Fellas, is it good if your president’s farewell address is an implicit plea to the military to get up to the right kind of Fun if the new guy orders the wrong kind of Fun?
— Starfish Who Can’t Think Something Witty (@irhottakes.bsky.social) January 16, 2025 at 4:22 PM
President Joe Biden announced that he was commuting the sentences of almost 2,500 people convicted of nonviolent drug offenses.
The recent round of clemency gives Biden the presidential record for most individual pardons and commutations issued. https://t.co/i7u5bagngS
— The Associated Press (@AP) January 17, 2025
It’ll be a cold day in Hell, literally…
Monday's Inauguration Day is set to be the coldest in 40 years. The high temperature for the day is projected to be around freezing at 23 degrees, while the low for the day may drop to just 10 degrees.
— NPR (@npr.org) January 16, 2025 at 6:04 PM
His money is as green as anyone else's.
— Patrick Chovanec (@prchovanec.bsky.social) January 15, 2025 at 11:59 PM
I've thought a lot about this. I usually want to witness history.
But there is nothing in Trump's inauguration that will help me to understand anything. He is a felon and insurrectionist. He will damage the country. Watching him swear an oath he doesn't intend to keep? Nope.— Cheryl Rofer (@cherylrofer.bsky.social) January 14, 2025 at 9:58 AM
It's MLK Day. Sign up for one of the Day Of Service events in your area. Good for building community
There’s at least one plague rat will be missing from the dais:
Brazil's Supreme Court has denied a request by former President Jair Bolsonaro to temporarily restore his passport so that he could travel to U.S. President-elect Donald Trump's inauguration. https://t.co/QjdrioiLOI
— The Associated Press (@AP) January 16, 2025
West of the Rockies
Which president died after Inauguration Day exposure to the cold? Asking for a friend…
@West of the Rockies:
William Henry Harrison, although I think it was also rainy.
comrade scotts agenda of rage
Biden, despite his verbal gaffes over the years, is an underrated speachifier. Not in Obama’s class but then he makes up for it in other ways.
Raoul Paste
That Jack Ohman cartoon. Devastating.
If any members of the secret service had remembered their oaths, Trump would have been in custody on Jan 7th, 2021. Sworn oaths don’t mean a thing to Republicans in general, we have perjurers on SCOTUS as proof of that.
Melancholy Jaques
He died of pneumonia, a common cause of death back in those days.
Full uncut conversation with Joe Biden from Thursday’s O’Donnell program.
BC in Illinois
The topic of Jan 20 / snow / MLK Day has come up here, so let me repeat this from the earlier thread:
I have to admit that I have been watching the 10-Day forecasts for DC. I remember from my youth that even two inches of snow (the present Weather Underground projection) can snarl the Nation’s Capital fairly well.
In the meantime, I am seeing various responses to what to do on Monday.
One. One of our daughters has latched onto the idea that it is not sufficient to simply NOT watch the proceedings on Monday. It is important to have the TV tuned to some other station. For ratings (?). I’m not sure that this works, but in her case, it will mean several hours of binge-watching Daniel Tiger.
Two. Monday is Martin Luther King Day.
In St Louis, this can mean https://www.stlvolunteer.org/mlkday
Three. There may be other events. At the University of Missouri – St Louis there is a St Louis Symphony / Sheldon Choir / UMSL Event, free, that Mrs BC and I are going to. It says it is from 11am to 2pm. Then we can go out to eat. Anything newsworthy that happens on the 20th, I can catch up on on the 21st.
For all the receipt keepers out there, under Biden:
Dorothy A. Winsor
My book club is meeting at 2:30 Monday afternoon, so I’ll at least be insulated from the Inauguration then. I intend to avoid seeing or hearing Trump ever.
Old Man Shadow
I wonder if the anger is ever going to go away.
Starfish (she/her)
There were many protest marches scheduled for Monday by the various groups. However, it will be so cold where I live that one of the groups moved their march to Friday.
@Old Man Shadow:
Theirs? No.
First of all, they’re the GOATs of sore winners. The fact that they’ve won won’t keep them from being mad about all the old stuff, and finding new stuff to be mad about.
And second, when it’s clear to even them how much damage the Trump Administration is doing to the country, they’ll have to have new things to get angry about in order to distract themselves from that reality.
@moonbat: Which Trump will claim credit for, and the media will disparage.
