This post concludes this series on the animals of Botswana. It has been quite fun searching the photos and putting these together, and I’m glad folks have enjoyed them.
About half way through our trip, we camped one night in an area with wifi. Also, I took a painkiller that night, forgetting that it would keep me awake.
I still hike and backpack as much as I can, so I read a few posts on a backpacking bulletin board. One post included photos of a pack of wolves hunting a deer, and there was some negative reaction. (I was also listening to the footsteps of something wandering through our campsite, hoping that it wasn’t a carnivore. The sound of grass tearing told me that it was an elephant.)
But the food chain was obvious every day in Botswana. Seemed that every animal except the pure herbivores were hunting something, and some of those herbivores were still quite dangerous.
A beautiful, striking bird, this goshawk flew low looking for food we could not see. But it might be: