Jack Smith should have stuck around and charged Trump with perjury for taking the oath.
— Patrick Chovanec (@prchovanec.bsky.social) January 18, 2025 at 7:16 PM
“Everything will be all right (I am sure)”, my new mantra, the motto of Sakura Kinomoto (Cardcaptor Sakura), who over the years between fourth grade and junior high saves the world, not through extraordinary talents or outsized gifts, but by relentlessly focusing on doing what she can to protect her own neighborhood and the people she loves. We take our inspiration where we find it, here at the end of history.
(If kiddy cartoons make you squeamish, try “All shall be well, and all shall be well, and all manner of thing shall be well”, from a historical figure who survived the Black Plague.)
genuinely remarkable polling result given how much the media has been promoting him and pushing the idea that he is popular and has a mandate to govern.
trump enters office as an unpopular lame duck
Working class Americans who voted for the balls and galas ticket
LMAO the dumb MAGAs are calling their congresspeople looking for a refund ????
— WuTangIsForTheChildren (@wutangforchildren.bsky.social) January 18, 2025 at 2:09 PM
it's totally sensible imo to move the inauguration inside when its 20 degrees and the president elect is almost 80 years old. the issue isn't that he's doing this it's that the media let him get away with pretending he wasn't 80 years old during the campaign and it turns out he is 80 and frail
it wasn't a mistake. they wanted to help trump win and making a big deal out of age helped trump win when he was against biden and didn't help trump win when he was against harris, so guess which part of the campaign age was a major issue? bsky.app/profile/king…
If you think to yourself "that seems like it ought to be illegal," it was, until the Supreme Court declared that laws aren't real if you're Donald Trump
— Chatham Harrison is tending his garden (@chathamharrison.bsky.social) January 19, 2025 at 9:19 AM
So far we've got the president profiteering off the office directly, we've got him soliciting bribes from business leaders, he's been interfering in foreign affairs, & he remains a rapist who killed hundreds of thousands by mismanaging the pandemic & caused cops' deaths during a coup. Bad president!
— Chatham Harrison is tending his garden (@chathamharrison.bsky.social) January 18, 2025 at 1:52 PM
A touch of tuneage. The holidays may be over but the music lives on.
Trump not being popular doesn’t mean we’re popular.
and to think: Jimmy Carter had to put his lil’ old peanut farm into a blind trust, so that he could stay squeaky clean and avoid conflicts of interest while president
there’s a club just lying there, waiting to be picked up and swung HARD, Dems
Adjacent to the point of this post about (waves hands) all this, Krugman has a nice evisceration of the tech bros vying to be the best buddy of FFOTUS. Walking away from WaPo was the best thing Krugman’s done since he won his Nobel.
True, but the fact that Trump is as corrupt as the day is long is and has been obvious for going on a decade to anyone with a pulse. His voters don’t – give – a – shit.
@Baud: But as Jeffro implies below your comment, it’s an opportunity-rich environment. No idea who or how will succeed, but there are definitely options. And I have some faith that some smart folks, possibly ones we don’t even see on the horizon, will Do Some Stuff. I also think that not running around waving our arms in the air right now is useful.
@satby: I’ve been enjoying his daily missives WAY more than I expected to, and I’ve been learning a lot; he’s quite a good explainer. (And he left FTFNYFT, not WaPo.)
Sure, it’s an opportunity rich environment. Which in turn results in every Tom, Dick, and Harry on social media scolding Dems for not targeting their preferred issue in their preferred manner.
I am rolling on the floor laughing from Krugman’s newletter on Substack. Today is about our new oligarchs and the black hole where their souls should be. No, I am not laughing at or enjoying his usual insight and perspective. Its his song selection. Love me some Tears for Fears, but their anthem “Everybody Wants to Rule the World” in the original Latin is just so wild.
Paul Krugman, The Pathetic Billionaire’s Club
ETA: I see Satby is enjoying him as well this morning.
@danielx: most of his voters don’t give a shit…yet
but some do, and we let them off the hook when we just dismiss it as ‘ho hum, trump voters don’t care’.
Why let them keep their heads in the sand? It feels good to remind them (and the world) that at least some of us have standards.
It certainly feels good to remind them of what they’re supporting. and it can only help to keep pointing out that the corruption is growing exponentially.
(And making a scene about it lets all those folks on the sidelines see the contrast between the parties. Makes it harder for them to dismiss it as ‘both sides’ when one side is vacuuming up billions in crypto payments from…where?…who knows?….while the other is fighting to help Americans keep their health care and Social Security)
Nailed it.
