Hmm, where to start.
Trump fired 17 inspector generals overnight, which is illegal, if you still believe in laws. (Guardian link, couldn’t find the AP story on it.)
Hegseth squeaked through the Senate yesterday after President Musk instructed VP Vance to cast the tie breaking vote. Murkowski, Collins and Yertle RINOed out and voted against Fox’s golden boy.
75% of the farm workers harvesting oranges in Kern County, CA didn’t show up for work yesterday after ICE raids in the area. Here’s a graphic from opposition leader AOC on your rights if you’re ICE tries to arrest you. And here’s an article from Teen Vogue (yes) about neighborhood ICE watch.
These 8 Democrats just voted last night to advance the nomination of Kristi Noem for DHS Secretary:
John Fetterman (D-PA)
Maggie Hassan (D-NH)
Tim Kaine (D-VA)
Andy Kim (D-NJ)
Gary Peters (D-MI)
Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH)
Elissa Slotkin (D-MI)
Raphael Warnock (D-GA)— Jonathan Cohn ( January 25, 2025 at 5:59 AM
I don’t get Warnock or Kaine. There’s going to be a weekend vote on her nomination. These guys are moving fast. For comparison, no Democrat voted to end debate on Hegseth. Moscow Mitch voted for cloture then voted against the nomination. (Edit: As John pointed out in the comments, Fetterman was the only Democrat to vote for the Senate to go into executive session to consider Hegseth’s nomination.)
That’s not all, but it’s probably enough.
Update: Noem nomination passed 59-34, but the roll call hasn’t been posted yet.
Kern County (Bakersfield) is Kevin McCarthy turf and although voting for T isn’t really friendly to him
ETA Republicans are really into crab bucket politics
John S.
Procedural votes don’t necessarily portend how people vote in the end.
Fetterman (spit) voted to advance Hegseth, but then voted against his nomination.
I would be shocked if most of these Democrats ended up voting for Gov. Dogkiller in the end.
New Deal democrat
I’ve got 3 comments on separate topics I thought I would post. Here’s #1:
Want to know what the actual Congress that passed the 14th Amendment wanted to accomplish with birthright citizenship?
One of the economics writers I follow, Mike Sherlock, has a very good short piece that actually copies and pastes – and highlights – relevant parts of the Congressional debates from the Congressional Globe (the forerunner to the Congressional Record). Almost the exact same issues were debated then as have been raised by the T—-p cult now, and they were explicitly rebuffed. The opponents explicitly mentioned how allowing lots of strange cultures in and granting their children citizenship would lead to horrors. The proponents firmly rejected it.
It’ll only take a few minutes to read. Here’s the link:
Sherlock is a bog standard libertarian for whom economic laissez-faire always wins, but he is very good on civil liberties.
Note there is one little bit of wiggle room in the debate, since the proponents agreed that “foreigners, aliens” did not have birthright citizenship, but it’s pretty clear from the context that he was referring to visitors who had no intention of remaining in the US permanently vs. actual immigrants. If i recall correctly, the US deals with that issue statutorily now, requiring children of visiting foreigners born here to opt for US vs. foreign citizenship in a short window after they turn 18.
Also, if SCOTUS applied its new 2nd Amendment type analysis here, the arguments of the Trumpies are particularly laughable, since there was no such thing as “illegal immigration” in the 1860s (the Chinese Exclusion Act came later). Thus there were no restrictions on any immigrants’ children being US citizens.
New Deal democrat
Comment #2: In case you didn’t already know, someone at the CDC went ahead and posted an update on COVID wastewater levels yesterday (they’re declining sharply). This led to some celebration online.
But the weekly update on deaths was never posted – and I doubt we will ever see it again.
That does not mean that those of us who still want to know what is happening are out of luck, because there is a pretty obvious work-around, which is to tabulate the data from the States that are continuing to report, and correlate it with the national data based on their previous relationships. For example, if 10 large reporting States typically have accounted for about 1/3rd of all cases nationwide in the past, there is every reason to expect that to continue going forward. So, take their total now, and multiply by 3, and you’ve got a decent estimate of what the CDC report would say.
