Michelle Malkin points out who the real Ramsey Clark is……
Does anyone know what happened
Does anyone know what happened to Muslim Pundit?
In Slate, Rob Walker makes
In Slate, Rob Walker makes fun of Sharpton and Jackson, but does not spend nearly enough time savaging them the way they truly deserve. Hopefully some blogger will rise to the occassion and thrash them mightily.
The National Review Online has
The National Review Online has a new ‘blog’ like thing called the Corner. Welcome Folks. Unfortunately, they refuse to call it a blog. So, in order to help them, I have here the top ten reasons why it is not really a blog, at least in the sense that I think of them:
10.) Multiple sentences with polysyllabic terms.
9.) No rants, as of yet.
8.) 3, sometimes 4 sentences in a row without a link.
7.) No Permanent Links, but they are working on it (I emailed them and got a pleasant response from a Mr. Bailey).
6.) 34 posts, and the phrase ‘Yasser Arafat is an unrepentant scum-sucking terrorist’ has not been uttered.
5.) Posts stopped at 5:33 pm. It is 8:10 as I write this, and it appears that the NRO crew prefers food and martinis OVER blogging.
4.) 34 posts, and not one hyperlink to Instapundit, Ken Layne, Matt Welch, or the Opinion Journal (they did link Mark Steyn, so there is hope).
3.) Bill Buckley can not figure out how to connect his Underwood typewriter to the internet.
2.) No link to Natalija at Samizdata.
1.) They are bloggin while, (not instead of) working, and probably already turning a profit.
Half of me (Ok- all
Half of me (Ok- all of me) wanted to televise John Dingell being strip-searched at an airport after this outburst (the title prompted me to ask “who the hell keeps electing John Dingell”), but Safire calmed me down.
I am for freedom of information, but after the last 8 years of Dingell and company looking the other way while the Clinton’s ******** (insert you favorite scandal or blatant act of questionably legal or outright illegal patronage and otherwise criminal behavior here) makes me spit nails.
I am holding off til tomorrow to read Herbert. I need to go to bed tonight and he agitates me.
New permanent link added for
New permanent link added for Hawspipe. Check it out.
Reuters is reporting that Enron
Reuters is reporting that Enron CEO Ken Lay has resigned.
I feel for the search committee that has to replace him.