“Not surprised. Disgusted.”: Capt. Sully Sullenberger responds to Donald Trump’s attempt to blame the D.C. plane crash on DEI
#LastWord— The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell (@lastword.msnbc.com) January 30, 2025 at 11:21 PM
Something that I think is probably important to note, in the aftermath of a very bad and likely very preventable tragedy, is it's unlikely that Trump's/Musk's actions directly caused it. But they are still going to cock a lot of very important things up and cause huge problems and hurt themselves.
— Schnorkles O'Bork (@schnorkles.bsky.social) January 30, 2025 at 10:29 AM
To explain:
I’d consider ATC as a type of job that people who’ve worked in say, high level server administration, can kind of understand. It’s high precision, very low tolerance for error, but also quite routine. Sure, there are emergencies that happen.
Things like near misses, flights that have to jump the line because they’re running low on fuel, delays, etc. All of these things can be very bad, but most of the time the system is quite routine.
In routine systems, you can just limp along with skeleton crews with no problems for a long time. The problem is when the stress is placed on the system. Everyone gets sick? Congratulations, the fact that you don’t have spare shifts means all ATC is out.
Something like this: a disaster, places the absolute most stress on a system. Anyone who’s done disaster response knows this. This is when the system requires itself to be the most robust and complete, because the administrative burden placed on it will be enormous.
None of that exists because of Trump and co., and so the rolling dumpster fire of an aftermath to this tragedy will firmly sit on their heads and they SHOULD be blamed for it.
As above, so below…
I feel like people are also missing the quite major implication of Elon Musk trying to physically take over government buildings to shut down spending
Elon Musk, at least, plainly either 1: does not believe Trump will authorize him to do what he wants or 2: does not think SCOTUS will allow same
— ellie lockhart (she/they) (@eleanor.lockhart.contact) February 2, 2025 at 6:20 PM
Several conversations today w people in the key executive departments. And while the particulars are hard to pin down my impression is that the Musk take over stuff is considerably worse than is being presented in the press. By this I don’t necessarily things they *done* yet but the level of …
— Josh Marshall (@joshtpm.bsky.social) February 2, 2025 at 12:09 AM
2/ they already have over key computer systems, payment systems, etc. and with the press picture it’s not that things aren’t getting out. The stuff abt the Treasury payments systems and control over certain computer networks has been reported. It’s more putting together the big picture abt how …
3/ different pieces fit together. There also seems to be a significant amount of downloading government data onto private servers, etc, totally outside any cybersecurity regime. Additionally it’s unclear to the people inside whether the people doing these things actually work for the US govt…
4/ who they are, whether they’re even American citizens. They all seem to be Thiel and Musk protégés. And I’ve had multiple references to their refusing to identify themselves by anything but first name. The rationale given is that they could be doxed.
5/ One additional point and to be clear this latter stuff isn’t from my reporting just pieced together other reports and what musk is saying himself. They’re into th ex treasury payment system and claiming they’ve already found like $4B in “savings” a day.
6/ It’s important to know what this means. This is simple his DOGE team reviewing the US federal budget, law of the land and deciding which parts aren’t necessary. It sounds like they’re saying they will unilaterally cut these funds with control over the check writing at Treasury.
7/ They’re not saying that last part explicitly but that’s certainly the logic of what they’re saying. (Go look at his tweets over thd last two days). So a group of Musk protégés seem to be overruling the US federal budget. Impoundment by the president is illegal. It’s hard to think through …
8/ the levels of illegality having a group of people who don’t even seem to be US government employees doing it.
