This is the best medical news I have read in a long time. Via the Medpundit.
This could be the dumbest
This could be the dumbest proposed law in recent memory, and I like David Nieporent’s analysis.
Something has got to be
Something has got to be done about the ten o’clock time slot on the cable news networks. The choice between Alan Keyes on MSNBC, Greta van Muppet on Fox, and Aaron Brown on CNN is not a choice, really. It is the cable networks saying “$%$@#! you!” Generally, I watch Keyes, but only if I am really alert and remember to turn down the volume during commercials so I do not have to listen to the ‘Alan Keyes is making sense promos.’
Speaking of Alan Keyes, James Zogby was on tonight debating someone, and Zogby came off as a pompous ass apologist. He had the nerve to say that the Israelis were hampering peace, because while the Arab nations were meeting to offer a legitimate peace, Israel was holding down Arafat. I almost fell out of my chair. Check out the transcript tomorrow for a good laugh.
*** Update ***
Now he just filibustered for an apology because someone said something insensitive about his religion.
The incompetence of the Arab/Palestinian handling of Israel is mind-numbing. Do they really think they can ‘spin’ their way into genocide, and we will do nothing? Do they really think anyone with half a barin takes them seriously? Is their really anyone out there (who does not have explosives strapped to themself) who believes that the Arab League is honestly interested in peace with Israel? Seriously? Can anyone even say those words without snickering at how stupid they sound?
Ghaddaffi just called for the unilateral disarmament of Israel (neat trick- since Arafat really isn’t in control of Hamas or Aqsa- Wink, wink), Jordan most recently sided with Saddam Hussein in the Gulf War, Syria is doing their damndest to remove the ‘normalization’ language… Oh never mind. You know all the crap they are pulling.
Justin Raimondo climbs out of
Justin Raimondo climbs out of his hole (no link love from me, anti-war boy) long enough to declare that neocons are trying to drive us into war with anyone/everyone.
If you are unfamiliar with what a jackass Raimondo is, he spends the first half of his essay quoting Chris Matthews and Dana Milbank, who were widely ridiculed by me and many others (Ruffini, Domenench, the Vodkapundit) for their particularly sloppy work and ridiculous insinuationas and ruminations regarding this issue. And they are the basis of Raimondo’s hysterical ramblings.
Chris Matthews is right that this administration is led by a bunch of “oil patch veterans” who have a “sense of entitlement” to the oil reserves of the Persian Gulf. He is also wise to the fact that a war on Iraq can only benefit Israel, and that the neocons are more than ready to sell American interests down the river if that is what Israel requires. It scares him that a cabal of ideologues who revel in the idea of waging World War IV has worked its way into the White House, and is being given the run of the place. As well it should.
The rest of the piece is an Eric Altermanesque attack on Jonah Goldberg, and of course, his mother, Lucianne. Apparently punk Raimondo, when not sneering over his cigarette, has nothing better to do than to hassle people on Lucianne’s message board.
Yawn. I think he is merely hit-whoring again, and I hope Jonah does not take the bait.
New perma-links, and it is
New perma-links, and it is with great pleasure that I announce that they are exceptionally entertaining and well-spoken, as well as being thoroughly grumpy.
Go check out Don McArthur, Tony Woodlief’s Sand in the Gears, Mike Hendrix’s Cold Fury.
What do the normal distribution,
What do the normal distribution, Mother-in-laws, and statist left-think have in common? Check here.
Mmmm. Rhubarb. Currently making some
Mmmm. Rhubarb. Currently making some boiled rhubarb, might try a rhubarb pie. I love spring.