As I watch some people jump to increasingly bleak conclusions about the fate of our republic in light of the Senate voting down witnesses, I'm thinking today about the Stockdale Paradox.
— Henry Kraemer ?????? (@HenryKraemer) January 31, 2020
You must never confuse faith that you will prevail in the end — which you can never afford to lose — with the discipline to confront the most brutal facts of current reality, whatever they might be.
If you’re disillusioned, I get it. But do do 2 things for me today:
1. Look to the past: go read up on a hero that nearly died for freedom. Tubman. Mandela. Hamer. Malala. Get perspective.
2. Look to the future: go talk to a child and remember that someone sacrificed for you.
— brittany packnett cunningham (@MsPackyetti) January 31, 2020
My favorite part is this line. We can all debate whether and how democracy is is dying. But politics isn't something that just happens. Politics is what WE DO. We shouldn't just complain about the political storms – it's up to us to go out and stop the rain.
— Ezra Levin (@ezralevin) January 31, 2020
Sunday Afternoon Open Thread: Words to Live ByPost + Comments (50)