Is anyone else feeling a bit overwhelmed today? Guessing that I am not alone, so this feels like the perfect day to run this guest post from Felony Govt.
Big thanks to Felony Govt and everyone else who has expressed interest in participating in this series!
Reminder: these guest posts are not open threads.
Reminder 2: we would love to see more guest posts on your thoughts about moving forward!
Go Big or Go Home!
by Felony Govt
To begin with, I don’t really have any answers. I’m still devastated and in shock over the election results, as I know most of you are. I spent the first month or two blaming various demographics who didn’t vote or voted the wrong way. First and foremost I blamed young white women. The people directly affected by Dobbs– what the hell were they thinking? And then the male Hispanics (including some of my in-laws) whose misogyny and, in many cases, racism, helped elect a vile racist. And some others. I’m now gradually putting all that aside and thinking about what I personally want to and can do and how we as a party and a group move forward.
I sent WaterGirl an article written by David Litt, an Obama speechwriter, for the Contrarian called “How to Drink From a Firehouse” about some strategies for opposing the barrage of executive orders and other atrocities from Trump’s first week in office in 2025. She asked me to summarize the salient points to add to the collection of “how can we move forward” ideas.
In re-reading it, I can’t agree with everything he says. But here are a few things I think are particularly important.
First, this laundry list of MAGA wish fulfillment, pardons, and general unhinged pronouncements (Greenland; The Gulf of America! WTF) is actually a message. Trump is trying to show that he is “getting things done”, betting that Americans might not like everything he’s doing but that they will go along, thinking he’s being strong and decisive, or else will be terrified.
In response, this article suggests that we “go small in our response.” Don’t focus on his pausing $40 billion in medical research, for example, because such a huge number is abstract and hard to comprehend. Don’t generalize that Trump is “ruining America”, because his fans and voters think that means he’s being effective and accomplishing what THEY want.
Instead, what are some of the tangible things that are resulting from these actions? Increased prices on specific commodities resulting from tariffs, or the threat of tariffs, are one example. The current “how does this bring down the price of eggs?” and “Trump is ruining breakfast” memes are a a great way of expressing this.
Another tangible effect is the many people being caught by surprise by the federal hiring freeze. The “Leopards Ate My Face” subreddit has a lot of these accounts (That subreddit, in addition to providing great schaudenfreude, is a good indicator of possible buyer’s remorse as it develops.)
Another point – don’t let Trump be the main character of the story you’re telling. Many Americans (inexplicably) like or admire him. Focus your attention on someone else instead. The example Litt provides is a good one:
“There’s a guy named Daniel Rodriguez. On January 5th, 2021, he texted his friends ‘There will be blood.’ On January 6th, when he stormed the Capitol, he grabbed a police officer and shocked him repeatedly in the neck with a stun gun. A jury of peers sentenced him to twelve years in prison for his violent crime. And less than 24 hours after taking office, Trump let Daniel Rodriguez back out on the street.”
In summary, Litt says we should stay “disciplined, focus on one story at a time, and keep the stakes small, clear and personal”. The point is to combat Trump’s clear overreaching.
Right now I’ve been concentrating my few efforts in trying to help my devastated Los Angeles. Going forward, I will continue to reflect on all of this, pick my battles based on what is most important to me and my family and people I care about, and try to strengthen my community.
“I spent the first month or two blaming various demographics who didn’t vote or voted the wrong way.“
I doubt there are many among us that didn’t feel this inclination. But it’s basically what is wrong with us right now. We were promised “demographics is destiny,” built an entire worldview on it, and are having a he’ll of a time getting over it, even as it proves to essentially serve right wing goals.
I partly agree with “go small,” but largely as a functional response to the reality that we have no effective big narrative we as a party can agree on. At some point I think we’re either going get to a “big” narrative about the rich trying to murder and enslave us all – within which we can fit all the small examples – or else the rich are going to mureder and enslave us all.
