Stella and Skye stayed with me for about 10 days in 2018 when they were crazy 4-month-old pups. We bonded when they were babies, so I love them like my own.
Here’s the photo I got from my niece today. At first I thought those were towels and thought they might have just had a bath. But no, they are tucked in some throws to get warm after being out in the cold.
I am worn out from the firehose of shit today. Let’s make this a no politics, no bad news thread.
It’s getting close to Cole-nightly-post-time, so if Cole stomps on this post, I’ll just pull it and put it back up later.
Raoul Paste
Oddly enough, we just gave our dog a bath, and she was wrapped in towels for about 20 minutes.
DJT doesn’t like dogs, and dogs don’t like him (so I’ve heard). What else do you need to know?
Such good puppies and definitely bring a smile to my face.
Hungry Joe
Hey — you stole our dog! … No, wait … There she is! Good girl!
(Skye is a dead ringer for Willow the Lab Mix, now two years old.)
I don’t think any of our dogs would sit still for that. But they look warm!
so cute!
along the lines of ‘no bad news’, I have some good news to share:
-Froette is coming to visit this weekend! there will be cooking and hiking aplenty!
-the Drive-By Truckers are playing here next week!
-my co-workers are lifting themselves out of the doldrums due to my exhortations…”any day that you aren’t thinking about the shitshow ALL day is a win” (and the best part is, it’s true)
Not particularly new data but valuable to have it all laid out in one place.
Maddow on Gabbard.
Thank you so much for this. I’m worn out from the same firehose. It’s overwhelming. But the lovely doggy energy will make things better for sure.
Fire hose of shit. Some days are like that. Some years are like that. My neighbor came by just now and wanted to talk. She and her husband just went through some horrible, no good, bad news. I listened. Sometimes the only way to deal with your own horrible, no good bad news is to listen to your neighbors and friends. I have good neighbors and I am grateful for them.
I reconnected with an old friend today. A college roommate. We’ve been living in the same city for years without seeing each other. I feel like my late 50s is when I’m developing more friendships than I have in decades.
Good news ( or barks) is very welcome! We might get our first snow this weekend, so that’s different .
If there’s ever an all-canine adaptation of Dune in the works those dogs should audition.
Those pups are adorable! I am away from home and missing my pupper. Good news? Trip is going well, and I’m looking forward to getting home on Friday.
Our snow is finally melting, after three and a half weeks on the ground. It’s been a long time since it stayed that cold that long, after a good snow.
Of course, it’s been years since we had a good snow, period, here in southern Maryland. But I’m ready for it to be gone. At least for a while: if February brings more snow, then fine. But I want this snow to be gone first.
This may be in no one else’s list of what makes them happy, but I’m slow-reading War and Peace (a chapter a day), Wolf Hall (plus the following two in the trilogy, Bring Up the Bodies and The Mirror and the Light), plus some other slow reads, all in a great international reading group. About October, I was looking at the texts that I used in teaching Survey of British Literature long ago and feeling a bit sad at how long it had been that I had done any of that kind of serious reading. Several of my slow reads are actually rereads, and I’m delighting in seeing new things, not just because I missed them before, but because my experiences have given me new perceptions.
When I’m on the treadmill, I’m loving listening to Literature and History podcast. The man is entertaining. http://literatureandhistory.com
I describe myself pulling a blanket of words around me. I sit in a nest of books.
Finally, one thing I like about Iowa is all the early risers. We got to the Y at 5:05 this morning. It opens at 5 and was fairly full and filling fast. High schoolers (both boys and girls), old geezers, some incredibly fit people, some very obese people, all friendly even when wrapped up in their own playlists. Quiet and purposeful. Lovely way to start the day.
Sister Golden Bear
Thanks, I needed that. Especially today.
Steve in the ATL
Chicago-land was frigid single digit cold last Weds, and tomorrow they claim we will hit 60.
No need to pull the thread, WG, we can multi task =-)
Steve LaBonne
Chief Oshkosh
Good news? Only one of my two cats samples my martini when I’m not looking…the little bastid.
If I disappear from this site here’s why:
Monday night driving home on I95S in Mansfield MA a bird of prey lost a contest with my windshield. It was at least as large as a Cooper’s hawk, but nighttime so maybe an owl. Came from the right, direct hit on the windshield, at least 60mph, bent the driver side wiper a bit (still works, still good contact, cocked about 1/2 inch off true.). Highway, so couldn’t stop to see what exactly it was.
