Today is the day for the 50-50-1 protests. This site has a list of all the planned protests.
Earlier today, Adam re-tweeted this post from the Kennebec County (Maine) Democrats who said they believe that today’s event was infiltrated by bad actors. Others commenting on the post have said it’s back on. This is going to be the first of many actions. Make your own decisions about your safety, but keep all of the following in mind if you do go:
I’ll be at the Denver protest. Stay safe out there!
I am guessing I’ll arrive at the CO capitol around 4pm? Got some logistics to do first after landing at DIA.
So reading between the lines some dems from Maine heard their protest might get a little spicy so they called it off and complied. Ok. Back to reading about white liberals in Letter From a Birmingham Jail.
The more I read those protest guidelines the more my blood boils.
@E.: heat resistant gloves?
This is so much smarter than Schumer’s hideously framed ‘stop the steal’ bill:
“Rep. Mark Pocan has introduced the ELON MUSK act which would ban ‘special’ government employees like Musk from having federal contracts. The full title of the bill is the Eliminate Looting of Our Nation by Mitigating Unethical State Kleptocracy Act.”
Was that related to selling US Steel?
VA vets are next in Musk’s crosshairs:
I hope the ELON MUSK bill will clearly limit the role of special governmental employees to an advisory capacity only: no ability to hire, fire, or place anyone on leave; no ability to give orders to other Federal employees, and a ban on any other Federal employees delegating any of these powers to a special governmental employee.
Fuck me running, my local Dem Committee posted our protest times, locations, etc. on Fascistbook! Auuuugh!!!
I do not fuck around on the Zuck for anything but gatdangit my hubby will!
However, they REALLY upped their website game! Kudos for this, at least.
@RaflW: amen!
comrade scotts agenda of rage
I’ll be there wearing my bright gold/yellow University of Colorado hoodie so as to be easy to find/avoid.
@TBone: can’t see the page, it is a closed FB Group. WTF
Joined but feel dirty now. Membership pending…
No, I think there is reason for concern. Hopefully it will be ok.
All protests are infiltrated with bad actors, by someone’s standards. There is no purity in protest and this is not the time to start calling for it.
I’ll be down probably between 12:30 and 1:00.
We old people were ambivalent, due to ice storm predictions. But then we had an emergency call for childcare and no way will we (ages 73 and 81) take a 2 year old to a protest. Time to make more phone calls.
Emily B.
50-50-1 still seems a bit…opaque. I would like to know more about it before joining any of their events. I’m still feeling burned after discovering from the Mueller Report that the “Not My President” march that I attended in November 2016 was organized by Russian trolls.
Plenty of Indivisible actions taking place this week.
Ten Bears
You know this bunch is just looking for any excuse to declare Martial Law …