It would take a long time to try to find this on my own for each State. So here is what I am asking other commenters: if you know that your State is still reporting, would you please respond to this comment and provide a link to the webpage where your State’s data can be found.
If I get a decent response, I’ll begin to post the “Interstate COVID report” next Wednesday.
New Deal democrat
Comment #3: On the lighter side, I’m going to be in southern Arizona for a couple of weeks in February. I have a favor to ask.
I already have a bunch of things to see lined up, but I always like to try out the best local and regional food. Which means I am looking for recommendations of what to try, and where I might best find it. Also if people know of a good watering hole or two (both “Cheers” and dive-type atmospheres are fine!), I’d be glad to get your recommendations.
Miss Bianca
I read that Teen Vogue article the other day. Always amazing to me that their reporting on political issues is so much better than the SEEERIOUS legacy media’s.
@John S.: So, Fetterman voted to go into executive session to consider the nomination, voted against closing debate (cloture) and voted against Hegseth. I updated the post. Thanks!
@New Deal democrat: You may think you are yelling into the wind, but I think you are a useful resource and I look forward to your comments.
I’m not really understanding the strategy that we’re implying these votes frustrate. A kind of posturing thing?
There’s a reality that Trump is going to form a government, and isn’t going to put forward acceptable nominees. And until he does we’re going to have this “stop order” stuff on the entire bureaucracy. Noem is no worse and probably slightly better than your average Trumplacement, despite the moralized sensationalist stuff anbout dog-killing annd whatnot. Advance and then vote no actually seems like the most sensible move to me. But I’d like to hear what people see as the alternative.
Welcome to day six of every-bit-as-bad-as-you-thought-it-would-be.
One of those ‘free votes’ to oppose without consequences. If there’d been a fourth GOP Senator willing to vote against Hegseth, Yertle would have flipped to Yes to allow Collins the benefit of posturing without effect.
Well that will do wonders for food prices…
Starfish (she/her)
Ken White is really doing a lot of things with the #HegsethPolicies on BlueSky.
Matt McIrvin
@New Deal democrat: Massachusetts has site-by-site data here:
and the MWRA has more detailed data for Greater Boston here:
There’s a definite downslope. HOWEVER, I have anecdotal reason to believe that we’re getting hit hard by… some other respiratory infection that is not COVID, maybe RSV, as well as norovirus.
Ohio Mom
@New Deal democrat: I believe Soprano2’s day job is in her municipality’s wastewater division, so she may have helpful information about what is going on in Missouri. If she doesn’t see this thread, you might want to ask a frontpager to hook you two up.
I like to think enough institutions will keep their own records that eventually will be available for research tying things together — data about Covid hospitalizations and deaths, women’s reproductive health outcomes, etc. Something like the Irish Monks saving civilization during the dark ages (Inread that book and now remember nothing but the title).
I’m happy to see that Teen Vogue is continuing their serious journalism. I may have to subscribe to both support them and get serious reporting, despite being many decades past their target audience.
@lowtechcyclist: a free vote for yertle doesn’t really make sense. He’s a lame turtle. The idea of the free vote is providing “moderate” cover for the next election. I think if he was the vote to sink it he probably would have done that.
Another Scott (from 1/20):
If she makes the right noises about being bipartisan, respecting institutions, and has experience in government and knows how things work, I’m not really sure what would be gained by slowing the process of confirming her. Someone needs to run DHS and the President gets to send a name up to the Senate…
As always, the minority can only do so much, so they have to pick their battles.
Like, e.g., fighting against Vought at OMB:
Best wishes,
@New Deal democrat: I am sorry that Husted is going off to Warshington, because Yost won’t give a rats ass about Covid or bird flu, and the DeWine administration was remarkably good as far as Republicans go in governments handling pandemics.
Another Scott
@New Deal democrat: Thanks for keeping track of this.