This morning when I opened my bedroom blind there was a Cooper’s hawk on my neighbor’s fence staring at my house. Not my bird feeders. My house.
They know where I live… drums, drums in the deep…
hells littlest angel
A portrait worthy of William Wegman.
Harrison Wesley
@Steve in the ATL: no.
Starfish (she/her)
This might be the rainbow thread.
Sorry to the people who can’t see the yellow.
@NotMax: What part of this did you not understand? :-)
Sure Lurkalot
A BFF from my college years just welcomed her first grandchild this morning, a fine looking baby boy and I couldn’t be happier for her. I’ll take whatever little bursts of wonderful news that can be had.
Does Tamara still come around here?
Ducks go outside into the snow and immediately turn around because it’s too cold.
Army of ducks replace farm pesticides.
@Suzanne: Is your new happy project still double-secret?
zhena gogolia
@Nelle: War and Peace a chapter a day is a great idea. He wrote those nice short chapters, I love it.
zhena gogolia
@Nelle: I still haven’t managed to read the third book in the Wolf Hall trilogy. I guess the adaptation is coming soon (March).
@Nelle: Oh my god, what time do you have to get up in the morning to make it to the gym at 5:05 am?
Starfish (she/her)
P. A.’s encounter with birds was pretty cursed, but let’s keep it because FEAR OF BIRBS seems like a solid distraction.
zhena gogolia
@Chief Oshkosh: It’s the olive juice.
Sister Golden Bear
Starfish (she/her)
@frog: She does! She has been in the comments. I was pleasantly surprised to see her.
@Steve in the ATL: Absolutely! You can have anything you want all day since you fixed the L in your name.
Plus you’re in the 1%! Did we decide that was about smarts and not bucks? Also, top or bottom?
glory b
@Nelle: Oh my, I pulled out my somewhat battered copy of Wolf Hall a couple hours ago, thumbed through it for a minute, then got onto making dinner and answering a couple emails.
I’ll take it to bed with my reading light this evening, it’s clearly a sign!
@Chief Oshkosh: I remember when Cole told us he caught one of his cats dipping their paw in his water glass the was on an end table or something.
Washing their paws in his water glass. Shudder!
@SpaceUnit: I was thinking the same thing!
Those are some cute pups.
I am tired but tempted to bake some chocolate chip cookies because I have a craving…
Give someone you trust WaterGirl’s contact info…. just in case.
@p.a.: Has the twilight zone music started?
@hells littlest angel: I remember him from long ago!
@frog: I saw TaMara here in the past week or two. oh my gosh, that first duck video is hysterical.
As stated above, since it’s nothing new maintain it fits anyway. YMMV.
Sister Golden Bear
@Chief Oshkosh: Told you ya not to use the nip olive toy instead of regular olives.
@Starfish (she/her): Oh, that absolutely fits!
Chocolate chip cookies sound good. I’m going to attempt my first pot roast tomorrow.
People say pot roast is fool proof, but they haven’t met me.
Old Dan and Little Ann
For the Rochester peeps I was up in the top floor of the big building with the old rotating restaurant today. I have never been up there before. It was cloudy but it provided a damn cool 360 degree of the city. One can see Lake Ontario as as well.
@bluefoot: I make a batch of chocolate chip cookie dough using TaMara’s awesome recipe. It’s best to let it sit in the fridge for a day anyway before baking.
So I leave half the batch in the fridge and put the other half in the freezer. Or I share some of the cookie dough with a friend or a neighbor instead of putting some in the freezer.
Then when I feel like a cookie, I scoop out 3 cookies worth and bake those, since I am incapable of eating just one cookie. SO GOOD!
My youngest grandson turns 14 tomorrow. A big deal still to celebrate. He was abruptly brought into the world eight weeks early and was stillborn. The attending pediatrician went beyond his normal resuscitation protocol and here we are… celebrating a strapping, strong all star soccer player’s life! Along with his mama, who I also almost lost Jan 30, 2011.
@WaterGirl: Insomnia woke me at 1:30 today. I really miss Ozark. I would wake and think, oh, he’s awake too.
