BREAKING, via The Seattle Times: Trump's executive order to restrict birthright citizenship is blocked for at least the next two weeks by a Reagan appointee in Seattle who eviscerated the Trump lawyers present defending the order.…
— Chris Geidner ( January 23, 2025 at 1:39 PM
Longer explanation from CNN.
Show us on the doll where the Invisible Hand of the Marketplace touched you…
The folks obsessively posting about egg prices for the past few years have gone strangely quiet just as egg prices hit an all-time high.
— Justin Wolfers ( January 23, 2025 at 3:08 PM
wait why did Donald Trump make egg prices so expensive
Damn, you have eggs on the shelf? They're hypothetically a dollar less here, but the shelves are empty.
— Jeff Baker ( January 20, 2025 at 12:21 PM
i would egg maralago or the white house, but not at these prices.
— earthtonic & lockboxed ( January 20, 2025 at 12:28 PM
The price of eggs in the US is spiking, mostly due to #H5N1 bird flu. Solving the problem requires urgent, important communications from the CDC & FDA* and rapid development of research by the NIH**
* Currently paused by Executive Order
** Grant reviews now all canceled…— Katie Mack ( January 23, 2025 at 12:18 PM
Good constituent work from my reps, and other Democrats:
He just defunded fixing your roads and bridges and other transportation projects.
Meaning more potholes. More bridges and tunnels falling apart and failing. Longer commutes. Uglier airports. More flight delays. More traffic.
Coming your way, thanks to Donald Trump.
— Rep. Jim McGovern (@RepMcGovern) January 23, 2025
It seems that thanks to public pressure, the Trump Admin just backpedaled.
This was a mess that shouldn't have happened in the first place. I’m still hearing how hard this has been on Minnesota vets and their families. And a lot is still unclear.
This chaos was totally avoidable.— Senator Tina Smith ( January 23, 2025 at 6:41 PM
(Remember, sharing is caring! )
Possibly helpful tip for researchers:
Tip from
If you have a link you want to access and it is down, try replacing "" with ""
The national archives is still doing its job for now.— Stephen Nuñez ( January 23, 2025 at 1:32 PM
I’m waiting for the stories about the imminent recession.
Now this is the prescient statement for the next four years. Ugh.
Also, reading this morning that Harris established a LLC called Pioneer49 started my day off with a smile.
Important message. We won’t win every battle or perhaps even most of them, but we’ll win more if we push back than if we don’t.
The Thin Black Duke
“Some [white] people don’t know what they have until it’s gone.”
Birthright citizenship. We think it affects undocumented, visitors, temporary residents. I think its effects could go far deeper. In the US, birth certificates have been citizenship documents. They won’t be any more. Who among you have citizenship documents, either you or your ancestors? Only those who have ancestors who were naturalized at some time. That excludes people whose families came here long ago, including people who were dragged here against their will. It excludes, I fear, most Black people.
I suppose the folks at the FTFNYT are happy to have lots of exciting news to report. Perhaps the curse “May you live in interesting times” will hit home for them when Trump orders mass arrests of “liberal media” types.
@The Thin Black Duke:
If you didn’t value something until it was gone, you didn’t value it.
@The Thin Black Duke: Some white people will stay in denial anyway.
Me too! I really want her to become the face of the opposition, defining Trump as a failure, constantly pointing out broken promises, becoming the alternative voice for what should happen, etc.
Opposition requires a focal person. We can all amplify the fuck out of it, but there needs to be an opposition leader. I think it has to be Harris.
Bird flu is bad but I’m sorry – skyrocketing egg prices are funny. Given the context.
CNN needs to go find a “regular mom” with 11 children who eat only eggs. Or just invent one.
@RepubAnon: Maybe their new motto should be
“The Times for interesting times”
Found elsewhere, glad to see the Naming of the Names (this week’s Villains of the Week):
Bruce K in ATH-GR
@Baud: I’ve come to understand something quite different: you don’t understand your privilege until you lose it (or some of it, at any rate).
They could even go to diners. At this Ohio diner, this poor midwestern couple can no longer afford their Saturday morning two eggs over easy with toast. I was also thinking about those weirdos who would post their airport bar receipts. Look how much this hamburger cost!!!1!!1! And then you look at the receipt and they’ve conveniently forgotten that they ordered three double scotch cocktails.
Chicken’s going to be crazy expensive too. Not that it will matter. The Trump brownshirts will be unlawfully busting down doors rounding up all the workers who process the birds.
@Kay: One of my husband’s favorite meals is Breakfast at Night. I was very allergic to eggs as a child ( hives and all) so I still don’t much like them. I guess we’ll be giving up BAN so we have eggs still for baking.
@Kay: in my neck of the woods, rounding up the chickens for slaughter is a job done by rural, young white men. Wranglers.
I think it’s got to be a team, pretty tightly coordinated, at this point. We’re a looser coalition than the Rethugs, and even here at BJ, it is evident that some politicians appeal only to some. But I agree in principle — a highly visible opposition is important.
ETA: I have been musing on how the structure of this is difficult. Winning elections is fairly individual, but effectively opposing takes a team approach. That’s a different dynamic.
The Thin Black Duke
@Spanky: That’s their problem.
Dairy prices will also get crazy expensive.
I recently learned that in addition to raw milk and dairy products, the idiots are also eating raw chicken.
Is it wrong to hope these idiots Darwin themselves out of our lives?
The Thin Black Duke
@Baud: They took it for granted.
@Bruce K in ATH-GR:
Some people don’t really lose their privilege. They just sell their souls to keep it.
@MomSense: The only problem with that is they’re pretty likely to take the rest of us with them.
@The Thin Black Duke:
The U.S. is suffering from an epidemic of free riders. And they’re not immigrants and the poor, despite popular belief.
I wonder if also captures white house pages.
Have we heard anything from the defenders of freedom on the Right now that Trump’s domestic army have torn up the Fourth Amendment ?
This seems like a much bigger threat to the constitution than Yale law students asking impertinent questions of Federalist Society judges.
Glenn Greenwald? Matt Taibbi? Tucker Carlson? Unlawful searches, seizures and detainers. Maybe we need an 85 year old Reaganite judge to explain the plain language of the bill of rights to them.
It’s a thin line between hope and won’t lose too much sleep if it happens.
Nuthin’ like a Friday, eh?
@Kay: Why would Russian assets care about US law?
You know all the fundy trash who blame natural disasters on God’s anger about “Rights for (fill in any number of targets)”? Covid. H5N1. God hates tRump and sends literal plagues when he’s elected.
(Also too: God has terrible aim.)
Manly! Raw chicken is manly! Until their tummy starts to hurt.
Betty Cracker
After giving Musk the benefit of the doubt on the Nazi salutes he threw at a Trump inauguration event (that we all saw with our own eyes!), the ADL is finding out about recumbent positions, canines and tiny parasitical insects. (Raw Story has the tweets embedded here.)
@Betty Cracker:
Why are they censoring Elon’s speech?
Refuse on principle to give them business but anyone know whether Chick-fil-A raising prices too?
@MomSense: no, no it’s not.
Musk and Trump deputized every federal police agency to bust in, search and seize people with only bullshit ICE warrants, issued in batches. The dopes think this will stop with immigrants?
Professor Bigfoot
@The Thin Black Duke: It’s the thing that my white fellow Jackals hate about me— i INSIST that we refer to white people like we do anyone else.
Otherwise the strong implication is that “white people” are just “people,” and everyone else should aspire to be like them.
Because “white” is normal, right, real, ordinary.
@Betty Cracker: “@elonmusk, the Holocaust is not a joke.”
The ADL better wake up fast that it’s not a joke to the new fascists; it’s an aspiration.
Professor Bigfoot
@Princess: That’s kinda the point.
The 14th was created as a means of settling the status of the newly freed Enslaved; and that is the core of the conservative pushback.
They are Confederates.
Bunch o’ motherflockers.
@Betty Cracker: It’s been really surprising to me how the ADL has lit their credibility on fire this week. Sucking up to the worst people in the world never works out for anyone. Don’t know why this lesson needs to be learned through first-hand experience yet again.
@Kay: Why would Russian assets care about that?
AM in NC
Today’s comment bombing of Fox has been about the record high price of eggs TODAY and how Trump/Republicans made their number one promise to bring down food costs, especially eggs, and prices are going up, up, up. Was that just a BS lie Trump/Republicans told us to get us to vote for them? WHAT are Trump and Republicans doing to bring down the cost of food like they promised us?!?!
Yesterday was highlighting cuts to NIH funding and “was stopping medical research what you voted for? If not, vote differently next time.”
Also yesterday, highlighting Trump’s pardon of the Silk Road drug bazaar guy. “So Trump/Republicans promised us Law and Order, and on his first day Trump pardons the founder and operator of the Silk Road online narcotics market who also paid to have six people killed! Is pardoning the guy who set up Fentanyl-R-Us what you voted for? If not, vote differently next time.”
Day before was highlighting EO abandoning the remaining Afghanis who worked with us during the war, some of whom are related to active duty US military. “Abandoning our allies and cutting and running – is THAT what you voted for? If not, vote differently next time.”
Day before that was banning negotiating drug costs with BIG PhRMA. “So Trump/Republicns just made it illegal once again for Medicare to negotiate with BIG Drug Companies over the costs of prescriptions, meaning they can once again charge us anything they want to. It’s estimated the average Senior’s bill will go up a few thousand dollars a year. Did YOU vote for higher Medicare taxes and higher medication costs so BIG PhRMA execs could buy another yacht? If not, vote differently next time.”
I’ve also been commenting on all the “deport them all” stories to say, “Yes, and let’s start with Melania and Elon first, as both of them were here illegally. If we are going after “illegals” we need to go after them all, right?”
Probably not. On the other hand, the fascists will probably expand the definition of “immigrants” to include “anyone who expresses anything other than total support and love for Dear Leader, because only non-Americans question/doubt him.” Problem solved!
@AM in NC:
Nice. I’ve actually been thinking about doing something like that. Kay inspired me with her TikTok adventures.
The Thin Black Duke
@Baud: Bait and Switch.
It’s like football. As long as the opposing team keeps falling for it, you might as well keep running the same play.
@NotMax: mothercluckers! //
I guess the egg came first? ;-)
Seriously, shouldn’t chicken have already gotten a lot more expensive, given all the chickens they’ve already had to slaughter? But the weekly supermarket flyers keep having boneless, skinless chicken breasts for $1.99 or less in the 3 lb. economy packs.
@The Thin Black Duke:
“I can’t believe they fake punted again. That’s five successful fake punts in a row!”
Also, chicken processing is done primarily by undocumented workers in red states.
@MomSense: Seconded.
The Thin Black Duke
@Professor Bigfoot: Everyone else has to hyphenate.
