We are all set to zoom on Saturday afternoon with Brendan Walsh at Worker Power – Where do we go from here?
Please consider joining us! Brendan is an interesting guy, with a lot of experience, so I’m sure this will be a great conversation.
If you have any questions you already know you would like to ask or some facets of the that question you would like to explore, please share them in the comments below!
Zoom links were just sent to everyone who RSVP’d. If you sent an RSVP but didn’t get the link, please send me an email message. thanks.
If you haven’t RSVP’d, it’s not too late to sign up.
Open thread.
zhena gogolia
Leaving a comment so you won’t feel lonely. Thank you for being optimistic. I’m just not there — too tired and discouraged.
@zhena gogolia: Appreciate the comment. Maybe if you listened to the zoom for an hour you might feel a bit less hopeless.
zhena gogolia
@WaterGirl: How long is it? My semester is starting up, and I have another zoom at 4:30.
@zhena gogolia: It’s an hour.
Only encouraging you to try it since I felt better after our phone conversation with Brendan a month or so ago.
I get it if you’re not ready yet, but giving up is the only sure way for us to lose this battle for human rights and democracy.
Gloria DryGarden
@zhena gogolia: I’m in the “fall down, get up” school myself.
Crushed by all the damage being set loose on us,
then engaged and hopeful anytime people are discussing things to do, approaches, ways to rethink things, or effectively change it and fight back, or win.
And then overwhelmed again, and so tired. Etc.
just saying I relate.
WaterGirl, please sign me up. I need to hear from the non-discouraged. I’ll email you. Thanks!
Yay, just sent you the zoom link!
Just attempted to sign in but zoom doesn’t seem to like me anymore.
Will try to rectify but have missed this one.
See Ya