Melancholy Jaques
@Old Man Shadow:
I don’t know. I don’t want to live angry all the time, but when I think of 2000, I still get angry. I don’t know how or when I will get over this Trump era. I live in a neighborhood where several people fly huge Trump flags. I know it’s not healthy to despise people, but I do, I really do. That capacity that Jimmy Carter had for forgiveness & reconciliation? I don’t have it.
Learned the word Ignore-uration.
@Old Man Shadow: No, and why should it?
I welcome our new era of hopefully stark contrasts. I am interested in supporting Dems who push two simple ideas: No more billionaires, No more corporate money in politics. Those two things have poisoned us, we cannot heal until that poison is expunged.
I’m actually uninterested in what the GOP does, they’re idiot nihilists who will idiotically do nihilism.
I’m interested in the Democratic Party becoming a true opposition party. Or, if not, building an alternative.
No more billionaires, No more corporate money in politics. With us, or against us.
@JerseyBeard: I like it!
@moonbat: I want a t-shirt of “Biden Did This” front and back with a list of accomplishments including 16.6 million jobs created, significant real wage growth (first time in decades), plant construction boom, re-shoring of manufacturing jobs, battery and microchips boom, huge rise in Americans with health insurance, etc. It can be printed in fine print front and back with only “Biden Did This” in big letters. Maybe it’s a pointless gesture but it’s my protest against the narrative.
@Elizabelle: Now I just learned it, too! Thanks, vocabulary-friend.
Publisher of SCOTUS blog indicted on tax charges, hires Trump’s lawyers (the Fetterman gambit)
The SCOTUS has upheld the ban on TikTok.
Villain of the Week is Jeff Yass. The Inky explains (and I chose him NOT because of Tik Tok but because of his other nefarious activities).
Yass is a billionaire dragon still hiding in his cave on top of his hoard pile of gold and gems. Read his Wiki “Political Activities” section for further details and then imagine what he’s doing that we DON’T know about.
Non paywall to The Inky article
P.S. Yass didn’t purchase TikTok but could have.
@Melancholy Jaques: Do you think TCFG is vaccinated against pneumonia?
West of the Rockies
@Old Man Shadow:
Whose anger? Ours? No. But it will be heavily infused with pointing and laughing.
Trump’s? No. It will linger in his soul like a cosmic existential fart.
@Ramalama: You are welcome. Good day for reading and streaming.
Kind of you to send your weather this way, too.
Bill Arnold
As Cheryl Rofer notes, Mr. Trump is an insurrectionist.
The moment he finishes swearing (or affirming) the oath, he will have blatantly violated it, specifically Section 3 of the 14th amendment.
@NotMax: thank you! Fell asleep so I appreciate your share.
Gin & Tonic
Uh, 23 is not “around” 32. “Below” even has fewer letters than “around.”
Old Man Shadow
@Jackie: So much for no Bills of Attainder
@West of the Rockies:
@Melancholy Jaques:
William Henry Harrison, until Reagan the oldest president, gave the longest inaugural address.
One part of the 1841 speech worth remembering: he pointed out the unfairness of DC residents being “deprived of many important political privileges”
DC statehood is long overdue.
@moonbat: thanks for that list!
(I just added it to my “President Biden appreciation post” on social media…good for rallying the Ds and irritating the RWNJs!)
@Bill Arnold: and he’ll violate it about 30 seconds afterwards, as well, when he pardons the J6 cop-beaters right there from the inaugural platform.
I’ll never, ever stop reminding the RWNJs that that’s who and what they supported.
The only good Nazi is a dead Nazi.
@Old Man Shadow:
That claim wasn’t even made.
IIRC Jeff Yass wants to abolish public schools and could be the poster boy for making more people aware of the serious threat to public education from Republicans/billionaires.
@tobie: I like this! Sounds like those concert-tour tshirts that list a ton of things on the back. The DNC should do this, but since they might not, maybe you can! Or Wonkette?
Rose Judson
A statement from the President:
“I have supported the Equal Rights Amendment for more than 50 years, and I have long been clear that no one should be discriminated against based on their sex. We, as a nation, must affirm and protect women’s full equality once and for all.
“On January 27, 2020, the Commonwealth of Virginia became the 38th state to ratify the Equal Rights Amendment. The American Bar Association (ABA) has recognized that the Equal Rights Amendment has cleared all necessary hurdles to be formally added to the Constitution as the 28th Amendment. I agree with the ABA and with leading legal constitutional scholars that the Equal Rights Amendment has become part of our Constitution.