Matt McIrvin
@Suzanne: Honestly it’s kind of NOT surprising to me. The ADL has been gradually failing in this exact way for a long time. I was always hesitant to talk about it because I’m, uh, not in a demographic that is really qualified to raise the alarm about this, but it’s getting obvious.
You just don’t understand. The chickens they had to slaughter? Those are the ones that became boneless/skinless breasts at $1.99 a pound.
OK, probably not really, but start the rumor and tie it to the Rethugs.
ETA: And as if by magic, Baud @ 52 provides a way to tie it to Rethugs. Thanks!
Zuckerberg is censoring liberal content. Meta admitted it. So that’s X, Facebook, TikTok and Instagram, if we’re keeping score. Wholly captured by fascists.
@RepubAnon: They will wear it as a badge of honor and say, it goes to show how objective and daring we have been
@Professor Bigfoot: Thank you for this. White (and male) is the default assumption of what it is to be a person.
@Kay: and when the electorate says that they get most of their news from social media… whelp.
@Kay: My nephew’s wife told me she goes through 3 dozen eggs a week for their family of three boys. That was before the spike, and even though I can’t imagine it, there are lots of people like them.
@TBone: not so on the Eastern Shore of MD
Well, there’s “layer” chickens and then “meat birds”. They’re having to kill the layer chickens. 20 million so far. Which sounds like a lot but there are a LOT of chickens. The layer chickens are older – they’re permitted to live longer, so maybe they were infected first.
Professor Bigfoot
(the fash look at this place and go, “yeah, naw, we are gonna leave them crazy-ass people TF alone!”)
Birthday cakes use a lot of eggs. Just saying.
Professor Bigfoot
@Nelle: Indeed, what it means to be fully human, what it means to be a fellow citizen.
I’d much rather have a functioning government but the Leopards Ate My Face Reddit has been sweet, sweet solace. Seeing a Trump voter get fucked over the hiring freeze and tweeting directly to him “there must be some mistake” is a tasty pudding. Oh, I’ll have another spoonful, please!
@Professor Bigfoot: “It’s the thing that my white fellow Jackals hate about me— i INSIST that we refer to white people like we do anyone else.”
I’ve never understood the blowback you’ve received for this. I’ve always interpreted- either correctly or incorrectly- your comments and (and others’ posted in the same vein) as a criticism of the construct of Whiteness. This construct has been absorbed by White people (myself included) and feeds our worldview that Whiteness is the standard through which everything else is compared. That is privilege in a nutshell.
People here are just too defensive. Your observations tend to be spot on…they aren’t critical of all elements of my identity, or even of who I aspire to be–but of the ‘Whiteness’ that implicitly colors my worldview.
When you make instances of those implicit biases explicit, it serves as a roadmap for me for things I might want to address.
Trivia Man
@Suzanne: I agree, teamwork makes the dream work. The problem with a single, visible leader is it allows the opposition to concentrate their fire.
As you point out, one person doesn’t resonate with 100% of a diverse voting bloc. And if that one person can be villainized or happens to be injured or fall ill. Lies repeatedly pushed can taint anybody.
“it is not about me, it is issue XYZ”
We have two large poultry outfits here and farmers really are alarmed. Its like the goddess of nature hates Republicans. They take over and plagues spread like wildfire.
@Betty Cracker:
(quoting ADL)
Makes me wonder if they’ve boycotted movies and plays from The Producers (Springtime for Hitler) to The Big Lebowski (“at least it’s an ethos”).
Gotta admit, though, that those jokes were a lot funnier when Nazis seemed to be safely in the dustbin of history.
@MomSense: I saw an article a couple months ago that reviewed Kamala Harris’s future career options. One was to run for President in 2028, and another was to run for governor of California in 2026. One of the people interviewd pointed out that the office of California Governor would make a very good platform from which to attack Trump and Republicans.
Harris probably will choose one or the other course this year; I don’t see how she can do both. She might decide to retire from electoral politics, but she’s good it so I hope she doesn’t.
@Kay: Somebody explained to me that the appeal of raw foods is linked to the presence of helpful enzymes and bacteria that are destroyed in cooking. I think they are confusing cooked with “processed.” The raw food movement has generally been limited to vegans for a reason.
Professor Bigfoot
@marklar: Same for me as a man who likes, respects, and genuinely wants to be a solid ally to women— I have to confront the biases that were wired into me by my patriarchal birth society, honestly and well, ruthlessly.
When women talk about what absolute shits men are, I never pipe up with “not all men!” because we all know good and damned well that it’s not ALL of us: it’s just so gaht-dam many of us that any woman is only rational to expect it of any man she runs across until he demonstrates otherwise.
I know they ain’t taking about ME (unless, of course, I’ve screwed up and they like and respect me enough to straighten my dumb ass out. ;)
Kayla Rudbek
@p.a.: and more snow down South than in the upper Midwest and Alaska
Trivia Man
@Professor Bigfoot: The best way i heard it described is that “white” is a default state of being. Specifically white, adult, straight, conservative male, native born and with wealth of some kind. If that doesn’t describe someone 100% then adjectives are required.
It is why representation in media matters, it is why inclusion matters. “Human” has no “standard setting”.
Kayla Rudbek
@Professor Bigfoot: the Union won the war and lost the peace (during Reconstruction).
Which leads to another point: Prices for not just eggs but also foods containing eggs will skyrocket.
Starfish (she/her)
@Baud: It turned out that the Leopards were eating too many faces on the remove funding from the VA thing.
Here is one example (that we took from Elon’s Nazi site and put on Mastodon) where a disabled Trump-voting veteran is sad that his wife’s job offer was withdrawn as they were getting ready to move for the job.
Professor Bigfoot
@Kayla Rudbek: I found this blogpost long ago and it really explains the phenomenon “chapter and verse:”
I dislike the “crunchy” far Right more than the ordinary working class far Right. The posturing and fake science and grifting is so self absorbed and preening. Me, me, me. Ugh. Insufferable.
@Geminid: I love Harris, but I don’t think we will have a woman president in my lifetime. I’m hoping she runs for governor of California.
@Professor Bigfoot: And, similarly, I have been trying to STFU and actually listen to Black folks–to everyone, really, but especially to folks who have been marginalized. It’s amazing what can be learned by listening, instead of formulating some defensive response. I also think that being/presenting as female gives me a little bit more insight; always a target, though obviously not at all in the same way as Black folks. But that sense of not being able to tell if this person is a threat, and, if so, what KIND of threat, is baked in.
Meanwhile in Philly:
None of this is good, and our school has a LOT of Latino immigrant kids. The original document is loaded with links.
@Professor Bigfoot: I’ve tried to adopt the “if they’re not talking about you, they’re not talking about you” approach. And that goes for everything, including complaints I used to hear about “lazy kids”.
It’s great to read Krugman unchained, but this needs to be shared everywhere since his reach is less now: Donald Trump Wants You to Die.
Professor Bigfoot
@Suzanne: Exactly.
Those kinds of responses always make me wonder, “why are you trying to defend your maleness? Why are you trying to defend your whiteness? You must feel some kind of way about it, after all…”
@Kay: My closest grocery doesn’t have any chicken at all. This may be the function of it being a shitty grocery store, but still: no chicken. None.
Starfish (she/her)
@sab: My husband did not believe that breakfast for dinner was a real thing, and I told him it was a real way where adults could throw meals together in a hurry for hungry children. We don’t have eggs because my son is allergic so it is stuff like vegan French toast or vegan pancakes.
I deliver my wife’s kid to school every day and usually arrive around the same time as the bloke in the Tesla. Every time I cross in front of the path of that car, which is almost once a day, I spit. Yesterday he noticed. Today he noticed and almost said something. I ignored him and moved on. Monday I will do it again. I will do it every time I pass a Tesla on foot.
“Just my way of expressing disdain for Nazis. Feel free to join along.”
Mistermix posted a link yesterday that explores Musk’s relationship with Germany’s hard right party. It was quite good. If you haven’t seen it, you should.
@Starfish (she/her): I know shitbird tried to distance himself from Project 2025, but this was always the intended outcome. I read the damn thing, I saw what they wanted to do, and it’s in-line with what they’ve been threatening for years now. They have utter contempt for my community, but I don’t know how to make them see it. It’s not until stupid shit like this that they finally have an inkling of what’s going on. This is a lesson that should stick, but they’re morans so…
comrade scotts agenda of rage
Nice to see a highlight on Hair Furor’s EO “stopping” infrastructure funding under Biden’s two big legislative bills. It’s a subject that hits close to home given who I worked for for 27+ years plus things that are going on here in Denver that might get stopped dead in their tracks.
As usual, the EO flaunts separations of power in terms of funding but then, it’s what we knew to expect from an authoritative regime that will push the boundaries until they break.
What’s really telling tho, is how certain people in the transportation sector are reading it. The Exec Director of the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials said it’s mainly aimed at a subset of programs that were setup to promote EVs, specifically the $7.5b in funding for expanding the charging network.
Hmmmm, geeee, who stands to benefit from limiting expansion of the EV charging network, ie., limit competition?
Three guesses and the first two don’t count.
@Professor Bigfoot:
Oh, they didn’t disappear from my fourth-grade Virginia History textbook. You see, they were happy as slaves, and freedom made them very discontented.
No really, that was the party line that was pushed in the schools. The party controlling Virginia back then being the Dixiecrats.
@Kay: They can censor what gets on their internets, but they can’t censor what happens at the supermarket checkout line, the pharmacy, in the ER, etc. Since that seems to be the only thing that a winning electoral coalition cares about, not actual Constitutional government, fairness, decency… You go to
warelections with thearmyelectorate you have, not the electorate you would like.I was never in the “heighten the contradictions: it must get worse” crowd, but the US electorate, in its awesome wisdom, brought itself here. “Oh shit, white people don’t have curtain rods or sparrows either!”
It is Get Out of Jail Day for Noah The Love Cat! I have contacted the vet who lives four minutes away (animal hospital is 30+ mins. away) who does integrative care sessions (hopefully she makes house calls) so that Noah gets the absolute best chance at recovery with his feeding tube. I hope she can do at least weekly checkups, exams, supervisory advice, etc.
Homecoming is sweet solace!
Same. We tried in 2016 and 2024 against the most disgusting human ever and lost. The evidence speaks for itself.
I’m sympathetic but we dump every political failure on public schools. Public schools cannot bear the burden of everything that is wrong with this country. People outside schools are going to have to start carrying some of the load because schools have a primary purpose and it’s not immigration policy. The US has ONE universal public system, public schools, so we demand they fix every problem. Its too much. We set them up to fail.
Matt McIrvin
@Barbara: There have recently been reports of bird flu spreading to cats from frozen raw poultry-based cat food.
