The horrible people in charge are doing every horrible thing, everywhere, all at once. The shit tsunami is designed to knock us off balance and make it impossible to focus.
Of the many ongoing atrocities, it’s worth focusing on how the Trump regime is systematically obliterating trans rights. It’s a malicious, mean-spirited, wholly unnecessary and dangerous campaign against a vulnerable group that poses no threat to anyone.
The decision to prioritize the persecution of trans people is transactional for Trump. Recall that Trump was fine with Caitlyn Jenner using any bathroom she wants in Trump’s gauche NYC lair.
But he jumped on the anti-trans bandwagon when he observed how it juiced the degenerates in his base. So now we’re treated to the spectacle of Trump appointing a drunk, incompetent, rapey weekend Fox & Friends host to lead the U.S. military and simultaneously issuing an edict to kick out trans people who are serving their country honorably.
Adam Serwer wrote a good piece about trans rights at The Atlantic. The opening:
The American populism of the late 19th century was a rebellion of working people against financial elites; the American populism of this century is one of financial elites feigning rebellion while crushing the vulnerable.
Just so. Serwer argues that the attack on trans rights won’t end there, and he’s right. But even if it did end there, it’s appalling all by itself.
Those of us who are cis people need to find ways to stand up for our trans neighbors, friends and family, not because erosion of their rights inevitably degrades our own freedom but because persecuting trans people is wrong. Period.
I’ve called my shitty Republican senators to urge them to vote against the so-called Protection of Women and Girls in Sports Act of 2025 (US SB9). It feels pointless, but I did it anyway.
Anyone got any other ideas about how we can push back against these vile attacks on our fellow citizens? Please share in comments. Otherwise, open thread.
Don’t forget your state a general matter. They can’t help with this particular bill, but there’s no reason to wait to let reps know where you stand.
I have two trans people in my life that I love. They are such a tiny fraction of American life that I cannot believe that they are a part of American political life, but MAGAs are making it happen.
If the Rapture happens I hope these people get sucked to Hell, and I have every intention of telling them that every time they get in my face and every time I can get in their face for the next four years.
I am small, but I am too old to care so caution to the winds.
Bruce K in ATH-GR
I can’t think of anything other than making sure the trans-eliminationsts experience for themselves the consequences of the actions they’re trying to impose on the people they’re trying to eliminate. I seem to recall that even Dick Cheney had a re-think on anti-gay activities when he realized that they would hurt his own daughter.
I am wary of posting too much on this topic, but I am concerned about making sure there is a network of safety.
@Suzanne: You are too close to it, not policitcally or emotionally, but legally. Keep your head down mostly. Others less on the front lines will try to have your back.
I am going through some shit IRL but I wanted to share this I found reposted by Patton Oswalt. Like Suzanne, I am wary of posting on this topic because my experience is very limited. But I want everyone to know that I am an ally and believe that the ignorant people should just mind their own goddamn business in matters like this – love is love.
Keep it up, Betty At least now I know my shitty senators are hearing from more than one person.
My federal senators and representatives are shitty Rs and the state ones are part of a tiny, powerless D minority. But I don’t want any of them to think that everyone is okay with this, so I’m writing and writing. No form letters. I don’t have any trans people in my life and I think that’s the point of persecuting them – fewer people will defend them because fewer people know them. I’ve decided for now to focus on this issue and on immigration.
@TBone: where did you get that quote from him? Probably blooskie ?
sorry to hear about your IRL woes. Lovecat having problems with the tube?
@TBone: Oswald is a Chappelle booster. He’s cancelled in this house.
OT: I’ve been a lurker / very occasional commenter here for years. How do you turn off the five minute comment delay?
@TBone: Literlly going through shit. How is your little trouper this morning?
