Some Democrats are already doing these things; some aren’t.
Are we contacting elected officials and others who are doing what we want?
I know we all want Dems to do this, or do that, but aren’t we Dems, too? (At least most of us.)
What are we – as private citizens – doing?
1. We Are an Opposition Party
We can’t vote for nominees, or withhold our votes.
We can’t endorse parts of his terrible agenda, or not endorse them.
But we sure as hell can pick up a phone and call our Senators and Representatives.
Every damn day.
2. Just Start Talking
We don’t have the microphones like our elected officials.
Who can WE talk to? Are we doing it?
3. Make Trump Less Popular
Again, we can’t take these votes.
But we can call our elected officials. Every day. Are we doing it?
4. Trump Owns Everything
It seems like we can totally help with this.
We need to be relentless.
Dan Pfeiffer: How Democrats Fighting Back Right Now
It took 50 years for Republicans to overturn Roe v. Wade, accepted law of the land. They were relentless, and they won.
Are we up for that?
Update at 2 pm:
We are in the fight for our lives. When I suggested that we be relentless, I did not have in mind being relentless in shivving one another in the comments.
This is a post that I put together earlier today, before the “call your elected officials” post went up.
As a contrarian, I choose to be relentful.
@Baud: Would you accept unrelenting instead?
Relentlessly, ruthlessly…
The petty shit continues.
I have not seen Ruth in ages, myself.
You guys wonder why there aren’t more posts. I put this up over 20 minutes ago and not one person has engaged with the content of the post
This is why we sometimes say fuck it, why bother?
Everyone has their idea of what is the best way to do things. As long as you are doing something to push elected Democrats, or doing something to help those close to you, that’s helpful. What might work for you might not work for someone else. And if you’re just suggesting something but not doing it yourself, then maybe do that step first.
Edit: This is the royal you, not the WaterGirl you.
la caterina
I made 3 calls to my electeds yesterday. One call so far today.
Old School
I’d start by stop insisting that Democrats aren’t already fighting.
Neither have I. But we must continue on, doggedly. ;-)
Can I get jackal feedback on a draft message?
“Because of Trump, COVID took hold and we all had to wear masks for two years. Now, because of Trump, bird flu has taken hold and the price of eggs has skyrocketed — when you can even find them.”
Short, hammers on masks, which were considered a major imposition by my intended audience. Thoughts?
I just turned on the TV and Trump is having a press conference brag session. The camera is stationary so you can’t see a lot of the background but you can see the legs of service members lined up on either side, fairly obviously to salute as he enters and exits. Did he used to do that? I find it extremely distasteful.
On #3, I saw a headline in my news feed that said that Trump’s approval rating is dropping, which is a sign that the money freeze brouhaha worked. Also on my social media feeds (BlueSky, Mastodon, Facebook) I seen Dems relentlessly slamming Trump over the price of eggs, among other things. I think #3 as a strategy is already in full gear.
Raoul Paste
I’m paying attention to your exhortation here . Yes, it’s what we need.
@JoyceH: very low energy. Sing songy reading the teleprompter
Old School
@stinger: I’d say it’s tough to blame Trump for bird flu already. That message will probably work better in March.
sentient ai from the future
in the US-english or the UK-english sense? they are polar opposites, like “tabling” or “nonplussed”
Things that touch people directly in the pocketbook are what gain political traction. This is why the DO on funding issued Sunday night has been walked back. And, it is why grocery prices were such a salient issue on November 5.
On these things, pocket book issues, is where we need to focus the resistance.
I just checked in and my goodness the cattiness I keep seeing here… like can we knock it off? There is already enough division out there for everyone to be full up. I’m not saying we have to agree with everything everyone says ever but the bitchiness is getting a little ridiculous.
@Quinerly: I’m frankly disappointed that he doesn’t look more unhealthy. But honestly,, the presence of the honor guard throughout the event offends me. Those poor guys have to stand at attention through the whole thing.
