It looks like the contentious gay rights bill has passed in Washington state:
Washington will no longer allow discrimination against gays and lesbians in employment, housing or lending, thanks to landmark legislation passed Friday after nearly three decades of debate.
The Senate ended the epic battle shortly before noon, when, one by one, members called out votes in favor and against the gay rights bill.
The 25-23 roll call vote was a countdown to victory for gay rights advocates who have fought long and hard to pass the anti-discrimination legislation.
***Fran Dunaway, executive director of Equal Rights Washington, said it’s been a “long time to wait for equality, but it was worth it.”
Dunaway thanked Murray for his perseverance and companies such as Microsoft and Boeing because they “stood up against the anti-gay extremists.”
She was referring to the Rev. Ken Hutcherson of Antioch Bible Church in Redmond, who continued to threaten a boycott of Microsoft and other companies that support gay rights legislation.
Well, good for them, and we can see if that loudmouth ass Ken Hutcherson will have any success boycotting Microsoft. ‘Conservatives’ really have nothing to be angry about here, as Adam C. points out at Red State:
Many here oppose laws like this, but I point out that this was done through elected representatives rather than the courts. Kudos to the activists who convinced representatives and voters of their position instead of going over their heads.
Of course, we all know we are not dealing with conservatives when we talk about people like Ken Hutcherson.