The Y has these machines called the EGym that have become so popular, one has to go pretty early to not stand in line. Then I get there and see all these other people there, so I find a community spirit. (Hope to crash tonight.)
@Jackie: Wow, what a blessing!
@Nelle: I miss Ozark, too. Which reminds me, it’s been too long since I talked with his wife Micky, thanks for the reminder to write to her tomorrow.
Chief Oshkosh
@zhena gogolia: Nah, I don’t use olives or juice. It’s the gin
ETA: Couldn’t be the vermouth, either. I just waft the open bottle of vermouth above the martini glass.
@zhena gogolia: I didn’t make it through #3 either, so I’m hoping this carries me through. The man who sets this up, Simon Haisell, really gives good commentary and monitors the community chat on it. (Substack is Footnotes and Tangents). I’m also following Henry Eliot (Reading the Classics). I like thinking of the global community who are all quietly reading, in concert with each other this year.
I just thought the two dogs were listening to Hamlet, and took the “get thee to a nunnery!” too personally.
@Nelle: I miss him too, in the early morning threads.
Chief Oshkosh
@WaterGirl: Meh. Unless kitty has been to the litterbox recently, I don’t let it bother me too much.
Just went out for dessert and conversation with a friend I’ve known for close to 20 years, but we only manage to get together a couple times a year. It was just really nice. We talked about [waives hand] all that for less than 5 minutes of the 90, maybe even just 2 minutes. The rest was catching up on each others lives, a little bit of AA talk (how we got to be friends way back when) and made tentative plans for a couple’s dinner with our partners for early spring. My partner was the officiant for their wedding, gosh, more years ago than seems correct. :)
I gotta say, them people who say “Reach out, stay connected right now” are onto somethin’.
made me smile.
@glory b: I find the roof off my brain when I read Wolf Hall. I found myself scribbling, “How does she do that?” in the margins of one passage. I’m inarticulate in trying to capture the way she just expands my sense of what can happen with language.
I took my tree down yesterday.
I had to move one of the chairs in my living room into the sunroom to make room for the tree. But instead of moving the chair back into the living room, I did some rearranging of both rooms. I love my tree, but I have a pretty small house and not a ton of extra room, so it’s always nice to get the space back.
And it’s fun to have the space look a little different.
Chetan Murthy
@WaterGirl: There’s a thing that I learned from Ethan Chlebowski (though obvs it’s not like he invented it haha) which is, when freezing, to portion things out. So with chicken thighs, to slice ’em up, and then freeze ’em in a freezer bag where you’ve divided into portions (2, 4) so that when it comes time to use it, you just break off how much you want. it works a treat for things like Thai basil — just divide up the leaves into wads before freezing. And he also lays everything out on baking sheet trays, so they freeze quickly.
You could do that with your cookie dough, with each portion only making 2-3 cookies.
Melancholy Jaques
Thanks for that literature link. It’s something I could really get into right now.
Wondering if it would be okay to sneak the occasional pet photo into the “beautiful photos” spot in the sidebar, or if that would be a violation of the prime directive for the spot.
Gin & Tonic
@Nelle: My local Y installed those last summer. I’ve been using them since about November, and like the concept. I usually go around lunchtime or mid-afternoon and find no waiting. What’s nice is the forced circulation – they’re all on the same clock, so everybody has to shift at the same time.
@WaterGirl: Strange circumstances in which to be felling a tree – I’m glad it all worked out without any loss of life or limb!
(Yes, I know, but there’s no joke potential when taking down an artificial filbert tree that was holding a raven screaming NEVERMORE at all hours of the night. *Not* a filbert tree with a raven either? Well, then, I’m STUMPED! Hah! See what I did there?)
@WaterGirl: I vote ” do it.”
Another good thing here. There are a few fields about a block south, with a little woods bordering the fields. A grand pair of Great Horned Owls live there and they sometimes fly north and sit, hooting, on one of the ridgelines of the houses in our small neighborhood. So I just went out on the back deck and listened to one hooting (not too cold tonight). Reminds me of the summer nights in New Zealand (which, because of Southern Hemisphere, would be right about now), when we’d listen to the owls (called Morepork) hooting in the near pasture. Windows open and their calls, which do sound like “morepork, morepork” float in.
@Chetan Murthy: Great minds think alike.