To which my response is: “holy FUCK, there is such a thing frozen raw poultry-based cat food? What the FLYING FUCK are people thinking?”
Not a lot, I guess.
Starfish (she/her)
@MomSense: In regards to people eating stupid things, this article never explains whether the man was one of the crypto carnivores, deep into stupid diets and also deep into crypto.
I love the headline. Total KISS. Thanks!
comrade scotts agenda of rage
@Professor Bigfoot:
You posted the go-to quote there at the end several weeks back. Thanks for the longer original, link to the blog post and that book.
Chief Oshkosh
@MomSense: Eating raw chicken? Boy, I REALLY hope that that becomes one of their new purity tests.
Have at it, boys! Fuck Col. Sanders! Eat yer chicken raw – it’ll make a man outta ya!
Philly REPRESENT!!! Give ICE the Brotherly Shove!
My son was rattling off a list of newer competitors for the fascist social media juggernauts, so that’s good. Maybe markets will actually fucking work for good this time.
OT: because I have most of the collective memory on, does anyone remember the BlueSky link from the woman who spoke about all the technical issues with colonizing Mars? I remember we had a post about it, and someone linked it. I think it was BlueSky, might have been Shitter. I’ve been trying to find it but can’t. Thanks in advance!
@Matt McIrvin: And bird flu has something like a 67% fatality rate in cats who get infected.
Starfish (she/her)
@Professor Bigfoot: When I read about Ida B Wells and how her approach differed from Booker T. Washington’s approach, I realized that we had been lied to.
@Chief Oshkosh
“Mmm. Chicken McRawlets. Long as I dip ’em in bleach, it’s al good!”
Doug R
@TBone: I did that for awhile. Dirty dirty work. First time I used a mask on the job decades ago.
One reason I buy free range or at least free run eggs now.
@Starfish (she/her):
We had homemade waffles topped with creamed chicken. Sounds kind of disgusting, but it was delish, especially on a cold night.
Its just so perfect that the first widespread censoring by the far Right oligarchs was of women telling other women about abortion pills.
@TBone: I’m so happy for Noah and for you!
comrade scotts agenda of rage
I saved something UncleEbeneezer said last summer during the Dump Joe kerfluffle (and this isn’t about flogging that dead horse) that’s stuck with me as someone who, after moving back to Denver, has spent a lot of time as an old white guy in “Black Spaces” after decades of being in a white, rurl wilderness:
He nailed it and as a neighborhood activist, I’ve learned tons by sitting on the sidelines like a church mouse.
Yay! Happy homecoming.
Tim C
@The Thin Black Duke: Quote of the thread.
Another Scott
@Suzanne: Keep an eye on FactPostNews.
Best wishes,
Until trump can’t get his KFC.
Oh, wait, he’s president. He won’t know, or care, how much it is.
@Doug R: your constitution is strong!
Turkey on waffles is a big thing here in central PA and it is absolutely delish – like a pot pie, only better.
Starfish (she/her)
@Leto: I don’t know who spoke up against it. Was it Astro Katie?
Here is one post where she is boosting something from the anti-Mars position, but I don’t think it is the thing you want.
There are a number of high profile space communicator people.
Here is another post that she boosted on the same topic.
@Professor Bigfoot: I’m going to call out one thing that’s important here, and that is, you can’t think The Grand Old South should have been preserved, AS IT WAS, unless you truly believed that Black people were inferior, and deserved to be subjugated.
People don’t like to think about that, but, come on. They were brought at the point of a gun, raped at the whim of whomever, worked to death (unless economy dictated keeping them healthy), and kept in constant terror. At what point does the human heart *force* you to think of them as inferior, just so you can be consciously aware of this hideous practice, and not become a revolutionary (or, curse yourself evermore as a coward)?
They’ve had a hundred and fifty years to figure out that slavery really was all that bad, and they’ve steadfastly refused to acknowledge it. How could they spend that long, being that bitterly stupid, and stupidly bitter, and bigoted to boot, if they weren’t… oh, right, I already said “bigoted”.
I always blow the “bigot” horn early.
So the point – if I had one – remains: a lot of people really don’t understand just how deep the racism of the old south is, and how *present* it is, even today, and not just among the soi disant “boogaloo boys”.
Starfish (she/her)
@eclare: We never figured out a vegan waffle recipe that would not stick to the waffle iron.
@Suzanne: I am of course elated and still waiting for the phone call that says COME ON IN. The waiting is the hardest part 🎶 is my ear worm.
Batting down off the shelf with a big paw any doubts and trepidation!
Good Morning Everyone 😊 😊 😊
Have had “family style” (with gravy, not syrup) chicken and waffles in Amish eateries in PA.
@CliosFanBoy: and we’ll be back to the sports teams who win their championship, accept the invite to the White House, and then will be fed some of the most vile shit imaginable. And it’ll be cold to boot.
Strangely enough, we lived in Danville PA for a few years when I was growing up. I guess that’s where mom found out about it!
@Lapassionara: I also want to see Harris run for Governor. Considering that one out of every eight Americans lives in California, that’s a powerful position.
@eclare: thank you, hubby is even happier than I am – I will be taking many photos of those two guys’ reunion today! It’s been affecting hubby’s precarious health along with side effects of Repatha (ugh).
@Starfish (she/her): neither of those two links. This was a multi-post tweet where they laid out a lot of the practical/technical issues on why this was a dumb idea. Thank you though.
glory b
@Kay: As the daughter and sister of a public school principal and assistant principal, 100% agreement.
They are given tasks to accomplish with no financial or other support, have funding stripped away for charter schools, which, in real life all figure out how to exclude kids with disabilities and behavior problems (in spite of which, on average, they don’t outperform public schools), and they know that every national issue involving any American under 18 will be theirs to solve or be dragged for not resolving.
The WSJ has “Government grinds to a halt under Trump’s Shock Therapy”
See, it cannot be that they’re all bad managers who stupidly issued broad orders that impacted real people and events in ways they did not understand. Its that its all deliberate “shock therapy” expertly administered by Americas manliest daddies.
Captured. In the bag. Of no use to anyone going forward.
For the next four years they will tie themselves into knots laundering his stupidity and incompetence and low quality hires into decisive action. Because they love authoritarian men. Crave a punishing daddy figure.
@TBone: Sending continued prayers/goodthoughts if desired.
(Um. Some people I hang with heard “I’ll pray for you” bothers some, who aren’t religious or the right “kind”, so they offer “prayers if desired.” Sorry – weird me-hiccup.)
Gawd that image of him with IIRC Clemson with all of the nuggets and Big Macs was disgusting. These are athletes, asshole, feed them good food.
@comrade scotts agenda of rage:
Thank you for that reminder. So much of the brogressive left is just mansplaining.
comrade scotts agenda of rage
I saw yesterday that Doc Sardonic was providing some pro tips on the feeding tube. We went thru that with a now-long-departed Maine Coon.
I’ll reiterate everything he said and don’t let the process intimidate you. Once you get the slurry-mixture down, it’s pretty easy to feed the cat. A photo from 15 years ago:
Good luck and lotsa scritcheeez for Noah!
@Another Scott: I have them a follow, thx. Part of the arsenal.
@Leto: I wonder who will refuse to go.
@NotMax: mmmmmmm
You just reminded me to add the bake part to wake. I need to put something in this jumpy tigger tummy.
Between online sports betting and crypto scams, how fast are male people going to lose all their money?
No doubt there are some women who gamble, but not as many. Of course, some women are married to male people dedicated to “winning big”.
“This is going to hurt me more than it does you.”
That will be interesting to see.
@comrade scotts agenda of rage: thank you for boosting my confidence levels! I have been reading up but am so excited it gets hard to focus yet… it’s gonna get real really soon and everyone here cheering us on is HUGE for me.
Kitty getting calm loving food photo is *chef’s kiss
@eclare: exactly. Previous admins, followed by Biden, had the White House chefs create these amazing meals for these teams. It was a culminating experience. With him? Here’s a cold Fillet of Fish. Here’s some cold nuggies and cold fries. Ok, got my photo, GTFO!
Betty Cracker
@Kay: Yep, that’s the only bright side to the fascists’ complete social media capture. Platform turnover occurs naturally. The behemoths aspire to be monopolists too, but I’m not sure it’s possible to completely squelch competition online. I guess we’re about to find out.
I’m pretty sure that they have already started yelling “Biden Sabotage!!” If not it will be coming down the pike.
When you are unbound from facts anything is possible and easy.
Good morning.
@NotMax: *puts hardcover novel in pants
@MazeDancer: Which is why a separate bank account is absolutely needed. I remember my grandmother telling me that HER mother taught my grandmother how to take some money out of her pay envelope before handing it over to my great grandfather. (Grandmother only had a 6th grade education and was sent to work in the silk mills.)
@glory b:
I was on a school committee and I learned a lot, even for someone who went to public schools and had four kids going through them.
Any time someone says teachers need additional mandatory training they need to include who is paying for it and when they are supposed to cram this in along with their other 50 daily mandates.
I think Philadelphia public school teachers and administrators have enough on their plate without being called upon to fix America’s broken immigration system. Someone else can do it. They have to teach kids.
@narya: @eclare: this will definitely be telling. I think we should be prepared for disappointment.
Gas started going up $0.20 here on Monday afternoon. I’ve already needled a couple of them about it. I took my pics last Saturday – eggs were $4.65/doz, limit 2 at the Aldi where I shop. Looks like that’s cheap compared to some places.
@K-Mo: The eastern shore of MD is bright red MAGA country
What? Are you fucking kidding me? They do have a death wish.
Same thing my parents and teachers said.
@Kay: Also, “shock therapy” in Eastern Europe was a disastrous failure.
Doug R
@Professor Bigfoot: Sometimes I call them fellow descendants of Eurotrash.
Eh, people will suffer, but at least labor will learn its place.
@Kay: Let me clarify. My post wasn’t about “fixing” the broken system. My post was about protecting our students and families from ICE.
I agree that we are overburdened as teachers and schools.
@Leto: I’m more likely to be pleasantly surprised. :-) I guess I don’t really expect it of the kids, especially the ones who are looking for a pro contract or something; if they do refuse to go, good for them. And I bet that some WILL refuse.
2050: “Tell me about the egg salad again, Gramma. I like that story.”
@Baud: I see we had the same parents and teachers.
@lowtechcyclist: The chickens that lay eggs are different chickens from the ones they slaughter for meat. I’m not sure why one thing has been affected but not the other, but I do know they’re done at different operations.
@TBone: Noice!
Matt McIrvin
@Betty Cracker: The problem is that the cycle has sped up: we’re in a situation where people decamp to a new platform because the fascists ruined the old one, then the new one fails the same way almost immediately, and the TikTok situation suggests that the cycle has literally shortened to days.
