Please join us for a zoom with Brendan Walsh, executive director of Worker Power, one of the boots on the ground groups we have supported .
We had a tough loss in November, and it’s been with us every day since then. Where do we go from here?
Please join us hear about it, and talk about it!
This will be a free-ranging conversation with labor organizer and GOTV expert Brendan Walsh, whose organization, Worker Power, we supported in the last two election cycles.
JANUARY 25, at 3:30 Eastern Time
RSVP in the comments and send email so I can reply with the zoom link.
Like all of us, despite some brights spots and victories in the areas they organized, Brendan was devastated and disheartened by the election results. But now that we’ve licked our wounds (quite thoroughly), it’s time to look ahead and get our feet back under us! Brendan is not giving up. Worker Power is not giving up. I am not giving up. There’s too much at stake to give up.
It’s been a long 10 weeks – and we’re going to talk about the future.
*The future pretty much starts now, by the way. In case you’re wondering.
Worker Power engaged extensively with Arizona voters, and gained a lot of insight into what motivated (or demotivated) them. So Brendan will talk a little bit – maybe for 5 or 10 minutes – about what they’ve learned about turning out the working class vote and what they’re looking at going forward.
Then, we’ll open it up to questions and comments and what we hope will be a thoughtful discussion.
So if you have any questions or discussion topics ahead of time, let us know in the comments.
This will be the first of several zooms we’ll be having with our organizations over the next few weeks. Looking forward to hearing from all our partners!
They are all such good people. Come meet them!
I vote up.
@Baud: Seconded!
We have about 10 RSVPs already from the previous post – thanks to everyone who sent their email RSVP.
Hoping for a group of 20-25 for a good discussion!
I’d like to attend the zoom–will f/u w/ email. Thanks!
Melancholy Jaques
Me too. We have to get back to work, the sooner the better.
The Virginia governor’s race in November will have national implications, especially if we lose.
For those who take a longer view, focus on November 2026 because that is all that matters.
@banditqueen: I’m pretty sure that “f/u” doesn’t stand for fuck you, but I have no idea what it does stand for! :-)
@WaterGirl: So sorry–f/u follow up
@banditqueen: No need to be sorry, I knew you weren’t saying that to me. :-)
Please add me.
Here’s my RSVP:)
Warren Senders
RSVP from me. Looking forward to the meet.
Please send me a link; my e-mail is in my nym information.
TO RSVP for the Zoom, you need to send email.
watergirl at