I actually have some small square glass storage containers with tightly fitting lids, so when I freeze the dough, I smush it into a few of those.
I also do that If I bake bread, since it’s just me. Sometimes for bread I get the amazing breadsticks from the best pizza place, pull them apart into singles and then freeze those in bags so I can pull them out one at a time for an (odd-shaped) sandwich.
Chetan Murthy
@WaterGirl: How could there be a prime directive -against- showing pet pics at this (of all) blogs? It seems impossible to even contemplate. Heck, if it were easy to do, I’d vote for a rotating pic spot, like the tag line at the top of the page.
zhena gogolia
@WaterGirl: I’d love that.
@Gin & Tonic: @Nelle:
Could one of you explain what those are?
@WTFGhost: hahaha
The following are true stories:
Long ago, in my early 30’s IIRC, I found taped to my house door about a 3inx5in lined blue paper from a notepad with this typed on it:
Cows are cute
Kiss their noses
every day
For the rest of your life
this was about 6 weeks after a very friendly “I don’t think this is working out.” “Yes, neither do I.” breakup.
Another, some years later, no relationship issue remotely at the time, white scrap of paper taped to my door with the scrawl:
“please don’t eat the grapes”
I then informed a few friends that these curious notes would be in my safe deposit box. I didn’t feel threatened (and obviously I’m still here), but just in case something odd happened to me, mostly jokingly I suggested that they could maybe dig into these notes a bit further.
Chetan Murthy
@WaterGirl: maybe this? https://egym.com/us
@WTFGhost: oh. my. god. :-)
@Steve in the ATL: Only for a serif font. San Serif? Lower case!
@Chetan Murthy: Yeah, I did a quick google, but I wanted to hear from the two people who obviously like it a lot, how they use it, what they like about it, what the timer thing is about.
I’m curious, but not curious enough to spend 15 minutes googling.
@Gin & Tonic: I’m a little addicted. I take care of my two year old grandson about 20 hours a week. He’s a strong, active critter and, when he was one, I was uneasy that I wasn’t strong enough to keep him safe. So I went to the Y and found these. I too like that it is timed so that everyone moves to the next machine at the same time. No one monopolizing it or sitting there, staring at their phones.
And that’s how I found out, at the age of 72, that I had inherited my dad’s strength. Right now, on strength assessment, I’m testing with a bio strength age of 24 year old woman for arms and shoulders, about 34 for core, and about 49 for legs (darn joints – can’t strain my knees too much). Not bad for someone nearly 74 now. Let’s just not talk about flexibility or stamina, though.
@WaterGirl: Didn’t you set up the Prime Directive? I’d say run-of-the-mill pet photos, no. The one you posted here, OK. It’s got to bring a smile.
A few bits.
I’m posting more. I know that many would tell me that’s bad, social media rots the brain! But I’ve always struggled to actually reach out. I’m a natural lurker in groups, it’s hard for me to reach out. But I really want to change.
I also love tabletop game design, but as someone with ADHD finishing any project is… Difficult. But there was a small game jam on itchio over the past few weeks, and I was able to buckle down and make a small project I’m really proud of. Between that and the short story I finished recently, I feel like I’m getting better at breaking things into smaller chunks that my brain likes better.
The world may be getting worse, but I can still try to be better.
@zhena gogolia: Mind you, those Theory of History chapters are pretty rough sledding, though not nearly as rough as trudging back to the Neman.
Chief Oshkosh
@p.a.: Well? HAD you been eating the grapes?
Sweet doggies!
I have been drawing in my sketchbook every day for about 3 months now. Proud of that. And I just discovered these sketchbooks with strange colored pages, which really spur my creativity for some reason.
@WaterGirl: I’ll try to explain. I have a wrist band with all my info (height, program, last level of resistance I was working). I check in on each machine and it automatically adjusts the machine and then sets the resistance level. My Y has 10 machines and I work through them twice, three times a week. Once the machine is set, every machine has the same start and stop time, no matter what program you are using (they have basic, negative basic, weight loss, a bunch of others). So everyone works at the same time and then moves to the next machine at the same time.
There is a screen with a rising and falling ball to guide you through at the speed that designated by your program, so I push and pull to match the screen. It takes about 20 minutes to move through the ten machines. They make more machines. I have a friend who goes to a Y that bought 13. I’m told that it is more northern than southern states that have them.
