Great news! Kamala Harris has formed an LLC, Pioneer49, as an organization to help her in the next stage of her career. The naming convention follows President Obama’s Renegade44 he formed at the end of his presidency.…— David Darmofal ( January 23, 2025 at 5:30 PM
Per Politico, “Kamala Harris provides a big signal about her next move”:
… The former vice president established an LLC called Pioneer49 last month in her home state of California, according to her presidential campaign’s final financial disclosure that was filed last week and confirmed by a person familiar with the organization’s plans.
The disclosure form described the organization as an “entity to assist the former vice president” and is likely to help fuel Harris’ next political move.
“Pioneer” is Harris’ code name used by the Secret Service, and her LLC takes on the same naming convention used by former President Barack Obama in creating the organization Renegade44 when he left office. (Harris is the 49th vice president.)
Harris has kept any considerations about political future close to the vest, but she has told advisers and allies to keep her options open, POLITICO reported in November. There are essentially three options for Harris: run for governor of California in 2026, run for president again in 2028 or decline to run for office and be a leader of the party from the sidelines…
This may, of course, be nothing but a standard ‘front company’ for book deals and speaking tours — but I thought it was a nice little flicker of hope to start the weekend!
VFX Lurker
Whatever Kamala Harris chooses to do in the future, she has my support. Wishing her and her LLC success.
My only hesitation is tasking a black woman to clean up after Trump.
@Baud: Given the current state of the country, there is no way we’re gonna hire anyone competent for that job.
Ohio Mom
She’s still young (I have no idea what her age is), so lots of time left to do something. I don’t know if running for President again would be viable but whatever she does, I wish her luck.
You’re saying I have a chance?
@Ohio Mom:
zhena gogolia
What we could have had. What we could have had.
@zhena gogolia:
The pain of being a member of a minority culture in a country.
@Ohio Mom:
Pretty sure she turned 60 sometime last autumn (during the campaign).
She doesn’t owe us a damned thing but she has spent her life in service to others and I doubt she’s going to stop now. I have confidence she will discern where her skills and experience will have the most impact.
Steve LaBonne
This is very good news. We need her in our public life.
Dan B
In other hood news Mexico (woman president!) refused to allow two military planes with 80 deportees each permission to land. Go Claudia!
markHer campaign
Her campaign for president was the only time in my life that I have made a financial contribution to a candidate. I wish her well in the future.
@SiubhanDuinne: A mere youngster to me but advanced for her age. ( Isn’t she an awful Gen X?)
I admire her more than ever.
We need a charismatic leader. Is she that person.
Any other candidates?
Her campaign for president is the only time in my life that I have made a financial contribution to a candidate. I wish her well in the future.
@Princess: I always thought Kamala Harris had formidable political skills and her loss last November did not change my mind.
Personally, I hope she runs for Governor next year. She’d make a good one, and that is a powerful post considering that one out of every eight Americans live in California.
But mainly, I want Harris to do what she thinks best.
@oldgold: I look to Hakeem Jefries for leadership, along with Catherine Clark and Pete Aguilar
mali muso
Whatever she decides to do, up to and including moving to a tropical island and washing her hands of all this mess, I would support. We did not deserve her.
steve g
i did not know that the vice president numbering and the president numbering were out of synch with each other. She is the 49th vice president, yet we are on the 47th president.
Does the Secret Service really need to have code names for the president and vice president?
Wired article about the “repurposing of the Digital Service into DOGE.”
Skip or postpone unless mentally up for thinking about another problematic issue tonight.
@mali muso:
hell YEAH that’s a ‘big signal’, holy cow!
let’s go, MVP!
@Geminid: I love that trio and as I think I’ve mentioned before, Froette is a HUGE fan of all three. =)
@steve g:
FDR had 3 VPs.
Nixon had Agnew and Ford in his second term.
Ford is our only unelected president. He was never on a ticket with Nixon. Agnew was on both 68 and 72 tickets but resigned in 1973.
Trump Freezes DOJ’s Civil Rights Division
@Geminid: I am not sure an elected official is the right choice.
