Not much going on here, just watching Deadwood.
There were a number of enraging news stories today, and I think I just got to my limit on bullshit around 3pm and now can’t remember what they were. That means i get a temporary reprieve but will unfortunately have to go through the same god damned thing tomorrow.
I was informed today that I have entire conversations with Steve and Maxwell while I am working and that some days I talk to them more than her. I knew I talked to them but I did not realize it was that much.
In other news, Vivek is about to learn just how fucking racist a lot of Ohio is, so that is funny.
Here’s one for you- name a performance in a recurring character as good as Ian McShane in Deadwood.
Alce _e_ardillo
I think he got the word. Husted was named interim senator.
Matthew McConaughey as Rust Cohle.
Michael Kenneth Williams as Omar in The Wire. Taking nothing away from McShane, who was brilliant there and in John Wick
@Suzanne: he was born for that. I must revisit TD s1 for sure.
Shohreh Aghdashloo who played Chrisjen Avasarala in The Expanse
Andrew Robinson as Garak in Deep Space Nine.
Have never seen Deadwood, but one of my fave TV performances will always be Peter Dinklage in GoT.
I loved his character. Total agreement
But I also want to nominate Damien Lewis in Life–which ended way too soon.
Lord Fartdaddy (formerly Mumphrey, et al.)
Is Ramaswamy running for something in Ohio?
Chetan Murthy
@Lord Fartdaddy (formerly Mumphrey, et al.): Scuttlebutt was, Trump was gonna name him to replace Vance in the Senate. Ha fuckin’ ha. Schmivek, you putz.
@Suzanne: Agreed. (and swoon)
@Lord Fartdaddy (formerly Mumphrey, et al.): I just saw that he is running for governor.
I just checked political news for the first time since the election, and saw that Gallego is a US Senator. It was pretty close election, about 80K votes over Kari Lake. It must drive her craz(ier) – so close she could just taste it. I hope this was her high water mark going forward
I retired in December 2023 but after the election decided I wanted to be working if something drastic happens. Its going OK so far, next week is week one after training of taking tech support calls. Hopefully things go well. As always I’ll show up on time and do the best I can.
Brad Dourif as Doc Cochran might be close. One of the few characters in Deadwood who stands up to Swearingen, and Al is smart enough to let him sometimes. Every scene he is in, he comes across as just about the most decent person in Deadwood.
Gary Oldman in Slow Horses is doing pretty well.
@MagdaInBlack: Funny you mention. I have never found McConaughey attractive at all…. except in that role. Just unbelievably hot. Damn.
Melancholy Jaques
Something drastic? I’m about to retire. What should I be concerned about?
Wendell Pierce in The Wire and Treme.
@Suzanne: Same, to be honest.
@DCrefugee: MrsRev was blown away by her in the Expanse.
Right now we’re watching Skeleton Crew, Severance, and Bad Sisters.
Starfish (she/her)
@DCrefugee: She has such a smoker’s voice, and I love it so much.
Glory b
@Lord Fartdaddy (formerly Mumphrey, et al.): He’s talking about running for governor.
Chetan Murthy
@Starfish (she/her): She just chewed up the scenery in The Expanse, didn’t she?
In addition to Pierce and Smith in The Wire, Clarke Peters and Andrè Royo were quite good in smaller parts. In fact, that was a high-level cast top to bottom. Another strong cast in Twin Peaks, with Ray Wise and Piper Laurie as obvious standouts.
Glory b
I don’t watch much, except cooking shows and This Old House/Ask This Old House.
Recently, though, I’ve started watching American Greed. Equal parts fascinating (that so many fools and their money are so easily parted) and astounding that so many con men can’t see that the many variations on Ponzi schemes will fall apart.
@Melancholy Jaques:
Dolt 47 blowing up the entire global economy, to start,
You know, plus the entire US safety net.
Little things most people won’t notice.
Melancholy Jaques
Steve Buscemi as Nucky Thompson on Boardwalk Empire.
Chetan Murthy
@Jay: I pretty much retired recently, and yeah, I thought about this issue, too: once you retire, you start to lose your skills, your mental edge, your networks. And that means getting a job will be harder, and you’l make a ton less $$. So retiring also means forecasting that the future doesn’t hold some crazy upheaval that will cause you to need to work …. just when your market value is dropping like a stone.