BlueSky’s pretty good right now but it is vulnerable. Mastodon and its fellow “fediverse” services have mechanisms specifically intended to prevent this kind of capture–if your instance goes bad, it’s supposed to be easy to exit to another–but getting on there has just enough friction to it that there doesn’t seem to be a mass migration to there.
@K-Mo: Naomi Klein’s The Shock Doctrine was an entire book about this. Still relevant.
Another Scott
@MomSense: @Soprano2:
This morning I saw a re-upping of some story about a guy who got scurvy from being on an all-meat diet.
These guys doing their own research are doing it rong.
Something something ignorance as good as knowledge. – Asimov.
Best wishes,
It can’t be overstated how dangerous the EO on birthright citizenship is.
Citizenship requirements are guided by the 14th Amendment, and codified by the Immigration and Nationality Act.
If the Executive Branch can revoke citizenship by fiat, what’s stopping him next time from issuing an EO stating that “No person who is a registered member of the Democratic Party shall be considered a citizen of the United States”?
Literally nothing.
Mike Pompeo’s security detail has been stripped. Ha ha, in my best Nelson Munch voice.
They can’t possibly be that stupid, can they?
Matt McIrvin
@K-Mo: When Trump came in the first time I remember thinking that the new administration’s model for the US was post-invasion Iraq.
@Another Scott:
Holy shit! Scurvy?
Matt McIrvin
@Another Scott: There are people who turned their skin blue from taking colloidal silver as some kind of health nostrum. I recall reading about a Libertarian Party politician who did it. Of course he’d be Libertarian.
@Professor Bigfoot: FWIW, I, a white jackal who has sharply disagreed with you on certain things, don’t hate you one tiny bit. I like you. And I completely agree with what I think is your core point: the heart of Trump’s support is white patriarchy protecting white patriarchy, and we have to face that fact, “we” including white people like me who vote against Trump. I think the place where you and I are at odds is what to do about that. I think facing it is morally essential. But it’s adjacent to what we need to do to win elections. I don’t think we can change those people. I don’t think they can be lectured to or moralized at. And I’m not prepared to destroy our coalition to appease them (I’m sure you’re not either). I think we need to work around the edges, figuring out who is open to our appeal, our messages, on particular issues — get non voters, swing voters, confused voters, new voters. And all the messaging talk we do is n the name of that. But it doesn’t change the fact of your original point about whiteness, which is indubitable.
The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits.
Also, another gorgeous photo today!
@Matt McIrvin:
I once had an office manager who took colloidal silver. It was called sovereign silver or some nonsense. I told her that turning blue is a known, possible side effect and she thought I was crazy. Oh well. She was so narcissistic and difficult to work with that I started calling her (at home and in my head) Smurfette.
She moved to Florida.
JFK Jr removed from consideration, Biden’s FDA asked to remain, as Mad Cow disease cripples McDonald’s operations and hamberders no longer available.
Mike E
@Kay: having a strategy to deal with cops/agents/any armed individuals when they arrive at your workplace/home/driver side window is called “being prepared” and knowing your rights down to the letter, having a script to keep to is not burdensome but essential.
Also, being indignant and angry when such occurrences happen because “it shouldn’t be my responsibility” is most likely the worst way to go about protecting oneself in situations that are now going to pop up with greater frequency.
Ben Cisco
@Professor Bigfoot:
My 3x great grandfather fought the Confederates. Beginning tolook like I’m gonna have to as well.
Matt McIrvin
@comrade scotts agenda of rage: My city was scheduled to start reconstructing its 100-year-old Main Street bridge where you can literally see the concrete falling off the bottom and exposing rebar. If that work can’t happen, it’s anyone’s guess when that bridge falls in, and it *will* be on Trump. I’m thinking there are a lot of other projects like that.
@Baud: yep. If they actually go through with tariffs and significant deportations it’ll be a doozy 🤬🤬🤬.
karen gail
Citizenship paperwork? what happens to everyone who arrived before US was country, know back when colonies were where Europe shipped prisoners and indentured servants, or slaves, or those who were already here?
When my great grandmother’s family moved to what is now Wisconsin it was still part of Canada; so does this mean will be shipped to Canada?
Most of all does this mean we can ship Trump family back to Germany?
@Matt McIrvin: Cats can eat raw poultry – they kill and eat birds. So yeah, there is such a thing. I don’t use it, but I know it exists.
@MomSense: AOC is auditioning for this role also. Both worthy candidates.
Matt McIrvin
@Soprano2: Yeah, and they get worms from it. One of the reasons I try to keep mine in, though it doesn’t always work.
@karen gail:
We ask, “How the hell are you still alive? What’s your skin care routine? Are you on the Mediterranean diet? GIVE US YOUR SECRETS!”
@eclare: I watch the Milwaukee Bucks a lot. One of the commentators is Marques Johnson, a former player originally from Los Angeles. He occasionally mentions Roscoe’s Chicken and Waffles. I have never tried that combo, but I might have to try it!
@Mike E: Thank you.
Also, as someone who works with children, part of my job IS protecting them, and always has been.
They are also giving babies honey which is dangerous.
Harrison Wesley
A friend texted me earlier that Rutgers cancelled a conference for HBCUs in response to Trump’s attack on DEIA. More bullshit. This country had plenty of problems without him and his crew;we really don’t need anybody making things worse.
@Kay: I think the observation that MAGA’s think you can’t be both kind and effective is spot on. That’s why they like the punishing daddy – they think you can’t fix problems without being cruel and mean. That’s why they believe you can’t effectively discipline children without using violence.
Papa Boyle
Anybody selling any “Trump Did This” stickers yet?
@MazeDancer: Women seem to like playing bingo and going to casinos to play slot machines.
They’re not entirely wrong. It’s certainly possible to be overly kind to the point of not being able to make decisions that affect people. They just use that fact as an excuse to go hard in support of cruelty.
@Leto: We’ll find out soon after the Super Bowl.
glory b
@beckya57: I’d prefer someone who didn’t say she’s actually a socialist and is just a Democrat for convenience/power.
You can blame Tucker Carlson.
As always, we do not give educators enough esteem (or salary, but that is a discussion for another day). Mr. Suzanne has been assaulted/injured by a few of his students, including to the point of needing stitches, and many of his colleagues have similar experiences. And yet…. y’all show up for them.
@TBone: Did the doctor suggest you get a t-shirt or onesie for Noah? When my cat had a feeding tube (13 weeks), he wanted to pull the tube out. Hence the onesie, which he tolerated nicely. In fact, he would signal to my mother or me when he had to use the litterbox so we could unbutton it. Then he would let us button it again when he was finished. By the way . . . he lived 12 more years after needing the tube!
So let’s see here…in just the first week of trump 2.0, we’ve had
– hundreds of violent cop-beaters pardoned and let out on the streets
– trump (and many other GOP leaders) insulting a female bishop who…gasp…asked for mercy towards the vulnerable
– trump is making noise about providing ZERO disaster relief to Americans in ‘blue’ states (while of course continuing to provide it to the ‘red’, moocher states)
– NIH funding shut down across the board and the CDC gagged despite a growing bird flu epidemic, and
– the cost of eggs is through the roof (partially due to that same epidemic)
It is 90 weeks until the mid-term elections and 194 weeks until the next presidential election, when we will blissfully be rid of lame-duck trump for good. Let’s get busy making sure that a Reign of Error like this never happens again!![]()
@Suzanne: I agree. We’re a disparate coalition with different interests, histories and strengths. We don’t have to follow a single strongman, like the GoP do. Our strength is in our diversity, working together. Let’s have many leaders, coming from all directions. Like a hydra so they can’t figure out whose head to lop off first.
per Brooksie’s stupid “How Trump Will Fail” yesterday (which went on and on, then wrapped up with ‘advice’ to the Dems that they start by admitting that trump was right about a number of things like immigration and inflation, but he tried to fix them the wrong way!)
glory b
@Jeffro: The Department of Education has removed thousands of documents related to “DEI” research etc.
@Mike E:
I think the immigration advocate quoted in the story should do more than demand teachers and schools do something. Everyone has a list of demands for public schools to fill. It’s long. What surprised me when I sort of got inside them as an adult, looking at them as a workplace, is how every minute is packed with tasks.
Maybe ask the teachers instead of ordering them? Maybe get teachers who are interested to take the training as volunteers? Maybe shift that duty to volunteer lawyers?
Tenar Arha
@Matt McIrvin & @Suzanne: I don’t remember what triggered it, but I told them like a couple (more?) years ago to stop sending me anything. And that it was because they had clearly lost their way. /sigh
Anyway, the guy I talked to then wasn’t surprised at all that a small donor like me was giving up on them from frustration & disgust at actions of management.
Betty Cracker
@Matt McIrvin: I know nothing about how platforms work, but I think M4 said Bluesky is decentralized (and therefore “billionaire-proof”?) in a way that’s similar to the Mastodon setup while being far more intuitive. Maybe I’m misremembering, but I think that was part of the draw?
@Phylllis: That was a strange move. John Bolton’s been a vocal critic of Trump, so lifting his protection is can be ascribed typical Trump vindictiveness. But Pompeo? I have not seen him breaking with Trump.
This all stems from the drone strike that killed Iranian General Solemeini in early 2020. Solemeini was a revered figure within the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps and they’ve said they want revenge.
Maybe this relates to Trump’s larger posture towards Iran. Trump has a number of Iran hawks on his national security team who are hot for a war with Iran, but Trump himself seems lukewarm about the idea.
Trump also doesn’t like having a bullseye on his back. He may have had someone deliver a message to the Iranians: “I had nothing against Solemeini and I never should have led those two jerks talk me into killing him. You can have ’em.”
Chris Johnson
@WaterGirl: What that tells me is the Russian propaganda, in there somewhere, is actively encouraging this for some bullshit ‘raw food’ reason.
I’ve never heard of that in my life, and I worked as a cook and took interest in food-adjacent things. If you’re a Hell’s Kitchen fan, his highest peaks of fury are for chefs who leave raw chicken in the middle of underdone dishes. I’ve honestly never heard of eating raw chicken on purpose in any context.
This is being fed to them (like raw chicken) by their bot farm sources. Yes, it’ll kill them preferentially but the intention is that we never vote again so it’s moot, the intention is that we all DIE so it’s direct, and another part of the intention is that as the wingnuts are all dying and losing everything, they go totally ballistic and just start murdering everybody indiscriminately.
Hence, a part of that plan is fooling them into eating raw chicken and then doubtless making something up about how the Democrat deep state are poisoning them and THAT’S why they die. All is chaos and weird fantasy except for your dead kids and friends who ate ‘deep state poison’ that is actually the raw chicken Trump told you was good for you.