@Baud: I’ve adopted the Baud approach: if you’re trashing Dems, I’m gonna skip right past that. If you have a plan, suggestion, approach, etc., I’ll give it half a chance.
If those MAGAts want a refund, they should stick around until Tuesdays and air their grievances with their representatives personally. It’s legal now anyway.
@narya: Unfortunately, I have been having to skip a lot of Balloon Juice of late. It makes me sad.
I feel morally obligated to warn you that that usually doesn’t end well.
@planetjanet: I’ve been trying to give folks here a little grace; we’re all angry and scared, and that is always a difficult place to be. I think one of the biggest challenges right now is that we don’t actually know what’s going to happen–we know there’s going to be trouble, but it’s so anxiety-producing to not know what KIND of trouble and to try to prepare for any/all of it. I totally get what you’re saying, though. I am hopeful that it will evolve, that we’ll find folks who are making good trouble, and take the next right step(s).
@Baud: [grin emoji]
@narya: Agree. To an extent. Some people are showing us who they are. I am so grateful for WaterGirl and Annie Laurie for their work and perspective. It keeps me here. We will find a way through this, look after each other, and keep up the fight for our values.
In retrospect, removing my pants in public wasn’t a good idea.
Another Scott
TheVerge.com (from March 2021):
He bought magic beans with other magic beans. Savvy!!
Let’s see… Google tells me that a B20 token is worth about $0.11 with a total B20 market cap a little over $543k. Super Savvy!!
Be careful out there…
Best wishes,
comrade scotts agenda of rage
He highlighted another glibertarian techrbo, Marc Andreessen, who while being characterized as “turning right” that simply has meant he’s turned right from the fauxgressive brand of liberalism promoted by clowns like Yglesias, No Opinion, Stancil, et. al.
@planetjanet: Even the “showing who they are” thing is variable for me: I’ve had times in my life when I didn’t like being around me, much less anyone else, and I could not have been pleasant to be around. I was fortunate in being able to work through that, to put down that burden of anger, but it definitely took time. I look back at that version of me with compassion, and I try to extend it to others who are being assholes as much as possible
ETA: extend it to others up to a point.
@narya: That is some real strength.
Happy LastFullDayWeHaveARealPresident everyone!
@Another Scott:
@Baud: BOTH SIDES!!1!
I’m just surprised it took him this long to set up a laundromat through which to funnel his bribes. From this day forward, every policy proposal, every diplomatic feint one way or another is an attempted shakedown of one of the parties involved. Say it loud and proud. If they are going to be so bold about it, no reason we shouldn’t oppose it just as boldly.
This word “happy” you use….
(/Princess Bride) //
@planetjanet: thank you, but nah. :-)
Part of it was luck: a bunch of recovering alcoholics and drug addicts took a chance and hired me; part of it was just not wanting to be so angry all the time. The experience came in handy several times over the years, when dealing with various toxic people. One person in particular was soooo awful, particularly to me, and no one in leadership would do anything about it–which was really terrible–but I eventually came to have a lot of compassion for them. You have to be carrying a lot of shit to be that toxic.
Wow it’s cold here in Memphis. The CEO of our utility says they’re ready. We’ll see.
Hasn’t one of the Republican congressmen written a book recently about how corrupt Biden is? I can’t recall what shady things “the Biden crime family” ™ is supposed to have done, but I think the king of shady doings is going to be in the White House soon, so we all need to make sure we keep pointing out the corruption, right?
So. You just spent thousands of dollars to get to DC to watch the guy that you spent hundreds of dollars to get elected – the guy that is not going to lower the price of your eggs – get sworn in and he tells you, “sorry, but I will be inside where it’s warm to lie about protecting and defending the Constitution and then will be on the high-priced glam party- and gala-circuit with my wealthy bros and hoes.” And you can’t even get a refund on your ticket to ride. Sad. [sound of cold wind blowing and snow falling and ice crackling below your Trump-Inauguration boots.]
I will just say that there are a lot of very fine museums on the mall. And don’t miss the Botanical Garden. It’ll be warm inside.
Government by dumb motherfuckers, for dumb motherfuckers.
“See them while you can, because Trump’s boys will be closing them.”
I didn’t get you anything.
@narya: Everyone is flawed. Some people work on it, and some people don’t.
@Baud: You didn’t take anything, so we’re even.
In more positive news, the FU Dan Snyder Project is humming along. Congrats, Commanders fans.
