pleasures that help me keep going: soap that I like, good cheese, etc. And I keep gratitude in mind when I can enjoy those pleasures, because I know that not everyone can afford even that.
A very important thing to do for me is to take frequent offline breaks and live IRL. Touch grass! (Or snow as the case may be.) Love on your pets. Notice your loved ones in a brand new way – surprise them! Recharge your batteries!
Also, every time I go out into the real world there is an opportunity to be kind. What would Jimmy Carter do? is a touchstone.
She’s beautiful! And being a “she,” the attitude makes perfect sense! LOL
@narya: Lordy I miss silly things – silly can be such a good way to recharge. Sometimes, adulting is way overrated!
A Ghost to Most
@lowtechcyclist: If it boggles your mind, I might suggest you remove your blinders.
@Sister Golden Bear:
And, if you are mentally ill, then when the government forces you into institutions, you will have no rights.
@stinger: many upvotes to you!
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
Agree. I’m sad Judge Chutkan wasn’t able to do likewise. Because she would have.
@narya: Mmmmmm washing yourself with good cheese.
West of the Rockies
I am choosing to not roll around in the stupid GOP nonsense, like Deb Fisher’s decrepit husband refusing to shake Kamala’s hand. That was ludicrous performative BS. No need to make myself enraged over it.
@narya: Gratitude is important.
My joy comes from making quilts. Right now I’ve got so many that need to find a forever home; people aren’t really purchasing quilts as of late, like, how many quilts do you need? lol!
Anyway, I’m not going to stop making quilts, but I can donate quilts to groups to raffle or auction. I’ve donated several to raise money for scholarships, etc. And I’m more than happy to help our causes here with a quilt donation. I know people will donate without any expectation of “getting something for it,” but everyone likes a treat!
Seriously, my quilt stash really needs to be reduced.
@Dorothy A. Winsor: “It’s amazing how refreshing it is to see Judge Merchan treat Trump like any other accused person. It feels simple and obvious. No special treatment.”
It is beyond amazing. It is not true!
Merchan has granted Trump very special treatment.
Convicted by a jury of his peers of having committed beyond a reasonable doubt 34 felonies, Trump will not be incarcerated, placed on probation or fined. Further, he has been excused from physically appearing at the “sentencing.” And, from start to finish has been allowed to denigrate the judge far beyond what would have resulted in any other criminal defendant being held in contempt and jailed.
If treated like any other criminal defendant, months ago Trump would have been placed on probation and fined. Further, for his rhetorical antics, put in jail for contempt for a long weekend or so.
@Hildebrand: Write something up and send it to me by email. :-)
@West of the Rockies: I think that is a really important response – don’t give the clearly performative rage bait the time of day.
Some things are worth our time, a lot are not. The Republicans have gotten so used to us swinging at every pitch, we need to learn how to watch the really errant pitches go by.
comrade scotts agenda of rage
Thank you for articulating this so well. It’s gone into my clip file as it’s a nicer way of telling fragile white Dems just how black folks see this and react instead of my “Fuck that bum, we’ll show him”.
Has anybody seen Ruckus, or BillfromGlendale or uncleebeneezer, Martin, Almost retired or any of the other LA folks?
New Deal democrat
@RevRick: Your comment brings to mind something that FDR allegedly said to his Attorney General that completely took him aback [note: I don’t think FDR was expressing his personal opinion, but rather the opinion that he believed a majority of Americans held]:
”America is a White Protestant country. Everyone else is here on sufferance.”
We need a dedicated southern Californians check in post. So far the few I know personally are in degrees of safe – some not effected YET, one safely evacuated, others packed and ready to evacuate if needed.
I’m going to keep sifting through election data for useful information,
trying to draw attention to upcoming elections, e.g.,
special election in Black Hawk, County Iowa January 28,
Wisconsin Supreme Court Election, April 1
postcarding and
will have to deal with my day job and
the many things that all through last year I put off until after the elections
Looking at some Virginia data
Results (D%-R%) statewide and for that statewide office in VA-Senate District 32
2012 Pres. statewide +4, VAS32 +10
2016 Pres. statewide +5, VAS32 +25
2020 Pres. statewide +10, VAS32 +35
2021 Gov. statewide -2, VAS32 +21
2024 Pres. statewide +6, VAS32 +21
VAS-32 is the state senate district in which
Kamala improved over 2021 by the smallest margin
(+.6 without the rounding in presentation above)
and second largest decline for her from Biden share in 2020.