Musk has succeeded — he’d be the first to tell you, whether or not he was asked — by Moving Fast and Breaking Things. Every toddler appreciates this mantra! Eventually, however, the grownups swaddle toddler in a blanket, hopefully before someone calls the fire department…
Spiritually channeling a message to you guys consisting of words that would not look good printed out
— Mira of Kyiv ???? (@reshetz.bsky.social) February 2, 2025 at 2:45 PM
dead serious, elon musk is in toon town, he is fucking mentally completely off the reservation. these posts are a call for somebody to put a body on him.
wrap this guy in a purrito like a little baby and ship him off to somewhere— not an art thief (@famousartthief.bsky.social) February 2, 2025 at 4:14 PM
I recall a time, a few months ago, when I fervently hoped I would never have to read about Trump or Musk again.
That time did not come and I won’t live to see it.
I agree that Eon’s movements bear watching. Trouble is, I don’t understand the game he is playing. Bloodless coup, perhaps?
I will try to word this in a way that wouldn’t get anyone freaked out that the cops who are definitely not monitoring this blog would somehow see this:
I am starting to wish someone would give Musk a free vacation. To a very hot place. A very very very hot place.
Musk is going to get himself killed. Will it matter if that comes via friend or foe? And in this time and place, who is to say who is whom?
J. Arthur Crank
It is a pity his parents did not name him “George Soros”. In that case, every GOP representative, Senator, etc. would be howling and calling for immediate investigations, arrests, deportations, etc.
@featheredsprite: I think Josh Marshall has it figured out. He’s got control of Treasury payments, has figured out what hr thinks should be cut, and he won’t make the payments.
Forget about quaint concepts like laws against Presidential impoundment. He’s outside of the legal system and the Constitution. The voters elected Trump, the Senate confirmed his Treasury Secretary who gave Musk the keys to the vault.
What’s going to stop this? Legislation? Injunctions? To quote Joe Stalin: “How many divisions do they have?”
I’m going to try to get some sleep now. See you in the morning.
@KatKapCC: Seconded, mon ami.
Yep ,we are seeing the death of the federal govt. Eventually even these clowns in congress won’t get paid either. There won’t be a DOJ to help them.
@columbusqueen: they’re going to destroy our country. Time for maximum pushback.
@Ksmiami: From whom? By what methods?
My thoughts exactly. Maybe then they’ll wake up. But probably not, since so many of them are millionaires themselves and probably don’t even notice when the paycheck hits their account
I do wonder why Republican governors aren’t making more noise, since the non-payments are/will directly impact operations in their states. What’s in it for them?
@KatKapCC: the people. I mean a whole March on our Washington. National strike. Blue states need to stop funding the us government. Shut them down
@Ksmiami: Sure, that’ll happen.
March on Washington — adorable how you think Trump wouldn’t send the National Guard, the military, police, hired goons, etc after every person there
National strike — you gonna pay people’s bills for them? You gonna personally step in to fill necessary jobs?
Blue states stop funding the government — yes, there couldn’t possibly be any negative repercussions from that flowing back at us from this government
You seem to do nothing but parachute into threads with your ARGLE BARGLE LET’S NUKE RUSSIA AND RIP THE DICKS OFF EVERY REPUBLICAN bullshit, with seemingly zero understanding of how anything works. This is not helpful and it makes you sound like a child.
@KatKapCC: Well then, I guess that’s it.
Bruce K in ATH-GR
I came to a realization the other day: I can no longer complain about the unrealistic schemes and motivations of the villains of James Bond movies.
Sadly, the one thing we’re missing in our real-life James Bond scenario is James Bond.
@Bruce K in ATH-GR: Aren’t they cartoonish? Dick Tracy gangsters.
Remember how the American people reacted when the Hoover administration cleared Hooverville.
Remember our ancestors organized to form unions and how so many in power responded by hiring goons to intimidate and kill people.
Believing in the power of protest is no childlike thing to do in this country.
Finally recall Benjamin Franklin’s warning that those who would trade liberty for security will get neither.
@kindness: Waiting for a manager to let us out of the building tonight, one of my coworkers said the same thing. Musk should remember what happened to the UHC CEO. This crap is going to create a whole lot of enemies for Musk.