@Baud: Those fruitier flavors should go well with the moron cakes.
sentient ai from the future
i have some cross-community organizing for you all.
i am part of a reddit community,
one of the mods just put up a “megathread” to try and get and consolidate state-by-state information about, in part, what electeds are saying and what resources are available for people and families affected.
i know lots of you people are on the horn to your electeds on a regular basis, and particularly since you are (presumably) not normally part of that community, you are not as fearful of exposure as many there are. there is a regularly expressed fear there that they will be targeted specifically because of their trans child(ren) and i get it. i’m fuckin terrified, myself, but also in about as safe a place as i could imagine.
so, i ask you, jackals, can you collect that information on your state – responses to the executive orders targeting trans kids and families, or other state-based resources for community and legal support, and add it to the megathread? (there are already community members implictly asking for information about their state by putting up a subthread for a state, but not filling in more information there.)
i think it would go a long way to helping inform some incredibly frightened and vulnerable families right now. you would be picking up that gauntlet and joining the fight.
thread is here:
Betty Cracker
@RL: Sorry you hit a speed bump. I’m not aware of any comment delay except for first-time comments, which aren’t published until someone with moderator credentials approves them. Probably either the system took you for a first-timer and five minutes elapsed before a moderator noticed and approved it, or the system experienced a hiccup of an unrelated nature that delayed publication. If you have further issues, feel free to shoot me an email at [email protected], and I’ll try to help.
Kay bait
Reach out to your trans friends in a safe way and not online. Make a plan. Don’t talk about it with anyone else.
Kicking trans people out of the armed forces is arguably a violation of the 2nd Amendment: it is infringing on their “right to bear Arms” i.e. to serve in the well-regulated Militia.
Not that I’d expect that argument and interpretation to fly, given the current SCOTUS.
My kid is transgender, and also fortunate enough to be a US/CA citizen. She’s applied to have her gender changed on her Canadian passport and has opted to let her US passport expire. She can still visit the US on her CA passport, but would have to leave after 3 months. Not that she has any plans to come down here for a LONG time, Canada is facing a likely Conservative majority this election, but they have a Paliamentary system, so there are many parties, so there’s room for coalition to block much of that agenda.
Obviously I’m upset she won’t be visiting her family here in the US, but the upside is I get to spend more time in Canada, which for now is still a free country.
As for what to do here? Keep fighting. It’s all we got.
@Betty Cracker: thanks!
Enhanced Voting Techniques
Oh yes to that, the people driving this mythology is they are the ones being persecuted to they will just keep on escalating until society turns on them.
sentient ai from the future
@DavidM: he tried it already once, too, and the courts said “piss off, fuccboi”
@TBone: BTW, I didn’t mean to come off harsh (or at you, as the kids say). We have trans fam and are very sensitive. I love your posts. I’m in GA now, but I grew up / went to high school across the river in Delran.
@Ramalama: the vet at animal hospital yesterday said he is dying and scheduled in home euthanasia for Monday. He spent the night on my pillow with paws touching my face. I said my goodbyes all night long
I reached out to a closer, neighborhood in-home euthanasia vet at 4am. At 4:30am, Noah got up off of my pillow and voluntarily ate food for the first time on his own
NOT YET MOM. In-home vet is on standby and will make a house call to meet him, assess, and give him a B-12 injection.
He has always been a miracle and I am in dumbfounded shock.
ETA Thank you to EVERYONE who has asked about him and sent us good thoughts!
Themyscira 4 Ever
My existence should not be political.
This is so emotionally draining.
@TBone: One of my favorite moments from the show ‘The Expanse’ is when character Camina Drummer righteously denounces the show’s villain, and ends by saying, ‘Live shamed, die empty!’
I think that’s exactly the right attitude to take with all of these right wing bigots and assholes.
Ohio Mom
How quickly the average person has gone from no awareness of trans people to being sure they are a significant threat to the American way of life. Makes you take pause and consider how powerful propaganda can be.
Many people have already said this, but I’ll state the obvious anyway. Thanks to decades of hard work and sacrifice by gay and lesbian activists, it is no longer as socially acceptable as it used to be to attack gays and lesbians. So, the religious bigots (and the politicians that support them) have gone after a group of people that is even smaller and more vulnerable. The hatred is the point, because it distracts the stupidest people in the country (Trump cult members) from the fact that they are being fucked by billionaires.
@TBone: Hoping this is the start of another miracle.
@Ohio Mom: The “average person” will hate whoever the TV or “social media” tells them to hate. The “average person” is neither an intelligent nor a decent human being. That is the lesson to be learned from the past decade.
Professor Bigfoot
@TONYG: There seems to be a thread through American culture (and I’m sure examples can be found in most human cultures) of a need to control and dominate others.