Have to learn how to tell an interesting story with this (and ? additional) info.
comrade scotts agenda of rage
@Miss Bianca:
Come to Denver, where they’re all (D) (technically non-partisan but that’s a joke), and it’s the exact opposite. And people wonder why (D)-leaning voters might have sat at home. Here, all those kinds of voters needed to do was look around them thru the “all politics is local” lens and say “why do I want to vote for these clowns?”
It’s hard to get past that at times, certainly this old-school, diehard Dem has trouble convincing them.
The hope is the “car into the ditch” theory of MM will roust them off their butts in 2 years.
@Steve LaBonne:
Orestes Brownson, The Laboring Classes, 1840:
“The next step in this work of elevating the working classes will be to resuscitate the Christianity of Christ. The Christianity of the Church has done its work. We have had enough of that Christianity. It is powerless for good, but by no means powerless for evil….
We would draw the public attention to the striking contrast which actually exists between the Christianity of Christ, and the Christianity of the Church. Under the influence of the Church, our efforts are not directed to the reorganization of society, to the introduction of equality between man and man, to the removal of the corruptions of the rich, and the wretchedness of the poor.”
@Hildebrand: I’m interested.
Steve LaBonne
@BlueGuitarist: Most radical of the Transcendentalists. Odd that he ended up as a Catholic, though to his credit he got in plenty of trouble with them.
zhena gogolia
@West of the Rockies: It woke me up in the middle of last night, and then I thought, “Why am I losing sleep over this nobody?”
Miss Bianca
@comrade scotts agenda of rage: Not really tuned into local Denver politics very much, I’m afraid, so I got no way to evaluate.
zhena gogolia
@surfk9: Ruckus was on this morning, not referencing the fire. Someone said Uncle Ebeneezer had evacuated.
@John S.: Yes, he did. And the early Church picked up on his message right away. In Galatians 3:28, Paul, the apostle, alludes to a well-known baptismal creed/hymn when he writes that “there is no Jew or Greek, no slave or free, no male and female.” In other words, not only are all distinctions of race, class and gender abolished, but those social constructs never had any validity in the first place.
@TBone: LOVE this list. Gonna click the shit(e) out of it.
I’ve been thinking, disregarding, thinking again about possibly setting up a bulletin-board type website that offers help from people who know things –> to people who don’t know. Mainly about Boomers and the people who love them, steps to take about healthcare, medicare, retirement, very unzexy stuff.
My aunt talks a lot about her friends and their children/niblings needing to step up to do stuff for Grandma and don’t know how so they often contact her, my auntie, for advice. There’s so much wealth of experience and understanding out there that a wee place to put some of that might be useful to some people at some point.
I develop websites (and have had a drop in work lately) and also write stuff, fiction, fun, how-to guides. I worked for major hot shot asshole scientists doing their websites but also giving everybody “Ramalama How To Guide in Keeping Your Wits When Submitting an NSF Proposal.” Just an example. People sought me out to explain stuff they felt like they should know, but were bogged down by the writing / details.
This idea of mine might well be foolhardy. Hardy Boys. I have thought of setting something up on reddit, but people like my aunt have not taken to it. Would they take to something I set up? Who knows. I am steps closer to just seeing if I can get a response before doing any build-y type things.
Also, I love this thread, and how the rest of you are coping. Before I go to bed, I watch something non-serious. Started doing so during the Dark Ages, but kept it up. Right now I’m all in on Queer Eye, with this rebooted version kicking arse.
Already this has gone on far too long and boy I should just cu
@surfk9: Southern Los Angeles County here, very close to Almost Retired. Smoky and ashy skies but apparently not in danger here (fingers crossed). Several friends are evacuated and my daughter’s work colleague lost his home.
Miss Bianca
@zhena gogolia:
THAT’S the framing I finally had to internalize in the middle of the night.
zhena gogolia
@Ramalama: Sounds like a great idea.
@FelonyGovt: I need to call my sister. She’s in San Dimas, which is not on fire as far as I know, but she will be nervous and she’s probably getting a lot of smoke and ash at her place.
@lowtechcyclist: @WaterGirl: @Steve LaBonne: @rikyrah:
@David_C: @marklar: @Old Man Shadow:
@Sister Machine Gun of Quiet Harmony: @New Deal democrat:
I want to thank everyone for their contributions to this thread which has acquired a religious flavor.
@Hildebrand: I for one would love to hear about your experience and what you have learned.