Who cares if trump/musk are to blame for the accident – just blame then anyways – they like to blame others – see how they cope with this one.
@KatKapCC: oh fuck off we aren’t powerless and yes it’s not easy, or without risk, but dammit if we should sit back and take it.
And you sound like someone who lets fear dictate their lives. Blue states are not powerless, the people are not powerless.
elon wants to be more than the richest man, he wants to be in charge of everything, he wants to justify being the world’s wealthiest person by owning his own country, one of a lot of residents and a military that he can run to make him even more powerful.
Now that may not be exactly his desired result but come up with a better one.
From ellie lockhart tweet in the post:
I think Occam’s razor indicates it is more likely that Musk lives by the “easier to ask forgiveness than get permission” mantra
And he doesn’t think he will need forgiveness.
@JaySinWA: Of course that is the essence of the “move fast and break things” philosophy.
Betty Cracker
@🐾BillinGlendaleCA: The UHC incident definitely spooked Apartheid Clyde. He told his Twit followers that killing CEOs “is not based,” and he wears one of his spawn as a human shield these days.
Betty Cracker
People are doxxing the Musk minions on Bsky, and there were accounts of folks confronting them at a building in DC. Things could get interesting real fast.
strange visitor (from another planet)
i figured it out. we’re not living through a retread of 1984. we’re in a cyberpunk novel.
@Betty Cracker:
Things could get interesting real fast.
I imagine that they will. Between shitforbrains and his filthy rich “buddy” they might just have suck themselves on one of the sharpest points in all of in DC. I sort of wonder how they will take the concept of actual responsibility for being complete and utter jackasses. Or if they will ever even actually ever realize that they are, complete and utter jackasses. And while they may have 4 legs between them, they still are each, on their own, utter jackasses.
@Betty Cracker: I doubt that would make a difference for some folk.
@Ruckus: Ohio’s newest Senator is oblivious to all of this.
I am amazed at how thick the walls of their bubble are. You would think that Elon sending a troop of possibly not even American adolescent dropouts in to steal information from one of our most sensitive databases would get some attention, but ..no. Not reported on Faux so it didn’t happen.
I had hopes for Husted from ten or more years ago. But meanwhile he has just lost it.
@J. Arthur Crank: I see why Soros is less involved this decade. His proteges have turned into the biggest problems. Victor Orban was an early one. Scott Bassent at Treasury.was an actual partner of his.
Fake victory incoming?
It’ll be like Tail Gunner Joe: it won’t stop until Elmo & minions go after the military, and sadly I don’t mean their anti-DEI moves. There’s enough support among the “yes sir, how high sir?” crowd (and of course the current crop of appointees) to let that happen. It’ll be cutting pay, cutting somebody important’s big defense project, general disrespect of high-ranking white guys, or actually sending soldiers to die for some stupid matter. tRump’s automatons are all about the big swinging dick (to a hammer every problem looks like a nail) so that’s the only gubmint institution they think is worthwhile. Elmo could get in trouble there.
@Baud: I have two stepkids working in industrial Ohio whose jobs are about to blow up and away under these tariffs. Neither voted for Trump but we live in Ohio so we kind of deserve it.
Viva BrisVegas
If Canada promises to stop the flood of fentanyl across it’s border, will that be enough? Particularly as there is no flood of fentanyl to stop.
Does Trump know what he wants? Sorry, silly question. Has anybody told Trump what he is supposed to want?
Sorry about the innocent.
@Viva BrisVegas:
I don’t know. I think he wants his people and the media to call him a tough negotiator. His people and the media want to call him a tough negotiator. So we’ll see.
There’s a reason he didn’t make the tariffs immediately effective.
@Viva BrisVegas: He wants whatever his screaming, lacking ego wants. Nothing that rational people can figure out.
If you haven’t worked with an actual narcissist boss you haven’t had the full human experience. Or the crab bucket experience, with everyone clawing to the top for survival with no bigger idea of what survival is. Just clawing to live another day.