The President is acting like a king. Is this what white people wanted?
Old School
Young boomer.
@oldgold: Well, it’s not anyone’s choice. Democrats will look to whomever they want for leadership.
Hakeem Jeffries is one of the people I look to for leadership, not just because 214 other Democratic House members chose him to lead them, but because he’s one of the Democratic Party’s best communicators.
I think we should continue internecine fighting until we decide on the one person should be our spokesperson.
@schrodingers_cat: Some did, yes.
@Baud: Watch out Baud!
“Paranoia takes its toll,
Into this blog it will roll,
Step out of line,
The Man will call you a Troll.”
@Geminid: I am not denigrating Jeffries, but I think the charismatic leader we need should be someone that is not on a day to day basis in the DC cauldron
zhena gogolia
@MagdaInBlack: And unfortunately, those that didn’t aren’t paying attention.
Everyone wants a place in the Gulf of America.
I do hope she wants to run for Governor, because I think she’d be fantastic, and it would be about damn time we finally got a woman governor in this state! I admit I would feel a bit bad for our Lieutenant Governor Eleni Kounalakis, who has already begun her candidacy and would probably be a favorite if Harris did not get into the race. But if she does…obviously Harris would become the favorite.
Old people speaking their minds
Getting so much resistance from behind
Citizen Alan
@schrodingers_cat: Yes? The majority of white americans have made it absolutely clear they would give up democracy before white supremacy. And they have.
After FIVE LOOOONG DAYS of FFOTUS, I cry that the US being a racist and misogynistic country deprived us of President Harris.
And, I hope many, many voters, including those who couldn’t be bothered to vote, regret what they’ve wrought.
Amazing how quickly we stopped paying attention in this thread to an accomplished Black woman.
For those who haven’t read Harris’s autobiography, I recommend it… although I found it very hard to read the section on her mother’s illness and death.
@Citizen Alan: Its like cutting off your nose to spite your face.
@steve g: The code names started when encryption was not a thing, so more secrecy and security was needed. I assume they still use them for tradition’s sake and shits and giggles.
is josh Shapiro a good possibility to make a strong run for President in ‘28? Esp if Harris elects the Cal Gov or behind-the-scenes leader role instead of a 2nd run herself? Trump’s embrace if Bibi as Bibi systematically destroys any remaining possibility if a Palestinian State over the next 4 years may alleviate his negatives in the Palestinian/ Arabic demographics in the upper Midwest, especially Michigan.
@zhena gogolia: Yes, and yes again. Still grieving.
Apparently everybody is to blame but Dolt 47.
@NotMax: oh my
what do we think here, people? lead poisoning, raw milk drinking, too much time spent on Twitter??
@steve g:
They apparently have code names for more than those two (dunno if they do for everyone who has protection.) it makes sense to me as clear shorthand – you don’t wake to be saying “the president” if there might be more than one person around with the title, and calling them by just their name sounds disrespectful.
@Jay: For those who don’t want to click, the headline is delicious:
Fucked around √
Found out √
The unfortunate reality is,, too Jewish.
West of the Rockies
@steve g:
I believe Trump’s Secret Service name is Loaded Diaper.
@Jeffro: Why not all three? Plus toad licking, willful stupidity, an inability to tell the difference between real life and TV…
“I’ll take pig dog ignorant for $500, Alex.”
glory b
@schrodingers_cat: A majority of them anyway, including more than ever of the vaunted, desired young white voters.
Delicious! And, I hope that’s just the first of many…
Unfortunately, blames everybody BUT Dolt 47.
Yes, it’s a cult.
glory b
@cmorenc: No, no Jews in that slot, the young, loud pro Palestinians wouldn’t have it.
Then again, it seems their activities have had the opposite of their desired effect, a recent Harris poll shows that Israel has made significant gains in US popularity, almost 80% say that the recent conflict was the fault of the Palestinians, not the Israelis.
It was never a matter of saying they weren’t allowed to protest, it was for them to realize they were in a hole and should stop digging.