@WaterGirl: You’re a lot more attuned to such things than I am, but it looks like there have been over 500 comments on this site since around 7 am. Assuming there is an ebb and flow to such things, and noting the fact that we’ve mainly been looking at variations on a single theme most of the day, the response rate doesn’t look that alarming to this layperson.
Steve LaBonne
So now the White House is saying the funding freeze is still in effect even though the memo has been rescinded. Who the hell knows what that means? It may be a backdoor way to defy the court order by way of malicious compliance. Any, THIS would be a good occasion for calling your Congresscritters of both parties.
@Old School:
RWingers I am reading on line blame Biden. Bird flu was “manufactured” and Biden “ordered” the chickens killed in order to raise egg prices and sabotage Trump.
I do calls, time to do it again. Thank you, Water Girl, this was a helpful reminder.
@JoyceH: The pig must be treated like a king at all times, lest he pout and/or yell at someone. The numerous internet commenters who talk about Trump being a late-stage malignant narcissist are probably fairly close to the mark.
Next up….medals on his jacket. Gold braid too.
sentient ai from the future
@oldgold: i think this is conventional wisdom and that it is often right, but just as often wrong.
lots of people framed their support of shitbird as “pocketbook issues” like the price of eggs, when actually they merely enjoyed being bigoted and hateful little goblins.
the “price of eggs” is the new “economic anxiety” – an excuse, not a reason. it has a trace of substance, but is just as often just a cover story that the teller thinks others will accept.
also it happens to be absolutely, conclusively false if you bother to look at the numbers over time.
“crime” is the same way.
Melancholy Jaques
That’s what’s good & bad about us Democrats. Everybody gets a voice, but everybody can’t be the best or most effective. That’s why we need leaders – though our tendency is to resist being told what to do or how to do it.
The basis of every message should be that Trump is taking money out of the pockets of middle class Americans in order to give it to the Billionaires who were on the stage with him at the inauguration. Mostly in the form of corruption and huge tax cuts.
@Old School:
This was – literally – the first line of my post: Some Democrats are already doing these things; some aren’t.
Old School
@WaterGirl: It was Dan Pfieffer’s line. Not yours.
sentient ai from the future
@Quinerly: epaulets
@hueyplong: I had to participate in something similar several times when I was stationed in Hawaii. HQ would regularly be visited by foreign high ranking officers and dignitaries. When that was going to happen, someone would go around to the offices to draft warm bodies to stand outside and salute when the dignitary arrived. But that was just a half-hour hole in your days. You’d line up outside and grumble quietly, then the cars would pull up and you’d all come to attention and salute while the dignitary went from the car to inside the building. We HATED those assignments. We called it Rent-a-Crowd.
@Quinerly: Biden manufactured this all, and Fox and Newsmax started saying “it’s bird flu raising the price of eggs” on inauguration day? Um, okay. Forgive me, I’m trying to make this all make sense. I can’t stop myself.
@WaterGirl: It’s almost 1:50pm on a shitday. Give people some more time.
thanks for the posts.
Old School
@Steve LaBonne:
Appears so. They seem to think the injunction only applies to the memo.
(Warning: Twitter)
I guess this isn’t an OT and we are only supposed to discuss WG’s topic.
But since you and I are on the topic of that honor guard and low energy speech, did you catch the part of about the $50 million being spent on condoms for Hamas and Trump saying Hamas was using the condoms in bombs? Looks like he just added the bomb part as a variation on yesterday’s lie.
@Old School: Take every freaking inch youi can, he’s getting credit for the economy from the MAGAts, let him take the blame for everything from day one, as well. Hit them like rain from the sky, drench them, freeze their asses and don’t let them have a dry moment, make them look for you under their beds, at night.
@Quinerly: Let them keep insisting that. It’s only going to get worse in the next 6-12 months. At some point after they fire the entire government, it’s Trump who hasn’t been doing anything.
