I’m tired and do not have much to say so instead some pictures.
Here is fuckboy:
And here is the good dog, Jack:
Also, this:
all I am saying is that if Biden was responsible for the price of fucking eggs Donald Trump killed those people on that plane. I didn't make the fucking rules, they did.
— John Cole (@johngcole.bsky.social) January 30, 2025 at 6:07 PM
Hard agree.
Thank you, John.
Democrats unfortunately won’t bring that kind of rhetoric to the table, but they should. It would be a real easy way to link the consequences of trying to downsize government indiscriminately with a tragedy.
Of course, though, the legacy media would bray about how Democrats were bending the truth, etc.
Funny how their ever so vaunted return to masculinity never seems to include manning up and taking responsibility. To use a phrase their traditionalist souls should theoretically embrace wholeheartedly.
J. Arthur Crank
Be careful when grilling Hegseth, since he might burst into flames. Mind you, I don’t mind if that happens, I just don’t want innocent bystanders to get hurt or historic buildings burned down.
zhena gogolia
I agree with every word. (Except Thurston is adorable.)
CNN keeps showing me crying Nancy Kerrigan. I am reminded that media has many, many biases, and knob-slobbing worship of even last millennium’s celebrities is one!
Shouldn’t have driven out the head of the FAA to please your Nazi pal, DonOld!
Cole I have to protest. You referred to Trump as fuckboy last week, and now you used that on Thurston. That’s just wrong.
Starfish (she/her)
Call everyone involved with the “pause” and make them all explain how that may have impacted air traffic safety.
We’ve had some pretty ruthless presidents, but murdering figure skaters is a new low.
zhena gogolia
Jack looks very wise.
J. Arthur Crank
I think Thurston knows how you feel about him, John, and that is why he is a problem child. He needs your approval.
I would buy a couple of rounds of good drinks for any reporter who goes to a press conference and asks, “Mr. President, what the fuck happened to your face?!“
Miss Bianca
@WaterGirl: I find Thurston just adorable. Maybe he is a PITA at home, but then, aren’t most male animals? >:>
Dems should pay to air that clip of trumpov saying “I take no responsibility at all” during Covid
@Suzanne: is it oranger than usual or something?
Unfortunately, one of those rules is IOKIYAR.
@Jeffro: Yeah, it somehow looks even worse than usual.
You don’t have to click on that link. You can just take my word for it.
@Josie: Agree! That face screams “why don’t you love me??”
Nukular Biskits
Good evenin’, y’all.
Long day here.
And what Cole said, dammit.
Thurston!! And Jack!
When asked about his plans to visit the crash site, Trump replied: “I have a plan to visit, not the site. Because you tell me, what’s the site? The water? You want me to go swimming?”
Video in the link. He looks more like shit than usual.
@WaterGirl: Seems to me that’s calling him a dog. Which is a step up from me. I call him a worthless POS. YMMV.
@Suzanne: poor guy! It must be stressful marinating in RWNJ psychobabble all the time
he should golf more
Gin & Tonic
Is the Timothee Chalamet Bob Dylan movie any good?
John Cole
@Suzanne: Where is the best chopped salad in phoenix/tempe
@John Cole: Windsor on Central.
Gin & Tonic
Went skiing today, BTW. Colder than a witch’s tit, although it was sunny. Came home with all my bones in the same configuration they were when I left, so that’s good.
@Gin & Tonic: But was it colder than a bucket of penguin shit?
Are you the one who had the broken wrist skiing a few years ago? If so (or not) I’m glad to hear it went well.
@Gin & Tonic:
Hope so. I’m seeing it tomorrow.
@Quinerly: Yes, drown.
Gin & Tonic
Good memory. In March it will be eight years. But I’ve been skiing regularly every year since that unfortunate incident, with no issues. Modern orthopedic surgery is pretty amazing.
Harrison Wesley
@Gin & Tonic: I went with some friends who all have different tastes. We all really enjoyed it.
It really is that simple. You’ve been in charge for 10 days and everything is fucked up. It’s on you today, tomorrow, and every day until you beg off.