Trump will order the deportation of all international students who showed support for terror groups, which include Hamas and Hezbollah.
The student intifada group on Columbia’s campus disrupted a Jewish studies class, one of Trump’s new appointees told Columbia that permitting this was inexcusable and if they didn’t act, they would hear from him soon.
All the more reason to wonder about the origins of the protest.
But, I digress. Shapiro is a talented and popular leader in his state, but a Jew would have about as much chance as a black woman right now.
Ohio Mom
@Baud: 60 is still young. She has about 15 really good years left and there is a lot you can do in fifteen years.
Harrison Wesley
@West of the Rockies: Call of Doodie?
@schrodingers_cat: I assume this is a rhetorical question since it’s what the majority of white people voted for or decided to let happen.
I don’t know what I’d like to see Harris do next, specifically. She’s spent her career in public service, so I can’t imagine she’ll stop now. But I can’t guess what form that will take.
@Ohio Mom: Plus she benefits a bit in this ageist and sexist society from looking a good decade younger than her age.
@oldgold: I am not putting my hopes on a single person. There is no savior coming. We have lots of leaders on many fronts.
Ohio Mom
@BellyCat: That’s big. Terrible. Among other things, the DOJ protects voting rights.
@H.E.Wolf: Thanks for the recommendation.
glory b
@KatKapCC: Lol, as they say in my community, good black don’t crack.
Which is why so many people are surprised to find out that Jasmine Crockett is in her mid forties. Lots of them thinks she’s younger than AOC.
glory b
@Ohio Mom: The Supreme Court gutted the primary enforcement mechanism of the Voting Rights Act several yaers ago, now the feds won’t enforce what’s left.
Miss Bianca
@schrodingers_cat: “Apparently, yes”, she said bitterly.
Nukular Biskits
Good evenin’, y’all.
It’s been a long week, and I’m not just referring to Trump’s bullshit either.
Cracking open a cold one.
Miss Bianca
@cmorenc: OK, who the hell is Josh Shapiro, again? Governor of PA?
@KatKapCC: I wonder if that’s the same one I read about on the LeopardsAteMyFace subreddit…
@H.E.Wolf: Hey, Comrade Wolf! I was hoping you’d come by so I could show you Xochitl Torres Small’s farewell post as Deputy Secretary of Agriculture:
For those who are unfamiliar with Xochitl Torres Small, she flipped New Mexico’s 2nd CD in 2018, at age 34. Torres Small lost reelection in 2020, but returned to Washington as Assistant Secretary of Agriculture for Rural Affairs.
In 2022, Torres Small was confirmed as Deputy Secretary after the Senate Agriculture Commitee forwarded her nomination by a unanimous vote.
Gloria DryGarden
@glory b: she does look 25. I was stunned to understand how long her resume is. We are so lucky to have her. Admire, appreciate, grateful.
Gloria DryGarden
@Geminid: glad to know of this. Accepting all good news of good people.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
@Miss Bianca:
Governor of PA
McConnell is a No vote on Hegseth.
Tillis is a Yes vote on Hegseth
Collins and Murkowski No votes
Looking to be a tie. Vance to break tie.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Just as they all planned it, I’m sure. Wouldn’t want someone like Collins to look bad to the voters of Maine or Murkowski to her voters in Alaska
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka):
Tillis met with Hegseth 2 hrs today.
McConnell is going to be a thorn in Trump’s side for the next 2 years.
Project 2025 is our future. We knew this; the rest of America is learning. Congratulations to 1950’s Deja Vu.
Looks like it’s 50-50 and Hesgeth will get in. I predict he will drink himself out of the job within 6 months.
As for Kamala, I have always felt that she should run for governor. There is a mess of Democratic candidates out there, none of whom particularly stand out, largely because they are all on a revolving door of positions. She would clear the field, save everyone a lot of money because she will win at least 55% of the vote without trying (and she would try way more than Newsom did in 2022), probably breaking 60% easily once the felon proves how bad he is at governing (again). It would be a great capstone to her career to put California on the road to the future in an environment where climate change has made it far more uncertain, and governing the 5th-largest economy in the world counts for way more than knife-fighting Josh Shapiro in 2028, IMO.