“It is long past time to recognize the will of the American people. In keeping with my oath and duty to Constitution and country, I affirm what I believe and what three-fourths of the states have ratified: the 28th Amendment is the law of the land, guaranteeing all Americans equal rights and protections under the law regardless of their sex.”
@West of the Rockies: Tippecanoe and Tyler too. William Henry Harrison. I’m sure some beat me to this but I like typing Tippecanoe.
@Rose Judson:
@BlueGuitarist: and that’s part of why I take this personal
@Old Man Shadow: Nope, the selfish, ignorant, bare majority of voters took an enormous shit on this country, and I, at least, don’t intend to ever forgive the stupid sons-of-bitches
I do hope that everyone who feels it works hard to beat these sons-of-bitches back, in every way possible.
Secondary Villain of the Week is a librarian and it truly pains me to say that .
Raoul Paste
@Baud: I hope this takes the news cycle away from Trump, however briefly.
@Raoul Paste: The reality is that there is a real segment of America that wants to destroy the government. It’s completely irrational and will have consequences none of us can fully anticipate, but there is a real core of people (sadly across the ideological spectrum, but much more concentrated on the right) that want to burn it all down. They are cheering the chaos and the bulldozer. The fact that many, many people will be hurt and suffer is feature, not a bug.
@TBone: Yass
@moonbat: How much of the Biden Infrastructure act is vulnerable to Trump cancelling, counter-productively or malevolently misdirecting, or diverting to his or his billionaire cronies’ pockets?
Trump will be shaking a lot of hands and in close spaces with a lot of people who don’t believe in flu vaccines; that’s all I’m going to say.
1972 “Inhoguration”
Drawing of Nixon with crown askew.
@Gin & Tonic: Ignorance or lack of proofreading? I lean ignorance.
john b
@TBone: When was that statement made? That article was originally published on December of last year
Clarified ;D
Rachel Bakes
Since Democrats control the weather the cold temperatures on Monday are solely intended to drive down the numbers for Inauguration Day. (That’s supposed to be capitalized? I guess a day of mourning counts)
@Rose Judson: Current version of SCOTUS will rule that the ERA did not validly get ratified because (insert CJ Roberts’ reasoning from the Federalist Society playbook he used to invalidate major portions of the VRA). Amounts to “we ain’t going to allow that shit” dressed up in prolix legal language and citation of tortured out-of-context thinly related precedents).
@Juju: Agreed. It’s NPR. Not a lot of science knowledge amongst the general staff.
True. But people have been asking for this so I hope they’ll support Biden’s action despite that.
Based on experience, however, I expect folks will just move on to the next thing.
Good Morning Everyone 😊 😊 😊
Huh? There was a Mellon with 150 million, Musk’ spent over 250 million, Adelson over $100 mill —
@cmorenc: The current version of SC(R)OTUS is completely lawless. They just ignore or outright rewrite amendments as suits them. They’ve turned the whole field of constitutional law into the sort of complete mockery that Lewis Carroll and Samuel Clemens used to write about.
They seriously, SERIOUSLY need to be neutered. But the other branches just don’t have the political will to make them irrelevant. And plenty of fascists will use their pronouncements as a cudgel, which is why they have any power at all
And they gained that power by being exactly what they were never supposed to be – nakedly partisan actors.
@moonbat: and yet not one media outlet covered this..
@TBone: that’s where I am.
NPR all-in on “both-side-ing” integers!
@Old Man Shadow:
@ArchTeryx: the Court should be incinerated- it’s a joke
Me either
@Anyway: the “As of March, 2024…” is called a qualifier.
@tobie: If you build it I will buy one!
Harrison Wesley
@comrade scotts agenda of rage: By the end of his term they’ll have relearned it as “remember your oaf.”
The crowds viewing the inauguration will be thinned by the hordes impatiently shuffling outside grocery stores awaiting the nosediving of the price of eggs at 12:01.
@Jeffro: No problem. Since Biden is making an all out effort to troll 45 by insulating the progress made over the past four years, I intend to keep a running scorecard of everything he’s done and what he’s doing as he walks out the door.
@Harrison Wesley: I know I will!
@Rose Judson:
Well, there’s another one to add to the list!
Harrison Wesley
@Juju: As a person who grew up in Tippecanoe County in Indiana I would agree that is a fun name. I have even canoed on the Tippecanoe River!