Those are all great tips. Thanks for posting. Best wishes for Los Angeles to show how to ‘build back better’…
@Bupalos: Before they murder and enslave us, they want to take our money and put it in their pockets. This is an important point. Nobody will believe the murder and enslave part until it is too late. If we point it out every time it happens, however, the taking our money part will quickly become obvious. Ex: The money cut from Medicaid, Medicare, Social Security and government grants, etc. will go to give tax cuts for the super wealthy.
Although it doesn’t accomplish anything, I will remain angry at “certain demographics” probably for the duration. In particular, it’s clear to me that an awful lot of white women are actually white supremacist women. (I know a few female Trump supporters. They once were my friends. They no longer are.)
@Josie: I am on a 4-way text chain with my two sisters and my cousins from CA. All 3 of them voted for Trump.
They are all very religious and ask for prayers for this or that.
So one of them asked for prayers for the unfortunate people on the plane that crashed, but of course none for the trans people and others who are fearing for their lives.
I considered asking them for prayers for all the trans people who are now living in fear, but based on “go small”, it seems like I should ask them to pray for the trans woman who Trump wants to transfer to a men’s prison where she can be raped and abused in every way possible.
Make them see the faces and the names of the individual people who are being hurt by the policies of the person they are thrilled to have as president.
@Josie: We might go small in specific cases, but always, always, undergird our messages that this specific case is part of the pattern that those guys front and center at the inauguration want all of the money. Yes, they have most of it, but they want all of it. Medicare, Social Security, Medicaid. NASA money. DOD contract money. Keep saying, Follow the money. Ask why Musk is so invested in controlling the government? What’s in it for him? What’s in it for Zuck, Bezos, etc., etc. to play this game? They should have all that they could possibly want, right? Not enough? Oh, not enough until they have all of what you have, too.
You are so nice. My response would be blunt, something like, “I doubt if your false piety will do a GD thing to reduce the suffering of their families. Do you know what will? Social Security Survivor’s benefits.”
Mr. Bemused Senior
I grew up and learned to drive in New York City. As a result I developed some bad habits which took me years to overcome. I still think unkind thoughts when observing other drivers’ overly aggressive behavior. I know, though, that responding angrily increases the danger. I tell myself my job is to avoid accidents, to increase safety.
So, even though anger is a natural response when dealing with a voter who chose the Leopards Eating Faces party, I will try to feel some compassion for a savaged countenance. Or at least to keep my harsh response unvoiced.
Today I saw a left-over yard sign that said “Trump Safety Kamala Crime.” Let’s keep an eye on crime rate and be sure to bring it to the attention of your MAGA relatives. For instance, everyone has heard of Laken Riley. But how many have heard of Victoria Wilson?
Victoria was a wife, mother of two and a home health care aide. She was killed in 2022 by a J6er who was so drunk she was driving the wrong way on the freeway. Her husband was seriously injured.
There are going to be a lot more violence and arrest stories about J6ers. Let’s shine a light on the victims of their rampages.
Unfortunately, I doubt that they are open to suggestions that they feel anything for trans people, black people, Latino people, or anyone else suffering due to Trump’s policies. I have come to the sad realization late in life that half of our populace is only affected by their pocketbooks and their hatred. We must meet them where they are.
@WaterGirl: I would be sooo tempted to tell them: “You voted for Satan. You had plenty of warning, but still you did. May God forgive you, because thousands will die because of your vote.”
But that’s just me. Good luck with reaching them.
The idea:
“take a small, obvious, bit of harmful stupidity, and talk about how it is no good thing by anyone’s stretch. And it’s Trump’s fault!”
That idea is great. What Trump wants is “a reality show where, every day, I’m vanquishing my enemies.”
Give him “a reality show where, every day, he’s hurting his friends.”
Yes, I know, the middle-class isn’t really “his friends.” But you can pretend you believe the lie, long enough to tell a stinging truth.