I guess Jay has gone to bed. I will ask tomorrow. He actually got called up for military service in Canada?
Has Tony Jay posted recently? I miss his tl/dr posts. Did he announce he’s taking a hiatus?
He’s taking a break.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
@Baud: I think the Press is starting to wise up to Trump’s BS
Sounds like Trump is scared of President Claudia.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
@Viva BrisVegas: Trump and his staff perfectly well know the Tariffs are a disaster, the problem is Trump’s big mouth boxed them in. So, just like Columbia, Trump will look for some BS reason to claim victory to get out of it.
@Enhanced Voting Techniques: Columbia or Colombia? Sometimes spelling matters.
Get it wrong and you look like an idiot, even if you are not an idiot.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
@p.a.: That’s quite a contradiction, they want to invade Canada, Greenland, Mexico, have a war with China while Musk is shutting the government down. The FBI does counter espionage.
@Enhanced Voting Techniques: Good luck with all that invasion stuff if you limit yourself to recruiting white cis men ( very limited pool, mostly cowards, even afraid of cis women.)
Gloria DryGarden
@Enhanced Voting Techniques: well Trudeau said he’d been calling trump, but hadn’t spoken to him yet.
wait til someone doesn’t return trumps calls…
Oh, and, easy to mistake thus spelling, but I think you meant Colombia. It’s an O. The U ones are towns in the USA.
@Gloria DryGarden: Which of his high-level 1st admin appointees said something like “trying to explain something to him is like talking to a five year old”?
Imagine the “conversations” now!
Gloria DryGarden
@p.a.: I worked with 3, 4, and 5 year olds for 15 years. I know what tantrums look like.
I wish there were interventions that worked with the most difficult ones, but trust that with time most people become civilized.
Having a bit of a struggle finding and maintaining a sense of humor these last 2 days. I think I’ve used up a years worth of f-bombs.
Well, we all did want them to get what they voted for good and hard. This is what that feels like. This week is going to be lit, wondering if the SS deposits due on the first went out. If they did, then the big FO is next week when the next batch is due to go out. If they don’t, Elon’s going to need to drape more kids around himself and it still might not help.
Technically speaking, we wanted them to continue to be able to free ride on our efforts. They chose another path.
@satby: Yep. Find Out.
Shouldn’t we at least have received a new terms of service agreement we could pretend to read before checking I agree?
@Ksmiami: Let me know when your power ring emits even the littlest glimmer of light, Green Lantern.
Ms. Deranged in AZ
How is this not a coup? How is the press not shouting this from the roof tops? This is an absolute nightmare.
Thank heavens our legislators are banning TikTok. It’s good to know they are resolute in preventing harvesting of citizens data by unelected, unaccountable non-governmental actors. //s
What, and lose access? We can read about it in the books coming out in 2029.
@Ms. Deranged in AZ: It’a coup. Just not a very exciting military one, so they didn’t notice.
It would certainly be a different world if he were a Black South African as well.
Scamp Dog
For what it’s worth, I will be making a visit to my congressman’s local office today. He’s Gabe Evans, a Patrick Henry College graduate who flew helicopters in the military. His official website features an interview with Anderson Cooper about the DC mid-air collision in which he sounded reasonable, but he is a PHC grad meaning he’s probably a complete political and religious nutjob.
I will be limiting my remarks to whatever staffer I talk to about Musk getting access to the Treasury payment system, along with his six twenty-something minions (I need to come up with a better term).
Anybody have any suggestions for talking points or ways of approaching them?
@KatKapCC: If you are going to stop Trump and Musk, people are going to die. If you decide you don’t want anyone to die for this at all, that it’s not worth it, then congratulations, this is the new status quo. You’re Russia in spring 2022 or maybe Israel in 2024, with lots of big friendly peaceful protests that change not one single thing.