@oldgold: Is DO short for Dick Order, or did you misspell EO for executive order?
Oh, pull that stick out of your ass, wash it off, and use it as a tent-pole.
Old School
@brantl: Ummm… it’s in every box quoting his post.
Gin & Tonic
I still read Twitter, because there is information there I can’t find in other places (so sue me.) But for some reason I’m now seeing posts from SC Rep Joe “You lie” Wilson, who in the last 24 hours has posted at least four Tweets referring to “War Criminal Putin.” Nice to see not all R’s have been bought by russia.
Yes, I know he’s an asshole, but this is an issue I care very deeply about.
@Old School: Yep. This, is exactly. Watch some of the Looney Tunes RFK Jr. Hearing.
Anti Vax Onesies. Seriously.
Sister Golden Bear
While people are calling their reps, can you also ask them to speak out against the anti-trans pogrom that’s underway. As 1% of the population we need help from allies.
BTW, the latest EO to ban trans healthcare for kids has some particularly scary aspects. Erin Reed has a detailed line by line analysis:
“The section further extends its reach by instructing federal agencies to investigate and take action against doctors and even pharmaceutical companies that manufacture medications used in gender-affirming care.” Texas and Missouri have tried (and largely failed) to use consumer protection laws to do this. “However, if the full weight of the federal government is brought to bear—particularly through consumer protection laws that are then used to classify trans healthcare as ‘deceptive’.”
One of the scariest things about this section it that there’s no age limit.
@Gin & Tonic: I had no idea. Thanks for pointing that out.
Just posted this down below. Reupping here.
Just called my 2 R senators (and sent a group text to a dozen friends) to oppose RFK jr. I am assuming Murkowski, Collins (god I hope I am right about her 🤞), & McConnell (childhood polio) & all D’s are nos. That means we need one more R. The rumor is senate offices are counting calls. RFK jr is not a done deal.
Everyone take a few minutes to call your folks ( even more impt if they are Rs in this case) and say you support vaccines & do not support RFK jr.
Please call NOW (phone number is in last thread). Be short & specific. You are a (list state) voter living in the __ zip code. You know vaccines save lives. You are opposed to RFK jr, he will destroy the public’s trust in them and Americans will die as a result. That he is the wrong person for this job.
@Belafon: Everyone has their ideas, but, there should be some standards we agree on. Every Democrat should oppose anything that makes it harder for people to vote – “Why are Republicans afraid of the voters? Because they are UNPOPULAR, that’s why!”
(Forget whether or not they’re popular – *say* they’re unpopular. Say it enough, people start to believe it.)
Do not shiv another Democrat, unless there’s a *REAL* principle at stake, and, that’s not a real principle, nor is that. Do you have something *useful* to say? Then shut up.
(“That is not a real principle…” is a riff on Gandalf’s response to Bilbo “But…” “No time for it!” “But…” “No time for *that* either! Off you go!”)
Frankly, I think we should study other nations, and, if any nation has universal childcare/preschool, we start mocking the Republicans for thinking we can’t outdo (whomever), with American ingenuity. “They already shut down rural hospitals by ignoring the possibility of expanding them with Obamacare; now, they want you to lag past *FRANCE* in economic activity, because they don’t think they can come up with a better childcare plan than the surrender-monkey FRENCH.”
(That one is probably for double agents who pretend to be stupid, yet cunning, conservatives.)
Whatever is done, you need to make noise, so Republican have to answer questions, which they can’t, because the answer to every question is “BOHICA for Trump.”
Again. Bohica.
) — programmers laugh when I do this.
Remember: the Republicans invited Obama to answer their questions, and he *HUMILIATED* them. I’m not saying you’re all smarter than Obama – he is *smart* – but everyone is a genius once in a while. What makes someone a real genius is being ingenious more often than others.