“Tennessee Waltz”
@apocalipstick: It’s important to note that the word for depravity comes the Latin word for crooked or distorted, like a crooked stick or eyes that are desperately needing glasses.
@apocalipstick: I like that, too. Fits the “TULIP” acronym.
@David_C: Not familiar with the TULIP acronym.
@FelonyGovt: Glad you are okay.
If you get a chance, maybe check in on the Fire Check-in thread?
@apocalipstick: I found it (I think).
Sister Machine Gun of Quiet Harmony
@comrade scotts agenda of rage: In St. Louis, we’ve had our share of corrupt and incompetent Dems. It grates when the exurban GOPers point, laugh, and have a point.
I want to thank all those who responded to me or had thoughts stimulated by my comment. I wasn’t able to immediately respond, because I went out to get my steps in (self care), and then I had a Zoom meeting with the national UCC Environmental Justice Ministry which is launching our Climate Hope Affiliate campaign of legislative advocacy on climate change.
@WaterGirl: We don’t get into this too much in the Presbyterian Church, but there’s something to be said about our capability to sin.
Trivia Man
@zhena gogolia: Thank you! I reached out to my Rev to see about organizing one here.
@RevRick: Deleted due to a Hardy Boys moment.
Steve LaBonne
Deleted, obviated by another comment.
Steve LaBonne
@RevRick: Good to hear. UUs are certainly not giving up either, not hardly.
Steve LaBonne
@David_C: We UUs have our own cool acronym now, JETPIG. Justice, Equity, Transformation, Pluralism, Interdependence, Generosity.
@Weftage: I watched You Tube interview “Politics Girl” (I am not a fan) conducted with Heather Cox Richardson (I am a fan) and Heather said what you said about not anticipating the worst but keeping vigilant nonetheless while staying focused on what you can or want to do. We have to focus on the reality of the moment we’re in.
@Hildebrand: That’s beautiful. Thank you.
@narya: Laughter is so important. I have a comedy project I want to start. The Bush years inspired a play. It was the only way I could channel my anger.
@rikyrah: I would further add that their particular lives ARE meaningless, because they are so invested in those hierarchies, they place no value or meaning within themselves.
They are a lot like the oligarchs: no idea how to actually do things and poor self-esteem.
I’m celebrating winning the two special elections I worked on. It’s my first concrete step in protecting my community from a governor who is eager to jump on insane Trump priorities to boost his own career prospects, since now Dems will continue to hold both legislative houses, yay!
Just seeing this now, but I did put up a check-in post earlier, so I guess it’s all good.
@narya: A dear friend of mine is very ill and cannot walk, wash her hair or shower by herself and is in a lot of pain. I’m practicing the “attitude of gratitude” by noticing and being grateful that I can get out of bed, walk, take a shower, work out, clean my house, work 40 hour week, etc. I also am grateful for heat, a nice place to live, running water, electricity, the Internet, a working car, and all the things that are easy to take for granted. Gratitude gives me a different place to take my mind, which can go from zero to panic attack in 4.6 nanoseconds. As I said I’m practicing!
Working with a coalition of groups in our little town to put on a big gathering on Jan. 18 to give people like us hope, informational resources, and the courage to take positive action in the months to come. We’re a little worried about gun-totin’ rght-wingers, but we’re plowing ahead nonetheless.
@zhena gogolia: Yes. I saw his post yesterday or today. He said he is staying with someone.
@David_C: Thanks.
Shiva the God of Death
I am a hard-core believer in majority rule. I understand Trump did not win a majority in this election, but he did win the election. Therefore, I am actively rooting for America to get what it has asked for. Particularly the red parts. This may not be the most generous response to the second Trump administration, that’s where I am now. I and mine will survive.
Warren Senders
I signed up for Third Act, Bill McKibben’s organization for activists over 60. Link
They have a letter-writing team and I have very good LTE chops, so that was an easy lift. I do my regular daily vigils, write postcards as needed (yay for the news from VA!). I basically tithe two hours every day: one for politics, one for activism. Gonna end Facebook next week after I tidy up a bit. Aside from that it’s just alternating between rage-scrolling and domestic distractions.
Thank goodness for music.
You know, if people can’t be hopeful, etc., I think the problem is, they don’t want to *say* that, flat out.
If you’re willing to *say* “I’m sorry, I think we’re totally fucked,” I think you won’t ruin threads like this. It’s the people who can’t say that, but crap on every positive idea, that are likely to derail a hopeful thread.
I’m not sure where I’m giong with this, or even if it makes any sense