The weekend has arrived, and it’s a great time to do something to help defend democracy.
My local Democrats Abroad chapter is holding a little event tomorrow at a trendy city pub (one of the owners is a Maryland voter). A team will be on hand to help expats check their voter registration and request their ballots. Happily, the t-shirt I ordered back in August arrived just in time:
The DNC is also doing its bit in these last weeks of the campaign! Commenter Scout211 flagged up a DNC press release in the morning open thread: for the first time, they’ll be sending cash to the party committees of all 50 states (and our seven territories) to support downballot candidates. The announcement states that $2.5 million is being disbursed as grants, and that some of this of grant money is earmarked for supporting GOTV organizations focused on Black, Puerto Rican, and native voters (among others).
There’s a POLITICO story (sorry) which offers some more context on exact amounts:
- $400,000 to Florida
- $100,000 to Missouri, to help break the GOP’s state legislature supermajority
- $70,000 to Idaho, with a focus on GOTV for the Nez Perce nation
Democrats in array! What are your plans for the weekend, GOTV or otherwise? I’ve got a ton of batch cooking planned: soup stock, bread, pulled-turkey taco meat, and tomato sauce, since a friend has given me some of her last tomatoes.
Open thread.