“Cold Duck Time,” Eddie Harris and Les McCann
Chetan Murthy
@Nelle: I have to confess, you make them sound pretty addictive! No YMCA in SF has ’em so I can’t judge from experience, but the idea of …. all that data being available to crunch, and provide fine-grained feedback, seems pretty enticing.
@Chief Oshkosh: ; )
I’m headed to bed (yes, woke at 1:30 today and the 2 y.o. mob boss comes early tomorrow) but can check if you have more questions, Water Girl, tomorrow. Or just email me.
I’m re-watching Frasier, and there’s something in every episode that makes me laugh out loud. Kinda like the pups up top!
Gin & Tonic
@WaterGirl: They are kind of like the resistance weight training machines you’d find at Planet Fitness, with adjustable weight, but these are electronic, where you can adjust the weight from a screen. And all the machines in the gym are on a synchronized clock, so when you sit down to do your 20 reps, every machine starts at the same time, so you finish and go on to the next machine along with everyone else. You have an RFID-type bracelet that logs you into the machine and keeps track of the weight you’re lifting or pulling, and lets you keep track in an app. It also varies the type of resistance, so for, say, two weeks you’ll be doing a shoulder press like on a standard machine, then for the next two weeks it may be “negative” – meaning lighter on the lift and higher resistance on the return.
Tim C
My son just earned a 4.0 GPA from the same High School I attended, a proud, multi-racial technical High School that at the age of 50, is still proud of my core identity.
Perhaps the long night is upon us and we are doomed to fascism, but it won’t be because of me and mine.
Next Wednesday I turn 532 years old or about 13.6 billion years old, if you count my constituent atomic bits.
Last night, I lead the second of four discussions of Cole Arthur Riley’s This Here Flesh. We talked about the chapters on Calling, Body, Belonging and Fear. Next Tuesday, we’ll discuss the chapters Lament, Rage, Justice, and Repair.
Dan B
We had dinner with friends last night who’ve been together almost the same as my partner and I, 30 years. Justin made a beet, arugula, goat cheese, and walnut salad, a terrific lamb stew, and a Mango and Pear pandoody. We talked for a few minutes about staying sane in this era but mostly got caught up. It was SOCIALIZING! Wahoo!!
Smiling Happy Guy (aka boatboy_srq)
@Starfish (she/her): Brava!
Smiling Happy Guy (aka boatboy_srq)
Another item in the goid news column: move to BWI is almost complete. Guess I finally have to change my nym.
@Smiling Happy Guy (aka boatboy_srq): British West Indies or airport outside Baltimore??
Love this!!!
@Tim C: Congratulations to your son and you!
That seems like a pretty good distinction to me.
@Nelle: I read War and Peace years ago. My son gave me a Barnes and Noble gift card for my birthday last year, and I promptly ordered the Wolf Hall Trilogy, and devoured it all in a month.
Have you ever read any of Sharon Kay Penham’s historical novels?
@Stella: Glad that you are reaching out more. These are tough times, we have to up our game in every way, including taking care of ourselves.
@WaterGirl: I tend to freeze cookie dough in logs so I can cut off pieces to bake when I want cookies. It’s great when I have people over unexpectedly – hardly anyone turns down warm cookies for dessert. 😀
My mom used to freeze sliced apples in pie-sized quantities. (There were a couple of apple trees in the back yard so lots of apples.) If there was ever need for pie, roll out crust, pop in the apples, put on top crust and into the oven.
I want to try croissants – make the dough, shape and freeze. Then I could have warm croissants with my morning coffee. I haven’t been brave enough to try it yet.
Thank you to everybody including Skye and Stella for a very restorative post and comments!
@Nelle: Interesting. Thanks for the explanation! So is everyone supposed to do all of the machines? What’s the time on each machine? 2 minutes? 5 minutes?
What if you don’t want to work your arms or legs or whatever on a particular day?
@prostratedragon: I thought I was going to see more ducks! :-)
@Nelle: Thank you! Sweet dreams, I hope!
zhena gogolia
@Layer8Problem: Yeah, they’re bad.
@Gin & Tonic: So smart! Does everyone start with a personal trainer who helps you figure out what levels to set things at?