From the Enslavement onwards, there’s ALWAYS some powerless demographic that they feel empowered to oppress.
As you say, the LGBTQ community since Stonewall have made it less safe to attack gays and lesbians, so now they’ve moved on to ANOTHER powerless group to oppress.
I’d point at straight white Christian men, who seem to never suffer any kind of oppression in this country; but as I say, one can no doubt find examples of this kind of hatefulness all around the world.
TBone–Pets can feel our love. I’m happy for however long you may get with your friend.
Themyscira 4 Ever–Agreed wholeheartedly.
I’ll be calling state and national reps and senators later today.
It is so encouraging to read energized people.
Professor Bigfoot
So. Much. Love.
All the blessings to you and your House.
comrade scotts agenda of rage
I had a vet once say “You don’t have to wait until an animal is suffering; the best call is just before the suffering starts.”
We don’t always time it perfectly but you are doing the best you can. We all know the heartbreak of this decision but in the long run, Noah doesn’t fear death, he just fears the pain of today. Do all you can to spare him much of that pain.
Please keep us posted and good luck. This is never easy.
Please be safe.
This deliberate hatred is just evil.
One of my senators, Chris Van Hollen (D-MD) is soliciting testimonies on how the Trump EOs are affecting people. This could be a way to speak out against the anti-trans EOs:
FWIW Van Hollen has been good AFAIK in voting against all of the Trump nominees, even the relatively benign ones that have picked up Dem votes.
@RL: A sibling of one of my daughters-in-law identifies as non-binary. Very smart, nice person. A generation ago this sibling would not have told people that they were transgender. I also have an old friend who has an adult child who is transgender. I imagine that transgender people have always been with us, but now many of them are “coming out of the closet” — a phenomenon similar to gay men and lesbians “coming out of the closet” decades ago. As this continues to happen, I expect some of the bigots to become less bigoted, while others will double down on their hatred. Bigots often become more violent when they recognize the fact that they are losing.
comrade scotts agenda of rage
I had posted that piece when it came out a couple of weeks back:
It bears being front and center and a reminder of what we’re up against on the public education front.
Just to put it out there, in my formative years I was amused to see all the scathing, ripping attacks on Democracy in the 18th century, many of the best and the brightest were sure it was a looney idea that could never work. The masses were too stupid, too malleable, too blind in their petty, hungry individuality to ever have collective wisdom.
I asked my father, a very good historian, how this all worked, a third of the American electorate was sheepified into never voting at all. The answer he gave is that taken as a whole it was true the American electorate wasn’t advanced at all, but the weakness was made up for in leadership. As long as leadership was present that was good generally good outcomes follow and the worst averted.
Now we know what happens when leadership chooses to be regressive. To me we have clearly lost the country and the democracy, and save some 11:59:30 miracle move it’s midnight, over.
@TBone: Hugs to Noah, and to you.
@Hildebrand: They did an awesome job with Drummer on The Expanse. Great character, kicked so much ass they ran out of ass to be kicked. (Bummer that the first few seasons are leaving Prime)
@RL: Oswalt has been friends with Chappelle for 3 and a half decades. He went onstage with him one time 3 years ago (since Chappelle made his bigotry a major part of his act), caught a lot of shit for it from fans, and hasn’t said a word about him since as far as I know. That doesn’t sound like support for me. It sounds like the complicated personal decisions we have all had to make about who to dump from our lives when they made MAGA their identity.
Betty Cracker
@Ohio Mom: Far-right propagandists like Christopher Rufo and the contemptible wretch behind the Libs of TikTok account are always looking for an angle to exploit. But I don’t think the anti-trans movement would have gained so much steam if reporters and pundits at MSM outlets weren’t such credulous tools.
There’s a columnist at the Times, Paula somebody, who seems to devote about 30% of her time to “just asking questions” about trans issues, and she and others showcase the most lurid, sensational claims, which fall apart upon closer inspection. But the damage is done.
The frustrating thing is that people do have questions when social mores evolve, especially if it concerns a small group and they don’t know anyone in that group personally. Exploring those questions in a responsible, fact-based, compassionate way could have been valuable. But most of the time, that’s not what we get.
