Please join us for a zoom with Brendan Walsh, executive director of Worker Power, one of the boots on the ground groups we have supported .
We had a tough loss in November, and it’s been with us every day since then. Where do we go from here?
Please join us hear about it, and talk about it!
This will be a free-ranging conversation with labor organizer and GOTV expert Brendan Walsh, whose organization, Worker Power, we supported in the last two election cycles.
JANUARY 25, at 3:30 Eastern Time
RSVP in the comments and send email so I can reply with the zoom link.
Like all of us, despite some brights spots and victories in the areas they organized, Brendan was devastated and disheartened by the election results. But now that we’ve licked our wounds (quite thoroughly), it’s time to look ahead and get our feet back under us! Brendan is not giving up. Worker Power is not giving up. I am not giving up. There’s too much at stake to give up.
It’s been a long 10 weeks – and we’re going to talk about the future.
*The future pretty much starts now, by the way. In case you’re wondering.
Worker Power engaged extensively with Arizona voters, and gained a lot of insight into what motivated (or demotivated) them. So Brendan will talk a little bit – maybe for 5 or 10 minutes – about what they’ve learned about turning out the working class vote and what they’re looking at going forward.
Then, we’ll open it up to questions and comments and what we hope will be a thoughtful discussion.
So if you have any questions or discussion topics ahead of time, let us know in the comments.
This will be the first of several zooms we’ll be having with our organizations over the next few weeks. Looking forward to hearing from all our partners!
They are all such good people. Come meet them!
Almost Retired
Excellent! I’m in. See you on the 25th.
Mr. Bemused Senior
I’ll be there.
@Almost Retired: Great! Send email to WaterGirl so I can reply with the Zoom link.
I would like to attend. Will be sending email now.
Joy in FL
I just put the Zoom in my calendar.
Thank you for setting this up.
I will email you now.
@dc: @Joy in FL:
Glad to hear it! Brendan is a really interesting guy, this should be good.
@WaterGirl: Very OT: I love the pictures at the bottom of the comments, but can you change the caption from “photos” to “pictures” since grumpy old railroader does paintings not photos. I have the current one on two coffee mugs. I love his work.
Joseph Patrick Lurker
Sounds great and would like to attend.
@Joseph Patrick Lurker:
Great! Please send RSVP by email to my nym at – I will reply to your message with the zoom link once i have the link set up.
@sab: I changed those to from “photo by” to “image by”, just for you!
@WaterGirl: Thank you!
something fabulous
Oh this sounds great! I will email you, thanks.
Can’ t call him now, but Bro got re-elected to city council in N California.
He had wanted to run before, but one of his petition people lied so he couldn’t use her petitions to qualifty. Standup guy.
So this time he ran and won. Yay!
Although his politics suck. But the longer he is in actual city government the more reasonable he becomes.
Dan B
I’m interested, will email. Cold enough for you?
@sab: He used to be RWNJ until he talked to the actual police and fire guys who have tough jobs. His change makes sense politically and warms my heart as his sister.
Echo kitty is sitting on my lap. She is lovely, but half the moose her brother is. Solomon. He is a very big cat (biggest cat I have ever seen) , but mildmannered around the house. Never met a girl cat he didn’t defer to.
Never met a girl cat who was even half his size. Never met a girl cat he didn’t defrr to.
@sab: Echo is a big girl cat . Very big. She just isn’t massive like her brother. He is the biggest cat I have ever seen. Almost coyote sized.
@Dan B: Too fucking cold! But at least we have snow, the only redeeming thing about winter.
@something fabulous: @Dan B:
Glad to hear that!
In the eastern sky, Mars is busily trying to catch up with the moon. AIUI, it should go behind the moon starting around 9:15 EST and will emerge from the other side of the moon about an hour later. Meanwhile, Venus is incredibly bright in the western sky until it sets.
I would like to attend. Dunno if you can pick up the email from here but it’s vidyapdot at gmail dot com. Thanks!
@Wyliecoat: Please send email to me – watergirl at
The way I send out the zoom links is to reply to all the messages I have gotten. So I hope you’ll send the email!
AJ of the Mustard Search and Rescue Team
Already emailed you WG, just wanted to thank you for all you do for us!
I also would like to attend, WaterGirl, I’ll send you my email.
I don’t do zoom, but I just bought some grumpy old railroader stuff. Thank you WG
Late to the party but I would like to attend the zoom. Will email.