Ohio Mom
@Glory b: I can only assume he’s not the only Republican thinking about running for governor, he’ll have to win a primary first. So I’m not losing any sleep about having to face Ramaswamy as my governor.
Now Husted as Senator (replacing Vance), yikes. That puts him in a very sweet spot when his term ends and he’s up for re-election, lots of name recognition. People have been fantasizing about Sherrod Brown running again for that seat but I don’t know…
Jon D.
Cara Gee in The Expanse.
I agree with every actor that’s been mentioned in a series that I’ve seen (which is less than half of what’s here). They have all been outstanding.
@Jay: I do not know why that made me laugh, but it did.
I think it’s a ” boy did you nail that” laugh.
Mr. Bemused Senior
@Nancy: ah yes. A great show [Life] that ended too soon, but on a high note.
@Chetan Murthy: Latest rumor is he has his eye on the governor’s seat. I think that’s what Cole is laughing about:
Philip Glenister as Gene Hunt in Ashes to Ashes
David Suchet as Poirot in Poirot
Stephen Fry and Hugh Laurie were the perfect Jeeves and Wooster
Tom Hardy as Alfie Solomons in Peaky Blinders. Not as good as Ian though
Ohio Mom
@Jay: This is kinda circular. If the economy craters, that means lots of people will be losing their jobs — getting a job in anticipation of the economy cratering puts you at risk of losing it. I guess you could try to save a lot in the interim but I don’t know if you could squirrel away enough to make a difference.
Having lived through the Great Recession in 2007, I really don’t want to do that again. That was 18 years ago, and I had the feeling that we could make up what we lost. And we pretty much did. This time around we are Medicare age. It will be a race between the economy bouncing back and us shuffling off this mortal coil in penury.
David Strathairn in The Expanse.
Sandia Blanca
@kalakal: I second your selection of Glenister as “Gene Genie”! He’s a compelling presence.
@Ohio Mom: Having a job means you don’t have to rely as much on your suddenly less valuable 401k portfolio for current income.
McShane as Al is practically my favorite TV performance of all the time, so that is a tough one to top. But I’m watching the original Columbos for the nth time, and Falk continues to astonish me.
Glad someone mentioned Royo as Bubbles on The Wire. Just extraordinary.
Eye on Chicago Tuesday:
John Thaw as Morse in Inspector Morse
plus a shoutout to Anton Lesser as Bright in the prequel Endeavour.
Poor Vivek, he’s going to end up receiving nothing.
Laura Linney in Ozark; Keri Russell in The Americans and The Diplomat
Miami? That could put a really serious dent in Florida’s status as a red state. Miami has gone heavily GOP in the last few years. As well as cratering the economy
@DCrefugee: Loved her in that role. Sweartastic! Next up, she joins S3 of Wheel of Time:
@prostratedragon: Wasn’t that what Homan threatened when he went was here in town (Chicago) a few weeks ago ?
@Chetan Murthy:
IDK what the answer is.
What are massive global recession jobs or investments.
Google searches only return Crypto, Gold and AI.
Through Google AI.
comrade scotts agenda of rage
Michael K Williams as Omar in The Wire.
Stuart Margolin as Angel in The Rockford Files
Wes Chatham as Amos in The Expanse
Emily Hampshire as Jennifer Goines in 12 Monkeys
Tatiana Maslany as Helena in Orphan Black
@RevRick: Laura Linney is awesome. Always excellent in everything she does.
Ohio Mom
@Barbara: IF you keep your job, which you might not of the economy crashes. I guess it depends on your field, how likely you are to get laid off.
Melancholy Jaques
@Ohio Mom:
Really like Sherrod Brown, but we need new blood in my beloved home state.
Who do they have in the Columbus area who looks like an up & coming leader?
@Lord Fartdaddy (formerly Mumphrey, et al.):
Yeah, Ohio’s top dipshit
Melancholy Jaques
I love Roger Allam as Fred Thursday.
Mai Naem mobile ¹
I can’t keep up(because I really don’t want to)but I thought Ramascammy was doing the DOGE thing or did Muskrat not want to split the spoils? Poor Nikki Haley. She must be feeling left out.
Martin Clunes in Doc Martin. Also too Leo McKern in Rumpole of the Bailey and Michael Dorman in Patriot.