Does it know that you have more strength, say, in your arms than your legs, so the resistance would be set higher in your arms? How does it increase resistance on an ongoing basis? Seems like some people would progress more quickly than others.
Inquiring minds want to know! :-)
Raw croissants freeze really well. Pull them out of the bag, let them thaw, proof them, then bake them.
Proofed croissants not so well.
zhena gogolia
@WaterGirl: I don’t get how you get everyone to start at the same time.
It sounds too elaborate for me!
@Jay: That’s good to know. Maybe I’ll try this weekend.
@Starfish (she/her): Happy colors!
@Sure Lurkalot: I don’t know how I missed this comment from you before. That must be amazing to be a grandparent.
@zhena gogolia: So many questions!
Chetan Murthy
@WaterGirl: @zhena gogolia: haha, so many questions indeed. If there are more people who want to use ’em than machines, it seems like there’s a problem. I would think that there’d have to be some rule that you can’t jump in unless you’re taking a place that was empty the previous …. “round” (time slice). That is, people who are going to be waiting, do so -before- they start; once they start, they’re given priority on getting the next machine in the ciricuit. Or something like that.
Back when I worked at La Baguette et Echallote, my go to morning after a date move was scrambled eggs, a bowl of strawberries, sliced, good coffee and a fresh baked cinnamon brioche. I would put them in the warm oven the night before on a cookie sheet to thaw and proof.
It was to show that I was a domesticated animal.
@Hungry Joe: Is your pup a goofball?
Yes, please. Do you deliver?
Lovely sweet pups! Definitely lift my spirits.
@Tim C: congrats all around!
@WaterGirl: Grandchildren are so much more fun. That’s why I had them first…
I forget how many great-grandchildren we’re up to now.
@SpaceUnit: That’s a Dune I would watch.
That may be the best way to deal with anything and everything. Smaller, lighter chunks float around for perusal at your will, while the bigger, heavier crap falls right in front of you with a thud yelling, “Hey, look at me!” Perusal at will sounds better to me.
Gloria DryGarden
@Jackie: I needed a miracle story today. So, one more wow. Moved to tears.
@Old Dan and Little Ann: I lived in a suburb of Rochester in my teen years in the late 70s. I didn’t know there was a rotating restaurant. If I ever go back I will have to check it out. I did always enjoy the light houses on Lake Ontario. I’d definitely love to go back and see some more of those.
Gloria DryGarden
@WaterGirl: Iike when the front pager ends their post with a pet pic. Adam does an animal pic every night. Cole does it some. These animal live pictures are so comforting and sweet.
The Harkonnens would be either cats or mailmen.
@bluefoot: Making croissants from scratch is a long process. I used to make croissants with chocolate inside for Mother’s Day as my gift. Chocolate batons are made just for that purpose. If you ever do make croissants and try to freeze them, it’s best to put them through their first rise and then freeze on a tray and bag and freeze. If you just roll and then freeze them, you have to take them out of the freezer before you go to bed and put them on a tray and let them thaw and hope they rise before you wake up. It can take more time than you’d think. A lot of it depends on the time of year you thaw and bake.
@SpaceUnit: I will have to take your word. I’ve never made it far enough into a Dune anything to know what’s going on.
@Gloria DryGarden: Thanks! The circumstances and literally miraculous ending(s) still bring me to tears. Thankfully, tears of joy!
If those stressed labs are sitting for those pictures wrapped in blankets, then they must very much love and trust their owners.
My dog would be horrified, but she had a bad prior life and trusts me except in the moments when she doesn’t and goes yikes.
Life with rescues. They always have a past, but we are their present and their future.
@sab: 4 am and Echo just came up from under the bed bleating for something, Food. She has that. Apparently the wrong version of wet.
It is the middle of the night , Cat. What is wrong with you?
I know her life was seriously upended but the rest of us need to sleep.
She is such a sweet cat. Other than these late night comfort crawls, she is a best cat ever.
Gloria DryGarden
@Gloria DryGarden: fix
animal love pictures
Gloria DryGarden
@sab: my cat thought I should get up to feed him at 5 am.
We switched from am feeding time, to night time. That very day. -Not a morning person, and I didn’t want my cat dragging me awake at that time. It worked out, he adjusted.
The Lodger
@Nelle: I know what an ankh is, but until today I had not heard of a morepork.