Putin would be missing a trick if he didn’t have people out there cultivating bird flu and salmonella and intentionally trying to sabotage commercial meat production with it. Natural pandemic growth is doubtless not quick enough. I bet Russia has people trying to help it along. They would be idiots not to, since this is their one shot.
Melancholy Jaques
That’s my take on both Trump wins. A decisive percentage of American voters don’t want a woman president. And it’s not just the olds.
In her book, The Terror Dream, Susan Faludi argued that the 9/11 attack produced a resurgence of a desire for a John Wayne style male hero. Violence is strength, rules are for wimps, women are weaklings who need protection/rescue, etc. We may still be living in the aftermath of that.
Over 500 migrants deported yesterday. Trump is using military planes. MSNBC reporting
Remember, Kay, just like Covid…bird flu is not trumpov’s fault!
(kidding, kidding…but you know they’re going to use that when it gets really bad, right?)
Here’s a template for everyone to use when they do:
“Every President is presented with at least one major crisis not of their own making. Of course it’s not their fault that the crisis has happened – what IS on them is how they respond.”
(extended response): “And whether they respond by trying to bring the country together…or inflame and divide us.”
@Baud: That’s not actual kindness, it’s conflict aversion. Or confusing the affect of kindness with kindness itself.
It isn’t a kind thing to enable someone to harm themselves, or to become so paralyzed with inaction that harm comes to someone.
karen gail
@Leto: I think faster than I type; so leave things out. Like “everyone whose family.”
Thanks for the laugh this morning!
Professor Bigfoot
@Soprano2: “Beware those in whom the urge to punish is strong.” – Nietzsche
@Quinerly: It seems pretty clear to me he’s setting up a shitty argument that there is an INVASION happening so he’s free to deport anyone whose parents weren’t citizens. After all if it isn’t an invasion why is the military involved? Checkmate libtards!
Chris Johnson
@Phylllis: Only had to read as far as ‘Assange, Snowden, Tucker Carlson, etc’ to figure that one out.
Pompeo was taking action against Russian counterintelligence. Literally everybody mentioned in that article siding against Pompeo are Russian assets of one sort or another, in some cases wildly brazenly obvious.
Of course they want to strip Pompeo’s security detail and then kill him. America’s run by the Russian agents right now, and this shows how much Pompeo, whatever other bad things he might be, isn’t working for the Russian assets. If he was, they wouldn’t be trying to get him killed.
Betty Cracker
@Soprano2: One time when I lived in an apartment building many years ago, a neighbor I hardly knew asked if I’d feed her cat while she was away at a work conference. I said, sure.
When the day came for the neighbor to leave, she showed me all these frozen packets of raw chicken in the freezer, asked me to thaw one for a precise number of minutes twice daily, then put it into a bowl and sprinkle it with aloe juice and some other crap before giving it to the cat. The cat had X time to eat the food before the human (me) had to remove the bowl and wash it for the next feeding time.
It was an imposition, but I did it! Also, the cat seemed pretty miserable to me. I was tempted to give it a can of Fancy Feast but I didn’t.
Ohio Mom
@Suzanne: And I am reluctantly thinking we need at least one older, white, cis male on the team — and not Bernie because he doesn’t appeal to the folks I’d be targeting.
glory b
@Melancholy Jaques: They don’t.
And let’s note that Harris actually made inroads with voters over 60 and Trump increased his share of young voters, primarily with white males.
“This mom of 11 and GOP county chair, cannot feed her egg-dependent children”
Remember the milk lady they trotted out? Each kid was supposedly drinking a gallon a day?
@Betty Cracker: Were you also tempted to ‘accidentally’ leave the front door ajar? I know I would have been.
Don’t forget that since mayonnaise is egg -based, it’s going up too, as will any grocery product that has eggs an ingredient.
@Quinerly: how does that even work? Are we really allowed to land our military planes in other countries and dump a bunch of people out who, knowing the incompetent idiots in this administration, may or may not be citizens of that country? How long can we get away with that without starting an international incident?
Poe Larity.
ICE is harrassing kids on buses in SF
I know it’s petty but I don’t care. I’m asking every Trump supporter I encounter if they’ve seen the skyrocketing Trump grocery prices.
glory b
@Ohio Mom: I’d like Pritzker or my fellow Pittsburgher, Mark Cuban. Both are white male liberal billionaires who can and have countered them successfully. Cuban’s prescription drug program is a great thing.
glory b
@Kay: With half of her “kids” in their 20s and 30s?
@Poe Larity.:
Because middle schoolers always have their ID. It’s right behind their credit cards.
@<a href=”″>Papa Boyle</a>
Egg-shaped stickers, natch.
@TBone: no surprise that the rethugs are the ones covered in blood for oil money.
I hope some people take note and read this article.
@Baud: I would raise my standard objection, the problem isn’t the virtue of kindness, it’s the lack of some other virtue – possibly “courage,” or “decisiveness,” or “leadership,” being in the right balance with the kindness.
Pratchett did a riff on this: if someone gets the drop on you (with a gun/sword), hope they’re evil. Evil people who have you at their mercy might play with you, giving you time to hope for some chance at life. A *good* person, who sees you’re an enemy, doesn’t want to toy with you – you’re a target, they act, and if that means “killing you quickly and cleanly,” well….
The idea that kindness is a weakness is, in itself, a weakness, causing you to possibly discard something immensely precious, when you should be holding more tightly to it.
I’ll shut up; I know the “kumbaya” pileon is coming.
@Ohio Mom: I agree. I think that’s great. We can elevate people who are talented. I think this is where the people with the most communication skill will shine.
There’s got to be a way to build up the image of the members of the party that isn’t specifically around campaigning in a state or a district. For example, Secretary Pete has his fans (I’m one), but I can’t vote for him. Similar phenomenon around positions, right? Like, if you are a progressive living in Nebraska, we also want to build a positive relationship with those people. Because, invariably, when it comes time to pick one candidate for president…. some members of the coalition are going to be disappointed. But if you feel like the candidates you like and the ideas you align with are still an important part of the party…. you’re more likely to stay on board, I think.
@Barbarai: thank you, I will ask vet & see if he tolerates that!
Ben Cisco
And that others REALLY would rather not.
That requires a legacy media that will treat her fairly and honestly and will acknowledge that she is an opposition leader.
Which we don’t have.
Like it or not, our “opposition leaders” at this point are Chuck Schumer and Hakeem Jeffries.
@WTFGhost: all positive thoughts of all kinds are welcome! Thank you!
Re the ICE spokesman who’s telling the media that ICE is allowed to do what they’re doing: A spokesperson cannot truthfully represent an armed organization that isn’t centrally organized and controlled.
I’m going to look for more info.
I got wide awake last night and took a deep dive in Native Americans here in NM on social media. So my brain is fried this AM. They are terrified they will be picked up too. Being told to have their tribal IDs on them at all times.
And, I don’t know how I missed this….the President of Navajo Nation leans pro Trump. He and his wife were in DC Mon…..all smiles at the events. He is quoted as saying “we are entering the Golden Age.”
Kayla Rudbek
@stinger: and the vegans will be laughing at all the MAGAs and incels who were making fun of the “soy boys” as the egg substitutes will still be in ample supply
Matt McIrvin
@glory b: Mark Cuban is busy slagging on Democrats for not using the specific rhetoric he thinks they should use to oppose Hegseth.
I’m really sick of billionaire saviors. They will turn on us.
@WTFGhost: no pile on from me – I use kindness as a weapon sometimes very successfully. It acts like a surprise fulcrum to knock ’em off balance for time enough to get rough if necessary.
At least Jewish voters got the memo.
@TBone: Wonderful !
@Ben Cisco: this time, we follow the Sherman doctrine to the letter. Wipe them out
Kayla Rudbek
@MazeDancer: who was it who said that women’s gambling instincts are satisfied by marrying men? (I would add dating and childbirth into that as well)
@glory b:
I predict our expensively educated media will miraculously (re)discover that the President does not, actually, set grocery prices. The WSJ is already trotting out “supply chain disruptions” just in time for their boy to need some excuses.
That industry just sucks. It’s not that it’s for profit or non profit or anything like that – they just do a bad job. They don’t do their own thinking.
@Matt McIrvin:
He’s doing the same thing many others are doing, regardless of where they fall on the socioeconomic ladder.
@Lily: if I smile any harder I will turn Cheshire!
@Chris Johnson: they’ll be too sick to fight us at least. The Constitution ain’t a suicide pact.
@JCJ: There’s a South Jersey diner with really good chicken and waffles (Colonial in Woodbury for local peeps) – my go-to brunch order.
Of course with the egg prices brunch is CANCELED in the Dotard admin
PS Why does Pompeo get a security detail four years after he was in the cabinet?
just wait until ICE interrogates, say, Bryon Dorgan’s kids. Or Marco Rubio’s.
better yet: wait until the ICE checkpoints go up and Americans’ commutes are impacted(!) The horror! They’re care then, for sure.
@Anyway: Pompeo’s security clearance was just revoked by Executive Order.
Another Scott
For feds thinking about retirement and thinking about the implications of potential new policies, take a look at Tammy Flanagan’s column at GovExec.
Seems to be lots of good info there.
Hang in there, everyone.
Best wishes,
“The fact that libs think otherwise shows how bad they are able economics.”
DOJ told legal service providers who receive federal funding to stop providing legal orientation and other work intended to support immigrants at immigration courts.
In a memo says to “stop work immediately.”
Kayla Rudbek
@Kay: I am going to repurpose every single lawyer joke I know as a journalist joke
Southern style chicken & waffles is very different than our PA style. Both are delish but Southern style is fried chicken pieces served on waffles with honey. Both styles stick to yer ribs.
@Ohio Mom: We already have one opposition team in place. That would be Hakeem Jeffries, Katherine Clark and Pete Aquilar, the Democratic House leaders. I consider all three to be savvy politicians and skilled communicators.
This is not say there aren’t good other Democratic leaders, but I think we would do well to watch what these three say, and spread it.
@JCJ: Gladys Knight made em!
@Baud: I read that as Carrie Underwood at first and had to do a doubletake.
Mike E
@Kay: maybe they’re doing the things already? What about anything I wrote do you object to? Education has been hamstrung to the point where they’re now vulnerable to these intimidation tactics, so they don’t need to hear critiques about shortfalls that they’re well aware of already when facing this authoritarian onslaught, they are asking/receiving community support to stand up to it. It’s all hands on the wheel time, and getting tactical training is crucial IMO
Love Katherine Clark!
I am all set to cook a homemade meal for the first time in 3 days (I made a chicken & rice & veggies casserole that took us through part of this nightmare week along with frozen homemade soup). I’m just gonna throw some frozen spinach ravioli into chicken stock, when it’s cooked & stock reduced a bit, add a package of spinach, some EVOO, lots of fresh garlic, and fresh grated parm at the end and hope for the best.
