As a multi-millionaire I love to pay $250,000 for a plate of chicken at some other asshole's summer house while listening to a lumpy old bigot tell his stories about "the orientals." I love watching him blink rapidly and do voices.
— David Roth (@david_j_roth) August 10, 2019
There’s an old British joke about advertising understatement: Does what it says on the packet:
President Trump cracked jokes about the Equinox scandal, the old days of rent-controlled New York and his dealings with North and South Korea among deep-pocketed pals in the Hamptons on Friday.
Trump was feted at two big-money fundraisers — first a lunch for 60 hosted by real estate guru Stephen Ross, whose company owns Equinox and Soul Cycle. Then Trump talked for an hour to a crowd of 500 at the sprawling Bridgehampton home of developer Joe Farrell. The two events raised a total of $12 million.
After Equinox members revolted over Ross’ fundraising for the president, with many threatening to cancel memberships, Trump said he had joked with Ross about how divided the nation is.
Noting the relentless attacks on himself by the media, Trump quipped, “Steve Ross got into a little bit of trouble this week, I said, ‘Steve welcome to the world of politics!’ ”
Of his fundraising visit, Trump went on to say, “I love coming to the Hamptons, I know the Hamptons well, everyone here votes for me but they won’t admit it.”
And of his tough stance on trade tariffs and US military aid, Trump told a story of going as a boy to collect rent checks with his father, adding, “It was easier to get a billion dollars from South Korea than to get $114.13 from a rent-controlled apartment in Brooklyn, and believe me, those 13 cents were very important.”…
Even while the Squatter-in-Chief’s minions are frantically trying to repair the damage to his ‘brand’ — Look, his old man actually marched with the KKK, give our guy some credit here! — Pus-olini* can’t resist a little dominance posturing. Steve Ross is actually losing business since it leaked that he was sponsoring this fundraiser (as Josh Barro points out in NYMag, it’s dangerous to *his* brand), but Trump has to proclaim himself Top Ape among the financial silverbacks, for the first and probably last time in his long history of failures and bankruptcies…
Also, remember these are our *allies* he’s mocking. But remember five years ago this month, Obama wore that tan suit, so you know fine people on both sides, etc….
— Garrett M. Graff (@vermontgmg) August 11, 2019
If only they’d written a “very beautiful letter” to His Toxicity:
"A very beautiful extortion demand, to which I on behalf of the United States have yielded."
— David Frum (@davidfrum) August 10, 2019
*thank you, Betty Cracker!
{Facepalm} Open Thread: Still Racist, After All These YearsPost + Comments (31)