O.K. I must admit that I have no use for any country in Europe other than Germany. I think this is because of my heritage and because I lived in Fulda, Germany, when I was a member of the 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment. It certainly is not because I am fond of the leftist politics of the Germans as of late. I should modify my last statement: I am enjoying the support we are currently getting from SILVIO BERLUSCONI , so maybe I only like the former fascist Axis powers in continental Europe. Go figger.
Back to my point- I have never understood this desire for A Strong European Union, other than as a knee-jerk anti-American sentiment. Even the most casual of observer will tell you that the Germans are not going to relinquish their past (nor should they) to become ONE country with the obnoxious French. At any rate, even if they think they can create this artifical unified Europe, you would think that they would be able to create a good looking common currency. They have not. The Euro, despite all of its hype, in spite of all the problems I think may come from it, is just plain ugly.