Starfish (she/her)
@RL: The five minutes is time that you are allowed to edit your comment. I don’t think you are allowed to turn it off.
I probably edit like three times in that five minutes.
Dorothy A. Winsor
The anti-trans panic is just bewildering. What’s it to you, haters?
Betty Cracker
@Starfish (she/her): The edit window didn’t even occur to me, so thanks for that clarification!
@sab: When asked of the general public what percentage of the population was trans, gay, Muslim, Jewish, Hispanic, and Black, they estimated anywhere from twice to ten times the actual numbers. When added up together, these estimates far exceeded the total population.
The fascist mindset begins with a fear-based need to preserve the purity of the race/nation’s blood. It believes that there is some innate superiority attached to a particular race or ethnicity that must be maintained and protected. And any perceived threat to that race/ethnicity is met with an existential panic, all out of proportion to the reality. Since fascism is unreasoning, its reaction to those who fall outside its boundaries is unreasoning.
America’s white supremacist fascists are freaking out. Black and Hispanic faces freak them out. The LGBQT+ community freaks them out. The declining birth rate among white women freaks them out. And they react with rage, because their world is crumbling, and as far as they are concerned, being mocked by the very existence of people who don’t “belong” In “their world.”
They want to be frightened because it gives them permission to do what they want to do.
ETA: I agree with what you said.
Starfish (she/her)
@Betty Cracker: There are several of these credulous tools that have made being a credulous tool their whole identity.
Jesse Singal is always just asking questions, no matter how many times he has asked the same questions already.
Conor Friedersdorf is also a credulous tool, and I don’t know if he is on this particular issue, but he asks the type of questions that you would expect of a person who has just come out of a comma, an alien who has just landed on planet earth, etc. It is infuriating.
@Baud: along with that, here’s an email from Randi Weingarten, head of the American Federation of Teachers Union.
And Ohio’s reading and math scores drop every year. Our national education ranking has dropped every single year as more and more funding going to religious schools. Ranking goes down as religious school funding goes up.
But we’re not making voucher schools administer standardized tests anymore (they scored lower than publics so we simply exempted them from testing) so no one can compare.
School privatization is a disaster in every country it’s been tried. Another bad idea from the Right.
Starfish (she/her)
David Tennant has a trans child and has been solidly supportive of trans people and solidly opposed to J. K. Rowling mouthing off. He was wearing a t-shirt, and the person who created that t-shirt sold so many t-shirts. They have a lot of trans-solidarity shirts in their store.
That sounds like Pamela Paul, who’s supposedly negotiating her exit. I can’t imagine why she would leave now, when the Times has so much sucking up to the regime to do.
@Betty Cracker: Vichy Times “just asking questions” columnist is Pamela Paul. Who is leaving the FTF NY Times; may not be voluntary.
And: Ms. Paul was previously married to Bret “Bedbug” Stephens, a star among their conservative columnists.
Winner winner. Liar. Spinner.
zhena gogolia
@TBone: Yeah. They’ve been misspelling “Executive Order.” It’s supposed to be “ukaz.”
Its also disingenuous to say “religious schools”. Ninety per cent of the public voucher funding goes directly to the Catholic church. Parishes treat funding as fungible, so Ohio sent a billion dollar subsidy to the Catholic church in 2024. Which the Catholic church then used to campaign for the GOP.
If you’re wondering why Ohio is now far Right.
@Layer8Problem: Great minds. Was doublechecking if Paul was leaving, and NY Magazine has an article that she is indeed in exit negotiations.
From NY Mag. Have to wonder how many of these “rarities” they actually have, or admit to.
Betty Cracker
@Kay: Same shit is happening down here. From today’s edition of the Tampa Bay Times:
So how did the DeSantis-appointed ed commish react? He took shots at the messenger:
These whiny pricks never take any responsibility.
@Layer8Problem: & @Elizabelle: Pamela Paul — that’s the one I meant. Thank you.
@RevRick: They are extremely uncomfortable with a world where the black person who comes into their hospital room is the doctor, or actually with anyone other than a white, straight person being in a place of authority. This discomfort makes them afraid, so rather than asking questions and trying to become more comfortable with the world that is, they lash out and try to make the world into what it was 60+ years ago, when there was still Jim Crow and gay people were mostly in the closet. I think a lot of them are genuinely terrified of trans people, because they think trans people are going to turn their son/daughter grandson/granddaughter into a trans person. They don’t understand how it works at all.