Virginia Department of Health Dashboard of various Covid metrics (but I don’t see an easily pick-outable statewide number).
Hope this helps.
Best wishes,
Miss Bianca
@bluefoot: I’ve been thinking about it myself, not just for their political coverage but also to keep up with what’s au courant among young folk these days – I fear I am sadly out of touch!
@Another Scott: Time to lock up my dog. At least she isn’t a german shorthair.
Another Scott
@sab: Noem* will be too busy playing soldier along the Rio Grande to be a threat to your pooch in Ohio.
Hang in there.
Best wishes,
* – Yes, in normal times Noem would never be considered for a post like a Cabinet secretary given her history, but here we are…
Steve LaBonne
@Another Scott: Thanks. I am glad they have accurately identified him as the #1 target. He scares me far more than Gabbard since we have an intelligence sieve in the White House regardless.
FTFY. There are other reasons for posturing. Mitch is from the generation where it was an article of faith that the GOP was The Party Of Strong Defense, and they sure aren’t going to be that when Hegseth gets through with our military. I can easily see him wanting to register his disapproval, but still being too much of a party man to sink the nomination.
AM in NC
@New Deal democrat: Here are dashboards for NC:
Thank you for trying to compile this information. Just horrifying what these death merchants are doing across the board.
I don’t care that much if they oppose the nominees, but I hope like hell they have some strategy to oppose GOP legislation because I confess I’m baffled – I have no earthly idea what the plan is there.
All of the reporting has them wandering around rudderless. That may well be media bias but I’ll need to see some indication that someone is leading congressional Dems before I completely dismiss that reporting.
Give me a sign, any sign at all. If it isn’t going to be unified opposition to the nominees show me SOMETHING other than mumbled, canned statements at microphones that no one is listening to.
@Another Scott:
I’d say our chances of getting four GOP Senators to vote against Vought are zero, but I agree that this is one the Dems need to be united in vehement opposition to anyway, and they need to be loud about it.
I’m sure he’s one of the prime movers behind the EOs and other targeted actions of the Trump Administration during the past five days.
Steve LaBonne
@Kay: Pay more attention to the House which is going to be the real pain point for Republicans. Jeffries has been saying all the things we would want him to say so it’s a question of whether he can keep the caucus unified and force Republicans to come up with 100% of the votes for whatever. I would say early signs are promising.
What if we made a deal. We’ll be the loud, uncouth opposition if they’ll put their thinking caps on and come up with ways to block GOP legislation. If we can’t have style can we get substance? I’m open to anything at all.
@Another Scott:
As long as we’re being bipartisanly bipartisan, everything is good. I feel much better now /s
@Miss Bianca: I cosign this! We’ve been talking here since the election about how to reach young people. They’re young, we can’t expect them to meet us where we are or even half way. It’s up to us to try to meet them where they are.
I’ve said before that my nephew has told me for over 15 years now that there is active recruiting online of young boys into white supremacist and other radicalized hate groups and that it’s highly organized. I’ve asked before: What’s our counter-programming, how do we offer something else that they will hear? Maybe reading Teen Vogue will help. My nephew says I should join him on some of the online gaming platforms so I can at least see what’s going on and understand the milieu, maybe support his efforts at defusing some of the recruitment.
Ohio Mom
@Steve LaBonne: Yes, picking battles is the only thing they can do.
different-church-lady “I mean, she said she’d be reasonable, and that’s good enough for me!”
@Kay: I think many privileged people either forget or don’t understand that resistance and opposition comes with consequences. By definition it isn’t comfortable or safe. But privileged people are so used to not having to be uncomfortable, to have to actually commit to something. And too many seem to think if they just keep their heads down, this too shall pass. No, it won’t, not where we are now. It won’t. Not in our lifetimes.
More constructively for our representatives in government: I have blocked off my calendar for an hour twice a week to make calls to my reps, in order to either praise & support or criticize, and maybe offer suggestions for action. (I live in MA so at least for my senators it will mostly praise and support.)
