In case anyone wants to take a break from the news, here are all the sidebar images from January.
In no particular order. Click on any image to see the full-size.
Just enjoy the beauty, or also chime in with thoughts about a daily image in the sidebar.

For the bird and animal pics, I confess to choosing ones that reflect my mood that day.
So there are a lot of birds with attitude!
This reminds me that TaMara hasn’t posted in a while.
Wow – a day on the laptop has given me a whole new view of these! What beauty and calm captured, we have a talented crew here.
Dorothy A. Winsor
Love the pics! They are beautiful.
@TBone: As long as you’re on the laptop, click on the images to see bigger versions.
Miss Bianca
love the pics, thank you. The purty scenery ones always get me, but gotta say that the grumpy birb photos are usually the ones that get to me the most!
John S.
We got our first snow here in western Washington today, so I’m particularly enjoying the winter scenes.
Cowgirl in the Sandi
I have enjoyed the pictures – they are very soothing in this trying time.
Thanks Watergirl!
Thanks for the lovely pictures. Such a variety of scenic views, and I always enjoy seeing Raven’s beautiful face.
ETA: I am in favor of your posting such pictures every chance you get. We need all the calming effects all the time.
Terrific for the eyes and mind, WG, appreciate your and everyone’s ideas on coping through these times of DesperadoDon.
He nor the media gets nothing more than minimal time later in the days, if then. It’s my choice.
Unless a photo that was recently submitted to OTR or a Garden Chat catches my eye, I am typically mining the Media Library for photos for the month we are in.
By the end of January, I had gotten as far back as January 2021. Boy, some of those joyous images in the media library from 2021 are heartbreakers!
Today is the first of February, so I started with images from Feb 2023.
I am not a good photographer, but I so appreciate those who are!
@Josie: I think you mean Bohdi’s face? Or is it spelled Bodhi?
Either way, he is my spirit animal these days. On the days I feel more fierce, it’s the birds with attitude that speak for me.
You’re right. Got my sweet dogs confused.
Thanks for the Ozark Hillbilly photo.
Good stuff, photojackals!
Runner Girl having herself a day in South Carolina, where her team dominated in their heat, taking 1-6 and all breaking the facility record. One race left in a couple hours.
Another Scott
Made me look…
TinEye lists this as the oldest ‘No I haven’t seen the cat’ with that label (from February 25, 2014).
I found an earlier picture that has a watermark.
It’s Hessel and Hannes from BertJonkhans.NL.
It’s #57 in the slide show.
Hannes is the cat.
Best wishes,
The picture that we hold in our mind’s eyes right now? My wife and I were both awarded full funding for our sabbaticals – said sabbaticals start February 26th.
Beautiful, thanks so much! So important to take time off from all the ugliness and appreciate birds and animals and nature. ❤️
@Nelle: There are two of them! :-)
My favorite of Ozark’s is the single stem of what must be a grass. It’s the one that went up on 1/5/25.
@Another Scott: Yeah, that’s were the word “typically” comes in.
I went looking for that particular photo for 1/21/25 when I thought we might all need to see that one!
@Hildebrand: That’s wonderful! A full year, or 6 months?
@Another Scott: Maybe I should also say that when I am looking through February 2023, that only shows me images that were uploaded to the media library during that month, regardless of when they were taken.
Steve LaBonne
Beauty and peace also come via our ears.
These have been so gorgeous and a real respite, no matter how discouraging the rest of the news. Thanks so much to WaterGirl and all the photographers!
@WaterGirl: Only 4 months. But even that sounds like an embarrassment of riches right now.
Another Scott
@WaterGirl: @WaterGirl:
I was posting to try to help with the “unknown”. I know you and pretty much everyone here likes to spread the credit around when possible!
Thanks for all you do.
Best wishes,
@WaterGirl: that’s the whole new view! These are all so lovely.
@Hildebrand: Even 4 months is quite a long time. Congratulations!
I’m partial to landscapes but these are all great. I’m glad you’re doing this.
@WaterGirl: Here’s the trick to being a good photographer: take 100 pictures and throw out 99. Or maybe 1000/999.
@Another Scott: Duh. I totally missed your drift. thank you.
Who doesn’t need a best friend like they have?
@frosty: Hahaha
I may have to stick to enjoying the photos other people take. I don’t think I have the patience to take that many pictures!
@WaterGirl: Motor drive! Or whatever they call it now – burst mode?
The real effort is looking through all of them.
These are beautiful, and I enjoyed seeing each one when it appeared during the month. Thank you!
I hope TaMara is okay. She hasn’t posted lately.
@WaterGirl: Remember Raven brought down the sun and warmth to all of humanity, hence the blackened feathers – birds don’t even have to look to fierce to surprisingly badass.
@MCat: @Baud:
I have seen TaMara in the comments a couple of times recently. If I had to guess, she is taking a break from the relentless negatively. Just a guess, though, no inside information.
With any luck, if we’re good, maybe she will get back to posting again soon.
comrade scotts agenda of rage
What Nelle said.
Or those paintings by GrumpyOldRailroader?
@comrade scotts agenda of rage: Yes, those are paintings.
Beautiful landscapes. I figure “Image by” covers paintings as well as photos.
comrade scotts agenda of rage
Very nice. And for anybody who wants to see more of his work:
Winter Wren
What a great set of images! When I see them in the sidebar daily (contrasted with the negative news), I find myself wanting to press a “like” button or otherwise comment to acknowledge and show appreciation for the images and their authors.
@Another Scott: This picture makes me laugh every time I see it…it’s just soul cleansing…
@Scuffletuffle: Possibly the cutest photo of love and trust ever.