Also: I remember a former friend who often said of Obama “he talked to us like grown-ups.” If I could have put that phrasing on every Democrat’s lips, I would have. The idea that “they treat you like *children*. They tell you lies that insult your intelligence! I don’t *care* how you did in school – they tell lies that insult *your* intelligence, and Forrest Gump would agree, saying of them “stupid is as stupid lies. My ma woulda whipped my tail *twice* if I told a lie like that, the second for treating her like an idiot!”
I’m sorry – I’m out of speaking ability.
But I agree with Watergirl (every capitalization looks wrong…) – we need to form the circle with the horns outward. People who are pointing their horns inward might as well be Republicans, for part of their lives, and if that isn’t shame enough to make them seriously consider “real principles” I can’t think of anything stronger.
Does that work? I mean we’ve been talking about that for a long while and It didn’t help us with the election. People believe what they are going to believe.
They’ll never directly blame Trump but the people around him, Dems, and cats.
@Quinerly: Trump may be emulating Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni. I’ve seen pictures of her at formal ceremonies with these huge guys in varied, gaudy uniforms standing at attention behind her. They’re all decked out in what looks like 40 pounds of brass and gold lanyards. The hats are wild!
@Quinerly: Something I believe an earlier post discredited.
@Old School:
The key take away from Trump’s previous experience is that he needs more of his people in adn they need to do his bidding absolutely regardless of consequences.
Trump will not take responsibility for anything that happens. He will throw everyone under the bus and he will get the media and now U.S. tech firms to gas light.
@Quinerly: That condoms-to-Gaza story was debunked yesterday not long after the WH Press Secretary put it out.
Ed.Trump either doesn’t know or doesn’t care.
@JoyceH: It’s for him. Only him….displaying his unshakable affliction of gross insecurity laced with self-made fantasy,
Karoline Leavitt v
This is NOT a rescission of the federal funding freeze.
It is simply a rescission of the OMB memo.
Why? To end any confusion created by the court’s injunction. The President’s EO’s on federal funding remain in full force and effect,
and will be rigorously implemented.
Since someone raised the issue, I will say that I have no problem with your comment about the military presence.
@WTFGhost: Agree.
@Gin & Tonic: I say take your allies where you can find them.
I am surprised to see that from Mr. You Lie!
@Old School: That makes no sense.(something we all know). Under what authority is the freeze still in effect then Clowns, Stephen King IT type clowns but clowns. The court won’t be happy with this parsing by them.
@cain: I honestly believe that nothing else will work. People are starting to see the way things are going. If we keep bringing it up, at some point it will be difficult to ignore.
comrade scotts agenda of rage
Our phrase for that “exercise” was either:
Nose Pick Ex
Milling About Smartly
I read it had been walked back (my second link). You are right…he doesn’t know or care….and added the bomb part. It did look like he was reading that part and not ad libing.
Yes. See my second link. My point is he was talking about it today at a bill signing ceremony.
comrade scotts agenda of rage
I’m gonna repost this, probably for years as it embodies how the backbone of the party, black women, are reacting:
Every time I see some entitled white, self-professed progressive whinge and say in effect “It’s somebody else’s job now” in terms of even basic activism, I’m gonna throw up that quote by a bad-ass, black lady Dem in a blood red state, saying what needs to be said and doing what needs to be doing.
Don’t know if it’s worth posting this, but my kids are really worried and upset. So, they are going to send letters to congress members about what concerns them the most. Transgender bans and LGTBQ+ for my oldest, end of birthright citizenship for the middle and women’s health care for the youngest son.
Thanks for the thread Watergirl. It’s really helpful to hear how other people are responding.
@la caterina: I am trying to call every day. Unfortunately no one at Schumer’s DC or local offices has answered the phone today so I sent a comment, but I know that’s really not annoying enough to give myself any satisfaction. I call my congressperson, (R-spit) Lawler whenever I can stand it, a couple times a week.
🚨 BREAKING: OMB has just issued a memo *rescinding* the previous memo freezing all federal financial assistance programs.
ETA – I see MisterMix was making the next post when I added this. See that for more info.