Ohio Mom
@Melancholy Jaques: Don’t ask me, I live in a Cincinnati suburb and I’m not seeing anyDrmocrat around here who has that kind of star power.
Mai Naem mobile ¹
@Melancholy Jaques: if crypto crashes pretty quickly then Sherrod Brown would probably be able to win. I don’t know much about Ohio politics but Tim Ryan didn’t do that bad against Jethro.
Ohio Mom
@prostratedragon: I’m Jewish so I think that gives me a Godwin pass when I compare Trump’s round-ups to Germany in the 1930s onwards.
Now is the time for everyone who likes to think they would have participated in tne Underground Rsilroad or the French Resistance to step up (or admit they are no more than another Walter Mitty)
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
I thought they didn’t have the resources to do this stuff? There was some report that came out recently about it, that they would need a lot more money and manpower authorized by Congress to do it
Ian McShane in American Gods…
For me it’s what is going to happen with SSA and Medicare. I’ve got some money in the IRA but am not wealthy. The social security trust fund will run out of money sometime in the mid 2030s. I’ve got the genes to live another 30 years and want to have some more money in my retirement accounts. Probably just my paranoia. Also it keeps me doing something instead of worrying about whatever our slumlord overlords are up to. So don’t trust my judgement about your retirement plans…
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
@Ohio Mom:
Amy Acton?
Cristina Serban Ionda as Gina Kandinsky (from Vladivovstock) on Brokenwood Mysteries. I particularly like that the actress is from Romania.
I watch almost no contemporary or near-contemporary TV and movies – this week the only thing thing I’ve watched was A Taxing Woman ( Tampopo is next). However, reviewing what’s been suggested so far, Ian McShane ( John Wick ), Shohreh Aghdashloo (The Expanse ), and Steve Buscemi ( Boardwalk Empire ) were so good in their roles as to induce me to watch the movies / TV shows.
ETA: also, Joseph Gordon-Levitt in Looper, Brick, and Inception.
Sister Golden Bear
@Chetan Murthy:
Having been out on short-disability for a year with a nasty shoulder injury, this is definitely my fear. Especially since I was already hitting Too Old to Hire thanks to ageism in Silicon Valley (thankfully I don’t look my age). There’s definitely jobs in my field outside of tech, but most companies don’t need someone with my level of experience.
Not sure I’ll ever be working in my field again, and trying to figure out alternatives, since my skills are specialized ones that don’t transfer well.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Loved Boardwalk Empire
Too bad he went nuts
Why do these laptops have so much intrusive apps installed by default? Mcaffee virus, office 365, Lenovo this.. and it keeps popping shit on my screen trying to remind me about something. Never mind, the stupid app trying to inform me that my cloud space hosted on hotmail is running out of space and I should buy more.. I never asked them to sync in the first place!
Anyways, I got pissed off and uninstalled copilot and mcafee. The smell of desperation that I was uninstalling them was cathartic. Just counting down the months until I can install Linux and not have to deal with the Microsoft’s bullshit.
Ohio Mom
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): I like her as a person but I can’t imagine her mounting a successful campaign. Too many of our fellow Buckeyes hated her efforts to control COVID transmission.
Plus she’s a woman. I am sorry to say that I want a white make from central casting.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
@Ohio Mom:
I get it, but Sherrod Brown got his ass kicked and he was a white guy who had been elected to statewide office since forever. Tim Ryan was a white guy.
Speaking of Ryan, he’s been criticized for running a “Republican-lite” (why vote for the fake Republican when you get the real one) campaign for governor in 2022. Do you think it would’ve actually mattered if he had ran a more left-leaning campaign then? Perhaps had leaned into Dobbs?
Back in the day, Russell Baker, who took over introducing “Masterpiece” on PBS from Alistair Cooke, said, “Helen Mirren is Detective Chief Inspector Jane Tennison” (Prime Suspect).
Also agree about the Morse/Endeavour actors and characters.
Ohio Mom
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): You want analysis like that, you gotta wake up early and catch Kay on a morning thread. All that is too much inside baseball for me.
I will say that from what I heard, Sherrod was very outspent by that car salesman.
I have been putting a lot of thought into this recently, and I have reached the conclusion that everything’s fucked.
Takes™ by Jamelle Bouie: Zuckerberg’s “Masculine Energy” (8m)
@cain: Because it’s a PC.