Somebody is going to start sending out emails along the lines of “If you need a refund for the presidential inaugural, send (misc personal identifying info) to this address” and then use that to rip them off even more.
the pollyanna from hell
What rough rapester toddles toward the geriatric manger?
And I will laugh.
Guy who wants to swallow Greenland and Canada can’t deal with a balmy 20 degrees. SAD!
Yeah, and they don’t even care about major implications, like China buying up his memecoins to essentially bribe him. If all of a sudden he and China are best buddies, it’s like the bit from 1984. America and China will have always been best buddies, as far as his cult members are concerned.
ETA: I’d get a t-shirt made with Trump’s photo and the words, “Big Brother is watching you” except that even that wouldn’t faze them. “Trump’s watching me? Oh, joy!” and they’d be serious, not sarcastic.
@Baud: Who says you can’t fire the owner?
Beautiful photo, WaterGirl. I always look forward to these.
Another Scott
Most Smithsonian Museums in Washington To Close on Inauguration Day.
[ womp, womp ]
Best wishes,
I said this the first time and I’ll try again.
If you were to remove what is left of Trump’s hair from his head, this presidency would be over.
Personally, I have a fantasy of grabbing as much as I could with my two hands and tearing it off his scalp.
Miss Bianca
@Lapassionara: Maybe suggest to James Comer that he’s missed the *real* story, and urge him to “investigate” and then “write a book” about the “Trump Crime Family corruption”?
Didn’t they just get a huge win?
@Miss Bianca:
I will not write what he is. You can guess.
They’re in the NFC championship. One win away from the Superbowl. They haven’t been there since before the Dan Snyder era.
So, I don’t get it? I’m missing something.
I’m not sure what you’re missing so I can’t respond.
The crypto release was particularly corrupt. Thing is, MAGA folk don’t care that Donald did that. MAGA folk would only care if it was a Democrat who did that while in (or just before) talking office. And this isn’t different from almost any other controversial issue. It’s a cult over there. Their cult thinks what matters is helping their cult and if it screws their opponents, it’s all the better.
There is no basis for negotiating or discussing things with people who hold these views.
So the owner is getting shit because he won? Yeah. I don’t get it.
Current weather report from the DC environs: Rain and snow mixed and temps in the low (to the north) to mid (south) 30s.
Enjoy your stay, MAGAs!
randy khan
Not mentioned in the OP, but it seems that the reason various members of Congress are posting on social media to say the cancellation was Team Trump’s call is that a lot of people who made Inauguration Day plans seem to think it was something the Dems did. But the idea that some percentage of those folks might try to get money from the Inaugural Committee is pretty amusing.
I’ve also seen a theory that it wasn’t the cold that caused the changes, but that there wasn’t going to be particularly good turnout. I know that almost up until the moment the shift to an indoor ceremony was announced, I was seeing ads on Twitter/X from the Inaugural Committee offering me the chance to get tickets to the event.
Starfish (she/her)
So three Israeli prisoners were freed during the cease fire after Israel broke the cease fire and went ahead and killed eight Palestinians because Hamas would not tell it the name of the hostages being freed.
Dave Chapelle’s skit on SNL was subdued but good, and it ended with Dave saying “Please have empathy for displaced people, whether they are in the Palisades or in Palestine.” These talented comedians are so good with the way they weave their skits together.
Mr. Bemused Senior
@kindness: the people who buy those meme coins are going to lose their money. Probably some of them will notice.
The former owner, who was one of the worst owners in professional sports. He owned the team for about two decades and they sucked the whole time and had mucho scandals. He was forced to sell two years ago and how the team is doing well.
@planetjanet: Don’t read Cole’s Saturday Night Open Thread, then. It looks like we’re going to have four years of: Why didn’t Biden fix the Post Office? Why didn’t Biden save TikTok? Why didn’t Biden fix Gaza? Why didn’t Biden rescue Ukraine? Why didn’t Biden hire a better archivist?
Gonna be a long four years in ways I hadn’t previously imagined.
Thanks! Obviously I don’t follow the NFL.
@Another Scott:
Oh dear – I thought the MAGA crowd were going to get some education instead of cheering on dear leader – they lucked out again.
I’m guessing luxury condos surrounding an elite Trump golf course.
@eclare: Dan Snyder sold the Commanders back in 2023. For 6 BILYUN DOLLARS.
Other MJS
This all reminds me of the sappy “Trump as Jesus” memes: “Trump is a billionaire who could have lived a life of ease, but sacrificed that to take on the Presidency (as his cross, I guess) to save us (from Commie Dems / the Deep State / immigrants / whatever).”