People are actually SAYING THAT?!?!😳😳😳
@Quinerl Speaking of walk backs, a couple days after Trump proposed moving Palestinians from Gaza to Egypt, 300,000 of them walked in the opposite direction, from central Gaza back to the northern part. They were not impressed with Trump’s plan.
@Sister Golden Bear: Yes, this. The EO is essentially making all trans people non-persons.
Aside from the sheer immorality of the anti-trans efforts, I think many people don’t understand that trans people are the thin wedge that the MAGA are going to use to do many other heinous things. A repeat of the Reagan playbook, where AIDS was the thin wedge used to deny rights to gay people in an ever-expanding way, and put conditions on medical aid, etc etc. We shouldn’t be giving MAGA one inch.
I had posted in a previous thread that I was on a call over the weekend with some friends talking about things we can do locally and otherwise. I think anything we can do will help, even if it’s just showing people they are not alone. Even if we personally don’t see an effect, we can’t know how the effects of what we do will add up over time. And anything even if we can’t stop what’s coming, maybe we can mitigate some damage so it doesn’t take as long to build back/repair the damage in the future.
@Old School: Thanks.
@bluefoot: There was a story in the news lately about a transgender woman who’s going to be moved to a men’s prison. That just made my blood run cold.
Sandia Blanca
@Marcopolo: Thanks for this specific suggestion–I just had a lovely chat with a staffer in Sen. Cornyn’s Austin office, and left a voice message for Sen. Cruz’s staff.
I spent all morning yesterday at the Texas Legislature with a couple hundred other pissed-off church ladies. We were talking with our state senators and representatives about issues of importance to us, such as education, maternal health, and state spending on border enforcement (we’re against it, obviously). Later, some of our folks testified to the Texas Senate about their opposition to the proposed SB2, a voucher bill.
Steve LaBonne
@Sister Golden Bear: If you become aware of any organized effort to help trans people move from red states to blue ones where they will have at least somewhat more protection, please let us know. I would gladly donate to such an organization.
Just called both my senators’ local offices. Voice mail at one, live person at the other. My message was anti-RFK Jr.
I’ll call again and again until the vote takes place.
Thanks, WaterGirl, for reminders/information/encouragement and a place to share!
AM in NC
@WaterGirl: Just getting here to say that I have been relentless in calling GOP Sen Thom Tillis every day about how HE and everyone who works for him owns ALLL of Trump’s actions. ALL OF THEM.
Also talked with my precinct chair/friend who suggested I email Anderson Clayton (the NC Dem. Chair) with an idea to do regular phone call messaging efforts to state and national officials.
Not sure if the powers that be think that something like that would be worth the effort, but I’m trying to think outside of the normal media box to communicate with people. And we need coordinated, sustained efforts, not reactivity to every squirrel that comes along daily.
Glory b
@tam1MI: Well sure. Lefties spend 2 years convincing themselves not to vote, that Dems don’t DESERVE their vote, then the nextv2 years complaining that the people they didn’t vote for aren’t accomplishing the things they wanted.
@Old School:
trying to be cute
@Sister Golden Bear:
the entire post was just horrific to read, but, we knew it would be.
@comrade scotts agenda of rage:
they are trying to pass through the TURN THE UNDOCUMENTED INTO SLAVES BILL.
When we see SLAVERY trying to be enacted, we have no choice but to speak up and out.
AM in NC
@Josie: I agree with this. “X action by Trump/MAGA harms middle and working class Americans so they can put more money in the pockets of the billionaires on stage with them at the inauguration.”
Oligarchy; kleptocracy; corruption. Hammer it over and over and over again. Nobody likes to feel like they’re getting screwed over by a John Hughes bad guy or a Bond villain.
@TheflipPsyd: Definitely worth posting that!
Steve LaBonne
@stinger: I called Moreno’s Cleveland office and got an aide who listened politely to my spiel urging no on Kennedy. Nobody answered at Husted’s DC number (no local offices yet) so I left a voice mail.