@Baud: the free-riding is partly why we got to this point. Correction was overdue. It sucks that we’re going to suffer too. On the other hand, Republican policies basically blighted my entire adult life, with occasional short term improvement brought by Democratic policies, quickly rolled back by Republicans when they get back in power. So I’m somewhat prepared. The MAGA folks aren’t. Hoping all the schadenfreude doesn’t kill me.
I don’t want to jinx anything so I won’t say much. BUT don’t EVER give up. Never ever EVER. Miracles can happen. That is all for now.
Almost a week ago there was a fbook post about a local ICE raid with the expected comments. I posted my thoughts, including news articles on the hypocrisy of the sabotage of the (really harsh) immigration reform laws by conservatives in W-time & tRump last year. I’m still getting fbook reports on X, Y, Z commenting on my week-old posts. Not reading them; I know what they’re saying and I’ve said my piece & moved on, but JFC one week later, these people are pathetic! And dangerous.
Gonna be some interesting conversations in the collision repair biz this morning.
sentient ai from the future
Krugman calling it a coup this morning. Maybe that’ll move the needle?
@Enhanced Voting Techniques: Trump also said he’d talked to Egyptian President al Sisi since he proposed moving Gaza residents to Egypt and Jordan. Al Sisi’s office said no, if there had been such a conversation they would have provided a “read out,” or summary.
PAM Dirac
My federal pension check from OPM was posted to my bank account this morning on time.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@Ms. Deranged in AZ:
It is a coup.
Because they’re a bunch of suckups.
No argument here. The Muskovites just came in and shut down USAID without any legal authority. We’re through the looking glass.
Yes. And … 1) The U.S. corporate media has absolutely failed to report on what is happening. 2) The Democratic Party has absolutely failed to protest what is happening. The whole thing seems to be an inside job. (And don’t tell me the lame excuse that Congress is out of session. That is a fucking excuse.)
sentient ai from the future
Shitty wapo reporters farming reddit r/fednews about the coup. Yeah, talk to reporters who’ve talked shit about fed employees before, in the employ of bezos.
Chris Johnson
@featheredsprite: Outright sabotage in order to flee to Russia a hero, in hopes of inheriting the country once Putin dies.
Dorothy A. Winsor
So why are we paying Congress to do anything? Control of the purse, making laws, etc? All unnecessary now.
@Chris Johnson:
He won’t need to flee. Trump is divvying up the spoils. Melon Husk got first pick.
Professor Bigfoot
@HopefullyNotcassandra: That’s because Hooverville was full of white people.
As was pointed out on Jan 6 2021, if Black people do that kind of shit, we will be mowed down with impunity, and white America will shrug and go on about its business.
Don’t tell me it won’t, history tells me otherwise.
Professor Bigfoot
@Ksmiami: I’m both enjoying and am quite perturbed at watching white people argue about “what to do” and “you must be afraid.”
“Chile,” Black folks been through worse, and we’re still here.
Professor Bigfoot
@Betty Cracker: I kinda wondered about that– like doesn’t anyone in these positions have the ovaries to say, “hol’ up, MF, WTF are you doing, step the fuck away from those servers or catch these hands?”
Chris Johnson
@MomSense: He will need to flee, because either enough people will remain with gas, vehicles, guns, and Italian plumber suits to make it too hot for him to stay, or Russia will actually end up the more First World-like place to live in provided you don’t leave Moscow.
I’m pretty sure the ketamine in Musk’s brain is telling him that with enough climate change all of Russia will become awesome farmland like Ukraine was, and that upending the entire world to curry favor with Russia will be teh awesome. Because clearly ALL that happens with climate change is that temperate zones just quietly shift, right? And imagine all the Arctic shipping.