Steve in the ATL
@Suzanne: if you had to live in Pittsburgh and work downtown, what neighborhoods would you recommend? Must have access to Trader Joe’s, Whole Foods, and Costco. Thanks in advance from a family member!
@Steve in the ATL: So! There’s a Whole Foods and a TJ’s in Shadyside/East Liberty, and Costco is across the river in Homestead. Squirrel Hill is convenient to all those stores. I live on the south side, and there’s a TJ’s and WF about 15 minutes south.
I have a cat named Jack who seems to be much like Thurston. He has made a career out of figuring out how to get my goat. I used to scold him and chase him around the house until I figured out that he was trying to get my attention and was willing to take it in the form of anger. When I finally stopped scolding him and instead played with him his behavior became much better. He will still threaten to do things he knows bug me but he is much less destructive and it is more playful than obnoxious. It really cut against the grain and it seemed like I ran the risk of rewarding bad behavior. Like a “moral hazard”🙃 but he is much better company now.
@Gin & Tonic: I loved it.
@Gin & Tonic: A couple of people mentioned last night that they had seen it and it was good.
@Gin & Tonic: Is this your first skiing since you broke your wrist? Glad to see your outing had a happy ending this time!
edit: I just saw that you said 8 years. Not possible!
Just realized this might be the 1st time TSc Duff ever had to listen to serious information from professionals and turn it into words and sentences by himself for the camera. Perhaps he even thought cameras always come with teleprompters so you read what to say.
Steve in the ATL
@Suzanne: thank you—I’ll pass that along
In the Atlantic, Jonathan Lemire: The Day Trump Became the Un-President. Web Archive version.
The commentary is nothing new from what is being written about everywhere today regarding Trump’s disgusting press conference, but this just stood out:
What century does CNN think it is?
@Gin & Tonic: yes. It is perfectly casted, and, well, to say more would “spoiler alert”, so satisfying in many ways. Spouse and I saw the first showing Christmas morning at the Tower Theatre. I loved it, he was meh and upon reflection, spouse can’t stop talking about it and has spent weeks watching Dylan YouTubers. Treat yourself. Do It!
@Gin & Tonic:
I don’t know, but either Timothee or his doppleganger was at the restored Charlie Chaplin “Shoulder Arms” screening at MoMA tonight.
@Suzanne: What has been up with the Kremlin’s bitch’s fat, orange, fascist face since at least 2015?
Gin & Tonic
@WaterGirl: No, I’ve skiied plenty since then. In fact on the one-year anniversary I made a point of going back to the same place and skiing the same trail where I’d fallen the year before.
The love of speed doesn’t go away.
@Steve in the ATL: @Suzanne:
Can confirm that Shadyside bus access to downtown is very easy. Probably true of Squirrel Hill, too.
Melancholy Jaques
@Gin & Tonic:
Saw it a couple weeks ago. Considerable artistic license has been taken. I didn’t much care because I knew the basic facts & events of the period in his life that the film covers.
I’m not a Dylan expert or purist, but the five albums from Freewheelin’ through Highway 61 Revisited were essential to how I grew as a person who listens to and plays music. Those songs also impacted who I became as a person generally. That might sound ridiculous, but it’s’ true. I don’t think I’ve gone more than two months without listening to High 61 Revisited and even after all these years, I still play the whole album.
I wonder what people 40 & under think about it. I saw it in Santa Monica & it looked like younger crowd. Do you think they’ll like Desolation Row?
Sister Golden Bear
@scav: Their model of masculinity is junior high boys — all rights, no responsibility, no accountability, and non-stop whining if they’re even slightly inconvenienced. Plus thinking any girl they see should automatically put out for them.
Steve in the ATL
@Lyrebird: thank you! I can’t remember who all here lives in or knows the area. I suspect that poster Pittsburgh Mike may know something as well!
@Gin & Tonic:
Oh baby!
@Gin & Tonic: Eight years!! Wow, time flies. I agree about orthopods – they did some good work for Ms F a couple of years back.
I wasn’t around for the DNC Chair thread earlier, but I wanted to mention that I contacted our former county Dems chair Bryan Graham who’s a DNC member to advocate for Ben Wickler. He said he’s supporting Wickler and agreed with my reasons (grassroots action, setting up full time communications to reach people outside of campaigns, etc.) But he didn’t think there were a lot of other supporters among the Virginia delegation, grrr.