Another Scott
For some reason, Jeffries’ account on BlueSky ( has been suspended. (Maybe it’s a temporary thing while his handle is changed to or something similar, as happened with other legislative members I glance at.) The potential new one doesn’t show up in searches there, for me anyway.
Best wishes,
@Miss Bianca: I’m going to an Ice Watch training organized by Siembra later this afternoon, the author of the Teen Vogue article is one of the organizers of Siembra.
zhena gogolia
All we had to do was drive to the voting booth and vote. Nobody was holding guns, nobody was blocking our way. That was too hard.
Miss Bianca
@bluefoot: I foresee a real, huge, gender-related rift opening up among young people, and it scares the crap out of me. Young men becoming more radicalized in a reactionary/sexist way, and young women trying to hang onto and expand their rights.
@zhena gogolia: In a lot of cases we didn’t even have to drive.
Here’s a link to data from the Colorado State Department of Health on COVID, Flu, and RSV infections. Interestingly, there has only been one death due to influenza in colorado since October, and no deaths due to either COVID or RSV.
@New Deal democrat: Here are a couple sites for NY:
Weekly Report:
Wastewater Surveillance Dashboard:
Thanks-have always appreciated your comments.
@zhena gogolia: For my parents caretakers that was too hard. Don’t have a car. Need a bus ride ( possibly with a transfer) to the polls, and then another bus ride (possibly with another transfer) to work. That takes several hours if there aren’t lines at the polls.
And possibly fired at the end for being late to work or missing your whole shift.
ETA I told them vote. I will cover for you. Most employers don’t do that.
@Miss Bianca:
Same thing happened with race after the Civil Rights Act.
Yeah, the woman who was willing to change her physical appearance surgically to appeal to her orange idol is definitely going to be independent.
@New Deal democrat:
COVID-19 Reporting | DataOhio
@Miss Bianca: I’m always struck by the fact that after Fletcher Christian’s mutineers settled on Pitcairn they eventually all killed each other.
Matt McIrvin
@different-church-lady: Some descendants survived to this day, didn’t they? And became infamous in the 2000s for rampant sexual abuse of children.
@Steve LaBonne:
I no longer believe that no rhetorical opposition will turn on a dime when its crunch time on legislation or whatever and transform into brutally effective tactics. I don’t think that makes any sense or is how the world works. I think the people we see opposing now are the only real opposition, and that will be as true on legislation as it is on nominees.
I don’t think go along to get along folks become fighters. There’s a role for them in a majority or in a minority to mitigate, but not in an opposition.
I don’t even care why they’re going along. It doesn’t matter. But they’re not going to be valuable opposing. They simply are not wired that way. Don’t wait for them to strike. It ain’t happening.
zhena gogolia
We go along to get along people voted for Harris-Walz. That was the way to stop Trump. Not sexy, not romantic, but the only way.
He has the military now.
zhena gogolia
Millions of Russians poured onto the streets in 2012. But OMON has put a stop to that.
Suburban Mom
@New Deal democrat: Hi – NJ has data for COVID and other respiratory illnesses. Thanks for working on tracking this.
Steve LaBonne
@Kay: This has nothing to do with what I said. It’s a simple arithmetical fact that if House Democrats can hold together and give the Republicans zero votes, the latter will find it extremely difficult to pass any legislation. And there is every indication that Jeffries is working to make that happen. Certainly he has clearly announced that as his plan. And that, not the Senate, is the ballgame where legislation is concerned, because they will have no problem passing any reconciliation bill that can make it out of the House.
New Deal democrat
@Matt McIrvin: Matt, I’m “officially” replying to you, but I want to thank everyone on this thread who has replied with links to their various States’ dashboards.
I imagine this “Interstate COVID report” will start out somewhat bare bones, and get better as time goes on, assuming the States continue to report.
Of all the vile things T—-p has already done this week, I think completely shutting down the US’s public health sector is the worst. Because it literally (not figuratively literally, but indeed literally literally demonstrates that he does not care if people die – including loyal Trumpies who have health problems.
