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Jan 6 Hearing – Day 1 at 8pm Eastern (LIVE)Post + Comments (226)
This post is in: Balloon Juice, Jan 6: Hearings, Jan 6: Insurrection, Open Threads
Jan 6 Hearing – Day 1 at 8pm Eastern (LIVE)Post + Comments (226)
by WaterGirl| 48 Comments
This post is in: Jan 6: Hearings, Jan 6: Insurrection, Open Threads
RedDirtGirl sent me this great primer from Just Security. Here’s the introduction:
Nearly 11 months into its inquiry, the House Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol already represents among the most complex and sprawling investigations in congressional history. In light of the volume and complexity of information, this resource is intended to organize and distill key prongs of the multifaceted campaign to overturn the 2020 election. Particularly in advance of this month’s public hearings, it also highlights key facts and findings that are already known, as well as important unanswered questions.
The resource is structured around the key prongs of the investigation itself — how the Select Committee has organized its investigative work — which mirror the key prongs of the campaign to overturn the election. The Committee’s investigative teams are color-coded in name (Gold, Blue, Purple, Red, and Green); this primer has in turn highlighted key facts and findings according to that same organizational structure.
Critically, “January 6th” has, like “Watergate,” become a useful shorthand. But as with Watergate, January 6th represents neither a single nor isolated event, but instead a much broader and more multifaceted effort to stop the transfer of power. We hope this resource is useful in distilling those components and what we critically know — and don’t yet know — about each. This resource was produced as a collaboration between Just Security and Protect Democracy
– What We Know
– What to Look For
Efforts by Trump and close associates to pressure federal, state, and local officials to overturn the election.
Law enforcement and intelligence agency failures.
Domestic extremist groups, QAnon, and online misinformation.
Jan. 6 Rally planners and the Stop the Steal Movement.
Following the money behind efforts to overturn the election.
Primer on the Hearings of the January 6th Select CommitteePost + Comments (48)
This post is in: Balloon Juice, Jan 6: Insurrection, Open Threads, The Republican Crime Syndicate
Recorded testimony from Ivanka and Jared is expected to be prominently featured during Thursday's January 6 hearing.
— VANITY FAIR (@VanityFair) June 7, 2022
The ever-readable Bess Levin, Tuesday night:
… One way the [Jan. 6] committee is apparently hoping to get viewers to tune in? By casting Princess Purses and the Boy Prince of New Jersey, AKA Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner, in starring roles…
While there’s little reason to believe Ivanka or Jared would have given the committee the kind of evidence that, for example, would lead to her father going to prison, it seems notable that the couple didn’t completely stonewall the investigative body, as Trumps tend to do. Incidentally, the duo also famously had a habit, working in the administration, of literally fleeing the scene any time there was blowback over Trump doing something particularly terrible, even for him, in the patently obvious hope people would forget they had anything to do with the guy. So it doesn’t seem beyond the realm of possibility that they’d tell the committee something that might hurt Trump if it made the two of them look better…
The ever-dependable NYTimes, Wednesday morning:
“One of the most striking realizations was how many people around Mr. Trump did not believe the election had been stolen but kept quiet or checked out, including White House officials and campaign aides.”
Thus Trump doth make cowards of them all.
— Bill Kristol (@BillKristol) June 8, 2022
Poor kid wasn’t even in the same state when the Unpleasantness happens! How can you possibly blame him when dozens of other people might’ve been immediate witnesses?
“Short reportedly asked the then first son-in-law to get Trump to back off, saying, ‘Look, can you help us with this?” Kushner’s (unintentionally) hilarious response? “I’m too busy working on Middle East peace right now, Marc.’”
— Jennifer Tammaro (@Jennanjack) June 9, 2022
Bess Levin, Wednesday afternoon, “Jared Kushner Would Like People to Know He Totally Almost Saved the Country on January 6“:
One of the long recurring features of the Trump administration was Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner’s habit of literally fleeing the scene any time Donald Trump did something extra bad, in the completely conspicuous hope of convincing people they had nothing whatever to do with what had just gone down. Obviously, it never worked, but that didn‘t stop the duo, who once—and maybe still!—thought Ivanka would be the first woman president, from trying. And 17 months after departing the White House, they apparently still think they can rewrite history to—[pause for laughter]—paint themselves as heroes.
We know this thanks to a long article in The New York Times today—published just one day before the first prime-time January 6 hearing, which will no doubt make the ex-president and his allies look even worse than they already do…
Did Kushner or Ivanka ever once publicly declare that Trump had lost? Did they go on morning shows and utter the words, “Joe Biden won this election fair and square”? No, of course not. But they would now like people to believe that, from the very beginning, they knew this was the case and were not part of any effort to help Trump reverse the results. (In fact, according to a log of texts obtained by the Jan. 6 committee that were reviewed by CNN, on the same day that Kushner told Ivanka they were moving to Florida, the then first daughter texted a group of Trump advisers, in a chat that included her husband, “You are all WARRIORS of epic proportions! Keep the faith and the fight!”)
But Kushner’s story now is that he was never part of any such machinations, so what else does he have to say about that? The Times’ Peter Baker reports that, as unhinged individuals like Rudy Giuliani and Sidney Powell swooped in to head up Trump’s attempt to overturn the election, Kushner concluded that “the president would not listen even to family members urging him to accept the results,” and informed his father-in-law that “he would not be involved if Mr. Giuliani were in charge, according to people he confided in.” Instead, we’re told that Kushner, arguably “the most influential adviser to the president through four years,” could have tried to moderate Trump’s worst instincts, but decided to focus his efforts on “his personal project of Middle East diplomacy.”…
Anyway, the one potentially positive takeaway of this ridiculous attempt at image rehab? It’s possible that Kushner really did use his time with the January 6 committee to throw his father-in-law under the bus.
I personally wanna know why Princess Purses shoved Young Jared in front of the media, at this particular moment. Does she suspect there might be no upside to drawing attention right now? Has she decided that Kushner’s no longer an asset in her lifestyle portfolio? (I suppose it’s possible he put his narrow, well-shod foot down and declared himself the Man of the Household, but if that were true, it would just further highlight what a clueless dumbarse Young Jared has always been, frankly. )
Bad poll. 2 and 3 are the same.
— Scott Lincicome (@scottlincicome) June 8, 2022
This post is in: Balloon Juice, Jan 6: Hearings, Jan 6: Insurrection, Open Threads, Talk About Whatever You Want
I am sure that Balloon Juice posts on the Jan 6 insurrection hearings will be coming fast and furious as we all put them up in the coming days.
I have commandeered the blue rectangle at the far right in the category bar for this occasion, so look for JAN 6: HEARINGS in the blue box that the balloon man stands on in the banner.
Mobile peeps – I have added JAN 6: HEARINGS as the top item in the mobile menu.
Open thread.
The Insurrection Hearings: Coming Soon To A Blog Near You (Open Thread)Post + Comments