I’ve never asked you for a retweet, until now. https://t.co/oBZrSHvcbi
— feminist next door (@emrazz) June 24, 2019
The only ones going are Democrats, and DHS won’t let them into the concentration camps. https://t.co/5TbS00sRyC
— Hesiod Theogeny (@Hesiod2k11) June 24, 2019
Interesting to see Trump supporters feigning concern about this https://t.co/4hyWZSHLVU
— EricaGrieder (@EricaGrieder) June 22, 2019
Small comfort for the children now suffering — or dead — but if Senate Majority House Minority Leader ‘There’s two people Putin is paying’ McCarthy and Erik ‘Voice of the Gated GOP Community’ Erikson are alternately blustering and pantomiming Christianist concern about Trump’s concentration camps… it’s not good news for conservatives.
Clearly the GOP had assumed that enough voters were indifferent to human suffering that they could afford to tickle ‘the Base’ by kicking the untermenschen. Fortunately for the survival of our GOP-battered commonwealth, they seem to have miscalculated. Trump folds when he’s put under pressure, especially the pressure of being publicly shamed… and Trump’s enablers know that the I-was-only-following-orders defense doesn’t work in courts of law.
Career people in the government now have to face that they may be asked to defend the abhorrently indefensible and decide if they can morally do that and even if they can, realize others Trump has asked similar of are now in jail.
— Schooley (@Rschooley) June 22, 2019
I’m OK with allowing the White House & DHS officials responsible for torturing children to go to DC area restaurants & eat in peace.*
*But only if they’re forced to eat uncooked frozen food, and not allowed to brush their teeth afterward.
— Dana Houle (@DanaHoule) June 22, 2019
Let’s not sanitize this: it was a deliberate decision by the White House to mistreat asylees. This is child torture as policy. The people responsible for this policy should be chained and sent to The Hague.
— Dana Houle (@DanaHoule) June 22, 2019
So here’s what’s really interesting about this… Trump wouldn’t be doing this for political reasons if *wait for it* his own numbers didn’t show flagging support for him from within his most dedicated base. And that is a really interesting phenomenon. https://t.co/JUbkR5aiNn
— Liz Mair (@LizMair) June 22, 2019
Here are the possibilities-
??POTUS is so focused on his own survival he’s not paying attention to what is being done to children in the camps
??POTUS thinks torturing brown children plays well with his deplorables
??POTUS is a racist monsterThere is no “good” explanation
— Schooley (@Rschooley) June 22, 2019
"Almost every child that I interviewed had family, parents, uncles, aunts, grandparents, siblings here in the United States who are waiting for them and are ready to care for them," says law prof Warren Binford, who visited a detention center in Clint, TX https://t.co/3FH7LjEb6B
— Catherine Rampell (@crampell) June 23, 2019
EvenTheVerySeriouslyBipartisan NYTimes has jumped ship on this…
From the New York Times Editorial Board: https://t.co/bLSoFkEFKQ
— Caitlin Gibson (@CaitJGibson) June 24, 2019
GOP Venality Open Thread: Kiddie Concentration Camps, Not Polling WellPost + Comments (108)