What is going on next door in Ohio is a pretty big deal for abortion rights:
Three months after a failed attempt by abortion opponents to make it harder to amend the state constitution, Ohioans will head to the polls again Nov. 7 to decide whether to enshrine reproductive rights in the state constitution. Early voting is already underway, television ads are proliferating and millions in political money is flowing into Ohio. The amendment’s backers have outraised the antiabortion side, but together they have spent more than $40 million on television advertising and other expenses so far, campaign records show.
***The Nov. 7 amendment, known on the ballot as Issue 1, would if approved make it a state constitutional right to “make and carry out one’s own reproductive decisions,” including abortion, contraception, fertility treatment and miscarriage care. It would allow the state to restrict abortion after fetal viability, except when “necessary to protect the pregnant patient’s life or health” — which proponents say is a reasonable limit most Americans would agree with.
I hope it passes, but we all know that even if it does the undemocratic christian nationalists will still try to invalidate it.