These people are fucking idiots thinking they’re geniuses. It is STUPID and yet I’m pretty sure they’re convinced they’re on to something. Running 1000 gamer cards to do a private anti-woke AI and asking it how great Russian agriculture will be, and then believing what it says and plunging the world into chaos because of that…
@MomSense: Something I read yesterday claimed that Musk and Thiel are setting up that “One World Government” that the MAGAs are always accusing liberals of planning. Of course, I can’t see Trump as being more than just a regional governor if they succeed. Previously I would have written that post off as hyperbole, but Musk has control of the US Treasury now and Trump hasn’t said boo about it, so maybe there’s something to it. Trump thinks Musk is doing his bidding, but it really looks like Trump reports to Musk.
Chris Johnson
@Professor Bigfoot: I agree completely and would point out, white people are now in the crosshairs and the ones who’re meant to suffer on a massive scale.
White people. MAGAs. Even defense contractors. Those are the ones being targeted. White federal employees.
What I see in black circles (at least publically, and especially black women) is ‘have fun with that, we’re out’ which is exactly the right attitude to have. My current attitude is to do everything possible to stop black people from being blamed for any of this. It isn’t black people in power now doing this to us. Half the time they don’t even bother to lay that blame. And don’t forget black people are the low-hanging fruit and what they really want is to move fast and disenfranchise women, full stop. Not ‘black women’, literally half the population, literally women. Get rid of all the women. That’s the next hurdle they’ll try to reach.
I drew the connection to TikTok in my messages to Congresspersons yesterday.
Today’s calls are going to be: THIS IS A COUP. YOU NEED TO STAND IN THE WAY.
And I mean, physically stand in the way. USAID is apparently still closed to its employees this morning. Congresspersons need to show up and demand admittance. If they can’t get let in, then they need to call up the U.S. Marshals to get them in. If the U.S. Marshals refuse, they need to ask “on whose orders? By what authority?” and take it from there.
But it’s important that they directly confront the seriousness of what’s happening, rather than hear about it from their offices.
Trump works for Musk. Vance has been wicked quiet because he and Thiel are thick as thieves.
Professor Bigfoot
More like, “get CONTROL of all the women.”
These people are slavers, right down to their DNA. It’s literally how they think.
Who else is seeing these postings for 50 protests in 50 days?
This went out from “Pantsuit Nation.”
Jacob Hale Albuquerque Reddit.
Community Safety Warning: February Protests
We have, within the past 2 days, received an influx of dozens of posts promoting protests/events occurring in early February. Common terms include “50 protests in 50 states” and “50501”.
A quick review reveals these to be extremely suspect for the following reasons:
1. All have been posted by new accounts, or accounts that have never/minimally been active in /r/Albuquerque.
2. There are never any details issued other than brief “meet at the capitol, meet at city hall,” etc. Information stated in text may conflict with that presented in graphics. No organizers, permits, speakers, etc. are ever mentioned.
3. Follow up questions (both in comments and Mod mail) are unanswered, aside from brief, cryptic comments like “you’ll find out what we’re planning when you get there.”
4. Mentions of this event on other social media are overwhelmingly similarly faceless in nature (e.g, AI voice only, “I [new account] heard about this but I won’t be able to go”).
This is all extremely fishy and we ask you to please treat it with extreme caution.
I’ve left one post up (and included with it this same safety warning). All further posts promoting this event will be removed.
Trump is a figurehead.
@lowtechcyclist: U.S. Marshalls work for the Justice Department. They’ll answer, “By AG Bondi’s authority.”
@Professor Bigfoot:
I think I read in one of yesterday’s threads that the USAID officials tried to physically block the Muskovites from their servers, and the Muskovites called the cops on them and had the USAID officials physically removed. (No, I don’t know which cops.)
Professor Bigfoot
@MomSense: “…thick as thieves.”
Was there EVER a more appropriate description of these sonsabitches?
THIEVES, every damn one of them.