@Quinerly: Unfortunately, the current 53-47 margin means he will likely be meaningless. This is why Bob Casey running a truly feckless campaign hurt us.
@Miss Bianca: Josh Shapiro is PA Gov and I think he’s great. He got some very positive national attention after the I-95 overpass was replaced in less than two weeks, and after his incredibly gracious statement on behalf of the man who was shot and killed at the Trump rally.
@glory b: The Supreme Court took an ax to much of the Voting Rights Act in Shelby, but federal courts still enforce some parts. That’s how Rep. Shomari Figures was able to win the redrawn Alabama 5th(?) CD this hear. He joins Terry Sewell as Alabama’s second Black Representative. An Alabama Jackal, Ben Cisco, said Figures was born for the job
I believe a VRA lawsuit enabled another Black Democrat to win election to.Congress from Louisiana this year. And a VRA lawsuit in Virginia redrew the 4th CD that Jennifer McClellan now holds. The late Don McEachin won that seat in 2016.
But yeah, the VRA is not what it was.
Hegseth went to the Senate to watch the vote. Had his family with him.
Reporter is saying “unprecedented.”
We need to recognize that we are in the early stages of a civil war right now, with the MAGA-controlled Federal government directly targeting blue states, citizens, and civil servants suspected of ideological non-conformity. Trump has his militia ready to go, to do things the military isn’t willing to do yet. Hegseth will be tasked with bringing the military in line so that it can be deployed to break protests in the spring and summer.
@Quinerly: I’m pleased to see that Fetterman voted no.
I left a message for him yesterday. He obviously got it. ;)
I think we will end up with quite a few 50/50 votes in the future. Murkowski, Collins, McConnell voting together frequently.
Hegseth, the drunk, will flame out in 6 to 12 months.
I’m sure glad Tammy Baldwin pulled out her reelection. For one thing, we’ll need that Senate vote some day. For another, if Baldwin had lost people would be beating her like a rented mule.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Obviously, in the grand scheme of things, this is extremely minor with the bad shit Trump has done and will do, but I can’t understand the reason for the proposed 20% tariff on Swiss watches. Like, there’s virtually no American watch industry and there hasn’t been for decades. American watch brands were struggling and failing pre-quartz crisis in the 1950s and 60s. The little of it that does exist, is very niche, new microbrands founded in the last 10 years. And from what I understand, they use foreign-made parts and movements, such as Swiss or Japanese ones (they have to, none of it is made here) and the watches are already incredibly expensive.
The Swiss and Japanese largely don’t fabricate their own parts/movements either, especially on the lower/affordable end. They get them from China.
It’s a personal thing for me and it’s not like I was going to buy a Patek or anything, but maybe a Hamilton, Tissot, or a Mido from Swatch. Not to sound whiny, but watch collecting is a hobby I really enjoy and Trump is fucking ruining that.
I wonder what bullshit tariffs he’ll slap on Japanese watches
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
And if those protestors are armed?
Melancholy Jaques
There will be pressure to nominate a straight, white, Christian (Protestant) male who served in the military, whose wife has never had a job outside the home, and whose children have never had so much as a speeding ticket.
Thank you, Comrade Geminid! I always appreciate your good memory of my enthusiasm for public servant Xochitl Torres Small. Wishing her much success in future.
FYI, I may (if all goes as I hope) be able to help with data entry work for VA in 2025. Too soon to know for sure, but I have my fingers crossed….
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): now that’s the question isn’t it. Most of them won’t be but there could be agent provoceteurs around and the Proud Boys will try to gin things up. Local police will be split depending on the area.
Things could fall apart a lot faster than we anticipate. I hope I’m wrong. I am too old and I have a disabled son to care for
ICE and DoJ targeting Native Americans for harassment is telling about their intentions, as is Trump’s threat to let blue areas rot during disasters. This plus the shutdown of medical research indicates their total lack of regard for human life
@Melancholy Jaques:
Welcome back to Father Knows Best, Leave it to Beaver, and The Donna Reed Show.
