While a lot of people did not like season 6, and some even have written off season 7 and did not watch them, with the second viewing I am finding that there are some episodes that are really great in both seasons, and my opinion of them has risen. For example, Selfless is just spectacular, …
Buffy The Vampire Slayer
Halfway through Season #7, which I like a helluva lot more than season 6, and tghere are several questions that have not been addressed adequately by the series: 1.) Other than Warren and those two Germans, why doesn’t someone just shoot Buffy? Or poison her? Or something other than hand-to-hand? 2.) Which also makes me …
Buffy Blogging
I am now finished with season six of Buffy, and working my way through season two of Angel. The last foiur episodes of Buffy season six saved the whole season, IMHO. I can now say, without watching anymore of the series, that I have decided who my favorite character is. It is, hands down, Drusilla. …
Best Buffy Episodes
Because I need to solidify my Buffy The Vampire Slayer fanboy street cred., here is a partial list of my favorite episodes (I am in season 6). *** Warning *** Spoilers follow 1.) The Body, Season 5: Easily the most traumatizing hour of Buffy, this was, by any standards, a great hour of heart-wrenching television. …
Buffy and Comments
A certain episode in the middle of season #5 titled the Body was one of the most traumatic hours of television I have watched- as well as one of the most realistic portrayals of- well, I don’t want to ruin it for those who have not seen it. What a great show this BTVS is… …
Buffy Blogging
Season 5 is pretty good so far. It is summer so I am doing some independent contracting- copy-editing, proof-reading and the like, (you can always tell when I am doing this because I blog- my way of taking a break from squinting at layouts) and so far I have to stop working to concentrate on …
Buffy & Angel
Does anyone know what seasons of Buffy correspond to what seasons of Angel? Does Season 1 of Angel start after Season 3 of Buffy? Just curious. And is Firefly as good as my geek friends say it is?