I don’t know why I even read the Guardian anymore. All it does is infuriate me. When I have energy tomorrow, I will dissect this latest piece of dumpster grunge offered up by Will Hutton.
Fascinating article in the latest
Fascinating article in the latest dead-wood version of the American Spectator about the new lifestream software from Scopeware. I am signing up for a beta test spot, because this sounds revolutionary…
An interesting article in the
An interesting article in the NY Times about the popular support Charles Pickering has from black Mississippians. This goes a long way to show how the NAACP and Congressional Black Caucus are just not mainstream organizations anymore but knee-jerk mouthpieces for the race-baiting loony left.
Congrats to Aussie short track
Congrats to Aussie short track speed skater Steven Bradbury, who was the only person to figure out a reliable strategy to win. It goes like this:
A.) Skate as closely to the pack as possible, make not one attempt to pass anyone the whole race.
B.) On the last lap, stay back a litle bit, and let the cheating scummy Asian competitors trip everyone and pull them down.
C.) Avoid the pile-up, and skate in unmolested.
The judges (love judges in a race) properly awarded Bradbury the Gold, who did EVERYTHING he was supposed to, so I don’t wanna hear any bitching about him. Where they erred was by not sentencing the the Asian kids to a good public flogging for being cheating shits, and attempting to ruin the semi-final and ruining the final.
*** Update ***
In a post-race interview, Apollo was much more gracious than I was and called it all part of the race. I will defer to him, even though I still think pulling people down is cheating…..
At any rate, grats to the Aussie, and this is their first medal, so I am happy for them.
Doing lots of readings on
Doing lots of readings on trait dominance today, so no real time for posting. Maybe tonight, after a late dinner.
At any rate, Natalija is trying to give me a cleavage inspired heart attack at the Libertarian Samizdata, and Perry has a Oscar oversight I had not thought of.
Glenn Reynolds has an InstaHangover, but Rand Simberg, William Quick, have lots of good stuff up today. Sgt. Stryker and Steve Den Beste are still fighting WWIV.
This is why I read
I thought I had Permalinked Will Warren of Unremittingverse A LONG TIME AGO.
I had not, and it has been corrected. PLEASE go check him out.
Also, I have added Richard Bennett’s Omphalos, which is a fantastic site.
I am now to the point that I have so many links that I am going to have to come up with some sort of hierarchy. I will deal with that this weekend