I have a friend whose husband works for the CDC and now I’m careful with what I ask. It is at the point where I’m afraid to endanger his job if I say anything. Oh and btw the last two wees have been interesting.
That is now the country we live in.
Also, DEI. “Inclusion” includes women.
Steve LaBonne
Also point out to people that he’s a weak whiny loser who blames everyone but himself when he screws up. Many of his voters, even outside the hard core of the cult, still see him as a strongman.
Mr. Bemused Senior
Give him a show where the audience laughs at him. One of his weaknesses is vanity. Point and laugh.
<emPerson quotes Anne Frank, another person responds with MAGA bs, original person points out how respondent can’t tell the difference between MAGA and Nazi rhetoric.
@Bupalos: Back at Pandagon, I once asked Amanda Marcotte about how the feminist narrative made men sound like *deliberate* participants. I don’t remember her answer, but it suddenly hit me, she was saying “of *course* ideas evolve to fit the native power structure! It’s not that *people* are nasty; it’s the ideas that are.”
Evolution happens due to small changes that turn useful, often in an unexpected manner. Well, ideas *do* evolve, okay, and if we can find the right anti-memitic, maybe we can kill a right wing meme, or, maybe we can seed an idea that blows up.
@WaterGirl: I’d be tempted (but probably would refrain) to ask for prayers for every ATC who isn’t a white man, because they’re going to be scrutinized for blame. I have to say, though, putting prison rape front and center with a real person, does have real power, and, it’s hard to excuse away. Some Trump fans excuse his nasty talk as “he just has to defend himself!”
@WaterGirl: They should pray for all of the women whose hard work will be dismissed by three letters.
Matt McIrvin
@TONYG: I’m gonna have to suppress a lot of my frustration at “why did the leopard eat MY face?” / “if only the Czar knew what the Cossacks are doing in his name” responses, because that’s where electoral gains come from.
(John Prine: “Your flag decal won’t get you into heaven any more.”)
Matt McIrvin
@WTFGhost: My friend Jacob Haller recorded a cover of that song, and when I was working on primitive proto-smartphones in the early 2000s, once I was trying to debug an issue that happened when storage was low and I filled the phone’s entire flash ROM with copies of it.
@Matt McIrvin: I know. The best thing I can think of is to develop my own hidden Maga avatar and whenever they post something go “GOOD. I’m Glad your damn criminal uncle is being sent back to Guadahellhole. The fewer of you rapists around here the better.” To remind them that indeed their Maga friends don’t care and actually are happy for every tear they shed.
Grumpy Old Railroader
So over at the Railroad Retirement Board*, us retirees could always rely on the RRB to distribute our form 1099 ahead of schedule (1099 is like a W-2, but for retired fossils). Today (Jan 31) is the drop dead date for mailing out those forms but no telling what monkey-wrenching has happened at the RRB.
Wait a minute. Does not receiving a form 1099 mean I won’t have to pay income taxes?
*Railroad Retirement is like Social Security and more, but only for rail industry workers
@Grumpy Old Railroader: Interesting question.
I wrote my Congress critter to express my outrage that Musk and his tech bros are getting access to the Federal payment system which includes Social Security. I do not want anybody mucking around in the system which distributes my Social Security check each month. This outrage is not a small thing, but it should focus the mind of retirees like myself who depend on the reliable delivery of Social Security every month.
Smiling Happy Guy (aka boatboy_srq)
@Josie: Fortunately, enough of them are dependent enough on the public resources President Musk (I love/hate saying that) is targeting and that Felonious Thunk is halting by executive temper-tantrum that they will feel it soon enough.
Of course they’ll tend to blame Teh Libz for their misfortune.
Gloria DryGarden
@Mr. Bemused Senior: no, he hates being mocked, though he dishes it out. It’s bear baiting, and it won’t go well. Might offend rather than convert his voters.
However, it makes sense to push hard on the accountability, and that he’s hurting his friends. He might not like it, but surely some of the truth of how much harm he’s causing, is starting to dawn on people