There’s a silver lining AFAIAC: Snyder’s management of the Washington football team was so awful that when I learned about CTE and how all the collisions in pro football really mess with the players’ brains, long term, it made it really easy to stop watching football, despite having passionately rooted for the that team for over 40 years.
Yes, all that stuff, and also he still makes a stupid “fist” that would get his wee thumb broken if he tried to throw a punch.
All evangelical prosperity preachers need a good hook. Jimmy Swaggart had his plaintive sobbing, etc., so on and so forth, also too.
Along with a Trump cemetary. Reply is to number 65 above.
Thanks for the warning.
zhena gogolia
@stinger: And if you dare to push back on that attitude, you get flamed
@lollipopguild: Yeah, but the cemetery is only there
to bury top secret documentsas a tax break.Starfish (she/her)
@stinger: Hopefully, after the election, the folks trying to canonize Biden to elevate him for sainthood will knock it off, and these discussions will end.
Harrison Wesley
I guess instead of a bank deposit Railroad Retirement will be sending me a Bitcoin voucher in February. Can’t wait.
Should Malania be worried?
Another Scott
@Spanky: He’s been trying to sell his Potomac River estate in NoVA for a while. Not many takers at $60M list… (209 days on Zillow.)
Best wishes,
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Do you think Biden is above criticism? I can’t think of an excuse for why he and his team choose Colleen Shogan. She’s literally whitewashing history. They should’ve known who and what she was. That’s the entire point of vetting. And what shit started hitting the fan for well over a year, they should’ve publicly condemned her actions
Re: Mantras. Anne Lamott wrote a column a few months ago wherein she shared that her AA Serenity prayer when she rose in the morning had morphed into “Whatever.”
And on retiring at night, “Oh well.”
me too. Cheers for AL and WaterGirl
@narya: Ah, of course. Even better!
I am repeatedly grateful for the economics teacher in college who made it clear that professional sports is a business. If you cheer for the hometown insurance company, or the hometown auto dealer or the hometown defense contractor, then go ahead cheer for the hometown football team the same way.
Also business wise, the NFL and MLB do all kinds of illegal antitrust activities that congress has made possible.
But did he make a profit selling them? Probably.
Works for him.
Harrison Wesley
I see my role for the next few years endlessly reprising Kevin Bacon in Animal House: “Keep calm! All is well!” You know – an exercise in futility, but upbeat.
Because it is MLK holiday. right?
No One of Consequence
They’re going to try to STEAL IT ALL.
Every last thing.
This is going to be epic.
John S.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka):
There’s a lot of people here who think Democrats should be immune from any criticism and derail every thread when their fragile criticism detectors go off.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): I cannot speak for others, I can only say for me it is the “should have” refrain that wears on me.
This is where we are. This is what we have to work with. What do we do with what we have here and now. “Shoulda/woulda” solves nothing.
Another Scott
@catclub: No, it looks like it’s a congestion on the Mall and downtown, and a security thing.
Best wishes,
@No One of Consequence: They will start with letting your 401k invest in crypto. Especially the Trump coin.
The hardest fund to convince will be the TSP – the Federal Gov employees version of the 401k.
@satby: That’s awesome, and
@planetjanet: THANKS bc the Tears for Fears translation is what got me to click. Love it.
Roberto el oso
Since I haven’t seen it in the comments so far. The quote in the post “all will be well …. all manner of things will be well” is from “The Cloud of Unknowing”, a really lovely devotional work by the mystic Julian of Norwich (who was female, despite the name). Along with “Imitation of Christ” by Thomas a Kempis, “The Cloud of Unknowing” is maybe my favorite bit of Christian writing. I’m a devout EX-Catholic, which those of similar background will recognize as a very specific stance LOL. Oh, also, T.S. Eliot uses the same quote from Julian of N in “Four Quartets”.
Citizen Alan
Will they be open tomorrow on MLK Day?
@Citizen Alan: “Will they be open tomorrow on MLK Day?”
It’s been pointed out that they will be closed tomorrow. However, they are likely open today as hundreds, perhaps thousands, of MAGAs aimlessly shuffle around the Mall in confused disarray after being sucker-punched by Dear Leader.
If nothing else, I’m guessing the bars are open.
Thor Heyerdahl
@Another Scott: some things are still open.
Question, is this the real one or the one in congress?
Rick Taylor
I don’t know much about meme coins and crypto. This video by coffeezilla was helpful.
Trump meme coin is insane