And he’s not afraid to sacrifice other Americans’ lives in order to live out his days-of-political-glory fantasy:
I repeat myself: the entire enemy force in Grenada was less than 2,000 total lightly armed Grenadan and Cuban soldiers. The war still killed and wounded as many Americans as Mogadishu.
Venezuela would easily muster at least 250,000 troops. Well-equipped, with favorable terrain.
— Zeddediah Springfield (@Zeddary) May 26, 2019
I get that these guys are always horny for wars they'll never have to fight in.
But imagine any boomer being horny for a JUNGLE war. Did any lessons of your time get through that thick generational ego?
— Zeddediah Springfield (@Zeddary) May 26, 2019
According to Wikipedia, Graham is just a few months older than I am. So he didn’t actually have to avoid going to Vietnam, but he damn sure remembers what happened as that ‘intervention, for democracy’ wrapped up. But then, as long as you were a GOP politician, Grenada was just a splendid little military exercise!
The Guardian, on Saturday — “Pence hints at possible military intervention in Venezuela”:
… Vice-President Mike Pence has told the most diverse graduating class in the history of the US Military Academy the world is “a dangerous place” and they should expect to see combat.
“Some of you will join the fight against radical Islamic terrorists in Afghanistan and Iraq,” he said.
He also said: “Some of you may even be called upon to serve in this hemisphere.”…
Ah yes, the glorious invasion of Grenada. A tiny, isolated island defended by a small militia of locals, diploma mill security guards and a handful of Cuban construction workers that nonetheless caused as many US dead and wounded as the Black Hawk Down incident.
— Zeddediah Springfield (@Zeddary) May 23, 2019
Definitely comparable to a resource-rich nation of 30,000,000 with a large military, integrated armed militia and plenty of cities and canopy jungle (remember those? Oh no I guess Trump wouldn't) to camp out in.
— Zeddediah Springfield (@Zeddary) May 23, 2019
Unlike ‘Mike Dense’, Lindsey Graham is not a certified idiot. But it seems he’s been huffing Trump’s farts so intensely, he’s beginning to hallucinate, per McClatchy:
… In a Wall Street Journal op-ed posted online Wednesday, Sen. Lindsey Graham, a South Carolina Republican who leads the Senate Judiciary Committee, favorably compared potential military action in Venezuela to the U.S. invasion of Grenada in 1983, an operation that lasted about a week and led to the overthrow of the Caribbean nation’s military-run government.
“I think the military option has to be real, I think the ultimate solution is getting Cuba out,” Graham said in an interview with McClatchy. “If Cuba goes, Maduro goes and we have a history of standing up to Cuban intervention in the past and this is a defining moment for the Trump presidency in terms of how they deal with Cuba.”…
When asked about the scale of military force needed in Venezuela, Graham did not offer specifics but said the goal is “to restore order.”
“We’re not occupying Venezuela, but if Maduro refuses to go and the Cubans keep using their military apparatus to prop him up, it is in our national serucity interest to do in Venezuela what Reagan did in Grenada,” Graham said.
President Ronald Reagan sent about 6,000 troops to Grenada, an island nation about double the size of Washington, D.C., with a population of about 100,000 people. The weeklong operation in Grenada resulted in the deaths of 20 U.S. troops…
Also Lindsey Graham, earlier this morning:
On Fox, Lindsey Graham encourages Trump to defy House subpoenas.
— Will Saletan (@saletan) May 26, 2019
Yeah, it’s not just Graham’s skin that’s as transparent as window glass…
Repub Senility Open Thread: Lindsey Graham Wants It to Be 1983 AgainPost + Comments (166)