I was this week given a new Windows machine for work, and I can only conclude that Microsoft would very much like it if I were never able to concentrate on anything ever again. I’m relived to know it’s not just me.
What a tour de force. Starts out as the prissy martinet that everybody disdains and almost imperceptibly transforms into the most beloved character. His scenes with Roger Allam were some of the finest acting around.
@Yutsano: also, Jeffrey Combs as… well, half of Star Trek characters at this point.
Going back a bit, both Sian Phillips and Patrick Stewart in I, Claudius. Laura Linney in John Adams.
ETA: Oh, the hell with it, everybody in I, Claudius.
Shane in SLC
Jim Beaver in Deadwood
The Pale Scot
Be prepared for devastating cuteness..
A Little Girl and and her Wombat
Much more..
The cast is a who’s who in British film / theater, almost all of them in their 30’s when the show premiered in 1976. Great stuff.
Several more.
In nearly anything, Joanna Lumley, Terry O’Quinn, Pete Postlethwaite and also Ben Whishaw
@cain: The manufacturer basically rents out space on “your” laptop, and therefore can sell it to you for a much lower price.
If you get a business model from e.g. Dell it comes at a lot higher price but without all the extraneous software..
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): Ryan’s pro-life history made leaning into Dobbs a bit of a stretch for him.
Chetan Murthy
@cain: I recently bought a top-of-the-line Lenovo laptop for the first time since 2015, and they had the option of just Linux onboard. So no Winders at all! Ha! Since I’ve never actually used the Winders that come with Lenovo lappies, I jumped at the discount (I think it was, like, $40, but hey, every little bit helps!)
The Pale Scot
I don’t know, I DL Windows 11 and installed it on an old Mac Pro, I didn’t see any of that. It was free, personalizing it (choosing desktop wallpaper ) cost over a 100.00, no thnx
“Pro life”. God has not shown us how to save everyone. Forbidding abortions means killing women with ectopic pregnancies. If you are “pro life”, you are still selecting winners and losers.
@prostratedragon: Illinois Governor Pritzger has said that he will oppose any rogue actions by Trump in Illinois. He has possible presidential ambitions. He may be thinking “try me!”.
McShane was also great in Lovejoy 35 years ago.
Wonder why he doesn’t start with a southern border state – Texas? Florida?
@TS: I wonder why the miserable manbaby didn’t throw himself into an erupting volcano back in the days of Reagan’s maladminstration.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): Oh please. I like the woman but it’s a cold day in hell she can win the governorship with no prior electoral experience.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): No. Tim, IMO, is a master of garbage campaigns that are doomed.
@columbusqueen: I agree. Plus the Ohio Democratic Party has sucked for years and that doesn’t help.
I know that popular prime time procedures are totally unkewel because old people like them but I think Tom Harmon deserves accolades for his performance as Leroy Jethro Gibbs in NCIS, which IMHO is an outstanding show on many levels. I understand it is the most watched drama in the world and I understand why.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): They have enough money to put on an opening act. The goal is to scare lots of people into leaving on their own. Wasn’t that a Romney idea too?
@Melancholy Jaques: Yes!
@cain: I just went through reinstalling Win11 after an SSD failed. It was a series of epic failures over two days. Who knew one needs to physically uninstall all drives except the target and put the install app on a USB drive? Who knew the install then loops back to the USB drive unless you remove it during the first reboot? Who knew the screen will go black if you have two monitors, which “confuses” the OS until you set them up? If I hadn’t had a laptop to Google all these errors I would still be mired in Windows Hell…
@TS: gotta own the libs first and put Pritzker in his place.
@RevRick: Watched Severence right after work yesterday. The first episode me my expectations, and already a plot twist – or two.
The long weekend will be for more genealogical digging and blogging, writing some stuff on Bluesky about ethics in government, and getting ready for the DC area’s cold weather that is driving Trump indoors.
For nighttime reading, started reading-reading Battle Cry of Freedom.
@comrade scotts agenda of rage:
YES to all of these…
@cain: “Why do these laptops have so much intrusive apps installed by default? Mcaffee virus, office 365, Lenovo this.. and it keeps popping shit on my screen trying to remind me about something. Never mind, the stupid app trying to inform me that my cloud space hosted on hotmail is running out of space and I should buy more.. I never asked them to sync in the first place!”
Take it to your computer shop and get a clean install.