We are looking for people who want to do some serious testing once we are at that stage in the BJ site rebuild.
Please think about whether you might have some time for that, and start thinking about the devices etc that you have available for testing. We want to identify people who access Balloon Juice on various devices (laptops or tablets or phones), using various operating systems (Windows, Linux, MacOS, iOS, etc.) and various browsers (Safari, Chrome, Firefox, etc.)
The emphasis will be on having testers who can test on more than one device, or use more than one browser, or use more than one operating system. No rollout of any system has ever been perfect, probably in the history of the world, so I don’t expect this one to be, either.
Some examples: Dell Inspiron laptop, running Windows 7, browsers Firefox (version #) and Google Chrome (version #) OR MacBook Pro running High Sierra (10.13.6), browser: Safari 12.1 OR iPad, running iOS 12.2, browser: Safari 12.2.
You can volunteer in this thread or send email to me at BJfestivus at the google mail place. We really want to put the site to the test: pressing every button, clicking every link, trying the same thing on multiple devices, operating systems or browsers. If that sounds too tedious, then this isn’t the job for you.
Thanks in advance to all who volunteer to participate!
Lining up Volunteers to Test the New SitePost + Comments (59)