YY_Sima Qian
As I elaborated in Comment #15 of today’s Ukraine post, there are very clear signs that the Peter Thiel/Elon Must types are looking to transform the world order from that of “liberal internationalism” (a.k.a. “liberal hegemony”), which had prevailed since the onset of the Cold War 1.0, to an even more primitive form of rivaling great powers each w/ their formal/semi-formal sphere of influence. In this new arrangement, the US will assert Monroe Doctrine 2.0 in the Western Hemisphere, while Russia is expected to be the hegemon of fUSSR/Warsaw Pact countries, the PRC the hegemon of E/SE Asia, India the hegemon of South Asia, MENA a free for all among regional powers, & the rest are buffer zones or “Sh*tholes”.
The tariffs against Canada & Mexico, design on Greenland & the Panama Canal, & threats against Columbia, should be seen in the light of establishing a formal sphere of influence in the Americas.
@YY_Sima Qian: Colombia not Columbia
Last time I can recall anyone coming in and physically shutting down a Federal office was in October 1973, when they shut down the Special Prosecutor’s office in the Saturday Night Massacre.
That was a Big Fucking Deal, and the media treated it as such.
I’m not expecting them to do the same now. Worthless suckups.
@sab: here’s Jay’s post from last night about his call up.
@Professor Bigfoot: if we weren’t both already committed, I would consider asking for your hand in marriage. As it stands, may I subscribe to your newsletter?
(This is also a reply to #78.)
@NeenerNeener: I read there’s Swiss cheese on the moon.
Can you provide evidence? Even a link? Can’t bad shit go down without a fucking conspiracy theory?
Canada is still part of the British Commonwealth, right? Although they’re an independent country they still have Chuck III on their money. Can they expect help from Great Britain and other Commonwealth countries if Trump tries to invade? So much for Trump’s great relationship with the British Royal Family.
@AWOL: Unfortunately I read so many posts about the take over of the Treasury yesterday that I don’t remember where I read it. It was fairly long, though.
Chris Johnson
@Quinerly: Good response. This is going to be a troll attempt to produce a ‘violent uprising’ that Trump’s people can turn the military loose on.
If anybody DOES show up there will be agent provocateurs trying to incite mindless violence and then sneaking away.
Don’t trust ANY ‘public uprising’ memes. That’s not how any of this works. It’s a trap.
YY_Sima Qian
@frosty: Thanks for the correction.
@Bruce K in ATH-GR:
Or a John Steed and Emma Peele / Tara King, or a Napoleon Solo and Illya Kuryakin, or a Matt Helm, or a Derek Flint.
@NeenerNeener: You may have been thinking of the “Network State.” A couple mights ago a commenter linked to a post by Gil(?) Duran about it on his nerdreich.com site. The Network State is a concept popular among techno-fascists, whereby tech titans like Musk and Thiel would create an authoritarian, transnational government.
Duran cites Balaji Srinivasan as a prominent proponent of the Network State.
Matt McIrvin
@Quinerly: Huh.
I’ve seen some secondhand mention of those messages and was going to check it out, glad to hear the warning (but suspect I’d have regarded it as suspicious).
Also a DSA protest for trans rights in NYC today, but that one looks legit (debate about it hinges on how people feel about the DSA; personally, I’d be fine with attending their actions, they’re not the Green Party).
@Geminid: Yeah, that sounds very familiar. And not all that different than what post 91 says above.
@Matt McIrvin: The DSA often gets tagged for actions of a wider group of Lefties. They’re actually a faily small group numbering less than 100,000. I don’t especially care for their politics but they’re not cynical, they’re not accelerationists, and they don’t spend much time trashing the Democratic Party so I have no big problems with them.
I had a back-and-forth with a commenter here who was DSA. This was in Summer of 2023 and he was about to attend the DSA’s Bienniel Convention as a delegate. I was kind of hoping for a report; I only saw a comment by him a few months later saying he’d left the organization.
Matt McIrvin
@Geminid: Yeah. They don’t bother me the way the involvement of Bob Avakian’s Revolutionary Communist Party in some protests of old did.