Sister Golden Bear
@JoyceH: To make your blood run still colder, trans women sent to men’s prisons are routinely raped by both prisoners and guards
At number of men’s prisons it’s semi-official policy to force trans women share cells with the most violent prisoners to provide them with “girlfriends” to distract them. And by “distract” I mean raping the trans women and pimping them out to be raped by other prisoners.
Sister Golden Bear
@Steve LaBonne: There are such efforts to relocate families with trans kids and adults—but a number of them have gone lo profile out of fears of legal retribution by Red states. But I’ll look around.
And thank you!
Steve LaBonne
@Sister Golden Bear: Much appreciated! And if you have any info, you are welcome to email me at [email protected] if you don’t want to give it publicly.
I’m sorry, but am I remembering correctly? Toomy Tuberville held up flag officers, non-political officials, for months? Why can’t we do that? Because we’re not shameless?
Steve LaBonne
@Ryan: Because Tubby accomplished nothing except to get the military and many of his Republican colleagues angry with him.
Raoul Paste
I’ve watched the movie Will and Harper last night, about Will Ferrell‘s newly transitioned friend and their cross country trip. I can’t imagine how upset they are today.
“I hope Democrats come up with some version of the ‘Contract for America’ ….”
Sweet baby Jesus on a hotdog bun with mustard – not ketchup!!! It’s called the US Fricking Constitution and the Rule of Law!!!!
Now, everyone repeat.
It’s called the US Fricking Constitution and the Rule of Law!!!!
If the Trump/MAGA/Republican stealing of America is going to be saved by it’s not some fancy catch phrase. Not until the people of America standing behind the Trump/MAGA/Republican stealing of America give a shit about the rule of law.
Mr. Bemused Senior
I wonder where Ruth is. 😁
Pod Save Bro says what?
@schrodingers_cat: Not a bad description of the other three, but not for Dan Pfeiffer.
JFC. That’s basically setting up that woman for rape and torture.
Miss Bianca
@Glory b: Yeah, I’ve been following the “Leopards Ate My Face” subreddit, and “why are these people I refused to vote for NOT DOING WHAT I WANT THEM TO?!” has been a consistent theme. It would be hilarious if it weren’t so infuriating.
@la caterina:
I’ve called and left messages when there wasn’t an answer. I become more dramatic on voice mail stressing how disappointed I am about a vote with republicans.
I got a call back from a Representative’s aide telling me that they got that message.
@stinger: I like it.
@Mr. Bemused Senior: Living at Beckfoot under the name of Nancy :-)
[Amazon pirates are also ruthless]
@Old School:
If she wrote it it’s her’s. Unless he has a copyright on the phrase.
Sister Golden Bear
@bluefoot: That’s exactly why they’re doing it.
@Sister Golden Bear: Sad and scared thanks for the reminder and info. I will.
Her name was McGill and she called herself Lil, but everyone knew her as Nancy
@TheflipPsyd: it’s a shame that there are so many issues to choose from that they each chose different issues and they’re all important. Good for your kids.
Called Sen. Padilla (couldn’t find phone numbers for Schiff yet) and my Rep, Ted Lieu today to thank them for their efforts, and urge Padilla not to vote to confirm RFK Jr or Gabbard. I will call again tomorrow to voice strenuous object to the anti-trans EO. I’m pissed.
@Old School: It’s hers. Why don’t you write your own blog if you don’t like this one. Oh, right, it’s easier to criticize than do things. How many phone calls did you make today?
If you can make slaves of one demographic you can make slaves of them all.
I will not consent.
I’m thinking of running for the vice chair of the Asian caucus in the democratic party of Oregon.
I think one action is also to also accelerate the transformation of the democratic party to a younger generation.
I called Fetterman this morning to tell him to vote against RFKJr and Gabbard using the script you all helped me write yesterday. I.’ll call again tomorrow.
@cain: Go for it!