Because Iran wants to kill him.
@TBone: ahh thanks for the clarification!
@Anyway: Pompeo, John Bolton and a third official got special protection after the US drone strike near Baghdad that killed Iranian general Solemeini.
Solemeini headed up the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps’ Quds Force, its vehicle for projecting power throughout the Middle East. He was a charismatic and revered figure within the IRGC, and they vowed to avenge his assassination. They meant it, too.
Of the right wing orgs, libertarian Cato seems to be the least hypocritical (based on anecdata).
@Anyway: righto! That means he won’t know who is trying to sneak up on him.
Matt McIrvin
@Baud: Cato has always been pretty good on rights-of-the-accused type civil liberties.
Massive Cuts Ahead? How Trump Plans to Slash Medicaid Spending
Huge cuts. As you all know, white, rural lower income (Trump voters) will be hurt by this. The big losers will be rural hospitals, so rural jobs. The hospital in my 75% Trump county is the largest employer.
Remember when Trump denied this was the plan and media meekly accepted that answer, although they had the Project 2025 documents? A multi billion dollar industry that doesn’t fill any useful role at all.
Oh, well. A day late and a dollar short, as usual.
@Quinerly: Katherine Clark is a member of the Cranberry Caucus. When Trump says, “Drain the swamp,” Clark says, “Not so fast!”
Matt McIrvin
The geography blogger ibx2cat did a video on Trump’s citizenship order, the same disingenuous stuff is happening in the comments: a lot of that talking point others have mentioned, that “birthright citizenship is an artifact of the age of colonization but now that we’re a well-established American People we need to call ourselves indigenous and cut it off”. I’ve been countering by saying that Old World citizenship concepts come from ethnic nationalism, we’re not an ethnically-based country and can’t be one.
Anne Laurie
In case nobody else has said this: Broiler chickens and laying chickens are no more alike than racehorses and draft horses. Broilers are bred to reach slaughter size fast (a matter of a few months, IIRC), but it takes longer for egg-laying hens to mature & start producing. So usually they’re being raised at different facilities. So far it’s the egg (layer) birds that have been most affected by bird flu (& making vaccines), and it takes longer to rebuild the egg flocks. But that’ll probably change, unfortunately!
I don’t blame Trump. White rural folks stuck with Republicans even as rural hospitals closed when red states refused to expand Medicaid. Why shouldn’t Trump treat them as serfs who will sacrifice for his glory?
Libertarians used to be pro immigrant, under the theory that labor should be able move cross borders in a free market.
I had a Libertarian colleague who told me immigrants are better than US-born because the process is so difficult only the most resilient and determined make it. The top ten per cent of strivers.
@Matt McIrvin:
Birthright citizenship and immigration limits are also two different things.
Rod Steiger (greatly esteemed by me) is on TCM as Al Capone at 11:30 am. The TCM Theme today is gangsters. Young Dillinger and now Dillinger played back to back.
FBI is on the case in my fantasy world today!
True. Sherrod Brown told us a funny story. I complained that the CEO of our hospital was writing angry letters to the local paper about Obamacare during that fight. Sherrod said “Phil does that? Funny. He calls me all the time lobbying for increasing subsidies”.
Matt McIrvin
@Betty Cracker: It is in theory, but not in practice. The idea is that someone COULD set up independent servers to decentralize it. People are trying to do that. But what is a long-term aspiration for Bluesky is how Mastodon already works.
I bet there’s tons of secret calls and meetings going on right now.
Matt McIrvin
@Baud: Correct, but the same people seem to have correlated opinions on all related issues. Which makes a lot of arguments seem disingenuous, especially “it’s only illegal immigration we hate” when they’re busy making legal immigration illegal.
One commenter said “with modern countries with extensive welfare states, we can’t just give instant citizenship to everyone willy-nilly” even though, of course, this is about cutting off citizenship of people BORN HERE.
Trump on the ground in NC. Wants to get rid of FEMA and “let the states take care of it.” Says states taking care of disasters will cost “less than half.”
When pushed about states not being able to take care of disasters completely on their own money wise , he says they will come directly “to us.
Trump demanding voter ID and proof of citizenship in CA and accusing Newsom of not releasing water. He ‘wants both out of CA.”
cw moss
@Professor Bigfoot: not super- relevant to your remark about whiteness being the normative state, but not far off: I’ve said for years, at first jokingly but sadly now dead serious, that the only difference between the Taliban and American evangelical Christians is that the Taliban dress better.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@Quinerly: A state that’s suffered a disaster is, at that moment, least likely to be able to “take care” of it.
@Kayla Rudbek: if you repurpose “lawyer jokes” for “journalists”, then you’re skipping using them for “Republicans” while daring journalists to report it, or be chicken (and waffle, to stay on topic).
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
He showed his hand. He wants to get rid of FEMA and he be the one to pick and choose how much aid and where it goes.
He will sell it that it is cheaper. FEMA is too much bureaucracy and wastes money.
Remember – every one of the Trump cuts is to allow room for tax cuts for people who make more than half a million annually, and up.
That’s where every dollar is going. To the top 2%. 98% of us will pay more, either in taxes or in the tariffs he’s loading on individuals to pay. Elon Musk, Marc Zuckerberg, Jeff Bezos and all media owners endorsed this massive subsidy to well off people and they demand you pay for it.
@The Thin Black Duke: So long as they still vote, that’s OUR problem.
Miss Bianca
Not fast enough.
DOGE team with its own atty and IT to be in every agency.
@Professor Bigfoot: yep
Isn’t there another amendment whose second half disallows reparations payments to people who owned slaves? And the confederates want that one revoked as well.
Matt McIrvin
@Quinerly: This is how he handled COVID: he stole the states’ medical supplies and doled them out according to who kissed his ring. And the bodies piled up in blue states.
They are looking for quarters in cushions to pay for the tax cuts. Talks of ending mortgage interest tax deduction and ending employers’ tax deduction for having work place gyms to raise money.
I kid you not.
Miss Bianca
What do you care about whether or not “Democrats get stripped of citizenship by EO”, “ExPatExDem”?
@Professor Bigfoot: You’re giving them a lot of attention-span credit, to think that they tie things that far apart in time, together.
@lowtechcyclist: As far as I know, the ones they’re killing now are layers, not meat-birds; does anyone know if that’s true, or not? I can’t imagine that dead layers don’t become meat birds, though. Maybe meat-birds are exclusively dead layers?
Doc Sardonic
@TBone: Don’t forget the hot sauce and greens. Also, I am glad Barbara(I think) mentioned the t-shirt or onesie. I forgot about that, our vet sent the cat home in a feeding tube shirt. It was a tubular stretchy bandage made out of undershirt knit material that is used for cast liner, with holes cut out for his front legs.
Kayla Rudbek
@WTFGhost: okay, I agree, we should repurpose the lawyer jokes for both Republicans and journalists.
@ExPatExDem: I’ve begun worrying about the citizenship status of Native Americans in Indian Country under by Native governments. I may have seen something about that yesterday
RI municipal judge who also specializes in immigration work offices raided.
“The 127 Dorrance St. building houses the offices of Joseph Molina Flynn, an immigration lawyer in Massachusetts and Rhode Island who serves as a municipal court judge in Central Falls. Molina Flynn’s office is the focus of the search, according to multiple sources.
Molina Flynn was the first openly gay person and the first formerly undocumented person to serve on the bench in Central Falls, according to the city.”
@Baud: I’ve really been learning a lot from the newsletter.
Ooof. Scary. They directed his subject matter.
The lying and propaganda is the scariest part of this, IMO. His Davos speech was surreal. He’s up there ranting and they’re all just rapt, laughing along with him as he savagely attacked trans people and said he was taking Canada.
No one is going to save us except us. These fuckers are bankrupt. There’s just nothing in the tank. They’re eagerly embracing fascism. Empty vessels.
Steve LaBonne
@Madeleine: This is a big worry. Citizenship was provided by statute in the early 20th Century. Before that, the 14th Amendment had been interpreted to exclude them. With this Supreme Court who the fuck knows what will happen. You know Republicans have their eye on states where the Indigenous vote is significant and largely Democratic.
Sister Golden Bear
@Trivia Man:
Cisgender is also treated as a default state of being.
So no more attorney client privilege? They’re raiding lawyers offices?
Raise your hand if you knew the unfettered Trump brown shirts would overreach.
Ohio Mom
@glory b: I’m okay with those choices, if they are willing (as if I have any say!). One thing Tim Walz‘s candidacy taught me is there are great people who make great leaders out there whom I have never heard of.
Steve LaBonne
@Kay: This is exactly how it went in Germany. Except the Nazis (until the war) actually improved life for good Germans who kept quiet. Trump’s chaos will do the opposite.
@Quinerly: If they really wanted to generate revenue, they could end loopholes for corporations and small businesses. The tax advantages for running a small biz are mind-boggling….even if you don’t have any employees.
@Quinerly: so it’s commissars, all the way down?
@Kay: One report I saw– in Al Arabiya I think–said the Davos audience gasped when Trump said he would take Canada.
Ohio Mom
@Suzanne: I am also a big Pete Buttigieg fan. He has a fabulous presence and out-of-this-world communication skills. Yes, let’s use him. But we also need point people who are not gay. I hate typing that. But I am considering our audience’s shortfalls.
This AM
U.S. District Judge Amit Mehta, who oversaw the Oath Keepers conspiracy trials, has blocked the StewartcRhodesxand other Oath Keepers from entering the U.S. Capitol or surrounding grounds without permission.
The order amending the conditions of their release came after Rhodes was spotted in the Capitol complex Wednesday, set to met with GOP lawmakers to advocate for the release of another Oath Keeper from prison.
Matt McIrvin
@brantl: Here’s an article about it:
Sometimes the dead egg layers are just put in landfills, but most often they’re turned into pet food. Some organic farms sell them for people food in what the article calls “ethnic markets” where the gamier qualities of the meat are desirable.
So I’d expect bird flu in laying hens to affect the price of chicken-based pet food. Though maybe they can just use the slaughtered hens, I mean, it’s cooked. Unless it isn’t, as I was talking about earlier.
Pretty loud gasp. I actually had the TV on for his speech. Usually just have news on in background on speakers.
Trump in NC right now. Babbling to reporters about Canada having nothing that we need (“we have forests!” and something about US having the same food that Canada sells us) and calling Trudeau “Governor Trudeau.”
Ben Cisco
@Ksmiami: Reconstruction interrupted, then negated. Not this time.
Matt McIrvin
@Kay: During the first Trump term they did this thing where the State Department would call in people with offers to help normalize their immigration status, and then ICE would raid the meeting. I don’t know if State was in on the trick or not; it’s repulsive either way. I think the side effect of eroding general trust in government and increasing general fear was a feature to these creeps.