Ladies, bring out your house dresses and clutch pearl necklaces.
”The ‘Good ol’ Days’.”
My pleasure! One of my ongoing self-education projects includes a lot of non-fiction books by women of color.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka):
I hadn’t heard about this tariff. I share your pain
As long as we remember not to pre-judge the inside by the outside.
I’ve known a number of powerhouse women who didn’t let their house dresses hold them back. :)
Melancholy Jaques
Stock up on a-line dresses, pearl necklaces and high heels – what most women wear when they are vacuuming or baking a casserole.
@H.E.Wolf: I look forward to this year’s Virginia elections. Our candidate for Governor, Abigail Spanberger is a formidable politician. At least that’s how former Lt. Governor Bill Bolling desribed Spanberge back in the summer of 2023, when she let Democrats know she was running.
Like Xochitl Torres Small, Abigail Spanberger entered Congress after flipping a Republican seat in 2018. They probably know each other fairly well.
This morning’s Politico Playbook gave a brief rundown of this and next year’s Governor races. They rated Virginia’s as a “Tossup.” I don’t think they took into account Spanberger’s ruthlessness. That’s a quality I have come to appreciate in a politician, and she’s got it.
@Jackie: We’re not going back, no matter what they might want to do. You can’t put women’s lib back in the bottle except by killing a lot of people and enslaving the rest.
Also, the entire economy would collapse overnight as half the workforce disappears.
@Quinerly: Losing Casey and Brown was really bad.
@Suzanne: Nitpick here: they didn’t replace the overpass in 12 days: that can take years.
What they did was build retaining walls then put in enough fill to get up to road level, grade, pave, and open the road. They used innovative materials and technology and reopened the road in 12 days.
Which was also extremely fast. But not a replacement overpass.
That’s for sure.
@Melancholy Jaques: It’s time to watch, or re-watch Julia Roberts in “Mona Lisa Smile.”
I took my late teenaged/early adult daughter to see it in the theater; she was pissed at the depiction of women in that movie, and absolutely shocked that that was still mostly the norm in the early/mid ‘70s – when I was in my early 20s.
She’s going on 43, and isn’t going to take what she takes for granted as her rights disappear. She currently lives in Florida, so…. yeah
I’ve followed Rep. Spanberger’s political career with interest. I’m glad she’s running!
Sadly, I disagree. Hegseth, Vance and their ilk will do their best to remove women from the military, police force and other “manly jobs.” We’ll fight back, but it’s going to get worse before it returns to any semblance of pre Project 2025 regulations.
@Jackie: Yes, but that won’t take us back to the pre-70’s women’s lib revolution. If women were forced out of the workforce broadly, even in a lot of “manly” jobs, those sectors would collapse. There are too many women working in them. And women don’t view themselves as being only capable of being diligent housewives who can’t live independently of men anymore. It’s going to be even harder to try to convince them otherwise, you can only do it at society level scale via extreme oppression and violence.
I don’t think enough of the country is ready to go there for that to be something they can pull off.
Things will be worse than they were. And it’ll take us decades to undo this kind of backslide, but some things, once they happen, really can’t be reversed fully, at least not without completely breaking society for at least a generation, maybe two. And women’s lib was one of them.
@H.E.Wolf: All 100 House of Delegates seats are up too.
Mikie Sherrill is running for Governor of New Jersey this year. Sherrill is another one of the Democratic women who flipped seats in 2018.
Reports are that Deb Haaland will run for Governor in New Mexico next year. Haaland is another member of the House Class of 2018, as are Senators Elissa Slotkin and Andy Kim. That was a very talented bunch.
Speaking of fucking around and finding out…
@steve g: Lincoln changed VPs. So did FDR.
@sab: Lincoln’s change in VP was possibly a colossal mistake, but he wanted to be re-elected. Presidents really shouldn’t have to factor in assassination when they pick their VP.