@Leto: But I thought they believed in local control of schools. /s/s/s/s/s/s/s/s/
@Betty Cracker: There will never be a system that ranks each state’s schools on a scale, because no state wants to be in the bottom half. They all want to have some kind of evaluation that shows them in the top half.
@TBone: Good luck to you, I know how awful and scary it is to have a cat who won’t eat.
A tad late, but here is the unpaywalled version of Adam Serwer’s Atlantic article. I love!
Harrison Wesley
In ancient Rome the masses were kept quiet with bread and circuses. Our oligarchs have found they can dispense with the bread. As long as you can turn on your teevee or plug into social media and observe some people under assault, are you not entertained?
Nukular Biskits
@Professor Bigfoot:
This is probably a dead thread and you may not even see this But I laughed When I saw your comment about white male Christians in this country not being persecuted.
They are being persecuted. Just ask them they’ll tell you 1,000 times over. Persecuted by the very presence in existence of people who are not like them, The others Who refused to bow down.
I am a white male I don’t identify as Christian And I’m here to tell you But white male butt hurt Is a real thing.
Sorry for the odd syntax grammar and phrasing I’m doing this Voice to text while on treadmill with music playing in the background
No Nym
Late to the conversation, as always, but I was heartened by a conversation with my daughter yesterday. She is an Army veteran (Iraq) and was telling me about all the vets who are speaking up for trans people on some her social media hangouts. They are swearing to protect them in any way necessary. There may be more of that attitude out there than we know. I sure hope so.
No Nym
@Elizabelle: The money quote:
“The conservative movement’s mobilization against trans rights, however, is just one step in a wider rolling-back of other antidiscrimination protections.”
Exactly this. Herd everyone into narrowly prescribed, strictly enforced “norms” and then cut off the rights of anyone who isn’t in the white, heterosexual male cohort. For too long, our culture has let white males think of themselves as the baseline for what is human in education, medical research, and other aspects of society. They feel persecuted by the notion that there may be others who are not what they are, who don’t want to be abused and exploited, and who have decided they wanted to be categorized as human too.
Gloria DryGarden
@RL: I was new here only 9 months ago. The 5 minute timer bar you see when you post is not a delay. It’s how long you have to edit.
They advised me if saw there was only a minute left, to just add a period, then resubmit. It resets for another 5 minutes. You can keep doing it, if there are more edits.
Gloria DryGarden
@Nukular Biskits: it sucks for those white man christianists.
Because there are actual women all around. Oh noes.
And actual black and brown people, and Asians, and indigenous people, and Jewish people, and trans ones, and disabled ones, and silently gay persons, and silently non Christians.
I don’t understand the white-man hurt. I just notice or hear about the white men who think different means “other” or inferior, or bad or wrong or dangerous. But I don’t get it. It bewilders me. More cool and interesting people to know, and sometimes a new point of view.
And if they can’t manage to include others, and walk in my shoes, or find some empathy, I kind of want to save my empathy coupons for the rest of us, who have differing levels of less privilege.
I might be missing something in your point about butt hurt white men, please enlighten me, I wasn’t sure if you were being sarcastic. I’m not trying to be mean, I just might not understand something.
Anyone who thinks these efforts to ostricise trans Americans will stop at trans Americans gets a free membership to the Leopards Eat My Face Party. Trump & his Christofascist Republican backers are coming for gay rights. They are going to make gay marriage illegal again.
Gloria DryGarden
@RL: may I ask whereabouts in GA? Got a jackal friend up near Rome, kind of isolated.
Gloria DryGarden
I love that for you. Wtg Noah!
Gloria DryGarden
@No Nym: My new idea is to request a gender neutral bathroom everywhere I go, and say that I prefer it.
I prefer knowing I’m patronizing a place that has some accommodation. A family bathroom will do, as well. But I’d like gender neutral toilets to become more widespread.
Sister Golden Bear
I know this is a dead thread, but thank you for highlighting this.
planet eddie
On the morning after Trump was elected in 2016, I was woken up by my friend because one of our mutual trans friends had killed herself as a result of that election.
