… And his fellow Repubs ain’t looking too smart right now, either.
To quote John Adams (born OTD in 1735):
“The most abandoned minds are ingenious in contriving excuses for their crimes.” https://t.co/acy22btnjJ
— Windsor Mann (@WindsorMann) October 30, 2019
WSJ ed board: Trump's too inept for a quid pro quo.
Trump: ‘What are they talking about, if I wanted to do quid pro quo, I would’ve done the damn quid pro quo.’https://t.co/JZWPUcR7Li
— Noah Shachtman (@NoahShachtman) October 30, 2019
… The [Wall Stree Journal]’s esteemed board argued that any talk of impeaching Trump is silly, in large part, because this president is likely too bumbling to execute that kind of scandalous quid pro quo.
“Intriguingly, Mr. [Bill] Taylor says in his statement that many people in the administration opposed the [Rudy] Giuliani effort, including some in senior positions at the White House,” the editorial board wrote. “This matters because it may turn out that while Mr. Trump wanted a quid-pro-quo policy ultimatum toward Ukraine, he was too inept to execute it. Impeachment for incompetence would disqualify most of the government, and most presidents at some point or another in office.”
Trump, a routine morning reader and skimmer of several newspapers’ print editions, saw this editorial—which was obviously meant to defend him—last week. And the president promptly began complaining about it to some of those close to him…
“He was clearly unhappy. He did not like the word ‘inept,’” the first source added…
This is Bill Taylor:
In a previously unreported exchange, Schiff asked Taylor if deal was essentially that Zelensky needed to announce investigations and he would get WH visit and security assistance. Schiff asked, "Isn't that the very definition of a quid pro quo?"
"I don't speak Latin," Taylor said— Manu Raju (@mkraju) October 30, 2019
(Okay, maybe that was meant for sarcasm… )
“I am not too dumb to do crimes,” is a cool claim from a President. https://t.co/DGR4ZauLXq
— Schooley (@Rschooley) October 30, 2019
So basically we just keep calling him stupid and he’ll confess to everything he’s been accused of and stuff we don’t even know about yet. Easy enough.
— The Volatile Mermaid (@OhNoSheTwitnt) October 30, 2019
Open Thread: Occam’s Razor Suggests He *Is* That Dumb…Post + Comments (40)