I also contacted the member for my congressional district as well, but I haven’t heard anything back.
@K-Mo: I had to check that it’s only been 10 days!
Shouldn’t that be “buttholing his lips?”
“So you are admitting, sir, you cannot walk on water? Many of your voters will be sorely disappointed by that admission.”
@NotMax: Bring on an assault of asteroids.
@Lily: Reporter: “Is it normal for helicopters to get clearance to cut across busy flight paths?”
TSc Duf: (wild-eyed rabbit freeze-in-headlights look) “So uuuh (vocal fry). It’s a question about the flight path of the helicopter? I don’t want to go into too much detail… about the information we have from the FAA.”
“But… uhhh (vocal fry). Obviously it is not standard to have aircraft collide.” (Slices air firmly with one hand to emphasize this point.)
“I want to be clear on that. The flight paths that were being flown. from the military. and from American. that was not unusual. for what happens. in the DC airspace. ”
“And as this investigation moves forward we will be able to provide more information. To you. About the details. uhhh (vocal fry). of that statement.”
@Gin & Tonic: As a long-time Bob Dylan fan, I enjoyed it, even though I knew not everything was accurate. Chalamet said he put on 20 pounds to play Dylan. The singing was better than I expected.
@Josie: then he should refrain from eating Cole’s salad…
Loved the movie. Brought back memories of Joan Baez. I understand Dylan reviewed the script and approved.What a different time it was.
J. Arthur Crank
@Lily: Christ, what an asshole!
“Oopsie poopsie!” he added!
And then he started singing, “It’s not usual to have mass death like this.”
I’m not greedy. One will do.
@J. Arthur Crank: You’re being nice!
J. Arthur Crank
@mrmoshpotato: I don’t have the rhetorical skill you demonstrated in comment #53, so I went with the old standby.
@Lily: To be fair, you can’t expect Duffy to know anything about transportation, he’s much too busy writing memos to increase the babies.
. . .
@Miss Bianca:
Believe me, Cole got off easy with Thurston. Thurston’s sister, my Lovey is as oppositionally defiant, stubborn and headstrong as your worst nightmare of a toddler. Plus she’s very smart. I’ve met Thurston. He’s an adorable sweetheart.
J. Arthur Crank
On the ESPN app there is a story about a UFC fighter named Bryce Mitchell (I have never heard of him) who apparently went on a disgusting pro-Hitler rant on some kind of podcast. The UFC president has publicly denounced Mitchell. When asked if the UFC would sanction Mitchell, he said something to the effect of “It is free speech. That’s the beautiful thing about this business, for all of you who hate Bryce Mitchell, you hopefully get to see him get his ass whooped on global television.”
Photo rather unexpected, no?
Michigan priest defrocked after making apparent Nazi salute at anti-abortion summit
Good for the Anglican Catholic church though. Their FO was swift.
Steve LaBonne
Cole’s Bluesky posts 🎯
@Scout211: when you calculate the marriage rate do you subtract off the divorce rate, too?
Wait until he finds that massachusetts has a higher marriage rate than mississippi
Eric S.
@Suzanne: find a reporter and start a collection. I’ll be in D.C. and free on 3/5.
Plus there is a Costco in Robinson, which isn’t far from you either.
Anglican Catholic Church,
schism be thy name,
Wonkette covered it.
Double post, as usual.
@Jeffro: my spouse said the same thing about Trump’s appearance at his press conference as Suzanne did. He was deeply orange and his eyebrows were super large and white. He looked as strange and wild as utterances were.
@Jay: I was just struck by the individual making his grand gesture. Not what I expected. That’s all.
Chetan Murthy
@catclub: AIUI the highest-reproduction-rate demo in the US is …. recent immigrants: the native-born just don’t seem to wanna have kids as much. Gosh I wonder if he’s thought about that.
This week 7 month old border collie Daisy has discovered she stand up and get stuff off the kitchen counters. No disasters so far. Kinda regret our modern open floor plan. A door would be handy.