As a trans person, the anti-trans rhetoric has been slowly building and building, and members of my community have been warning others that we were going to be targeted in more and more extreme ways if something didn’t happen. And so so so many people told me and other trans folks that we were hyperbolizing and that we needed to sit down and be quiet, many of them Democrats. Many of them of identities who should have been our allies.
It is sad and exhausting to be here, and my community is barely holding it together.
@JML: I think often of the scene where the detective guy shoots the fascist without waiting for agreement from the rest of the crew, and when they look at him in horror he basically says to them, “Always punch Nazis.”
My daughter is gay and when she first came out years ago, she got very short haircuts and wore mens’ clothes and was often mistaken for a man. She is still very “butch” in appearance. Serwer and others are right, this is not going to stop with trans folks. We need to make a firm stand here.
@sab: That they’re such a tiny part of the American landscape is *precisely* why they’re targeted. You can’t target popular/numerous people, or you lose votes. That’s why they’ve been bashing gay folks for decades – there weren’t enough trans folk yet to be a thing to bash.
Um. I Just wrote a comment about everyone being too cynical, and blandly accepting such facts, but I’m kinda doing the opposite, trying to say “think how evil you have to be, to just find a small group to bash on, so you can spin up hate to help win elections!”
@TBone: I was terrified to ask, for fear of bad news. I’m glad to hear the news is good.
Gloria DryGarden
@Kay: this explains a lot.
plus understanding that they get out of doing the standardized tests. I know the private schools also don’t pay their teachers very well.
To quote someone, “only when the power of love, exceeds the love of power, will the world know peace and justice.”
(I probably *paraphrased* someone, but better than hogging all the credit.)
When people realize violence, or hate, can win power, they’ll use those tools, and there need to be good people, who care about each other and the common good, who are constantly trying to stop them.
One problem in the US is, there are so many places to lie, cheat, and steal, that it’s not really possible to stop them all, so we start accepting corruption as a cost of doing business.
@Betty Cracker:
“You mean, a completely unregulated ‘school choice’ system where literally anyone can get hundreds of milions in no strings attached public funding, run by a coalition of religious nuts and spit-flecked union haters ISN’T an excellent system”?
We had a horrible lawyer working in the next county over from me. She was infamous. Really, really bad. She left the profession to start a shitty, grifty online charter school in Detroit. All public money. The worst of the worst end up in these systems because there are no standards.
Sister Golden Bear
@Betty Cracker:
More than credulous tools. People like Pamela Paul and Jesse Singal, who also writes for the FTFNYT, have been actively on a crusade against trans people under the guise of “just asking questions” for years. Plus other journalists that I’m inadequately caffeinated at the moment to remember offhand.
Also, at others have pointed out, trans people are merely the thin wedge that will be used to attack LGBQ people more broadly, and to enforce gender norms. It’s notable that the UK TERFs and the “transinvestigators”* have moved on to claiming (and attacking) cisgender women are trans women for not looking/behaving sufficiently “feminine.”
*Online folks dedicated to “proving” any number of successful women and women celebrities are secretly trans based on their supposed “masculine” physical appearances. Amusingly, when shown photos of J.K. Rowling (who they don’t recognize) they routinely claim she’s trans as well.
Sister Golden Bear
As I’m sure your daughter can tell you, butch women (especially butch lesbians) have been gender policed — sometimes to the point of being assaulted — in women’s bathrooms for as long as I can remember.
@Sister Golden Bear: Always point out people who are just JAQing off. (JAQ = “just asking questions.”)
“Don’t ask questions – answer the fuckers. Oh, wait, the problem is, you don’t *like* the answers, so you demand new ones by JAQing off.”
@sentient ai from the future: Thanks! I’ll try to get some info and post it there.
They scrapped the testing once there was A long enough set of comparable data that they weren’t better. That was the tool they used to get in the door. When it finally could be proven that they didn’t test better than public schools, then, poof , testing was scrapped as a measurement tool.
They stopped with that premise and just proceeded with just right wing reasoning as to why PRIVATE SCHOOLS SHOULD GET PUBLIC SCHOOL FUNDS😠😠