And the irony with COVID is, there is a very good chance that by the end of March, there will have been less than 40,000 deaths total in the previous 12 months from COVID. He could call a press conference and toot his own horn about how He has Conquered COVID. But if he does that after shutting down the reporting, only MAGAT’s will believe him.
Thanks again to all.
We are going to have to give our supporters who want to.oppose this something to do other than telling them to vote in two years or demanding money from them.
Or not. But if we don’t lets not bitch about how they’re not loyal Democrats – there’s no role for the Democratic base in this Party. They’ve been shushed and neutered into non existence.
I think they’ll come up with an opposition without leadership from the party. They have every other time we’ve gotten shellacked and leadership ran away. But then we’re not going to be able to control them or tell them who and what to support. Loyalty is reciprocal.
Citizen Dave
@New Deal democrat: Indiana Department of Health COVID-19 Dashboards:*1shjmi0*_ga*MTk1NzI2NTkyNy4xNjcxODg5NjUx*_ga_VKE2YRE37R*MTczNzgyNjI3NS4xNDEuMC4xNzM3ODI2Mjc1LjYwLjAuMA..
comrade scotts agenda of rage
Bingo. To quote the late, great Harry Read regarding Suzie Furrowbrows:
“Always there with the vote I don’t need.”
And this from the great Frank Conniff:
Who knows? Maybe the opposition will be liberal rather than wholly partisan. But if Democrats leave a vacuum for a year while they lick their wounds and salve their damaged egos they’re not going to have a base left. They need to get up. Their base shouldn’t be propping them up while they imitate wet noodles.
Sandia Blanca
@New Deal democrat: Texas now includes Covid 19 as part of a respiratory illness interactive dashboard:
There’s also a dashboard of Covid variants in the state:
Other dashboards have been retired and their archives are available here:
Thanks for pulling this information together!
Ben Cisco
@zhena gogolia: SAY IT AGAIN
comrade scotts agenda of rage
Alexander’s probably best known for bringing Shackelton’s story back into the contemporary consciousness but her work on this historical story is top notch.
Ben Cisco
@New Deal democrat: Alabama reporting on Viral Respiratory Diseases:
@Another Scott: worst is a tie between voght and patel, though each would be positioned to wreak long-term malevolent damage in their respective spheres. Patel could supercharge the FBI into the domestic gestapo while vought would be the wrecking ball out to destroy and intimidate the federal government infrastructure and civil service.
You know how every time we lose we say “we can’t ignore the base in between cycles”?
This is us ignoring the base between cycles. Don’t complain if they don’t show up for the midterms. People aren’t implements you pull off a shelf when you need them for a project. They’re more valuable than that.
@New Deal democrat: This is what I found for Michigan data:
Miss Bianca
@Kay: who exactly is the base that “we” are ignoring between cycles? Is there just one base?
They sure could get it together to get rid of Joe Biden. I don’t think it’s unreasonable to expect from them what they have already shown they can do.
I don’t understand Peters or Slotkin voting for this crazy bimbo. I just don’t get them voting for someone who doesn’t have enough presence of mind not to kill a family pet?
The Thin Black Duke
@Miss Bianca: The ugly truth is young white men know exactly what they’re voting for: power. They get it.
Chief Oshkosh
@Another Scott: I must be misunderstanding your comment. This isn’t a zero-sum situation. Opposing Noem because she’s shitty doesn’t mean Vought can’t also be opposed because he’s even shittier, right?
Others have pointed out that if the Dems oppose everything proposed, they’ll just be viewed as whiners or some such. I don’t see how that matters. The Republicans have been running on full opposition for a long time and it seems to be what the US electorate rewards.
This again. Keep licking your wounds about Joe Biden. Order people to like him. Demand it. That’ll work.
I’ll add it to the pile of losing cycles we revisit daily, for years.
