This is just too cool: Record-breaking balloonist Brian Jones is planning to fly around the world in a solar-powered aircraft. He will pilot the yet-to-be built plane with his ballooning partner Bertrand Piccard. The pair completed the first circumnavigation by balloon in March 1999 in Breitling Orbiter 3. As well as being a world-first, Jones’s …
Scrappleface on Dean
Excellent: The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) announced today that Vermont Gov. Howard Dean would join the agency’s next mission to Mars. The trip to the Red Planet is part of Gov. Dean’s presidential campaign strategy which aims to maximize the distance between the candidate and the average American voter. Gov. Dean, already a …
The Trillion Dollar Question
Kevin Drum asks the trillion dollar question: Of course, Sullivan joins the chorus of those who say that they like tax cuts, honest they do, but what they really want is to cut spending. Fine. Let’s hear what you want to cut. And remember, for bonus points you have to include some programs that you …
I Am At A Loss
I don’t know how to even begin to deal with quotes like this: Right Wing blogger John Cole of Balloon Juice, who has described ‘Mohammed’ as a hero, while considering the masses of Iraqis cannon fodder, would like to know if I have changed my mind about Mohammed. Apparently, ‘left wing’ blogger Mac Diva likes …
Was Franks Right?
From the Toronto Star, with the headline: Franks’ military plan becoming clear: Phase 1 completed as general intended Blocked by Turkey’s refusal to allow American troops to attack Iraq from its soil, Franks decided that Phase 1 of his campaign would be a bold thrust across the Kuwaiti border with his main combat power focused …
Why I Read Blogs, Part
Why I Read Blogs, Part 9,000,726 Because the members of ‘mainstream media’ are blithering idiots (no offense to William Sulik). I get home from work, turn the television on, and it is on MSNBC. I pay attention for thirty seconds, and my blood begins to boil. The debate du jour is between anti-spanking and pro-spanking …
Just a thought- It sure
Just a thought- It sure was nice that on this anniversary of Watergate, which was a veritable orgy for nostalgic lefty reporters on virtually every news channel, that not once did I have to hear the nasal intonations of the now established liar and former shameless mistress of LBJ, Doris Kearns Goodwin. It is the …