But I do like the more recent idea that your VP is your possible successor (which they are) instead of hold your nose the VP you despise will get the additional votes you need.
Trump didn’t do that of course. And he got a VP we all despise
Trump has some weird charisma his people like. JD Vance, once he got his head above the shrubbery, has uniform icks, no charisma. Usha likes him. Peter Thiel and Amy Chua think he is useful. Does anyone else even like him? His own family doesn’t.
@glory b:
You’ve cited this Harris poll over and over with no link so I finally hunted it down. You’ve characterized it over and over as “support for Israel” over “support for Palestinians”
But that isn’t what the poll asked
The poll asked if Americans supported Hamas over Israel. Of course its 21%. Its an absolute bullshit t poll designed to demonize Palestinians.
So is it your belief that every Palestinian man, woman and child is Hamas? Is that how we’re justifying killing 55,000 civilians today? Designating them all as members of a terrorist group?
Trump is deporting the students for protesting US policy in Gaza. For political speech. If you think it is going to stop at deporting people whose political views you disagree with you are kidding yourself.
BJ commenters really need to get back to linking. I shouldn’t have to hunt down a link for every claim made here against perceived enemies, like students protesting US promotion and funding of war crimes and ethnic cleansing.
@glory b:
“the fault of Palestinians not Israelis”
Poll says nothing like that. If your belief is all Palestinians are terrorists, say that. That’s your belief, not the belief of the people polled. Stop attributing that view to “80% of Americans” based on this poll you never link to, but instead misrepresent over and over.
Incidentally, Richie Torres is in the WSJ trashing the Democratic Party, promoting private school vouchers, and threatening to primary Hochul unless she adopts his Right wing views. He also slams AOC, just some gratuitous punching Left for his fans.
I await your condemnation of this Right wing Democrat for disloyalty to the Party. Ill be waiting a long time. Only Left leaning Democrats are disloyal – Right wing Democrats, who trash the party constantly and primary the Left, are somehow exempted from the loyalty police enforcement
The students were protesting war crimes. If you want to address their argument and insist killing 55,000 civilians, completely destroying an area where two million people live, then deliberately starving them is NOT war crimes then you’ll be arguing against just about every human rights and law of war expert in the world, so good luck. But at least address the merits instead of smearing students.
The students were right. Every allegation they made regarding war crimes has been included in war crimes charges by two separate international courts. The only defense offered so far has been “you love terrorists!” Thats not a defense. Its a smear and it doesn’t address the allegations detailed in the criminal charges.
I’m amused that Kathy Hochul is now far Left, according to Right wing Democrat Richie Torres who is apparently launching his primary bid against Hochul by shitting on Democrats in the WSJ.
What does he think is far Right? Supporting public schools instead of his position, which is public funding of private schools?
@Kay: If I didn’t like Richie Torres I’d want him to primary Kathy Hochul. He’d lose, and then he’d be out of elective politics.
Super interesting he takes aim at two popular, powerful female Democrats in the WSJ, where Democrats are unlikely to see it.
Hes pitching Right wing monied donors. His Democrat bashing is a fund raising tactic. It’ll work too. I’d donate to him if I were a Republican. He bashes everyone to the Left of his Right wing positions, while not laying a glove on Republicans. He’s a good investment for them.
@Kay: We’ll see if Torres backs up his big talk. I think that in the end Torres will stay put. That is, unless he has decided he wants out of elective politics which he may have done.
If Torres sticks to his current job, he will likely face a primary challenge next year from former Rep. Jamaal Bowman. The sparks would fly in that one.
I get a kick out of New York Democratic politics. They’re very different from Virginia’s. Down here, it’s like some interfaith coalition of Episcopalians, Black Baptists, Reform Jews, and Unitarians. Up there, it’s like the Hatfields and the McCoys.
They have better political coverage in New York, though. Besides traditional sites like newspapers, radio and TV stations, newer sites like City and State Magazine, Gothamist and Lohud have a lot of political coverage