Chief Oshkosh
@zhena gogolia: Palast and Hartmann are not everybody’s cups of tea, but they do make a point that voter suppression was a thing last year:
I agree that, for most voters, getting to vote and having their vote count was a slam-dunk. But others? Maybe not so much…
@New Deal democrat:
Thank you for doing this!
Oregon Respiratory Virus Data –
Steve LaBonne
@The Thin Black Duke: Especially power over women. Trump has persuaded them that he can restore that.
@Chief Oshkosh: This is the shit I’ve been expecting all along, the GOP has lied about the facts all along, so that they could get a tight election, and then they grind down on voter suppression, until it wins for them. I KNEW this shit was going to matter, and we took our eyes off one of the balls.
Ella in New Mexico
My observation on Noem is the Dems that voted for her mostly are in states with strong R power and in order to appease those voters they’re going to be ok with the least offensive and dangerous nominees, especially nominally qualified ones. And that it also confuses Trumpworld, by the way, is a good thing–they lose some of their non-stop power of blaming and lying about Demcrats having “Trump Derangement Syndrome” on these.
As noxious as she is, we have bigger fish to fry, throwing them a few bones is not an irrational decision. We have our bridge burners who are gonna play a big role in thwarting Fat Bastard but we’ll also need some of these types too, when we have to choose our battles and keep our powder dry for the long haul.
We held tight on the Hegseth debacle, as an example. I’m more enraged Tillis–who clearly knows what a danger he is to our national defense– caved after hours of begging and coersion, I’d love to see us dump money into his 2026 opponent and stomp his fricking sell out balls into the ground.
Asking them to meet a standard they themselves set in order to stand up to Trump is just too much to ask, I see.
Chris Johnson
I’m honestly kinda surprised about Hegseth. Republicans stand to lose so much if a Putin pawn goes and wrecks or disbands the military.
Very interested in whether Gabbard gets in, and who’s running the FBI: that business about unmasking the secret FBI files is clearly to smear them in some way with the base to soften them up for execution. Oh, right, the extra loony: Kash Patel, who’d clearly like to have ‘his’ branch of government all shot.
It’ll be very significant whether these ones sail through, or whether this is the plan: hang on to the FBI for long enough for the FBI to screw Hegseth to the wall for some kind of treasonous activity, at which point Trump is a doubly lame duck, can’t install Russian plants anymore, and has to obey the Republicans for a change (no visible change to the base though).
If Patel and Gabbard get in, we’re really through the looking glass: especially if they fire but do not execute a bunch of spooks who know full well what is happening. ‘cos the spooks will know what’s happening, it’s just that the Republicans used it to get elected, so interfering with the Russian plants has been off limits up to now. The Republicans will not care THAT much if their whole base is killed, but they will care mightily if they are financially ruined, and that’s what’s in store for them if they play along.
Matt McIrvin
@New Deal democrat: I recall how Massachusetts’ dashboard changed over the course of the pandemic–this is the form it eventually settled into, and I should probably actually have linked to this other widget that has the cases-and-deaths data:
Of course, case counts are far spottier these days than they were at the height of the pandemic. I always take a bias toward old people in the case reports as a sign that mostly severe disease is being counted. Deaths are probably a more reliable basis for comparison over time.
Matt McIrvin
@The Thin Black Duke: It’s racism AND sexism operating simultaneously. And with racism they can get a lot of women even running misogynists, and with misogyny they can shave off some fraction of minorities even with the racism. Slice and dice.
Bill Arnold
@New Deal democrat:
New York State covid-19 data is here. Big state, mix of rural (red) and urban(blue), with statistics available at town/county/region levels.
The graphical interfaces are well done, but raw data is available.
I drilled down to one dataset and it is exportable as a csv. (Didn’t try, though.)
Historical datasets are available as well.
@New Deal democrat: Do you think you’re going to evade electronic search if you don’t use Trump? Do you think ‘T—p’ isn’t going to be noticed? They’ll search for that, too. Actually, the more you use it, the more likely it is to get searched for.