Citizen Alan
@MomSense: not at all. For a while I was checking the herman kane awards so reddit on a daily basis for my schadenfreude injection.
She’s great but – elected Democrats will have to work with the tangerine tinpot. They just will. It could be appropriations, debt ceiling, response to a disaster or shooting. Prepare to see them work with him and the elected GOP. We need an opposition that is outside the system.
Look at authoritarian countries who have had successful opposition movements. They need to coalesce around someone outside the system. Obviously there will be other messengers who speak out against his views or policies. I’m talking about something a little different.
glory b
@Matt McIrvin: So how is he different than the rest of us?
From Bernie Sanders, our director of outreach?
They don’t take it seriously. It’s this kind of willful blindness that is indistinguishable from cowardice. It’s all to protect them. They don’t want to face that this is real so they’ll continue to minimize it. You would need A LOT of money to insulate yourself from all of this. None of these people have enough. They’re as vulnerable as the rest of us.
Matt McIrvin
@Steve LaBonne: The Nazis were big on building monumental infrastructure, some of which was stupid, but it was a mixed bag. I get the impression that Steve Bannon wanted Trump’s legacy to be something like that in 2017, that he could be the fascist FDR, but it never went anywhere and he’s fallen out with Trump.
Now, Trump seems to be bent on stopping infrastructure spending or letting it happen only with his personal say-so to people who kneel before him. The result is probably going to be more bridges falling down and cities flooding and he’s just going to explain that they deserved it.
@Ohio Mom: The thing is…. if we think of the Dems as an ensemble cast, we stand a better chance of drawing the Secretary Pete fans and the Jasmine Crockett fans, and yes, we can have a token straight white guy. ;)
The underlying theme in so many of these coalitional battles is that it is clear that someone(s) always feels deprioritized and devalued. The idea of the broad tent crashes and burns.
@Matt McIrvin: And here’s a first link to what the EPA has (for the moment) about Carcass Management During Avian Influenza Outbreaks. Lot of composting and incineration.
Ohio Mom
@Kay: Ohio Son had his annual physical today and the NP was suggesting some extra bloodwork. I said, This might be not right thing to say (this was our first meeting with her so I was trying to be vague) but let’s test for everything now, while he still has Medicaid. She smiled and agreed.
Since Ohio Son only has moderate support needs (what we used to call higher-functioning), I consider him currently at risk for losing his Medicaid Waiver. Don’t ask me what we do then, I’m drawing blanks.
zhena gogolia
@Ben Cisco: Three of my great-great uncles fought them too, and one of them died doing so.
I saw the violent gang members the President released are threatening retribution on his political enemies. A judge had to intervene and restrict their movements so they wouldn’t attack lawmakers of the opposition party.
Imagine that paragraph 20 years ago. Unthinkable. And reflect on the fact that children are growing up with this as normal. This is what they inherit. A country run by criminal thugs who are barely contained by a few judges.
They were unequivocally included by law in the early 1900s.
Matt McIrvin
@scav: OK, so that would definitely mean you’d see hits to the pet food market before the chicken aisle.
Matt McIrvin
@Kay: Like I said: if I were in Congress right now I’d be thinking about staying out of mass assemblies in the chamber. They should be considering the District of Columbia a legal death zone because of the President’s pardon power there.
@Matt McIrvin
Tip of the Speer, so to speak.
Mr. Bemused Senior
@Baud: THANK YOU for that link to the CJR story on Krugman!
Anybody seeing anything on BlueSky about ICE officers going door to door in communities and not wearing their uniforms? Just knocking on doors and people opening doors not knowing it’s ICE. I ask this because some NFP organizations that I know from Granite City, IL (just over the river from St. Louia) and in KC that work with our homeless have posts up about ICE officers in street clothes.
@Ohio Mom:
I’m so sorry.
We tried, right? A little less than half of this county is on either Medicaid or Medicare. 75% Trump. We can’t help them. They refused our help and were actually really mean spirited and vicious about it. They can wave their Trump flag from a wheelchair after the amputations from untreated diabetes.
@Doc Sardonic: thank you both, he is dressed around the neck from the back top of his head to his chest in a stretchy, bright pink bandage type of wrap that resembles what you’re describing. I’ll ask if he needs a onesie.
The vet was supposed to call by noon and I’m raring to go with impatience now. I’ve distracted myself ALL day and my (partial) insomnia is catching up with me in a not good way. Coffee/any caffeine after 7am or 8am is a big no no for me. I’m really tired of being patient now and tired of being tired. GAH.
I ache a lot extra when this fatigue sets in. Advil to the rescue!
Trivia Man
@Chief Oshkosh: If you’ve never tried Chicken Tartare you don’t know what youre missing!!
Set the clocks back?
@NotMax: I wish!!! I’ll be clinging to the ceiling at 3am no matter what the clock says if I indulge my desire for a caffeine bomb!
I’m starting to crave a daydrink again and that’s not good either! It would fix the aches right up though and hubby is able to drive today…NO TBONE NO NO NO
@Baud: Patrick Healy is Peter Baker level of bad, and possibly worse. He is an awful fascist-enabler.
No surprise he has been promoted again and again at the Vichy Times.
Good for Paul Krugman for telling the truth and naming names. As courageous people do.
@Trivia Man
Watched a Japanese show years ago wherein one of the specialties in a restaurant was bear paw sashimi.
No joke; really.
Villago Delenda Est
Shumate should be disbarred, then stripped of his citizenship and deported.
Mr. Bemused Senior
Whew! The vet just texted so we’ll arrive there at 2pm. Saved by the bell!
I thought Costco already said no but apparently the shareholders only voted yesterday.
@NotMax: I would literally be slapping people in that restaurant with that paw. Across the mouth.
Trivia Man
@Sister Golden Bear: my omission, i am sorry. I unconsciously use “straight” as a proxy for all genders, orientations, presentations, and sexualities. Even if i recognize the nuance exists it is not reflexive to be all inclusive. That Default Human is a powerful force,
This seems to have come in really late yesterday…not sure if already discussed: cultist introduces resolution calling for amending the Constitution so that trumpov can serve a 3rd term
Two questions:
@Jeffro: he can’t shuffle off this mortal coil fast enough for me, no matter what evil lurks in the wings behind him.
Mr. Bemused Senior
@Jeffro: what do you expect from Rep Andy Ogles? A living example of “suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a member of Congress.”
@TBone: you too? (re: shuffling off)
Mrs. Fro is now on board with my plan to er um ‘honor’ the Orange Airhorn’s eventual resting place, so there’s that. =)
Hopjes? Or other sucking candy?
Doc Sardonic
@TBone: if he is good with what he is currently wearing I would stick with that, see if the vet will send you home with some of it. Our vet was funny when we first visited after the feeding tube was put in because the cat was rigid, would not move and had one arm straight out in front of him. We asked and the vet told us not to worry he can move he is just suffering from tee shirt and IV paralysis, it will wear off shortly. The next day he was fine.
@NotMax: you just reminded me of the best lollipop I’ve ever had – a big green pot leaf on a stick, delicious and oh so fun. I have mints, they will be disappointing in comparison. I made the mistake of indulging in a large, fresh made Everything bagel with fresh cream cheese from town earlier because I needed CARBS and thought I’d be able to nap on a full belly but no!
@Kay: I think the WEF meetings at Davos have a mixed audience, with political officials mixing with business leaders. That’s the whole point.
So maybe the business leaders were smiling, and it was the poltical leaders who who gasped. They hate the idea of powerful nations muscling the less powerful. That practice left over two hundred million people dead in the 20th century and many of those leaders” country’s in ruins.
Matt McIrvin
@Jeffro: I actually think it’s refreshing that he came up with an amendment instead of just asserting that the Constitution actually works this way already, which is more the Trumpist MO.
@Doc Sardonic: he’s good with it (as good as can be expected) but he hates the IV port stuck in his foreleg – he shakes it violently like a little dance. So glad it’ll be gone today!
All necessary meds will now go in through the tube YAY!
President Donald Trump on Friday said he would sign an executive order to begin the process of fundamentally overhauling or eliminating the Federal Emergency Management Agency.
“FEMA has turned out to be a disaster … I think we recommend that FEMA go away,” he said during a tour of North Carolina to see damage done by Hurricane Helene last year.
Someone should start a social media account with headlines “from this day 20 years ago”.
I think it would be helpful to people to see how low standards have slipped with MAGA. I worry it’s like simmering frogs – that we’ll forget what it was like before marauding Proud Boys and brownshirts busting into immigration lawyers offices.
Have some easy listening music to indulge vicariously.
Ben Cisco
@zhena gogolia: Wow!
@Professor Bigfoot: FWIW I have not been reading regularly, but the times I have seen you receive blowback, I (a very mayonnaise person) have been surprised, not like “oh my how could someone overreact” surprised, but like “wait, this is the professor of writing careful statements that don’t go after individual commenters here imnsho”
@Quinerly: I cannot say in too much detail what I’m feeling and thinking right now. It involves a specific track for a lightning bomb cyclone tornado. No sharpie can deviate its track.
Theyre cutting funding because they know they can’t pay for all the global warming property damage coming up. I don’t think any country or insurance entity is going to be able to cover it. Uninsurable.
Mr. Bemused Senior
🎶 More coffee music 🎶
This is, unfortunately, an excellent point.
“SOMEone’s going to be on the hook for all that shit, and it ain’t gonna be us” – every billionaire everywhere
the pollyanna from hell
@Kay: The Johnstown Flood principle. No responsible parties available at this office.
Matt McIrvin
@Kay: I think we should all brace ourselves for his odious policies actually being not obviously unpopular. It’s not Obama-level, but I’m seeing the first approval polls not from the lame duck period but from after his inauguration, and his numbers have gone up–he’s got close to 50% approval, and low job disapproval from lots of people being “wait and see”.
This is pretty close to the quasi-honeymoon Trump got in 2017, where he was never popular but people generally withheld judgment and some were excited about exciting things happening. Of course liberals are all appalled, but nobody likes liberals.
And this time the media are fulsomely in Trump’s corner. Authoritarian leaders are usually pretty popular in polls, maybe because people are scared to say anything bad about them, but I think most of it is that in a media environment bowing 24/7 to the tyrant, with the tyrant looking dynamic and aggressive, most people are just going to take that at face value and like the tyrant until something personally hits them or someone they love.
And if he starts a war or an international crisis, of course all bets are off. Those are usually really good for whoever is in charge in the short term. The erosion of trust takes time
(Also, right-wing polls are flooding the zone of course)
@Jeffro: SWAG the recent and current LA area fires will be the nation’s most expensive natural disaster. And of course Republicans will do all in their power to make it a Democrat-created disaster and not “natural” thus, gummint does not need to pay for it even a little.
