Teach a man a fact, and he’s smart for a day. Teach a man to reason, and he’s a pain in the ass to his social betters for the rest of his life. # A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U …
Balloon Juice Dictionary
We are making great progress with the dictionary, but there are still some glaring omissions. We need definitions for the following: birthers teabaggers clown shoes Black Jimmy Carter Clap Louder And a pony Daydream believers Chewbacca defense Tinkerbell strategy I smell a pulitzer! KMBA Spectering tire gauges He’s a Celebrity Palling around with terrorists I …
Kicking It Up a Notch
We’ve joked that the right-wing loves to play the victim, but our lady of perpetual outrage has kicked it up a notch and is now engaging in what can only be described as preemptive victimhood: “Get ready for the anti-Tea Party sabotage and smear campaign” For the next 9 days, the left-wing blogosphere and left-wing …
Where’s The Street-Wise Hercules?
Glancing at memeorandum, it appears the wingnut tour de farce shows no sign of letting up: Soon after President Barack Obama signed an executive order lifting the ban on the use federal funding of embryonic stem cells in medical research, the wizards behind the White House web site posted the photo above. Though I find …
Looks Like They Found Their Liberal Media CNN-Spiracy
ZOMG! CNN let people other than Republicans ask questions during the debate last night! And some of them have even declared support for DHIMMOCRATS! Take it away, Michelle: Update: More plant excavation…Abortion questioner is a declared Edwards’ supporter… and the Log Cabin Republican questioner is a declared Obama supporter…and lead toy questioner is a union …
Looks Like They Found Their Liberal Media CNN-SpiracyPost + Comments (82)
Tragedy Strikes Arizona: Fuck off, Sarah Palin. Seriously. Just Fuck Off.
I hope you’re happy, you vile malevolent joke of a human being. I just got a panicked call from my mother asking me if I had heard what happened. I hadn’t checked the news yet today because I’m frantically working on a brief. She said that there had been a shooting. My first thought was “Oh my …
Tragedy Strikes Arizona: Fuck off, Sarah Palin. Seriously. Just Fuck Off.Post + Comments (311)