@Chetan Murthy: That plus downgrading the needs of business for infrastructure?
The Governors are calling it
From WaPo
His history is “interesting”, a Reich Wing “Christian” Fascist travelling the globe after expulsion after expulsion looking for the “Reich” Church for his beliefs.
What I found interesting, was also the existence of the so called Anglican Catholic Church.
Pick one. Even High Anglicans are not Catholics and Catholics are not Anglican.
comrade scotts agenda of rage
@Gin & Tonic:
We ski where all the old people in Denver ski, Loveland. It’s cheap and close and if you watch the weather, it can be great.
We went Tuesday, mid-20s, not a cloud in the sky, was great.
Live if too short (now) to ski in moronic cold.
@Scout211: So 10 lane highways in the middle of North Dakota, but they need to be toll roads. Got it.
Chetan Murthy
@scav: haha indeed. But lets be real: that was just red meat, not actual policy. He was saying “those childless un-American sluts and Teh Ghey [sic], we’ll make sure we don’t spend any money on ’em! Only on good salt-of-the-earth Amurkins!” Sadopopulism, is all. ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oOjJtEkKMX4 )
@Lily: hmm… guess that means communities with large numbers of seniors will be shortchanged, what with marriages being at a lower rate due to many widows/widowers, and no small children. Guess those seniors can just hitchhike to their doctor appointments.
@Chetan Murthy: On the one hand, Duffy has 9 kids so he’s definitely trying to out-produce immigrants. On the other hand, his wife is of Mexican descent, so I don’t know what the fuck he’s thinking.
@Chetan Murthy: I’m sure he’s trying to undo what he thinks Mayor Pete did…which was build all this infrastructure in Provincetown and Rehoboth beach while bulldozing over white suburb after suburb so that busloads of colored people could shop and ruin the character of the neighborhood.
comrade scotts agenda of rage
Former 27+ year DOT employee here. Duffy clearly doesn’t know wtf he’s trying to do. Oh wait, yes he does, it’s bullshit and that’s the point.
Good lord, *I* have more experience and knowledge to head DOT than he does. For that matter, Elaine Chao, who got the position prior to Pete, being a grifting GOPer in her own right, had more experience to effectively manage DOT than this guy.
But silly me, that’s the point of appointments like him.
The really sad thing was listening to all the (D) Senators that voted for him saying that their conversations with him convinced him he was gonna take an historical, bipartisan approach to transportation infrastructure, etc.
@Chetan Murthy: I guess on the plus side, the needs of parents with small children and the needs of people with physical disabilities often overlap, so at least one group that Trump wants to disappear might still benefit here.
@Jay: Once you understand the unity of the trinity, maybe the whole Catholic not-Catholic / Anglican not-Anglican thing is childsplay? But, as there are Orthodox rite churches that report to Rome, church affiliation does indeed get Esheresque very very quickly.
@Miss Bianca:
I’m not sure that I shouldn’t take umbrage at that……
I’m not a PITA, but then I live alone so possibly I wouldn’t know……
He looks more like shit than usual.
I believe that you’ve been trying to protect yourself by never looking at him because he ALWAYS looks like a large pile of _ _ _ _. Because he is.
@scav: Good for them. The Anglican Catholics are the loonies that split off from the Episcopal church when that church approved of gay marriage. That was a bridge too far for the Anglicans. I was going to an Episcopal church at the time of the split. Once they split off and sued over the property, the Anglicans were sending aid to Uganda to persecute gay people. So if even those crazies kick someone out for a Nazi salute, that sends a message.
@Jay: It’s a splinter group that thinks Episcopalians are too liberal but don’t want to be Catholic. They want to hate gays in their own special way.
I did my first public Fuck Trump yell this evening in a bar/restaurant just now, and it felt good
Ohio Mom
@MobiusKlein: I’m an hour late, I hope you went home. Sounds like you had enough.
@Scout211: WTF.
Better give up the job and stay home with those babies.
@WaterGirl: I just read this post and I thought you both were talking about Trump not Thurston and then I went back to read the original comment. I was wrong but…
@Gin & Tonic: You got right back on the horse!
@karensky: Ha!