Harrison Wesley
@Juju: Always a good time to remember John Tyler. Like John Quincy Adams before him,he returned to Congress after his presidency. Unlike Adams, however,it was the Confederate one.
Another Scott
@Rose Judson: I heard bits of that news on the radio this AM.
In December the Archivist said that the deadline for ratification had passed.
I agree that the Archivist shouldn’t be interpreting the law here. It’s not their job.
It’s too late to force the issue, and with this SCOTUS we know how they’d rule, but it’s good that Biden and Harris have put this marker down for the future.
Best wishes,
@Harrison Wesley
One of John Tyler’s grandsons is still with us. Yes, his grandfather was born in 1790.
@Rose Judson:
I did not expect him to do this (though I signed a petition asking for it). Will it get published now and become official?
@Baud: Where will they put the record-breaking, largest-ever-in-history, finest, never-before-seen-ever-in-history crowds?
Glory b
@rikyrah: Come sit by me at the mean girls table.
Ms. Cat is here too.
I’m recruiting.
@Another Scott: Let’s hope the market doesn’t get picked up by the proponents of the Balanced Budget Amendment. ::Shudder::
zhena gogolia
@Princess: 😃
@Scout211: He’ll switch to TV ratings – natch. My tv will be off. Or on HGTV or the Cooking channel or streaming movies. Or watching NFL highlights…
@Glory b: count me in.
@Jackie: we will probably watch a movie, once I get back from having a doctor tell me why my right foot hurts. I’m in SoCal for a funeral today, heading home tomorrow. My sister’s ex who was really a rat, but we’re here for their daughters.
@Rose Judson: Wait, WHAT? Did he just sign off on the ERA????? HOLY…….
@Glory b: I’ll bring treats to contribute, I’ve been feelin’ mean lately.
@Glidwrith: the National Archives librarians are refusing to honor President Biden’s powers and stated that the Congress and the courts must move to lift the time deadline (which is behavior modeled upon Aileen Cannon). GAH.
No, as others have mentioned, the Executive Branch has no role in the ratification of Constitutional amendments.
It’s hard to say there was a good time for Biden to do this, but doing it right now guarantees that it’ll get about five minutes’ worth of attention today, and then be forgotten without even any meaningful debate.
@Glory b: On Wednesdays we wear pink.
Glory b
@opiejeanne: Yay! Welcome!
Glory b
@TBone: Right with you.
Glory b
@Ksmiami: I like pink.
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
I intend to avoid seeing or hearing Trump ever.
A wise, sane premise.
However, how will you know when to duck or run……?
@Glory b: Raises hand. I’ll bring snacks.
Well if there is no public schools then he can start schools that teach his way of doing things as absolutely correct – and charge money for it. Plus, think of the money that won’t be spent on public schools, you know – our taxes. You think that will cease to be collected? Yeah, I didn’t think so. This group of the overly wealthy and the dipshits that can’t get a decent job, ever, because they don’t meet the minimum standards for human (don’t be a pompous, arrogant, jackass – at least not on a 24/7 schedule) want to be in charge because of course they know how to do, let’s see it’s anything or nothing, such a decision – oh wait it’s absolutely nothing positive that they will be looking to do. They seem to be pissed because life is all the things they hate, actual work, creating things, not being a jackass, acceptance – of truth and of their limited worthless skills. And that it may be possible for them to actually learn better. I wouldn’t bet on it.
@Rose Judson:
Well, that’s a real sweet gesture, and all that, but maybe the guy who was in office for the last four years could have gotten onto that just a little bit sooner to get it a bit more solidly in place, instead of waving it around on the way out the door like a clever bit of trolling.
“Fellas, is it good if your president’s farewell address is an implicit plea to the military to get up to the right kind of Fun if the new guy orders the wrong kind of Fun?” Huh? Am I the only person who doesn’t understand what the fuck this guy is talking about?
@TONYG: The convict and his designated SecDef have both stated they’re willing to issue unlawful orders to troops. Biden saying “remember your oath” to the military is remining them their oath is to the Constitution, not to whomever sits in the White House, and that if there’s a conflict the military’s duty is to not follow an unlawful order.
@Torrey: The last state just passed the ERA amendment fairly recently. He couldn’t “get on it” until that happened.
@Glory b: Me too!
@satby: Thank you. Yes, Biden is 100% right about that. That has nothing to do either with “Fun”though. Strange choice of words from thst guy