Trump just announced he is moving the inauguration indoors because it’s going to be cold outside.
— Brian Tyler Cohen ( January 17, 2025 at 12:58 PM
Trump moved the inauguration inside because he didn’t want to be humiliated by the visuals of a nearly empty mall.
— Dana Houle ( January 17, 2025 at 1:30 PM
To be honest, if I worked for him I’d have recommended it move inside, unless I had good reason to suggest a big crowd would show up despite the cold. But they probably expected, based on ticket requests, that people weren’t showing up regardless of the weather.
— Dana Houle ( January 17, 2025 at 1:48 PM
He’s moving the inauguration indoors bc it’s too cold and he wants to invade Greenland? It’s a damn ice sheet!
— George Takei ( January 17, 2025 at 6:39 PM
Congressional offices have been instructed to call inauguration ticket holders and inform them their Mall tickets are now “commemorative”
I’m sure that’s going over super well.— Kristin Wilson ( January 17, 2025 at 5:06 PM
For Obama’s first inaugural 240,000 tickets were issued, most of which were distributed through Congressional offices.…— Dana Houle ( January 17, 2025 at 5:54 PM
I bet it isn’t very many calls
If the info isn’t already public some enterprising reporter should try to figure out how many tickets were issued & compare that number to recent inaugurations. I assume Trump’s team moved it inside to avoid humiliation from a pathetic turnout/optics— Dana Houle ( January 17, 2025 at 5:14 PM
Remember, social media peeps: Sharing is caring!
With President-elect Trump moving his inauguration indoors, the Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies has announced that the majority of ticketed guests will not be able to attend the ceremonies in person.
— Congresswoman Jasmine Crockett ( January 17, 2025 at 4:50 PM
The inauguration will reportedly be moved indoors to the Capitol Rotunda due to cold temperatures.
Trump is returning to the scene of the crime for his inauguration. How fitting.— PatriotTakes 🇺🇸 ( January 17, 2025 at 11:46 AM
Trump moved his inauguration indoors because he claims temperatures may reach "severe record lows," with temperatures in the 20s (those temps are nowhere near record lows).
Other presidents have held inaugurations outdoors with temperatures in the 20s, including FDR, Jimmy Carter, JFK, and Obama.— Brian Tyler Cohen ( January 17, 2025 at 4:18 PM
Delicious 🤣🍿…MAGA morons already in DC are upset with dear leader for moving the inauguration indoors because of the cold
— WuTangIsForTheChildren ( January 17, 2025 at 7:01 PM
Those of us who couldn’t feel our toes until Valentine’s Day after the jam-packed, joyous inauguration of President Obama, suspect this move indoors may be driven more by the prediction of a relatively thin crowd, rather than the cold.
— @SIfill ( January 17, 2025 at 5:33 PM
Since Trump’s inauguration is moving indoors the crowd size should be very easy to calculate…
— Dan Przygoda ( January 17, 2025 at 12:12 PM
Trump to billionaires: I don't want you to feel cold, so I am moving the whole inauguration indoors.
Trump to his devoted Iowan followers: Come and caucus for me in subzero temps, even if you are sick, and if you pass away "it will be worth it."— Ruth Ben-Ghiat ( January 17, 2025 at 2:39 PM
With Trump’s 2024 inauguration moving indoors, his 2016 inauguration will remain the largest one any President has lied about.
— Missing The Point ( January 17, 2025 at 4:56 PM
the scream i scrumpt
— shauna ( January 17, 2025 at 1:44 PM
So now that the inauguration is going indoors, all that corporate money going to the inaugural fund can be refunded I guess, nice
— David Dayen ( January 17, 2025 at 1:06 PM
live your life in such a way that the entire world doesn't burst out laughing when your pathetic little inauguration gets moved indoors
— Jeff Tiedrich ( January 17, 2025 at 2:26 PM
Fair warning- moving indoors means one thing for certain. The speech will be long.
Near empty mall
I won’t be watching
zhena gogolia
He’s such a pathetic piece of shit.
Well, there goes my William Henry Harrison fantasy. *sigh
I agree with Gov. Walz up there, BUT … I wouldn’t call his outfit GOOD clothing for the weather it looks like he’s in.
But … Minnesota.
@moonbat: Not necessarily… crowded indoors with unvaccinated maga gives ample opportunities…
@moonbat: Apparently William Henry Harrison didn’t really die of pneumonia brought on by the cold. Before modern plumbing, sewage used to be dumped into a marsh near the White House that was used for drinking water supply. Many residents of the White House over the years were sickened by it and many died.
Which sounds….. even more perfect for TFG.
MAGA tears so delicious! Boogers & tears to all, Donold must be afraid for those manly men their Sir snot’ll freeze and cut their faces with the sharp edges. Sharp ice boogersnot tears that require face tampons.
Here’s a bit more on the death of William Henry Harrison. “Don’t shit where you eat” is among the best advice ever given. Probably also killed Polk and Taylor.
