1.) Lily and I headed to the big city today for her chemo, and she was, of course, an angel:
All the other dogs have to act the fool, but Lily just sits there like THE ANGEL THAT SHE IS. Everything is fine, come back in six weeks was the verdict. Now we are just relaxing:
2.) Had a conference call with Watergirl, Steeplejack, and Bella for about a half hour tonight, and we are still doing the prep work before accepting bids from web designer/developers. That’s a royal we, because they are doing most of it and I just blurt out an obscenity every time they start speaking dork. At any rate, they wanted to put out a call for any wordpress designer/developers you all might recommend. No spouses, significant others, relatives, please. Please email me with any recommendations (AND INCLUDE YOUR COMMENTER NAME SO I CAN REACH OUT TO YOU).
3.) Fundraiser is still underway, thank you to everyone who donated via paypal and sent checks. For those of you still wishing to do so, the info is here (or email me for a snail mail address):
4.) BJ Calendar: I have not spoken to Beth in a few days, but the last we talked she was doing the layout, so I imagine it will not be long before that is ready.
Is there anything else I am missing. I’m tired.
Lily Chemo Update, Website Redesign Update, Fundraiser Update, All in One ThreadPost + Comments (98)