Citizen Alan
@Ohio Mom: i met with my gp two weeks ago and asked him to go over my vaccination history to see if there’s any shots, I should get asap before the trump administration bans them. He fully agreed with my concerns but told me that I was current on covid and to wait until the spring for a pneumonia shot.
We shall see how this plays out.
@TBone: creed
Get thee to a nunnery TBone
Big reckoning coming about homeowners insurance. I loathe Next Door app but check certain things from time to time. A lot of multi million dollar homes in Santa Fe here being denied coverage after people have been with the same company for years. Wildfire potential. To even get coverage folks having to cut down 100 year old junipers. Clear all vegetation around the home.
My home is certainly not multi million dollars but I am worried about future insurance coverage. I personally haven’t had any warnings but I have at least 60 ancient junipers, aspens, and pinons. Arborist told me 2 of my junipers were at least 120 years old. I have more vegation than most in my HOA.
lol – that only happens during a Democratic administration. It’s nothing but hot sunshine and groovy tunes.
@The Thin Black Duke:
and then they blame black people, liberals, and Dems and not necessarily in that order.
Still trying to figure out why Kansas after they implemented the conservative dream is still run by Republicans.
@Miss Bianca: Because the endgame of any fascist regime is to criminalize ALL opposition to them.
They have consolidated political power nationally and now feel fully emboldened to start stripping rights away from non-fascists.
@Quinerly: I like Catherine Clark, and I like Pete Aguilar too. I call Aguilar the other “Mayor Pete.” Aguilar was mayor of Redlands, California before he won his Congressional seat. He and Buttegieg are ainly two years apart, with Aguilar 45 and Buttigieg is 43.
Aguilar won his seat in 2014, and he beat a Republican incumbent to do that. He’s a graduate of Redlands University; according to Wikipedia grew up in a working class family.
Aguilar complements Jeffries and Clark well. I think they send him out when they need someone to scowl. He’s got these bushy black eyebrows and can look really mean.
What it will do is create havoc for those businesses who will have to hire and retrain and it will keep happening.
This entire thing is set up to intimidate immigrants. Just LIKE FUCKING LAST TIME!
@AM in NC:
It doesn’t matter to any of them until it becomes personal. None of those things affects the young white man and his goals.
@Citizen Alan:
Oh….I went to my new GP. Kinda did the same as you but I was concerned about old vaccinations and their effectiveness all these years later. Plus, I was seeking a medical opinion about my never having chicken pox or mumps. What to do about the Shingles shot. Won’t go into all that about chicken pox here now. Kinda has been discussed on an old thread weeks ago.
Went Saturday for a major blood draw. 3 good sized vials. Getting all my antibodies levels checked for immunity for all those old childhood vaccinations. When I see her to go over it, it is my understanding there will be charts actually showing levels. A few friends poo pooed my concerns….and chided me that insurance wouldn’t cover so many blood tests. BCBS is paying.
They will not be conducting raids in states that has a Republican governor.
Miss Bianca
@ExPatExDem: You’ve made a point of coming to this here blog to gloat over the fact that you’re sooo over us and out of the US anyway, so why are you pretending you give a shit about what happens to us here? Unless your worry is that the Trump Administration isn’t going to stop with fucking US residents over and is going to come after *you*, in whatever temporarily safe haven you find yourself in.
@TBone: more mood with Shirley Bassey
@Miss Bianca: I have many family members and friends still in the United States.
Snap those fingers and tap those toes.
@NotMax: thank you! I’m on my way Noah, here we come!
Matt McIrvin
@cain: When the recession comes–and it will–what do they do then? Is it (1) not really happening, (2) actually a good thing, or (3) Democrats’ fault?
I know Trump will blame the Federal Reserve for not juicing the economy enough, and try to fire them all
(I was kind of dreading Harris getting saddled with it if she won, because I figured it was coming regardless, but with Trump in charge it’ll be worse)
@trollhattan: This is the big challenge. Fascism *needs* conflicts like this, federales versus local cops, because that *proves* they need more power to handle these horrible cops who are preventing them from “SOLVING THIS NATIONAL SECURITY EMERGENCY, THIS INVASION BY ILLEGALS!”
If the local cops hold out, and win, it makes the fascists look weak, fascists hate looking weak, so… it’s a big challenge. I hope California stands strong.
Ohio Mom
@Kay: If Ohio Son is pushed off his Medicaid Waiver, he should still have medical coverage through his SSDI (as an adult disabled child of a retiree), though I’m pretty sure he’d be forced into a managed care plan (Don’t you even try to make sense of this convoluted system, just take my word for it). Of course, this presupposes SSDI as part of the Social Security system remains untouched…
Without the Waiver he will lose his job coach, his Uber account, his Homemaket/personal care staff, and the case management the County Board provides (and it is very helpful case management). Maybe not too bad for now, but when Ohio Dad and I shuffle off this mortal coil, he’ll be without any personal supports or supervision. That’s the irreplaceable aspect of the Waiver.
I just want to add, my purpose describeing my family’s situation is only half to vent. The other half is meant to be information sharing, a sort of consciousness raising about families with disabled members.
Sister Golden Bear
Don’t turn around, oh oh oh
Ja, ja, Der (Politisch) Kommissar‘s in town, whoa oh oh
You’re in his eye and you’ll know why
Ohio Mom
@Citizen Alan: I worry about us oldsters not having a complete vaccine. All of Ohio Son’s vaccines are in his medical record, along with the manufacturer and lot number.
But my record? You’ll have to take my word that I had the polio vax, had the actual mumps, measles and rubella, whooping cough and did I leave anything out? Oh, Chicken Pox.
If somehow (very unlikely, but still), I am forced into refugee-dom, I can’t prove to the host country that I’m not going to be spreading those diseases. Or even if that becomes a requirement for a visitor’s visa.
Obviously I can prove all my late adulthood vax — flu, Covid, tetanus, Shingles, pneumonia, again, I might have left something out.
It was nice living in a first world country while it lasted.
@Professor Bigfoot:
I wholeheartedly agree
Skin tone does not show up in the DNA. Points of ancestral origin do. Europeans killed each other for most of history and certainly did not feel themselves bonded by a lack of melanin.
Most of us who descended from some Europeans of every skin tone range are mutts. Diversity is a big, beautiful, healthy thing. Ask any biologist!
Will the GOP end all study of biology next?
@Lyrebird: As a person who used to be a too-sensitive white person, I can imagine Prof Bigfoot getting plenty of blowback, especially of the “tone police” and “not all white people,” because, to be brutally honest, the truth *hurt* too much. I rejected it because I didn’t want to believe it was all that much, all that pervasive, and worse, that it was all over *me*, and inside me.
Look: in a small household dispute in the long distant past, I once answered “what are you doing?” with “nothing” and I heard a sigh, a chair scrape, and someone walked in on me, to verify I was not doing literally nothing. And oh, my, GOD, did you ever see someone refuse to believe they’d been a teensy bit petty. I mean, *come on*, do you know how you sound? Deep sigh, chair scrape, beeline for me, “ooh, I wasn’t checking on you!”?
Well… it’s a perfectly human reaction. No one likes to be humanly petty, but only certainly people can own it, and it usually comes as a result of some form of relationship (including family) counseling… the kind where the therapist asks “could you have given a more responsive answer than ‘nothing’? Because it *is* a dickish answer, if you could have been responsive.”
(I mean, it *is*.)
That kind of counseling, where everyone realizes they own a bit of the strife, and therefore could work on cutting it back, that’s sometimes what you need to combat racism. You’re anxious about being racist? Let’s relax you. You’re afraid you’ll be stereotyped? Here are the stereotypes to avoid – be brave enough to admit if you slipped into one of them, and remember to observe the flow, before trying to join it. Yada yada, etc., etc..
I dunno, I always imagine there’s some brilliant way to help raise consciousness and kindness and unity, and, of course, the problem is, most people really don’t believe life is better and happier that way. They’d rather be angrily miserable, while proclaiming themselves far happier than those filthy degenerates, “liberals”.
Ohio Mom
@Quinerly: Oh, good idea, I will ask for those titer tests.
You can still get the MMR as an adult but you will have to track down where to get it. Maybe the board of health or one of those private clinics that does shots for people going abroad to third world countries.
Sister Golden Bear
@Trivia Man: No worries.
Sister Golden Bear
@Baud: My only surprise is that they didn’t do that Monday.
I love Santa Fe. Lucky you. But none of us are going to be able to afford homeowners. And think what that does to mortgage lending. I don’t want to think about it. Really. Just no.
Chief Oshkosh
Sorry, you’ll have to be specific in the context as to which industry — the MSM or the healthcare insurance industry?
Sister Machine Gun of Quiet Harmony
@Matt McIrvin: It depends on when the correction (aka recession) comes. If it happens in the first year, pretty much the media will be non-stop blaming Biden unless it is the obvious result of a trade war. If it happens after year one, it gets harder and harder to blame Biden. Right wing media will still do it. However, normies have been promised that if Trump is given time he’ll fix everything. If the opposite happens after he’s been in office a while, then they’ll start to blame him anyway.
@Sister Machine Gun of Quiet Harmony:
If it happens in year 4, Dems should just refuse to run anyone.
@cain: It’s not. They’ve got a Dem gov. The state leg is heavily gerrymandered and GOP dominated. But they still voted to put taxes back.
Flu-infected flocks are burned, buried or otherwise disposed of on the farm where they are located. They certainly are not dumped into the food chain.
Most White Americans have no record of legal papers establishing their ancestors citizenship. Anyone who came in prior to the late 1800’s is a birthright citizen. They needed to leave Europe (mostly because of economic reasons but also political). If they had relatives in the Americas, they got on a boat and got off a boat and then found a relative to stay with. If they didn’t they gravitated to communities where there were other immigrants who spoke their language and found a job. they didn’t bother with reporting to authorities. They were never naturalized. But their kids became citizens because of the 14th amendment.
Both sets of my grandparents had no citizen documentation other than their birth records. My paternal grandfather didn’t even have that. I’ve never been able to find his birth records. His mother was born here. But I can’t trace her parents birth records because they were born before those records were commonly kept in The West (WV, OH, IN, IL, KY, TN, etc) where settlers were moving to in the early 1800’s.
Unless their ancestors came over after the mid 1800’s when the country started to try to stem immigration and establishe naturalization processes (mostly to keep out those Europeans the Know Nothings didn’t want flooding the country – like Catholic Irish, Italians and Germans) most White Americans are only allowed to vote due to the 14th Amendment and they have no idea that they are Anchor Babies too.
Also,too dredging up all that family history back prior to the Civil War could be embarrassing to those who ancestors have been passing as White for the last 150 years. Those revisionists and re-segregationist are going to be pretty mortified when they have to explain the slave blood in their old southern gentile families.