This is an appropriate way for the shitshow to begin. Just like last time, a dumb argument about a poorly attended event that will generate lots of mockery on one side and plentiful lies on the other, with most people just trying to find something good to watch on one of their multiple streaming services.
Old movies. Reruns of Gilligan’s Island. Cartoons. A test pattern. Anything would be a better use of time than this hot mess.
So we know the politics of those that handle the cold and bring the crowds
Don’t watch CBS on Bund Rally Day (WSJ gift link):
@lollipopguild: if his hands get any smaller…oh, right hahahaha
Word is to put your tv on during the Inauguration on a non-politics channel, like HGTV or ESPN, to lower his tv ratings.
Countin’ flowers on the wall, that don’t bother me at all
playin’ solitaire ’til dawn with a deck of fifty-one
smokin’ cigarettes and watchin’ Captain Kangaroo
now don’t tell me I’ve nothin’ better to do
@TBone: astute reply
@Betty: TCM all day for me – no commercials.
@TBone: I noticed one comment ” Everyone is so afraid of trump, after working so hard to get him elected.”
I see there’s something about not wanting problems from trump over some corporate merger.
Of course its about money.
something fabulous
I think the optics are even more vain: cold and blowy will reveal his silly comb-over.
If you’ve never seen it, recommend Intruder in the Dust on Monday’s TCM line-up.
Shame, really that The Last Hurrah left Prime at the end of the year and is now there only as a rental.
hells littlest angel
Total attendance will be announced as 20,000 in the hall, with hundreds of millions — some are saying billions — just outside.
I’m a dyed-in-the-wool history maven yet don’t think shall be able to bring myself to watch the inauguration of Il Doofus live. Disgust me once, shame on you; disgust me twice, shame on me.
zhena gogolia
@something fabulous: Yes. My analysis is:
He’s a physical coward
He doesn’t want his hair to blow around and show his bald pate
He knows the crowd will be small
He’s a worthless piece of shit
The few … the proud …
Biden should offer to move Inauguration Day back to when it had been on March 3rd so Trump could have better weather for his Inauguration. Five fewer weeks of Felon47 would be great.
I wonder if Trump could even pronounce “commemorative” now. I’d like to see him try.
Susie Wiles might have a speech pathologist working on Trump’s inaugural speech in order to edit out potential tongue-twisters. He was having a hard time last year with four-syllable words, and sometimes with three-syllable words as well.
TCM will observe MLK Day all of Monday into the overmight. During the peak hours of that day’s travesty (for this year) will be Intruder in the Dust and A Raisin in the Sun, both good viewing. Prime time and overnight feature mostly a good range of documentaries on Dr. King and the Movement.
@Jackie: Goooo Bird Flu!
West of the Rockies
Has he hired a press secretary yet? The return of Spicy! Period!
Nukular Biskits
Good evenin’, y’all
West of the Rockies
@Nukular Biskits:
@zhena gogolia:
@moonbat: maybe you can have a legionnaires disease fantasy instead. Can the democrats stay home? Or outside? I am being mean….to a guy who says aloud he wants to arrest people with different opinions. Beat up people without trials. Ignore laws. Took away some of my rights.
Why would his crowds be so small when so many people did apparently vote for him? He wasn’t getting crowds before the election either. Sometimes I do wonder about the vote.
Gloria DryGarden
@Jackie: this dovetails well with my silent fantasies about smiting. Obviously the goddesss might have trouble getting up some lightning, but a delayed outcome of contagion could be interesting.
Monday might be a good day to stay off all news, and watch movies and YouTubes, and cook yummy food.
If some movie classics channel wants to counter program the inauguration, A Face In The Crowd would be an excellent choice.
Cry harder, Trump trash.
@NotMax: That was one of my dad’s favorite books/movies.
Today is the first time I am disappointed with Heather Cox Richardson in her decision to describe the E.R.A. 28th Amendment as a “belief” of President Biden instead of taking the initiative to describe it as a proclamation. That gives more sway to an unelected librarian than it does to our still current President. It obeys in advance. Pish tosh.
Here’s the problem I have: it was five years ago this month that Virginia became the 38th state to ratify the ERA. So there’s been five years for Democrats to take a stand and say, “the time limits weren’t valid, and no rescinding a ratification, so the ERA is in the Constitution.”
Dems controlled the House of Representatives five years ago, and the House most assuredly IS part of the ratification process. Did the House have anything to say about it then? There was no reason to wait unless our elected Dems didn’t really believe the ERA had been legitimately ratified.
And while Biden has no official role in this process, he’s had four years to use his bully pulpit on this issue, and throw the weight of his Administration behind it. Doing this now is really half-assed. Better than not doing it at all, but just barely.
Professor Bigfoot
When Mango Mussolini was inaugurated in 2017 I made it a point to be at a gun range, sending rounds downrange at that moment.
This time I think I’ll just stay in my lab and tinker with my 3D printers; maybe pick up the Les Paul ’til my fingers hurt (which won’t be long) or even fire up the electronic drum kit.